Dan Tobacco Limerick

A rich Virginia tobacco with 5% perique added to keep the mixture cool on the palate. A dark, smooth, wonderful flake tobacco.


Brand Dan Tobacco
Series Treasures of Ireland
Blended By Dan Tobacco
Manufactured By Dan Tobacco
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.94 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 54 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 08, 2008 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The review below is part of a VaPer Showdown that I conducted between several VaPer blends:

Well, after a couple of day?s absence, I?m ready to review another blend. This time it is the CAO/Dan Treasures of Ireland-Limerick blend. I also have the good news that the order that I placed with pipesandcigars.com is finally going to get here. Apparently they were waiting on the McConnell Scottish Cake to come in. With that said, I will now be able to review the McC 2015, H&H Anniversary Kake, and the McConnell Scottish Cake.

Right, now back to the Limerick blend. I have to say that this blend smelled better in the tin than any of the others so far. It has a very sweet Virginia smell and to tell you the truth, I didn?t really smell any Perique in there. This blend comes in flake form so I grabbed two flakes and rubbed them out to dry. I let this dry for about 2 hours as it is rather moist in the tin.

It packed decently even with the long flake strands in there. It was a little hard to light up but once it was lit it burned very well. I had mostly sweet Virginia tastes in the first part of the bowl but then the Perique kicked in a bit and stayed present for the rest of the bowl. It may have been that when I rubbed it out and packed the pipe I may have separated the tobaccos a bit. Either way, once it got started I knew that this was going to be a great blend! This blend is kind of in between Escudo and Dorchester as to the amount of Perique involved. It isn?t hidden in the background like Dorchester but it?s not really in your face like Escudo.

This was a well behaved blend and it didn?t require many relights. It burns down to a grayish-white ash that is very easy to tamp. It burns very cool and I never had any hint of bite from this blend. I have to admit that this blend didn?t wow me the first time that I smoked it. But after the first, it got better and better with each consecutive smoke. It took me a while to notice the subtleties of the different Virginias playing off of the Perique. It is medium in strength and can probably be smoked throughout the day.

All in all, I really liked this blend and will definitely buy more. This blend almost unseated Escudo as my favorite. Almost. I rank this one a solid second.

Here are the standings so far:

1) Escudo 2) Treasures of Ireland ? Limerick 3) Dorchester 4) Luxury Bullseye Flake 5) Kajun Kake
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 23, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
There is an undefinable topping with some sweetness that melds with the light grass and earth, tart and tangy citrus and tangy dark fruit, and hints of wood from the Virginias. The attributes of spice, raisins and figs from the earthy, woody perique mostly lurk in the background. Some of the previously mentioned aspects are subtle, and wax and wane throughout the course of the experience, so there tends to be a mild inconsistency to the overall flavor. The strength and nic-hit are a step past the mild mark. The taste is a notch past that level. Won't bite or get harsh, and has a very small rough note. The flakes are moist, and may need a little dry time. Burns clean, cool and slow. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires a fair amount of relights. Has a light, short lived, pleasant after taste, and room note. An all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 17, 2009 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
I bought this one because it was a VA/Périque blend and the name was appealing to my dominant Irish roots.

Despite being a genuine flake, this bakkie reminded me of Old Gowrie because of its grassy smell and medium brown colour. However, there was a sweet/fig and spicy underlying aroma that could only be from the Périque.

I can believe there is only 5% of Périque in this blend. But it's just enough to perk it up a bit. As the flakes are rather thin, they rub out really easily and can become like cigarette tobacco - shag cut- because the moisture level is rather high.

Anyhow, the lighting is easy and it smokes dry all the way down. The taste is subtle and ageeable. Grassy, a tiny spicy and sweet. Of course, the Périque is not really perceptible but there is this little extra compared to Old Gowrie.

This flake needs to be smoked slowly so it can be enjoyed fully. With a glass of Bushmills single malt 16 years, for example. Relaxing, in other words.

This is not a strong, nicotine punch VA flake. However, it has its elegance and merit.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 04, 2011 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
I first smoked this out from a vacuum sealed tin that was dated 10/97, making it slightly over 11.5 years old. Upon opening the tin, the flakes were of a medium brown color at just the right moisture level for smoking. There were no detectable sugar crystals and the tobacco looked almost dullish (matted and on the gray side) in color. The tin aroma was reminiscent of something I've had in the past - like peat and wine. I'm thinking the original Mac Baren's Plumcake, not the newer incarnation), and a bit funky (I suspect from the Perique). This "funk" did translate at times into the taste as peaty. Although I wouldn't classify this one as a true VaPer, the Perique did make its presence known, but minimally. It had a very subtle hint of fennel in the aftertaste, but I think this was the Perique. It was also a bit like licorice/chocolate in the aftertaste. This was overall one of the smoothest Virginias I have ever smoked, and with enough Virginia tobacco flavor to satisfy. The Perique did add a nice spicy presence that I found enjoyable (not really peppery or salty), but unlike any other Perique blend I have ever tried (good for me as I am not a huge fan of Perique). I don't know what the top dressing may be, but it was pleasant. Before lighting, sucking on the stem revealed a molasses-like flavor presence. After lighting, slow puffing produces an almost chocolate-like taste and aroma. Very delicious. I will purchase a newer tin to compare the characteristics. As stated, I never was a fan of perique, but this one works for me.

UPDATE 5-23-11: Now that my 11.5 year old tin has been opened for a time, I am enjoying this tobacco more and more. The peaty mustiness is ever present. I feel that it is not entirely due to the Perique and still a bit chocolate-like. I tried a newer tin just purchased and honestly find it the same as the 11.5 year old tin. The older tin had a more darker appearing flake (assume from the aging) and a more, musty-molasses-like tin aroma. By the way, a very nice side-stream sweetness when you take your time with this one and a great room note.

