Peterson Hyde Park

Hyde Park is a traditional English blend of bright and dark fired Virginias, sun cured Indian and burleys tobaccos. This luxurious smoking experience is achieved by the addition of rum and maple sugars to pressed mahogany tobacco


Brand Peterson
Blended By Peterson
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Maple, Rum
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.96 / 4





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Displaying 21 - 30 of 100 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 21, 2014 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I suppose I tried this blend on the back of the body of favourable reviews on this site. I couldn't say I was best served by them however. As an aside, there are very few tobaccos that I dislike. Apart from Lakelands. More on that follows.

The tin notes were of stewed dark fruits, plum, blackcurrant and a rum high note; reminiscent of Christmas pudding. Packing was fairly straightforward, though required a half hour of drying - it probably could have done with more.

Upon lighting I was immediately taken by a scent I had missed in the tin, what I can now define as a rose incense quality, and, what is that? Toilet water. It appears that Lakeland floral is there to a degree, and being more sensitive than others to its depredations, I immediately doubted my ability to enjoy the tin. I was also getting bitten in earnest. By mid-bowl, the incense was still there, I got a few of the deeper notes of dark fruit, very little tobacco flavour plus I couldn't get away from the florals. Nicotine strength was low, though the smoke was fairly rough and astringent. I also found it very difficult to maintain, and by this point, every relight was an exercise in bite limitation. I tried over the week to have at least a bowl a day to see whether it was my technique that was wanting, but to no avail.

I couldn't persevere and consigned the tin to the back of the cupboard. I revisited it with 8 months of age in a Kilner jar, and the initial moistness was no longer an issue. It had also lost some of the high notes, but was how I remembered it - perhaps a little more spicyness. Unfortunately, the next bowlful was a revisitation of the first, albeit without as much bite and the florals, not as forthright. Staying lit was less of a problem, but the incense remained.

I really wanted to like this blend, but at this stage I abandoned the experiment, and binned the remainder; a first for me. At a guess, room note was probably delicious, but I received no satisfaction from this, my first Peterson's foray. All in all, too much effort, and a flavour profile that doesn't suit my tastes. Vive la difference!

Pipe Used: Dr Plumb billiard
Age When Smoked: 0-8 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 12, 2013 Medium to Strong Medium Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Seems like Peterson have opened one new play corner within their already wide range of tobacco blends. Hyde Park presents itself as a broken flake, the way of packing (cellophane bag instead the usual paper) and the pouch smell indicates this blend obviously being manufactured by Gawith & Hoggarth. On the first opening, rum flavour dominates, but evaporates soon, remaining with a clear “Lakeland” scent.

Smoking confirms first impressions… what a wonderful smoke ! Strong, slightly nutty flavour and somewhat sweetish, but never gooey, just the fine hint from maple syrup added. Further down the bowl, the Dark Fired takes the leading role, presenting an opulent, but not over-powering smoke, however the nicotine dose should not be underestimated. To my taste memory, Hyde Park carries both, elements from G&H's ‘Rum Flake' and ‘Coniston Cut Plug'.

In conclusion I think “Peterson” (tinned by Kohlhase&Kopp) achieved great success with this quite unique blend ! An impressively tasteful and satisfying tobacco, with significant hints of “Lakeland” aroma, however standing for its own by not being just a copy of something already known. Highly recommended !

I have smoked a whole tin, and conclude that this tobacco might have potential for aging, consequently, several tins went to the “cellar”… Meanwhile cracked another tin… can't stay away from this stuff... !

