Super Value Whiskey Cavendish

Super Value Whiskey Cavendish burns easily and smokes cool with no bite and produces a wonderful aroma. Created by master blenders using traditional Cavendish methods.
Notes: Dream Castle/Super Value pipe tobaccos are manufactured by Sutliff Tobacco Company.


Brand Super Value
Blended By Sutliff
Manufactured By Sutliff
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish
Flavoring Alcohol / Liquor
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 12-oz. Bag, 1.5-oz. Pouch
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 12, 2021 Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
ehhhhhh I don't know about this one. I don't get any Whiskey flavor at all. I kinda did in the bag, although I got more banana and cocoa hints. Smelled dang good in the bag. I do get a sharp twang on the exhale, maybe a kick of spice. I don't know. I could see this being my least favorite tobacco to date. That sharp spike of taste doesn't work right for me. Edging towards cigar or cigarette flavor. I'll keep working on it. In all honesty, it's been 30 years since I had a whiskey blend. And I didn't like it then. I'll give it a few more attempts and update. Note was not heavily approved by the approver.

Edit: I have come to enjoy this Whiskey much more blended with S.V Black Cavendish. As a matter of fact, I had a large bowl of Whiskey/Bk.Cav on the way to work, and must say that it was a dang good smoke. The sharp spice note of the Whiskey, and the mild sweet of the B.C with it's hint of vanilla, melded perfectly into what each other was missing.
Pipe Used: vintage briars cobs
PurchasedFrom: JR's
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2013 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This blend has little tobacco taste: just a little grass from the Virginia cavendish, light sugar and toast from the black cavendish, and slight wood, earth and nuts from the burley. The whiskey is the star, but it lacks a little depth. Doesn't bite or get harsh. The strength is a step past the mild mark. The taste level is a notch short of the center of mild to medium. Has very little nicotine. Needs a bit of dry time, and burns cool, wet and a little slow with a very consistent flavor. The after taste and room notes are very pleasant, but short lived. Leaves too much moisture in the bowl, and requires a fair amount of relights if not dried. An all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 27, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Super Value - Whiskey Cavendish.

There's only a tiny amount of black Cavendish, it's nearly all brown Cavendish and Burley. The cut's coarse and the moisture's good. I'm not a fan of the pouch-note, it's incisive and cutting.

This is one of those blends where the topping ruins it. Forgetting the whiskey for one minute, the tobaccos taste alright. I can't identify any black Cavendish, it's a smoke composed of Cavendish and Burley: honey-sweet and slightly nutty. Back onto the topping, horrible. The blend hasn't been loaded to the gunnels with whiskey, but there's enough of the bitter, harsh, toxic, taste of the actual alcohol-not whiskey flavour-to ruin it. The description says it smokes cool with no bite? Rubbish. It burns hotter than the pits of hades and bites horrendously.

Nicotine: mild to medium. Room-note: pleasant to tolerable.

Whiskey Cavendish? Just because something's cheap it doesn't mean it's a bargain. I'd give it zero stars but a box HAS to be ticked! one star:

Not recommended.
Pipe Used: Comoy's Elegance
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 01, 2016 Medium Mild Mild Pleasant
Yes this a cheaper tobacco. Yes it has some PG in it. However for the price I love it. I bought a sample and tried it in a cob and briar. In the briar it was not bad but didn't set the world on fire. In a cob if you puff it like you sip whiskey it is really good. The nuttiness of the burley mixes with the whiskey in a beautiful way. I will use this only in my cobs as a daily smoke. I bought the 12oz. bag and as soon as I have room I will add another. No this doesn't smoke like it is $4 per ounce but if you treat it gently and don't smoke it hard and fast it will reward you with 45 minutes of absolute delight. There is not a harsh or strong aftertaste just a pleasant nutty sweetness on the tongue that lets you know Mr. Burley was there.
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cobs
PurchasedFrom: Cup O' Joes
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 17, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
A little bit on the goopy side. but if dried is a pleasant chance of pace, not to strong a whiskey flavor. Decent for the price. Update.. still leaves a nasty goop at the bottom of your bowl. even after dried.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 26, 2011 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Decent, cheap tobacco. Taste- and smell-wise it was very mild. The whiskey was not overdone, but had a kind of slightly soapy, floral sort of flavor, which was fine by me. Room note was pleasant enough. The burn never really got too hot and bite was minimal to none... and I know there were times I was chugging away at this stuff. I seem to remember this tobacco leaving a bit of dottle although this may have been my fault as much as the tobacco's. As far as I could tell, this tobacco did not foul my pipe or goop up the bowl, and it didn't seem to ghost much either. Pretty mild stuff. No complexity obviously and not really a whole lot of flavor this way or that either... just mild and inoffensive, cavendish tobacco taste with some whiskey. I'm going to recommend (at 2 stars) this tobacco , based on it's value and relative lack of negative qualities -- with the caveat that if you are a fine tobacco connoisseur, you will not be impressed. But, if you are looking for a cheap, mild daily driver , this would definitely be worth a try IMHO.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 13, 2022 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
“Whisky bottles and brand-new cars, oak tree you’re in the way ... one more drink fool will drown you. Oooo that smell”! The sounds of Lynyrd Skynyrd panging in head has managed to escape any presumed sense of decorum on my part as I sit here penning this week’s blurb. It’s all good. What’s the smell? Well, it’s certainly not lemons. And if it were according to that great American statesman W.C. Fields, we’d be making whiskey sours.

