Tabacos Wilder Finamore Ltda Irlandez Traditional

One of the most classical and popular blends in Brazil. A classical VaBur (Virginias and Burley) combining tobacco from Southern Brazil. Contents: Bright and Golden Virginia, Burley. Aromatic with floral contents and rum.
Notes: This is the same Blend called: Finamore Tipo Inglês:


Brand Tabacos Wilder Finamore Ltda
Blended By Octavio Finamore
Manufactured By Finamore
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Cocoa / Chocolate, Floral Essences, Rum
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50g Pouch
Country Brazil
Production Currently available


Very Mild
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.25 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 17, 2014 Very Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
This is the same Blend that was reviewed as: Irlandez "Tipo Inglês". Blend 2489,

The most known between the Brazilian Tobaccos. I reviewed this in the other entry.
Pipe Used: Many
PurchasedFrom: Tabacaria Naos, Brazil
Age When Smoked: Recently Purchased.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 29, 2020 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It's labeled as a separate being from "Chocolate Alpino" but in my case there's even more chocolate flavour than in the latter, probably due to the fact of being packed more recently. Finamore should stop wasting money in different packages because they are all the same for god's sake.

Tobacco wise, I prefer the bolder, fuller bodied aromas of the finamores than the gentler Virginias of the Candido Giovanellas. But.. this stuff doesn't bites your tongue, it chews it like some children's tutti frutti flavored gum then spits what's left and you just have to deal with it. Also impossible of going through longer smokes because it gets as bitter as an ashtray. In the end, to make this a pleasurable experience you must always smoke it in less than 3/4 of a medium pipe. By doing that, you may have a contender to Candido Giovanella's best outputs.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 22, 2013 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
This is one of two ¨Traditional¨ (the other two available being chocolate flavoured) drugstore blends available in Brazil, a country not quite known for its history of pipesmoking. For good reason, as it doesnt have one. These drugstore tobaccos are strictly a way for tobacco stores to keep the sale of pipes (for use in smoking cannabis) legal. So dont expect much from this tobacco. Ive smoked 250 grams of the stuff (I had for some reason only brought 1 100g tin with me from Europe, to last 4 months), so I know my way around it. It changes a lot in the first couple of days after opening the pouch, in a good way. When you first get it it is somewhat moist, and has either a lovely scent of rum and chocolate, or a sickly sweet perfumed aroma. If you have a pack with the rum/chocolate smell, that will over the course of one or two days turn into the perfumed one. The perfumed topping proceeds to dissappear over the next few days. As this topping is decidedly disgusting, it is recommended to open the pack a few days before smoking. The tobacco packs fairly well, but is somewhat perturbed by the concept of being lit, which can be a bit of a pain, but after intitial lighting it will proceed to smoke without relights for approx. a half bowl. Taste notes (when the perfume is gone), go from an ashy unpleasant sensation, over to a quite pleasant sweet, tangy, nutty flavour. Asides from this, it likes biting. Not that much, but any puffing of a more then medium rate will get you bit, and even a medium rate will get you a tingle of the tongue, that doesnt quite dissappear if puffing even slower. The ashy unpleasant taste, along with the bite can be minimized by smoking this blend in a meer. This is by far my preferred way of smoking it, as i can easily retain the nuttyness, without the unpleasant (bad virginia induced i believe) taste, resulting in a rather nice smoke for the first half bowl. After the first half, the tastes stack, and so do the humidifiers apparently. This results in an ashen unpleasant taste (lets call it cigarette, but actually its worse), along with difficulty in keeping the pipe lit. For this reason I recommend you use a shallow wide bowl, and simply chuck the tobacco out when this occurs. All in all this procedure should result in an actually somewhat pleasant experience (which is why i havent stopped smoking for my stay here), and gets a ¨somewhat recommended¨. It is a far cry from proper tobacco, but it can, with proper procedure, be a pleasant smoke, and is infinately preferable to the second brand of ¨traditional¨ tobacco available. That blend simply tastes of bite, any time, every time. Couldnt smoke for a week.

My highest recommendation however, goes to not running out of baccy in brazil. Or smoking cigars. there is an ok shortfiller robusto available everywhere at a buck a piece. But really... Take enough baccy with you.

Yours sincerely Jonathan.

ps. Buy your drugstore pipe to smoke it in at home. The brazilian drugstore pipes are bored with a 2mm airway, hitting the chamber approx. half a centimeter above the bottom of the bowl. Aside from this, they are not made from briar, but a local hardwood.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum, Briar, Misc. wood.
PurchasedFrom: Rodoviaria Velha tobacco store
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2022 Very Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Notes: Cocoa (Cacau), Floral, Leather (couro), Black Tea (Chá Preto)

A Brazilian classic. Not the best BRA tobacco, but certainly one of the most polemic and popular, especially among the new pipe smokers.

This tobacco has a thick cut. It looks a bit like granules. Little tongue-biting when new, but still present if not smoked carefully (slowly) and pressed well in the bowl. When new, it still has a little chemistry, which can displease many smokers. It's barely noticeable. it is a tobacco that is somewhat tedious because it does not evolve and offers its maximum from beginning to end. And for many this maximum is not enough. Some leather notes are pleasant along with the floral, making this an ideal coffee to be smoked with a coffee. Unfortunately, it is not tobacco to be smoked all day because if smoked in excess it causes burning on the tongue. Despite all this, it is a tobacco that I love, with low nicotine and a not bad room note.


Esse tabaco possui um corte grosso. Parece um pouco um granulado. POuco tongue-biting quando novo, porem ainda presente se nao fumado com cautela (devagar) e bem prensado no fornilho. Quando novo ainda apresenta um pouco de quimica, o que pode desagradar muitos fumantes. Porem é pouco percepitivel. é um tabaco que de certo modo é tedioso pois nao evolui e oferece seu maximo do começo ao fim. E para muitos esse maximo nao é suficiente. Algumas notas de couro sao agradaveis junto ao floral, fazendo com que este seja um café ideal para ser fumado acompanhando de um café. Infelizmente nao é um tabaco para ser fumado o dia todo pois se fumado em excesso causa queimacao na lingua. Apesar de tudo isso, é um tabaco que adoro, com baixa nicotina e room note toleravel/agradavel.

Pipe Used: Brazillian Wood Pipes, MrBrog n72
PurchasedFrom: Mercado Municipal de Goiania (Maninho) e Familia Pipe Tabacaria
Age When Smoked: Both Old and Young
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