Rem.: The tin description is a perfect example how confusing "English Blend" oftentimes can be. For those blends commonly understood as being "English", hence containing Oriental and Latakia tobaccos, I personally prefer the expression "Latakia Blend". This might avoid misperceptions.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 07, 2012 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
This is a burley-virgina, lakeland style, broken flake. It cool, steady burning, and quite sweet, to my taste. It is similar to Kendal Cream Flake (creamy but sweeter) and Rum Flake (essences but not as dark tasting), and has that rum essence recently favored by Master Pease. However, it is the maple that I believe gives it that lasting sweetness. Unlike most American style aromatics -- not wet, etc. -- but you do need a sweet tooth to favor this baby. It is excellent in its delivery of flavor a plenty.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 10, 2021 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Wow.. I think I really missed the boat on this one.. I was really looking forward to an under the radar lakeland produced by Gawith Hoggarth for Peterson.. This is clearly now an STG blend through and through.. No hints of lakeland at all.. Looking at older reviews that mention a broken flake with all the hallmarks of Gawith really just put salt in my wounds.. A day late and a dollar short.. Disappointment aside.. This is actually one of the better STG blends I have tried.. It is barely topped but does have something subtle going on.. I don't really taste rum at all.. but maple maybe a tad.. it tastes well rather like a plain virginia/burley.. A lot more red virginia leading than I anticipated.. It has a little strength but not nearly as much as I had hoped for.. I was hoping for something close to rum flake.. That is what I had heard this was similar to.. I imagine when g&h were producing this it was just that.. Oh well.. Everything does change.. and this blend is not bad.. just a lot more straightforward and bland than I had anticipated.. I actually wish they had gone a bit heavier on the topping somehow.. I did notice a touch of toastiness which either comes from the burley or dark fired virginia.. if that were amped up a little more and more rum came through it may have distinguished the blend a little more.. This just tastes like a lot of other STG ribbons.. better than most because of that little extra strength.. 2 stars accounting for my disappointment.. but I will say it would be a 3 for a more fair assessment as I think this is still a pretty good blend especially for Peterson.. I guess I just need to wait for Rum Flake to come back into stock to get what I really want.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2019 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Full Tolerable to Strong
I was quite keen to try Hyde Park given the rumors that it is actually a closeted Lakeland, with experts Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. themselves secretly behind its production, at least at one time. Certainly, it appears very much like what I’d imagine the familiar thick GH flakes would look like after a quick run through the STG shredder and, as with many GH offerings, it is definitely chock-full of unusual flavors that you are absolutely going to love –or hate.

If Hyde Park isn’t officially a Lakeland decendent, the family resemblance is striking. Whereas some have compared Lakeland essence to nana’s perfume, here it manifests more as granddad’s aftershave –less floral, but spicier and slightly alcoholic, but in a way that’s more… Aqua Velva than liquor. And this is the aspect of Hyde Park that might be a deal-breaker for some. I’d never encountered this flavor in a tobacco before, Lakeland or otherwise, but once I got over the initial shock, I sort-of warmed to it and eventually I got to like it. Your enjoyment requires you do the same, as this flavor is present in varying degrees throughout the entire smoke.

Then there is a prominent maple syrup flavor, though it is more complex than overtly sweet, and possesses a certain musty depth, as real maple syrup will (we are not talking about Mrs. Butterworth’s here), and it does well to offset the slight bitterness of the burley. That you can even TASTE the burley is part of the true magic of this blend as, despite all these flavorings, a full tobacco taste still shines through.

Which brings us to the third aspect of Hyde Park that may or may not appeal to you: the tobacco itself. This mixture has a definite cigar note from the first puff to the last. Indeed, this is the most cigar-like blend I have ever smoked, even among those described as cigar-leaf blends specifically. If that’s not your bag, then this is not your mix. Either way, what you will appreciate is its fantastic burn characteristics: slow, very cool, bite-free, and all the while producing voluminous smoke until disappearing completely into pure white ash, like it was never there.

I approached this blend with some trepidation given the many reviews that mention its strength. However, it turned out my fears were unfounded. I like enough nicotine to know I’m smoking something, but not so much that I have to be too mindful of my cadence or need to take a break. While it is quite a full-bodied blend, it always stayed perfectly mellow for me and I’d even consider it somewhat gentle. It’s really no stronger than, say, London Mixture in this regard.