Belly up friends as the happy juice is tipping to flow straight into that pipe bowl. Here to alleviate the anxiety of your dreaded Friday the 13th fears Sutliff Tobacco serves up Super Value Whiskey Cavendish, a poteen OTC blend reveling in the spirit of grain.

Flipping open the plain-Jane packaging, a wooly shag of coarse ribboned fragments and thin tenacles dressed in exceedingly brown and chestnut shading stumbles forward. Comprised of assorted Cavendish (a little Black & more so Virginian),considerable White and Dark Burley varietals, Whiskey Cavendish is pig-eyed plastered by a prime commissioning of distilled spirits. Rancorous gut-rotting whiskey to be exact. Sloshed as it is, the tobacco presents itself with considerable moisture, being evidenced by the tacky feel one gets pinching a wad for smoking. As such, extensive dry time is necessary.

Now, not to detract from overall merit but for some it may, if you ever stuck your face in freshly opened pack of Marlboros, yeah you get that sensation with this one. The pouch nose does carry that cigarette air being tarty and lightly soured by the Virginia in combination with soft sugar earthy nutwood of the Burley. Even so, a rather humbled whiskey note does indeed prevail but nothing too bold. Its composure is modest in energy and strength. It colorizes as malty, obediently sweet, and astringent with respect to seasoned tone.

In reference to the flavor, Whiskey Cavendish’s persona is pleasantly sweeter. Mostly, it projects a common character of cedar-like spiciness. Generally, a bit relaxed, the boozy attribute rides peacefully on top the sugary base. This primary note is further enunciated with a twist of smokiness, a bit of malt, and piney/peppery excess. I kind of align Super Value with the Stokkebye Whiskey version in terms of the lead alcohol note’s vivacity and a degree of magnitude; calm but nonetheless distinguishable.

The native Burley influence precedes with declared brown sugared nuttiness on the baseline stream. Some very faint grass, welcoming floral impressions, and softer toasty wood tones project from the Virginia contribution. Occasionally there is some contained sour affluence that moves in the background harmonizing respectable accents to the total band of natural flavoring. Finally, the blend did a reasonably fine job of holding its mild-medium flavor for the duration of the bowl.

I must say that this mixture was a bit temperamental as to the smoking vessel used. After trying multiple cobs and briars, I discovered that Whiskey Cavendish really illuminated within this old Lorenzo One Star briar and my MM Ozark hardwood. As the tobacco was genuinely moist, even with the observed drying time the burn was a little hot and spoke back with crackled and hissed muttering, so pack and drawl diligently.

The room note bestowed by this mix is exceptionally pleasing to the olfactory senses. Just a luscious breath of sweet woody alcohol spice blows within the general smoking vicinity provided by the generous plume of blue-gray vapor. With it some softer natural sugars, roasted nuttiness and native earthiness propagate the bloom of charming fragrance. I rather liked its overall presence and the gratifying effect it rendered.

I’m thinking this one would do well mixed in with a little Connecticut cigar leaf and maple flavored Cavendish, a concoction that I know to render up from time to time with Bourbon based equivalents. For the cost, yeah Super Value Whiskey Cavendish can supply an enjoyable aromatic OTC adventure, just heed the one mechanical drawback concerning the burn. Take a shot or two, see if you agree. 2.5 Pipes.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 30, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
This is a decent Tobacco for the money lights well packs well and has a mild taste that doesn't bite your tongue like some of the pipe tobacco I have tried
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 08, 2011 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
This is some nice tobacco for around $14 for 12 oz. It burns well, has delicious taste and smell. People often say "Your smoke smells delicious, not like that disgusting cigarette smoker standing right next to us." I recommend you stuff some of this into your pipe hole.
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