Samuel Gawith Winter Time Flake

Winter Time Flake Pipe Tobacco by Samuel Gawith is a blend of pressed Virginia leaves. With a higher sugar content and the spiciness of the latakia, experience a cool but rich, slow burn tobacco. For the experienced smoker.
Notes: This flake is part of a limited Four Season series in a wild collaboration of Samuel Gawith, Stanislaw, and DTM. These Four Seasonflakes are: Irish Spring Time Flake, English Summer Flake, Scottish Autumn Flake, and Winter Time Flake.


Brand Samuel Gawith
Series Four Seasons
Blended By Stanislaw & Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Virginia/Latakia
Contents Latakia, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.23 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 30 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2016 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
WTF is one that I purchased impulsively right before Christmas. I was at the local B&M buying McClelland's Holiday Spirit as I have for the last two years, neat little tradition and as I was checking out I see this gorgeous snow covered tin. Take note tobacco companies: as with all colorful labels or anything with the words "Autumn, Winter, Haunted, Spooky, Christmas, Halloween, Strong, Scary" Etc. Young Piper is and always has been a sucker for pipe Marketing 🙂 it was a must have for my collection regardless of contents. I was certainly not disappointed when I got home and looked up reviews on the blend. My tin required a couple of days drying until two notches below crunchy which is perfect for this blend, folded and stuffed is my preferred method for WTF as rubbed out it burned a tad hot. I have enjoyed smoking WTF as a before bed smoke and its quite nice for a strictly Virginia / Latakia blend but honestly I do prefer Orientals providing some complexity in my smoke. I think those that enjoy Lancers Slices or Commonwealth would also enjoy WTF since they are all very similar with light nicotine and in the Medium English category (IMO). No bite, smokes cool and no real complaints on room note but certainly not going to win non smoking friends. Worth buying just for the tin art, high quality tobacco's, recommended, but not a favorite for me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 16, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
After seeing the “season” blends have been in the EU for a while, they have finally made their way here to the States. Winter is my first go around with these new blends. The tin note is mainly of Latakia and the flakes appear in typical fashion of other SG flakes with the exception of the fact that they are not as moist as many of the other SG flakes. I have smoked Winter broken in pieces and folded and stuffed. It first light, the Latakia is very present, but there is room for the other component tobaccos to play in the sandbox. I have seen some retail sites describing Winter as a Virginia flake with added Latakia. I think that is misleading as Latakia is a dominate flavor. Also, I think the photo here at TR makes that flake appear lighter than it actually is. I like Latakia, and I find this to be a superior blend to SG’s Balkan Flake which I find too monochromatic. Winter offers a little bit more complexity than Balkan Flake. To my personal taste, Winter is medium in strength and medium to full in flavor. Unlike the new Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake, I don’t detect any topping here. However, even though I generally favor SG blends over Mac Baren, I enjoy the Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake much more. It’s nice to see SG come to market with new offerings and I think many will enjoy this. For me, there are too many others of similar ilk that I enjoy more.
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 29, 2013 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I am surprised nobody else has reviewed this one yet. It's good.

Similar to the GH&Co Balkan Flake (it really does exist, although my attempt to add it here under the old management didn't work), the SG version is more refined with lesser quantities of latakia and orientals, which let the quality SG virginias shine through.

There aren't many latakia flakes available in the UK, and a good number of those that are also come from the SG stable. Well, this is better than them. In fact, it is probably the best one full stop. Get some.

N.B. The seal on this tin was intact, but the tobacco within was on just the right side of crispy - still pliable, but quite dry. Not the usual, then.
Pipe Used: Blakemar 'Bash
PurchasedFrom: MySmokingShop
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 02, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
This is my second experience with a Gawith flake. (The first was Navy Flake. We need not speak of it further.) This flake is extremely flavorful and well behaved. The moisture content in the tin is on the dry side (for SG). I rub the flakes out and let it dry for 15 mins or so and load the pipe. It lights easy and stays lit. I don't know what the percentages of lat to VA are, but the latakia seems dominant and that's fine with me, I love the stuff. You get a nice noticeable sweetness from the VA. This is a really good English flake and would a good first foray into the genre
Pipe Used: Peterson Donegal 999, Ashton Billiard
PurchasedFrom: local B&M
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 12, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
I found this blend at a small B&M not too far from where I am. I find they have a lot of SG blends in stock on the 2 whim visits I paid them. Either the pipe smokers in my neck of the woods do not know a good thing when they see it, or they have not been formally introduced. But I digress. This blend is very straightforward and as such is very good at what it is. The tobaccos used are first rate, as expected from SG. You may need to dry this out somewhat at the first cracking of the tin. Once lit, it is an excellent smoke that produces a very nice helping of smoky flavor and a decent amount of nicotine is forthcoming. It smokes down to a nice ash at the bottom of the pipe. Highly recommended when it is in stock at your local B&M or online store. You won't be disappointed.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Strong
A predominantly dark flake with the occasional bright fleck, tacky to the touch and with a rich leathery smell.

Light it up and bam, you are greeted with the unmistakeable hit of Latakia, creamy yet a touch sour, buttermilk if you will. And then a steady sort of rhythm develops, with that distinctive flavour continuing, but just about kept in check by the Virginia.

There is not a great deal of complexity here, the two principal components perform exactly as you would expect. And as you would also expect from this distinguished blender, the quality of the leaf is unimpeachable. Overall there is something appealing about the simplicity of it all and it does the job coolly, smoothly and with the minimum of effort required.

