Lane Limited BCA

Fire-cured Cavendish tobaccos discreetly flavored to produce an extremely mild, slow burning cool smoke.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Cavendish
Flavoring Alcohol / Liquor, Cocoa / Chocolate, Vanilla, Whisky
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging Bulk, 50 grams tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.23 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 168 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 12, 2019 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Man this was an excellent smoke. Smooth as silk. This tobacco is one you can play with by temperature. I could smoke slow and get velvety smooth pleasant smoke, and I could puff and get some heat into the bowl and get more pronounced flavors--like brandy, maybe a hit of fruit. The brandy aftertaste stayed with me all day.

Overall a very enjoyable smoke, but much milder than the other tobaccos in my cellar. I like a little more flavor and fullness in my blends, but this would be a great smoke for my largest pipe, because I just didn't get tired of it. This is definitely one I'll keep in my cellar and probably one of the first ones I'll break out if I'm introducing a newbie to a pipe.

2022-07-30 update: I loaded up a bowl of 30-month-old BCA into my Peterson 314 System, and I just cannot get enough of this blend. Nothing tastes like it. It's rich, it's creamy. It tastes like creamy brandy. I think it cellared so well that I will go ahead and buy some more so that I can keep some old stock in the cellar. I cannot recommend this highly enough.
Pipe Used: Peterson - Mycroft
PurchasedFrom: Puff n' Stuff - Atlanta
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2011 Very Mild Medium to Strong Very Mild Very Pleasant
Everyone at some point needs to try this out. Named different all over the country, ( Tinder Box calls it Midnight )I know this because I ordered it. I worked for TB for 15 yrs, it's a very light tobacco, that for me burns to a clean light gray ash, good as any English blend. It does have a light flavor, that reminds me of roasted marshmallows and a wonderful aroma. When you talk about the vanilla family this is where it all started in bulk tobacco's. I don't smoke aromatics a lot but I do get a sweet tooth from time to time. When I do this is one of the tobaccos I choose to puff on along with RLP-6 which is another blend from Lane! After 30+ yrs of pipe smoking I still enjoy this tobacco, and am always amazed how clean and dry it smokes for me and leaves that soft gray ash at the bottom! Well done Lane! It's still the same as it always has been through the years. As another company has said about their tobaccos, often imitated, never duplicated! That sums it up pretty well I hope you give this a try you won't be disappointed! PS UPDATE: 6/23/2013 It's funny that over the years being in the business that if you have a different name on a blend they'll swear it's not the same. For instance I give you the following for examples: These are Lane tobaccos and their cross to Tinder Box names 1Q= Wilshire......RLP-6= Chartwell....BCA= Midnight and Peter Stokkebye Nougat= North Sea, Peter Stokkebye Cherry= TB Anniversary and finally PS Black Vanilla= Captain Spice. This information is a fact as I said before I know because I ordered it for 15+ yrs. As for the Stokkebye Nougat, years ago after TB Peter had stopped in to visit with us, I was now working for a one shop B @ M and asked Peter, who at the time made about 85% of the TB blends. North Sea, Anniversary and Captain Spice were the one's that I selected. I asked him what the blends were so we could add them to our line of house blends. He said North Sea was PS #24 Nougat. Some companies just call it Nougat and drop the blend #. As for Anniversary it= PS Cherry, and last was PS Black Vanilla= Captain Spice. This was during the time when everyone thought their shop blended all their tobaccos. In reality very few shops blended their own tobaccos, maybe a handful in the entire U.S A. actually blended anything that was on their bar. The point I'm getting at is I could put Cheerio's in a private label cereal box and some people would say that it's close but not the same. Now I've been out of the business for awhile, I've heard that TB changed to Altadis for some of there blends. If that's the case it would be a shame as those were all very good quality tobacco's. So anyway rock on with your tobaccos and enjoy ( what ever the name is )happy puffing!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 11, 2004 Extremely Mild Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
7/04 - I cannot believe I have not reviewed BCA before today. I smoked this black Cav., heck, I guess for two or three years regularly when I first got into this money sucking hobby.

Can't add much to what has been said above. Mild, sweet, not too cloying and the leaf has been stewed to the point where it simply can't bite.

If you are new to pipe smoking and enjoy Vanilla/Licorice flavored air; well then, here you go... If you are a veteran pipe smoker who wants to spice up your life with some sweetness, well then, here you go.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 23, 2014 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
The first few puffs always seemed a little harsh and toasty to me, but it settles down rather quickly into a mellow chocolate and vanilla flavor that wears well the rest of the way down. The whiskey is sweet, and not a major player by any means. The tobacco taste is light as it's sublimated by the toppings, but it does account for the toastiness and grass. Has very little nicotine. The strength is mild, while the taste is just short of the center of mild to medium. I never got tongue bite from this one. Burns at a reasonable pace, cool and clean with a very smooth, consistent flavor. Requires few relights, and leaves a little moisture in the bowl. Has a pleasant, short lived after taste and room note. An all day smoke. Sold at various places under the same or similar names.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 16, 2011 Mild Medium Medium to Full Strong
Among aromatics BCA is most definitely superior-- the moisture content of the tobacco i used for this review was just about right --it refused to be crushed together as a sticky mass as some aromatics do-the pouch aroma was quite pleasant, although not overpowering--

it lit easily, and burned to a very small dottle with only one relight--there was just a trace of moisture at the bottom of the bowl--

i enjoy an aro frequently although i could never make a steady diet of them, but this one would come close to a full time smoke if necessary--i use BCA mostly for a mixer to enhance other blends that seem to lack something --

i later followed the advice of several on this review site and mixed BCA and 1-Q in equal parts--my oh my!!--that was nice--why has it taken me all these years to discover that one??

