Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. Black Irish X Unsliced

All Gawith & Hoggarth twist tobacco varieties are manufactured by the same spinning process using dark fired wrapper leaves. The filler for Black Irish X is predominantly dark fired leaf with the addition of a small percentage of dark air cured Indian leaf. They are therefore strong tobaccos. Black Twist, because the cooking process removes some of the stronger tar and nicotine elements, provides a mellower smoke than the brown twist.


Brand Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.
Blended By Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.
Manufactured By Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Maple, Sweet / Sugar
Cut Rope
Packaging Bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Very Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.80 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 28 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 01, 2017 Strong Very Mild Full Strong
The rope came a little moist with an oily appearance, and I sliced it into thin coins on a cutting board in the kitchen. The pouch note is grilled meat with a little sweet tobacco in the note. The rope is a pretty uniform black with a few flecks of brown in the cross section.

I rubbed out coins and was careful not to pack them to tightly due to the moisture. I did not dry it any. It took some BTU's to get it burning, but it smoked well and did not require an unusual number of relights. Pipe cleaners came out with an oily, tarry residue.

The flavor in general was different. It was strong and unlike anything I have ever smoked. The best description is probably when you have your gas grill up a little high, and the fat from a steak is burning. It is meaty, oily, earthy and full with a bitter, slightly tarry edge when puffed. The flavors intensified a little as the bowl progressed, but otherwise stayed constant through the bowl. The flavor as I said was very different, but it is oddly compelling. I did not taste any Lakeland flavors.

The nicotine is strong in this one. It is not overwhelming., but you should be aware of what you are getting into when you load a bowl.

This is a high quality and tasty rope. It is unlike other things you have smoked. I recommend it unless you have a nicotine aversion and stick to lighter fare. The taste will either work for you or not, and that is not going to be easy to predict. I am claiming that 1Q and Captain Black smokers might do best skip this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 18, 2015 Very Strong Very Strong Very Full Strong
Wow what a punch! Irish X is not for the faint of heart or novice smoker. I've been smoking a pipe for over 30 years and found this tobacco to be stout and full just like Brown twist and coconut twist. You really, really need to take your time smoking this to enjoy it and identify some of the complexity of this tobacco and avoid an upset stomach from the nicotine hit.

I have found that twist style of tobacco's need a good hour or so drying time after rub out. You may also find this is key in unlocking some of the flavor and complexity of this tobacco. This blend like all twist tobacco is designed to be either chewed or smoked. I cannot emphasize enough......TAKE YOUR TIME with this smoke. Let it dry out well, light her up and sip gently! I'm a quick smoker and find it takes me close to an hour or more to enjoy a bowl of Black Irish X. And if you dare, cut a quarter inch chunk and park it between your cheek and gum. Sweet smokes gentlemen.
Pipe Used: Briar
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 12, 2014 Strong None Detected Very Full Pleasant to Tolerable
This tobacco is unlike anything I've ever smoked, not just because its a twist, but because of its unique flavor. You'll see everyone point out its very distinguishable meaty flavor (very beefy in my opinion) and thats really all you'll taste as you smoke it. The beefy flavor is really straight forward and i don't taste much else while i smoke it. Its a very delightful smoke when you're in the mood for something heavy, savory, and also for a bit of a buzz.

out of all the virginias i smoke this one is a one of a kind. in my opinion, its not an everyday smoke. its a great tobacco when you want the heaviness and bold taste and smell that this stuff gives off. i won't guarantee that those around you will be a fan of the room note, especially nonsmokers. i consider it more of a private smoke. i know a lot of people who don't like this tobacco so i will say its not for everybody.

the only problem I've run into with it is keeping it lit. i may not be drying it out enough but I've smoked it in slices and by unwinding the rope and packing like a ribbon cut. either way, I'm constantly having to relight (which isn't much of a big deal) unless I'm constantly drawing on it. I've had better luck smoking it unwound than in medallions with that being said. so definitely let it dry out a bit.

overall, pretty delicious and a delightful experience if you're an adventurous smoker. i say give it try no matter what you like.
Pipe Used: GBD bent bulldog 549
PurchasedFrom: smokingpipes
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2018 Medium to Strong None Detected Mild to Medium Strong
I bought 3 oz of this about a year or so ago. Smoked it once and have not tried it again until now. It had a nice mild earthy smell and I cut up a section and put it into the pipe. I probably did not pack it right or rub it out correctly because the two bowls of this required constant relighting. A lot of matches. This is one tightly wound rope of tobacco. It smoked mild, earthy (that word again) and was more of one flavor that I could taste. I will say that some of the reviewers are correct in that I probably should have ate something because between the tobacco and coffee on an empty stomach I got a little urpy. It reminds me of other dark fired pipe tobaccos I have tried. This is one that in the Old West you could throw in your saddle bag and not worry about it.
PurchasedFrom: Liberty Tobacco
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 22, 2012 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
Smoke this with onions and a beer for that authentic 3:00 am truck stop feast.once was enough.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 08, 2004 Strong None Detected Medium Very Strong
I tried black Irish twist after trying several of the Gawith and Hoggart tobaccos. I had first given brown twist a thorough tasting before trying its darker brother, black twist. I have never had a problem with the supposed tsunami of nicotine that is supposed to embodie many of the G & H tobaccos, but none the less it is apparent that many smokers do. The aroma of black twist is that of an lightly (and I do mean lightly) sweetend bourbonesque essence. Texture of the rope is oily and chewy, I almost wanted to cut of a plug of it and find the nearest spitoon. I was skeptical as to how well this tobacco was going to burn upon initial inspection but, after lighting I had no problem sustaining a proper burn. Texture of the smoke was not biting in the least, I have to admit I thaught that this blend was going burn like a mouth full of coals. This is most likely due to the intense curing that this tobacco undergoes, as most of the sugars are leached from the leaf during the baking process. The overall complexity in this tobacco was a bit lacking. I detected an air of charred honey-baked ham that seemed to peek out from time to time, laced with the slightest kiss of bourbon. Despite the oily texture of the leaf this tobacco burns clean, leaving a fine ash at the bottom of the bowl. I highly recomend using a pipe with small bowl capacity for this tobacco, as a little goes a long way. I have a miniature Peterson barrel that I primarily use for this tobacco and its brown brother. I have alot of respect for G&H for maintaing the classic lines of tobacco that they produce. I encourage all smokers to at least try these blends and, if you don't like them then at least you can comment on them.

