HU Tobacco Dockworker

A strong, chocolaty and spicy Malawi Burley is at the center of the Dockworker Flake. It is complemented by spicy Orientals and Virginia from Zambia, India and the Philippines. The result is a sweet-spicy blend with a beautiful Burley/Oriental touch. This unusual blend impresses with a very complex and well balanced flavor. A medium strong flake for friends of fragrant tobaccos . No added flavor!


Brand HU Tobacco
Series NL
Blended By Hans Wiedemann
Manufactured By Dan Tobacco Manufacturing (DTM)
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.52 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 31 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 06, 2014 Medium Mild Medium to Full Very Pleasant
The mildly spicy Malawi burley is top notch, and is chocolatey and slightly nutty with some earth and wood. It is the dominant tobacco. There's more spice from the buttery, woody, earthy, floral, vegetative, lightly sour Orientals that amps up the flavor with a touch of dry, woody, earthy, floral, herbal, sour Turkish lingering in the back ground. The Virginia plays a back up role with a hint of tart, acidic citrus, tangy dark fruit, earth, wood and grass. The description claims there's no topping, but I taste a mild and rich berry and fruit along with the chocolate. They mildly sublimate the tobaccos. The strength is medium, while the taste level is a step past that mark. The nic-hit is just past the center of mild to medium. The flake breaks apart rather easily, burns slow, cool, clean and even with not many relights, and as is the case with most HU blends, leaves almost no moisture in the bowl. The flavor is very consistent from start to finish without weakening. Has no harsh spots, and won't bite even if pushed. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste and room note. Not quite an all day smoke due to the level of sweetness, which is what pushed the taste level just past medium.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 25, 2013 Medium to Strong None Detected Very Full Tolerable to Strong
This is simply a work of genius. I love all the different leaves, but Burley and Oriental the most. Still, I wouldn´t have thought someone could come up with the idea of mixing them in such high proportions, and that the result would be this great. The Malawi is chocolaty to a degree, that one could argue, whether there´s casing involved or not. But it just tastes that natural, that I´d like to believe the blender, Hans. There´s a lot of complexity during the smoke, which lasts qite a while, but all the time it´s absolutely delicious. Easily an all day smoke, but I can very well understand why some pipe brothers want to spare it for special occasions. Where my former go to Burley blend (London BB by Mac Baren) forced me to smoke cautiously, the Dockworker is pure tongue balm, even if pushed. Not that it´s negative, but the flakes need a bit drying prior to smoking, out of the tin doesn´t work. Room note´s not great, but who cares?
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 14, 2018 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Dockworker is some heavenly weed! First off: Hans said this flake has a fruity-CASING before they press the flakes - which I find easily detectable, yet it really just flatters the notes of the Orientals, giving the blend 'that certain something'..

Lovely flakes, easy to pack, light and keep lit, just a tad too moist for my gusto. Others may find the moisture perfect, as I like my tobacco on the dry side.

This is a Burley/Orient Flake to me, with the Virginias just rounding the edges! Or shall I say "Burliental"?! Ok, I'll leave the pun-making to others. Lots of Burley goodness, richly earthy, decently nutty, pleasantly tart and a little chocolaty, as well as a distinctive Oriental aroma of ethereal and floral notes, nutty and woodsy-dry aroma. The fruity casing flatters the character of the Orientals very well and isn't always noticeable - in fact some don't taste it at all, as it's hard to say if it's the casing or the combination of Orient+Virginia leafs. I find that wide(r) bowls give me the best smoke with this blend. Fine Burley leaf used here, mainly earthy and woodsy with mild notes its signature nut and chocolate - most natural!

Burley-Aficionados will love this just as Oriental-Fans may do, I think. Has some boldness to it, but not overly strong. Satisfying, decently complex and rounded smoke! 4-stars! **Update:** I went through my first tin like a bush-fire and instantly re-ordered 2 more tins... a very high ranking favorite of mine, Top-5 tobacco blends material here for my palate!

**Update2:** 1 1/2 years later I come back to this an love it just as much, if not more - it ages wonderfully! The casing dissapears noticeably to my palate and the nutty and chocolaty notes of the burley become more rich, which I love and the orientals still shine as on day one! This is perfection!
Pipe Used: Clays, Cobs, Briars, Mortas
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 03, 2014 Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I was gifted about an ounce or so after expressing an interest in this stuff. Wasn't really sure what to expect from it so it was a complete blank slate to me.

The tin aroma is one of tropical fruits, can't really pin it down, is it mango? Pineapple perhaps? Either way or both, it's a very nice smell. Rubbing out and packing are easy, the flakes don't give any resistance and the lighting is easy. The fruitiness carries over into the smoke, it's mild, possibly delicate might be a good adjective, but still nice. It fades towards the bottom of the bowl, giving way to something slightly caramel-like and maybe a little earthy. There's no tonguebite either, another plus.

