HU Tobacco Tillerman

Various Virginia grades from Tanzania, Zambia, India and the Philippines form the base of the Tillerman flake. Medium strength, with a pleasant natural sweetness get the Tillerman a subtle chocolate/nut flavor, which harmonizes perfectly with the natural tobacco flavour and gives the Tillerman its individual taste. A wonderfully, spicy and complex tobacco for all hours of the day.
Notes: Aromatics: Nut / dark chocolate/ and a secret ingredient.


Brand HU Tobacco
Series United Passion
Blended By Hans Wiedemann
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Virginia
Flavoring Cocoa / Chocolate, Nuts / Beans, Other / Misc
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.21 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 14 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 12, 2024 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Unnoticeable
HU Tillerman - The dark chocolate is the most obvious topping , something alcoholic and nutty also . There is a bit of spice going on , probably from toppings . Underneath the toppings a bit of hay/ grassiness,some floral and fruity sweetness. I like my Virginias a little more natural and earthy . It’s not bad though . It doesn’t bite me and would probably make a decent hot day mild front porch smoke . 2 1/2
Age When Smoked: 2 yr tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 11, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
The various Virginias provide a fair amount of tangy ripe dark fruit, earth and wood, some spice, a little grass and tart citrus along with a light floral note. They are somewhat sublimated by the dark chocolate and nut toppings, one of which has an alcohol base (likely the more obvious chocolate). I can't figure out what the secret ingredient topping is, but it's fruit based. The strength is a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium. The taste level is medium. The nic-hit is a slot past the mild mark. The tobacco is a tad moist, but needs no dry time. It's smooth, creamy, sweet, lightly savory and peppery with a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste and room note. The flavor is very consistent from top to bottom. It burns cool and a little slow. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires some relights. Won't bite, and has no harsh moments. Can be an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2015 Mild to Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Tillerman Flake’s tin note is rather intense and similar to sweet aniseed cookies. You might get scared expecting an overly cased aromatic and nothing could be farther from the truth.

I preferred it rubbed out and gently filled (not packed tightly) in small to medium sized pipes with a wider bowl and without filter. Tillerman needs room to breathe. If you pack or tamp to hard, it has a tendency to clog, especially when fresh.

The taste is predominantly pure, medium-full, brown VAs with just a whiff cocoa and nuts. It is smooth and creamy and didn’t bite me once. In the second half there is also dark chocolate. The Aroma feels and tastes not like a casing, more like a crossover, smoking SG Best Brown Flake in a pipe that’s been used for an aromatic once. Since I’m the kind of guy who likes to create crossovers on purpose from time to time to get that effect, it hits my sweet spot. Leaves almost white, fine ash and little dottle. In the end, Hans Wiedemann makes the terms “smoking” and “aromatic” collide in the same sentence, and that’s really something!
Pipe Used: Briars with and without filter
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 03, 2012 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Tillerman is a pure virginia flake. Virginias from India and the Philippines form the base of this flake. No sweetened black cavendish. The Tillerman flake is flavored with a combination of nut, chocolate and chili . The result is a light sweet tobacco with peppery notes. The taste changed always between the nutty and chocolaty notes with the background of the chili. The flavour never tastes cheap or chemically. The taste is always interesting and sweet and spicy. A very well made light aromatic tobacco. The nicotine level is for my taste a little bit too low, that is the reason I give this flake only 3 stars. Very good, a bit too light, recommended for natural and aromatic smokers
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 22, 2018 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
First of all, let me warn you that this is by far the most bitey tobacco I've ever come across. An aromatic not smoothened out with burley or black cavendish, what do you expect I guess?

Second, let me tell you that this is by far the best aromatic I've come across. Yes, despite the biteyness, the flavour is just THAT good.

Rich, sweet, deep, nuts, dark chocolate, spicy. I'm reminded off coffee, toasted peanuts, darl chocolate, maduro cigars, and... a dark, toasted burley. There's also something smokey about the flavour that reminds me off DFK. But I don't doubt that there's just VA here, but I'm reminded off those tobaccos It becomes smokier and, for me, perceived as stronger as I'm reaching the end off the bowl. The sweetness becomes weaker and the nuttiness at the heart off the blend becomes more apparent the further down the bowl you get. Cocoa-notes are present throughout. To me, it's clear that the unique flavour isn't just, or even primarily, a result off toppings. This is an aromatic, but it's also clearly tobacco. Similar to Mac Barens Mixture Scottish in that regard. In fact this is very similar to that blend all in all. This one does not burn as well and is even more prone to bite. But Tillerman just tastes... better. And more. Both from the toppings and tobacco. A rich smoke with a pleasant room note* that I can easily recommend to everyone who has the patience to tame this unruly biter. The reward is well worth the trouble.

My quest for the perfect tobacco-tasting aromatic that accentuates the cocoa and nut flavours tobacco has naturally is over. This will be a staple in my rotation for the rest off my life.

*anti tobacco fascists won't like it, but average human beings will tolerate or like it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 03, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Tillerman is a nice semi-aromatic.

The presentation at the opening of the tin was very promising: loose tissued flakes with an aroma of cocoa, nut and some alcoholic smell (of rum or whisky, I don’t know which).