So an agreeable smoke, but Lat lovers only need apply.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 18, 2017 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
My experience with this flake seems to mirror DK's to a fair extent. The Lat is easily the main player and in the first 1/3 the Virginias add a little sweetness, tartness and a very mild fruitiness. Unfortunately, the Virginias then fade away into the smoky, woody and mildy spicy notes of the Lat and it becomes monochromatic. The Lat is of good quality. It has a nice smoothness and a touch of creaminess. Really would like a little more staying power from the Virginias though.

Medium in body and taste. No additions detected. Needs a few relights here and there even when bone dry.
Pipe Used: MM Marcus, Country Gentleman, Mark Twain
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 10, 2016 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Blind test #1 and based on about an ounce. I didn't guess the blend but I did guess the blender. I guessed this as Balkan Flake, as I had essentially the same response to this as that one.

Mostly darker thin flakes that was much too wet to smoke without drying. I dried it from "regular dry" to crispy. As usual, it worked better crispy. Latakia was the dominate flavor and it was medium-rich there but the added Virginia brought it closer to mild-medium. This is well named as it would (and did!) work well outdoors in the cold. I found it monochromatic with the omission of orientals or any other condiment. In blends that use just Virginias and latakia, my tastebuds need the Virginias to really pop as they do in McClellands Anniversary, and they just don't here. They provide a base so the blend is not just latakia, but they are completely subservient. I'm not sure what the latakia content is here but it didn't seem all that high... it seemed like the latakia suffocated the Virginia, even though it didn't seem like a lat bomb. And perhaps that's the point. This would be one to keep you warm in the winter, as latakia is often seen as a cold weather blend, particularly a heavier lat blend. If you enjoy latakia that isn't dusty tasting or overly heavy, this might be one to try. Not a repeater for me, however. Then again, neither is Balkan Flake.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 13, 2015 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Tolerable to Strong
I rather enjoy the photograph, makes me want to pack an bowl and stroll over that bridge. The tin note is very nice like a peaty Scotch with some smoked brisket, just great.

Moisture content absolutely perfect straight from a fresh tin, not the norm for S. Gawith mind you they're the distributor it most likely was tinned in the Czech Republic by Mostex.

Plenty of Latakia upon first light, the Virginia's arrive mildly albeit later during the first 1/3 of the bowl. Not an overly complex blend; however, there's some interplay if you pay attention; quite creamy and rich as well. Once in awhile I do get something incense-like that comes and goes mostly with retro-haling. It's not topped nor flavoured as far as I know and certainly does not present itself as such, my Upshall Dublin likes this one a lot, likely the briar effect although in my Ashton's it does something similar.

It does loose some complexity outdoors although in cool winter air the Latakia ramps-up and it burns very cool in either locale. Mind you not as cool as S. Gawith Balkan Flake, tastier for sure and more complex, overall deeper Latakia too at least to me, and it burns to a powdery salt and pepper ash very similar to Cornell & Diehl with some apparent nicotine; nonetheless, it's not a one and done blend.

Decent stuff, a few tins will be added to the cellar.

Amended: this blend fades a lot. The first few days of a fresh tin transferred to a mason jar were very good, now a month later it's mute and monotone moving from very full to medium. Occasionally blends do this and no more tins will be added. Sorry folks I have to remove two stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 17, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable to Strong
This flake has improved for me in the few months since I last had it. The latakia was definitely predominant, without much refinement. It wasn't smooth, but wasn't punchy. So, nothing stands out memorable about the latakia. It did bite more than I remember. All-in-all, a good blend, but I'm not going to buy more for the cellar.
Pipe Used: Hackert Pot
Age When Smoked: 6 mos.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 28, 2014 Mild None Detected Overwhelming Pleasant to Tolerable
UPDATE 2015-02-01: What a difference four months in a jar makes. I am upgrading it from 1 star to 3 stars. It has transformed into a full, smoky, earthy, Lat-heavy contemplative blend.

The Latweed dominates, but the bowl is generally smooth and sedate - not boisterous or combative. It can seem simple, but sipping and quiet attention reveals intermittent wisps of sweetness and spiciness that enhance its contemplative nature.

Alas, there is still a tinge of bite, but sipping slowly evades most of it. Perhaps even more time in the jar will resolve this? The bowl burns well to the end, with the nuances continuing to peek out to the last. The Lat hangs heavy on the tongue afterward, in a good way.

Good for a quiet, restful time, or whilst reflecting on the mysteries of the universe.

ORIGINAL REVIEW 2014-09-28: Perhaps I received a bad tin of this blend, but my results are contrary to the other reviews I see here. I found Winter Time Flake horrible. This is the first SG blend I have ever detested.

The tin aroma is not of smoky latakia or virginias, but is instead the aroma is reminiscent of burning tires. No matter, tin aromas are often misleading.

After a bit of drying and rubbing out, it lights moderately easily. However, the burning tire flavor is now pervasive, and in addition, I am unexpectedly experiencing bite from the VAs.

It improves slightly further in, but it is still unpleasant. I had hoped for something akin to, say, Lancer Slices, but instead it seems like a cruel combination of lackluster latakia, SG Black XX, and a hot VA. The room note is at least decent, but the taste this blend leaves in my mouth is most unpleasant. I will jar the rest and hope time can work some magic.
Pipe Used: Savinelli 316
PurchasedFrom: Mars Cigars
Age When Smoked: New
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