Note preparation: I noticed that there are alot of people who have commented on how much of a pain this tobacco is to prepare for smoking, so I wanted to share my technique.

Slice of segments of the rope into widths of 1/4 of an inch. Place the cut rope segments into a clean coffee grinder a pulse a couple of times. This works really fast, and gives a very manageable cut that packs and blends easily. The uniformity of the cut also makes the burn really consistent.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 04, 2023 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
I bought this to give it a try. Also bc I like strong tobacco forward blends.

The rope looks oily and black. It smells smoky and rich. I used a cigar scissor to cut it into coins. I’ve cut them thick and thin, and it changes the character of the smoke pretty dramatically. I prefer them about the thickness of a nickel, and rubbed out. A bit of drying time is needed. Even still, it does take a good charring light to get going. The result is a slow smoking, strong tobacco flavor. The flavor is dark fired kind of smoky, dark and earthy. It also has a kind of gentle maple sugar sweetness that pops in. In the same way that dark chocolate or molasses is not very sugary but noticeable. It has a bit of a bbq vibe to it. It can get a bit damp if it’s smoked too fast. It’s manly to say the least. It has a good nic hit too.

It reminds me a lot of a good strong cigar in some ways. It has a good presence and is hard to ignore while smoking. It’s not very complex, but it is thought provoking. The rope is fun to work with and playing with the cut is an interesting game. I like it with coffee. And it’s probably good with a smoky scotch.
Pipe Used: Assorted meerschaum
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes
Age When Smoked: Fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 06, 2018 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable
Just came back from a Med cruise. This year there were four pipe smokers, including me. One old chap from Yorkshire only smoked one brand, obtaing it from his indoor market. I asked if we could swop a bowl of tobacco so we could try the others blend. He said he didn’t like to try anything else smoking his blend for years, but he would give me a bowl of his gawith-hoggarth black-irish-x-unsliced, it was a chewing tobacco. Great and very strong, but not as good as E A Carey’s Sliced Black Twist. The brotherhood of pipe smoking, you can’t beat it. Nice to try this tobacco. And what a nice guy.
Pipe Used: Falcon
PurchasedFrom: Swop from a fellow pipe smoker
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 18, 2016 Medium to Strong None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
The same flavors as Brown Irish Twist but more subdued and with a very fibrous, burnt onion peel taste. The nicotine is also lighter but it's still a stout smoke. Like BIT, not an everyday smoke but one that hits the spot in colder temperatures.

Virginia lover
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 09, 2016 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Very Strong
Two facts be known about this before I begin: First, I like this tobacco a lot, and second, it isn't for everyone. Bag note is almost jerky-like; woodsmoke and an umami note that makes one think it may be a meat product. A little bit of raisin-like tobacco, but mostly smoke and meat. And yes, it looks like something a rather large (and perhaps sick) dog might leave on the lawn. This is pretty one-dimensional in flavor; tobacco, just tobacco, with a strong backbeat of woodsmoke. Occasional notes of diesel exhaust, which I find oddly pleasing. Getting it to stay lit is a battle, but if you can get it going and find the right cadence, this is a delight. Smokes cool and bone-dry, and stubbornly refuses to bite. As far as the near-legendary nic hit; Yes, it's there and yes, it's powerful. Not a head-spinner, but it will sedate you. I always thought myself impervious to Ol' Saint Nic, but it's good to be reminded that one is human. It may not help matters that I used a magnum-sized bowl (2 inches deep and 1 inch bore; smoked almost 2 hours). Since I smoked it while watching live coverage of the 2016 presidential election, a little sedation was welcome. Tales of people smoking this on an empty stomach and washing it down with strong coffee give me the willies. The way I prepared it was to slice about a 6-inch section into 1/8 coins, then fully rubbed these out and put them in an empty tin to dry a little. You will need a very sharp knife; I used an X-Acto knife with a long woodcarving blade. In summary, this is a singular tobacco, both for its history and its unique taste and method of prep. While it takes a special person to enjoy this, I do think that every pipe smoker should try it at least twice; once to see how it is, twice to see if the first time was really that bad.
Pipe Used: Self-Made magnum apple
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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