if you are looking for a non goopy, non overpowering, utilitarian aromatic then let me direct your attention to BCA--my only word of caution is to make sure that you receive Lane Limited's BCA, and not some pretender-- Lane's is the only Black Cavendish i have found that isn't wet and covered with PG--
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 22, 2004 Mild Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
I don't know why it took me so long to review this blend. It is sold under the moniker "Black Gold" at the Beans and Briar tobaccanist that I frequent some times. Indeed it's worth its weight in gold. I know I have raved about other tobaccos, but this one is the best "all dayer" that I have ever smoked. There are other tobaccos that I would pick over it, and I rarely ever yearn for it. The reason I smoke so much of it is because it is quite simply the smoothest smoke out there. YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS BITE!!!!! Captain Cool and other aromatics that are indeed very cool smoking, nonetheless do not stand up to this blend. The aroma and taste are a higher quality, but still typical, black cav vanilla. The nicotene content is mild at best. People love the room note, and the price is a bargain. This is what I reach for when I am in doubt and don't know what to smoke, but know I won't be able to focus on the experience. This is to aromatics, what Frog Morton is to Latakia. That is- a way to get your craving taken care of, while puffing away like mad! By the way- you could cut the smoke in the air with a butter knife! Creamy to say the least.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 12, 2009 Very Mild Medium to Strong Full Very Pleasant
I have spent the last week trying mostly VA's, VaPers and English Blends to review. While I really enjoy these blends, every now and then I like a nice aromatic to wake up my mouth and give me a burst of flavor. I received a little bag of Lane BCA as a sample and thought why not, I need something different. So, I took out the bag and in the pouch, upon opening was the most pleasant smelling, Vanilla, Licorice like aroma in a very dark black cavendish. Rough cut flake, and somewhat moist but I expected that. I loaded it in a Falcon so I would not have a moisture problem and after an easy pack, I lit it up and sat back to relax with it. My first reaction was Wow! What a great taste and the aroma! How many tobaccos have the room note and taste that match up and for the smoker? It also tasted like the pouch aroma. So, as I was carefully sipping this smooth, creamy, tasteful tobacco, expecting the usual steam and bite that most tobaccos of this type are, I just felt a coolness on my tongue. So, I got a little more aggressive and smoked it into a smokey inferno. Yet, no hotness in the smoke at all. This has to be the coolest aromatic on the market. No tongue bite at all, none! So I thought about all the complaints I have heard and read about aromatics being hot smokers and well...those people have never tried this blend. It's cooler than PA, which I love a lot with my morning coffee.

So, for anybody that wants to try a really cool aromatic, new smokers, or those that are looking for a change of pace or a great after dinner desert tobacco, I highly recommend this blend. I liked it so much after another bowl, I ordered several pounds to cellar to have on hand when I feel like a good aromatic. It's that good. I have been smoking a pipe for 39 years, I can't believe I have never tried this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 15, 2014 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
There’s a reason why Skand/Lane sells so much of this aromatic. It is a tasty, very sweet black Vanilla Cavendish. Beyond the vanilla, there are some other flavors there too that I can’t put my finger on. I don’t taste the whiskey. BCA needs quite a bit of dry time in order to get the best out of it. For the most part, BCA doesn’t give off a lot of chemical flavor that some mass produced aromatics often give off until the latter part of the bowl. At that point it does start to show itself. I tend to prefer aromatics that are made with Burley, Virginia and brown Cavendish or a combination thereof. Given the choice of BCA or 1-Q, I prefer 1-Q to BCA. But if you are a fan of straight black Cavendish, than this should be on your must try list.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 13, 2017 Mild Medium Mild Very Pleasant
Lane Limited - BCA.

Over the past few weeks I've concluded this should be added to my rotation!

I was expecting it to be soaking wet, I always look on the dark side where aromatics are concerned, but this was great. In colour the blend appears exceedingly dark: black.

When I had my first puff of this I loved it, and nothing's changed there! BCA gives large clouds of smoke, burns very steady, cool, and couldn't bite if its life depended on it! The flavour is brilliant: mainly a sweet chocolate and vanilla Cavendish. I get a subtle sharpness from what I presume to be the alcohol/liqueur/whiskey, but this isn't in the league of the others.

The room-note's a winner, and the nicotine's mild.

A four star aromatic:

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Cob
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: A few weeks
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 31, 2008 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The old Black Cavendish Aromatic (BCA)! Who hasn't at least tried a bowl of this? This is one of my "go to" aromatics when I just can't take another VaPer or English. It's a light, tasty smoke that doesn't overwhelm me with flavor and isn't too hard to keep lit. Yes, it's a gooey aromatic and smokes wet. A smoker should really have a separate pipe for this - a moisture absorbing meerschaum would be ideal.

I've smoked several other sweet black cavendish tobaccos and none hold a candle to this, the original. I smoke about 4 oz of this a year and it's very good at what it does. Nice room aroma, light pleasant taste and easy to smoke. Definitely something for any smoker to try.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 28, 2014 Strong Strong Medium Very Pleasant
I tried this out along with lane 1q. I have to say, BCA wins hands down.

Rich and full bodied, tastes similar to Captain black royal blend, but so much better. This is essentially a dark tobacco, which I love for the flavoring.

I lit this up and the aroma put me in a trance, the world would be a better place if everyone smoked a little BCA.
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