Backwoods All Natural Tobacco

A unique rugged cut, blended with the finest aromatic burley and Virginia tobaccos available. Always a smooth smoke without a bite.


Brand Backwoods
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Sweet / Sugar
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch
Country United States


Very Mild
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Very Mild
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.09 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 18, 2012 Extremely Mild Strong Extra Full Tolerable
When I see a "Sport" sticker on a car, I know that there's nothing sporty here. The same is about "natural" in this name. Nothing natural here, heavily flavored cheap wet mix. Avoid at all costs.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 21, 2015 Extremely Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
The Virginias offer grass/hay, tart and tangy citrus and a touch of honey. The burley is very mildly nutty, earthy and woody with some molasses. A sugary sweet topping was added to pick up the dullness of the blend. The strength is extremely mild, while the taste is very mild. The nic-hit is barely mild. Has a lot of PG. Needs some dry time, burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent flavor from start to finish. Leaves too much moisture in the bowl. Requires some relights if not given a light dry time. May bite if you puff real fast. Has a weak after taste and room note. An all day smoke that can be used as a mixer, too.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 09, 2012 Very Mild Medium to Strong Very Mild Pleasant
First of all, the name of this tobacco is misleading. This blend includes sweet flavors that are very clear from the smell of the tobacco as soon as you open the pouch and when you smoke it. Therefore, I think this is not a natural tobacco only but a heavily flavored tobacco (I think they are not natural). Second of all, this is very mild tobacco that I only recommend for newly pipe smokers or if you have no other choice. Both the strength and the price of this tobacco are very low (less than 3 US$ for a 40gm pouch). Third of all, it is a wet tobacco while smoking and you will feel the tongue bite from the artificial flavors after a while regardless how slow smoker you are. In the end, if you are looking for some nicotine or real tobacco blend then you have to look somewhere else.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 27, 2019 Medium Medium Medium Tolerable
Slightly vinegary pouch note. Easy load, easy pack, easy light, easy to keep going. Definitely a middle of the road tobacco. Not much snob appeal but likely a good transition tobacco for those wanting to change from Backwoods Cheroots to a pipe. No wife complaints over the aroma.

Burns a bit fast for its ribbon size but not hot or bitey. Moist in the pouch inviting steamed tongue if puffed hard.

May be a good foundation blend for trying out your own flavoring or topping as it’s quite neutral.
Pipe Used: Savinelli 810 KS
PurchasedFrom: Don’t remember.
Age When Smoked: Freshly opened pouch
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 21, 2018 Very Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
I feel they did a good job translating the essence of their chewy rugged little cigars into a pipe tobacco. It has been a long time since I summoned my inner Clint Eastwood and had a Backwoods cigar, but I have fond memories of chewing on the end raw and pretending to be some desperado.

The sweet kinda-cherry aroma in the pouch took me back, and the rubbery moist feel of the leaves was also reminiscent. It acts a bit putty-esque and packs without much air flow, taking a tad more work to get fired up. The taste once lit is candy infused leather made from the same cauldron as their gas station stogies. There is no bite and little nicotine, so go full ham if you want on this one.

I really enjoyed it as an aromatic and finished the pouch way too fast, and yeah, it is probably some cheap crap filled with high-fructose corn syrup, but it is a guilty pleasure I will revisit again, and for the bargain price of $5 why the hell not!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 04, 2021 Extremely Mild Very Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant to Tolerable
Opening the package, I'm greeted with a wonderful sweet, nutty, and slightly raisin-y scent with notes of hay and brown sugar. I've noticed the scent get deeper and more complex over the course of several days even.

Unfortunately all of this is lost entirely as soon as it's lit. Smokes somewhat damp and can bite if not left to dry (at least) overnight. Will need to be re-lit. Smells "nice" to me as it's burning, others find it inoffensive and was told it basically smells like a Black n' Mild.

Good For: Mixing, breakfast blends, filler, emergency smokes, and not much else
Pipe Used: Cob, Briar
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2021 Very Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Tolerable
Having recently tried a number of cigarillos and cheroots, I figured I'd give the Backwoods pipe tobacco a try. Peppery, chocolatey cheroot flavor in my corn cob sounded way too good to be true, and indeed it was.

Rather than the intense, rustic flavor I was used to from the cigarillos, the pipe tobacco tasted like a weak, but bog standard aromatic. It was sweet, citrusy, and had a certain sort of topping which was difficult for me to recognize on account of it being so mild. At times, the same chocolatey flavor as the cigarillo peeked through, which was pleasant -- however, it was very weak and intermittent.

Far from being Backwoods in a pipe, it's more like good 'ol burley and virginia in a pipe. Not unpleasant in its own right, but certainly not remarkable or appropriate to its brand. If you're considering smoking this, just buy the cigarillos instead. They're actually pretty good. Alternatively, check out De Nobili cigarillos, which are sort of like a swanker, but still cheap, Backwoods.
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: 1 Day
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 12, 2020 Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
I have smoked BW little cigars. I think they are trash. I'll take a Swisher Sweets any day. I bought BW pipe tobacco out of curiosity as it is not expensive. I have been pleasantly surprised. This smokes surprisingly well. It is mild in flavor, with little to no aftertaste, and I detected NO tongue bite. It burns thoroughly but a little fast and wet. This will require drying, but then it should be fine. I've only smoked a handful of bowls as of this writing. Although the label says All Natural Tobacco, we all know that's not likely. There is some slightly sweet topping. It's not bad and not overpowering. I couldn't feel any nicotine hit, and that's not an issue for me. Considering the brand expectation and cost, this gets a Recommendation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 06, 2020 Very Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
I think this tobacco gets a bad rap. To me it tastes like old time smoking should be. It never bites, is easy to keep lit and is'nt goopy at all. It smokes with a clean almost white ash and can be smoked repeatedly all say
Pipe Used: all assorted first quality pipes
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: <1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 20, 2019 Mild Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
heavily topped and very goopy, but it’s a pleasant smoke and the room note is really nice. I love the backwoods flavored cigars, and this pipe tobacco is enjoyed also. I don’t smoke aromatics. The package says “ all natural” but that’s just not even close. I can’t taste any of the natural tobacco..... but I kinda still like it for a change in pace I guess.... it’s really cheap and it’s not gonna win any awards. But the flavor stays through the smoke and it’s a non obtrusive aroma to people around you. The Cornell and Diehl old joe krantz and mac barren bold Kentucky I’ve been smoking really left my pipe ghosted and stinking something bad. They are my favorites , but my empty pipe can literally stink up a room....I smoked a couple bowls of backwoods and my pipe doesn’t stink now. So that’s a plus I guess too. This stuff is cheap and would make for a non complex all day smoke that requires no concentration. It’s mild and I don’t detect any nicotine whatsoever. Give it a go, but remember, I didn’t tell you to !!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 26, 2021 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
A good otc aro thats not over the top

If you were a CB white smoker or a PA soft Vanilla smoker , this blend would be a fine option

It couldnt bite and smokes quite cool . Its PGed as much as any other of its style but not super wet . The cut is a little thicker than most so I think thats the thing that trip people up thinking its too wet . Its not , its a thicker cut is all
Pipe Used: Medium size chambered pipes
PurchasedFrom: Food Lion
Age When Smoked: fresh
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