So it this really a 4-star blend? Well… When I first tried Hyde Park, I thought it was reasonably good, but that it probably wouldn’t make it into my regular rotation. That was in summer. But as time went on and the weather cooled, it was a flavor that I thought about more and more. Now that autumn has arrived and latakia-heavy english mixtures should be the order of the day, I find that it’s been Hyde Park that I’ve instead been reaching for. That, perhaps more than anything else, is very high praise indeed. Call me an Aqua Velva man.
Pipe Used: Dunhill County 3103
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2018 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Tolerable
I’m an intermediate Pipe Smoker at best and am no way an expert. I started on aromatics and switched to Virginia’s and am trying to get into English Blends. I was suggested this by a friend and thought I would give it a try. The pipe I used was a Peterson 2017 Christmas Pipe.

Packaging was great and I found the Tobacco is a ribbon cut, and had a nice moisture level and burns well and even.

The tin note is great, you defiantly get the sweet smell that does remind you of rum and maple sugars. However, I find that smoking it, it does have a “soapy/floral” aftertaste that does turn me off. I have had this blend again and made sure to smoke it slow which I enjoyed more than the first time.

Would I buy this again? No. Being from Canada, the average tin is $45.00 can and would rather try something new at that price.
Pipe Used: Peterson 2017 Christmas Pipe
Age When Smoked: 1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 06, 2016 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
well first: its named peterson but in fact its produced by gawith &hoggarth, that leads us second: to the fact that english here and this time means lakeland! third: its called aromatic but in fact there is more good plain tobacco flavour in here. overall three misleading announcements but what is real for me: if i can say so its simply the tobacco i have ever dreamed of! it is that fantastic...
Pipe Used: baff pot, stiegler pear
PurchasedFrom: hu tobacco
Age When Smoked: fresh out of the tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 31, 2014 Medium Strong Medium to Full Tolerable
I have never smoked anything that is close to this one. The smell reminds me of African tobacco sold in jars and plastic pouches. Being someone that has never consumed alcohol, i now know it to be Rum

Leaf quality is excellent as one expects from Peterson.

The taste is where this one gets away from me. I really do not care for the topping at all. It is cloying and very strong. I have had this tin for a little over 2 months now and it has spent about a week of that time airing out and still that topping is ever present to the point that when i handle the tobacco i can feel it to be sticky. Tongue bite was not an issue once the tobacco aired out for a bit.

I knew it was an aromatic when i bought it so i should not complain, my gripe is that i am searching high and low for a tobacco that is exactly this MINUS the topping. My, what a blend THAT will be.

For what its worth, i can see how some folk enjoy this blend.
Pipe Used: DBs, Petes and Meers
PurchasedFrom: Curiosity Hut
Age When Smoked: Unknown
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 31, 2013 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
6 Years ago I decided I would take my pipe smoking in as a hobby not just a relaxing evening ender. Over these 6 years I have tried to smoke as many different brands and varieties of tobacco as I can. I operate a "don't knock it till you've tried it" policy. This means occasionally I'll buy a tobacco with strong preconceptions about how it will perform.

I expected this tobacco to burn hot, it did not. I expected this tobacco to have a weak almost bran flavour, it did not.

I could not have been more wrong. This tobacco has a rich flavour and is beautiful on the nose out of the tin. This has replaced heavier and latikia based blends as my favourite and go to tobacco.

It's relatively new so I have a few in storage hoping they will become even more beautiful with age.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 22, 2023 Mild Extremely Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Hyde Park

Hyde Park is a classic Va/Bur with some very mild casing, but not enough to call this an Aromatic. There is strength here and good old fashioned tobacco taste. Hyde Park is consistent, stays lit easily, and is a basically mild smoke.

Among other Virginia/Burley blends, I like MacBaren’s HH Old Dark Fired (strong), McConnell’s Scottish Cake (moderate), G&H’s Broiwn Irish X (strong), or John Cotton’s Double Pressed Burley (more burley forward). For a mild expression of a classic Va/Bur, Hyde Park is an exemplar.

3 stars out of 4.
Pipe Used: Pipa Castello
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