I’ve smoked all the flakes by screwing them inside the bowl, they are soft and pliable, taking the flame easily and burning very steady. The tobacco base, Virginia and maybe some Burley, is well evident and sublimated by the flavouring. The flavour is consistent and has a “navy” character, far distant from the common combination VaBurBC. A pleasant piquancy from middle bowl. The strenght is near to the medium mark, and the body is completely satisfying. Does not smoke hot, nor it bites. Needs slow speed to avoid some soapy notes. No goorgles nor goopy remains in the bowl. The room aroma is acceptable to non smokers.

Not a dessert smoke, nor an all day. A very pleasant diversion for this smoker.
Pipe Used: Castello's
PurchasedFrom: received as a gift
Age When Smoked: 5yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 07, 2017 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
I wouldn't consider his a "real aromatic". The added flavours harmonize very well with the natural given tobacco taste and seem pretty natural to me. I guess it's just a slight casing, which flatters the taste of the tobacco.

The used Virginias deliver less of a grassy-ctrusy note, than a somewhat earthy ,nutty, yet sweetish flavour. By times a gentle spice kicks in, that is a nice contrast andhelps keeping me intrested.

The flavouring is very natural seeming. Slightly nutty and a decent (dark) chocolate taste, thats rich in (cocoa-flavour. But the flavouring is very mild, so that you almost get the feeling, youre smoking a un-flavoured tobacco. The nuttyness is similiar to that, of a good Burley. The chocolatey-note makes this tobacco a even more intresting and flavourful tobacco.

A pretty tasty tobacco, a bit mild for my taste but still enough to get me satisfied. Excellent crafted, the flakes look appetizing and are made without any glue thats usually used for flakes - like all Flakes made by Dan Pipe (DTM).

Roomnote is very pleasant, as I got told. Very chocolaty, a bit of nut-scent. No biting, good burning characteristics.

Nothing I would need to smoke every day, and for my taste it won't make the dail rotation, but still a delightful blend, that deserves 3/4 Stars at least and will surely have an audience.

Edit: I saw someone mentoning "Chilli" as the third, and secret flavouring. Which seems to make sense, because the tobaccos is a bit "prickly" and reminds a bit of feeling in the mouth when smoking Perique (but just very slightly!). Yet I tend to say it's something like "Black Pepeper". Also that would explain the prominent and tasty spice in this blend.
Pipe Used: Clay Pipe
PurchasedFrom: HU Tobacco (Bosch)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 09, 2017 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Tin note smells of cherry (or is it strawberry?) liqueur with hints of chocolate. Sweet and absolutely delicious. And although the tin aroma is quite pronounced, once you light this tobacco you soon understand it’s not an aromatic, it is just scented in a way that complements and enhances the natural tobacco taste which is mostly what you get.

The flakes are very wide rectangulars and mottled with an overall fair complexion. They come on the dry side, very easy to rub and light. The tobacco smokes very dry to the end leaving no dottle and it can get a little hot if pushed. No bite for me whatsoever. Virginias are dry and sharp - without being in anyway acrid - and this roughness is very well balanced by the faintly sweet scenting of the tobacco. I mostly get a minimal red fruit note, not much of the chocolate I can sense out of the tin. Overall though what I taste in Tillerman is a dry natural tobacco taste, not scenting. And even scenting tastes very natural.

Strength is medium, nicotine on the mild side of medium. This is another winner from HU Tobaccos, has a unique taste and can offer variety to any piper’s rotation. Can easily become an all-day smoke for me, even if a little bit dry.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 16, 2020 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
I prefer calling this blend "flavored" instead of aromatic because you not only get the scent but also can taste chocolate and coffee coming through the tobacco, which is something scarce for me in my 27 years of pipe smoking. Since my first encounter with pipe tobacco, only a couple of blends tasted similar to their scent, and Tillerman is one of those few. All-day smoke or chocolate coffee treat on occasion, consume as you see fit, Tillerman can play any of these roles. Tasty and easygoing blend from HU Tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 17, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Hans included this as a sample in a recent order of Dockworker and others; am much intrigued and will be ordering several tins for further "research". Most enjoyable.

Update: wonderful sweetness appears from time to time throughout
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2020 Very Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Sadly this tobacco does not work for me.

The smell from the tin is that of strong milk chocolate, very enticing.

Folding and stuffing a flake right from the tin simply does not work, it won't ever light. Cube cutting, rubbing out and letting it to dry anywhere from 1 hour to 3 days improves things somewhat, but not a lot.

I find that this tobacco does not produce any taste for me, the occasional puff will give off some Virginia hay, perhaps a whiff of coccoa, perhaps some pepper, nuts, or a bit of sweetness. These are all "whiffs" and "ideas" and reminders of flavours I get elsewhere, clearly my taste buds are too blunt to get much out of it but I won't feel bad when there are so many tobaccos out there which I smoke and enjoy immensely.

I could live with a tobacco having mild (i.e., no) taste for me, what I can't live with is the instant tongue bite, even when stone cold. I've read countless times that Virginia tobacco will bite if pushed, but here I am talking about letting the pipe die out, go cold and then lighting with as little flame as possible, and getting bitten instantly. This is the deal breaker, I could live with it if I was getting amazing flavour from it but I am not, hence I will finish the tin and be glad it's over.

2 stars for not being for the compost pile, 1 star for the lack of taste and tongue bite.

Edit: I read among other reviewers that this blend may contain chili, that would explain the instant tongue bite, good to know so I can avoid it anywhere outside the kitchen.
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