This is a cracking flake, not wildly exciting but it has a gorgeous, mild and mellow flavour that pleases and soothes in the nicest of fashions. Ergo, four stars has it.
Pipe Used: Portland Miniweight Billiard
PurchasedFrom: Gifted
Age When Smoked: Unknown
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2013 Medium Medium Full Pleasant
I'm from the States and this is just to confirm what the other reviewers have said. I was gifted a tin of this rarity, and completely astonished by it. Its "umami" is unique and unforgettable--like RRR or Balkan Sobranie or Penzance, it is simply sui generis. My buddy Sensei RaiKo was able to procure an additional 3 tins of this for me, but I'll be saving each bowl for a special occasion. I've never enjoyed burley in a tobacco--until now. My usual preferences run to VaPers, Dark Star, and the English / Balkans I've mentioned. I can only hope someone here in the U.S. will take notice and make it possible for us to get this in the U.S. on a regular basis.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 23, 2018 Medium None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Robust, dark and powerful pure tobacco flavour. Earthy, bold, and it just has SO much flavour, never gets boring. Great dark chocolate, cigar and spice notes, perfectly balanced for my palate. Burley is top notch, never gets bitter nor are there any hints off cardboard flavour. Not alot off sweetness from the virginia here, just a tad. The slight addition off Virginia keeps the flavour from being too dry and adds some body and feel to the smoke. Burns well. Will only become harsh and cigarette-esque if you REALLY provoke it, no risk at a normal or even above normal smoking pace. An absolute masterpiece. I'm starting to beleive Malawi Burley is the greatest tobacco in existence (this isn't the only blend that convinces me)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 17, 2016 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
This is a fine flake tobacco. The Burley shares the same rich chocolatey note as many Burley blends but with some added spice. The Orientals are spicy and woody. The exotic Virginias are subtle, grassy, earthy, and sweet. There are occasional fruit-like flavors but nothing that seems artificial. Overall the flavor profile is spicy which isn't too common for a Burley blend and it works tremendously. I am a fan of Solani's Aged Burley Flake but I would definitively reach for this over ABF. This offers significantly more complexity. My sample will soon run out and I'll be wishing it was available in the U.S. !
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 14, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable

This is a pretty good blend. I am not sure how much the orientals played on my tastebuds as it seemed like a straight up vabur flake to me. I can only assume that their presence in this blend is light. It is a hard one to peg down for me and my sample was rather small from which to form a proper opinion. I had about a bowl left and decided to give it to someone else who wanted to try it.

I do know that if this was a four star blend, there is no way I would have had one bowl left to give. I will give it the benefit of the doubt and leave it at three stars for now.

UPDATE 1/3/2019

I just finished my first tin proper of this and I did really enjoy it, but it never really did rise to the level of a four star blend to me, but easily remains at 3 stars. I did pick up more on the orientals in this one than I previously did. I think the orientals and the spiciness they bring is what keeps me from awarding this a fourth star.

Another thing I noticed this time around that was not apparent with my previous attempt was that this seemed to leave the back of my throat a little drier than most blends do and tended to itch it a bit causing an eye watering cough here and there. Not a big deal as I always have something to drink on hand which ameliorates this effect in a jiffy.

For the most part, this is a well done VaBur with a little too much spice from the orientals for my palate. I still have another tin aging that I will get to one day, so I may revisit this review again.
PurchasedFrom: HU
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 06, 2012 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The new flake of Hu Tobacco is really a special blend. I feel like Smoky and Weisenheimer and can not say much different.Personally I am fascinated of the wonderful spiciness of this blend. The strong Malawi Burley brings nice chocolaty tones and the Orient leafe brings the beautiful spiciness. This combination is really genial. 4 stars for this innovative flake
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 25, 2012 Medium Very Mild Full Pleasant
From the choice of leaf and its various origin, this is a blend which ultimately stands for its own!

When I read "Burley", this often reminds me to a blend which might taste quite "cigarish" and somewhat harsh. This is absolutely not the case for Hans Wiedemann's quite innovative creation.

Whatever 'Dockworker' stands for, this tobacco is an almost sweetish blend, full and deep in flavour an coming along with a pleasant cocoa and somewhat "nuttily" taste, which makes it a wonderful creamy and surprisingly pleasant blend, with a nice play in the taste notes, never boring. No tongue bite, and the room note qualified as being "spouse-friendly", Dockworker has earned one of the best pipes you proudly own.

In short: A full pleasure to smoke - for all involved ! Swell ! Ready to take off ?
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