UPDATE 5-30-13: Beautiful smell of figs upon opening my last of six (purchased 2 1/2 yrs ago) 50gm tins. Wonderful smoking experience and that's saying a lot from someone who doesn't care much for Perique. I have a one pound slab of this that is over 2 years old, sealed, and in my tobacco storage unit. Can be hard to come by these days. It is different from what I'm used to, but very nice.

UPDATE 1-27-15: I opened up my 1 pound slab a few months ago and am really enjoying this. I'm predominantly a Burley smoker as I find Virginias to be too vapid in taste or too grassy (which I don't at all like). Now I'm not a fan of Perique either, but Limerick seems to satisfy me in a way that I get from a good Burley smoke. I'm savoring this stash. I don't reach for it often as it still seems to go in and out of availability. Plus, I like it on the drier side...definitely more flavor for me that way.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 04, 2018 Mild None Detected Medium Pleasant
Perhaps my second favorite Virginia flake (Capstan Original Navy cut takes the cake), thought this has a little bit of Perique in it. The virginias are darker and sweet. The perique adds a barely detectable pepper spice, but mostly offer slightly sweet plump/chocolate notes. Nic hit is mild. Burns cool and slow. Definitely could smoke this all day.
Pipe Used: Various Cobs
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes, 4noggins
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2017 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Dan Tobacco - Limerick (Treasures of Ireland).

A flake that's a touch lighter than a medium shade of brown, I'm happy with the water content of a fresh tin, and the flakes are thin and partially broken.

The Virginia makes the majority of the flavour, with the Perique being notable, but not strongly spicy. It gives a mild plummy/figgy taste, but nothing too sharp. The Virginia tastes exceedingly high quality, being deep, sweet, and a little earthy. The only thing I get where the toppings are concerned is a honey-type sweetness, but I'm not sure as to whether that's from a topping or the rich Virginias. The smoke from it's medium in build, it burns well, and I get no bite.

The nicotine's above medium (but I'll tick medium as it doesn't warrant medium to strong), and the note's nice.

Limerick? An easy four star blend.

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: Two months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 08, 2002 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
This, my friends, is a very nicely put together tobacco blend. The virginia leaf, after a good rubbing out, is exquisite! The burn is quite cool too, thanks no doubt to the delicate sprinkling of perique. There is a bit of some sort of topping that has been added, and it enhances the flavor further.

I can see where the novice might puff this tobacco up into the hot zone...but those veterans who have had time to develop an experienced puffing cadence will find the complexity of flavors to be palate pleasing.

So, if you appreciate a good Virginia flake with lots of flavor and a cool smoke, grab a tin of this stuff. If, on the other hand, you have not yet learned how to handle flakes, get a tin and cellar it until you both mature a bit more 🙂
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 11, 2001 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
"Virginia aus sonnenreichen Regionen zusammen mit 5% Périque gepreßt, und unter sanften Druck nachgereift. Ein wunderbar weicher, dunklerer Flake mit harmonisher Süße, gleichmäßig im Abbrand, und kühl im Rauch".

That is how Dan's famous catalogue describes Limerick: "Virginia from sunbathed regions, pressed with 5% Périque,and matured under a gentle pressure. A wonderfully mild, dark flake of well-balanced sweetness, even-burning and cool-smoking".

When reviewing Pease's Cairo I wrote that I did not know anything else quite like it. Well, here is something a lot like it, except that Cairo is considerably livelier and brisker, with the Périque providing a real razzledazzle; one can barely taste it here.

One of the reasons why I seldom describe a tobacco in the tin is that its appeareance tells one very little about what it is going to taste like. Cairo is as golden as a mixture can be; Limerick is as dark as any mature flake; yet, they taste alike. Go figure.

Whatever has been done to the Virginias in these mixtures, they are not sweet. Not in the sugar sense of sweet, anyway. The taste is dry and herbal, almost like burley, but not dusty-tasting. Cairo has a better finish; the Orientals lend it a wonderfully cultured texture. Limerick is almost as flinty as a Latakia mix, except that it is lacking the deep richness of Latakia. Its note is rather top-heavy, more tenor than baritone. But austere. I really prefer a Latakia mix in this flavour mood: this is either too light or not light enough. And, for a long flake bowlful, rather monotonous.

Nevertheless, if you dislike sugary tastes, if you prefer your gin neat and your coffee black, if you like the taste of lapsang sou-tchong tea, you might enjoy it. And it really does burn cool and dry.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 22, 2010 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
I was gifted about 50 grams of this from a friend. I'm not sure what the "flake" looks like in the tin since this was in a baggy but it was long, flake-like strands. It appeared to have been slightly rubbed out but I didn't see it in the tin so I really don't know.

Two things in the below reviews stand out. First, this one does remind me of Dorchester to a large degree in that the perique is mainly a teaser and the predominate flavor is of a sweet grassiness or hay. It's fairly monodimensional but the second item I saw below is someone mentioning the floral, Kendal aroma, which I also noticed. It was very mild but it was consistently there through the entire 50 grams. It added a dimension that the Dorchester does not, in that regard. Coin flip on which of the two I would prefer.

I believe this one is out of production but if you can find it, it's a nice change of pace for either the Gawith soapy flavor lovers and the sweet grassy VaPer lovers, as it combines the two while rounding off the edges of both. Quite an innovative blend, and I enjoyed my time with it. If it comes back, I'd probably buy more.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 26, 2008 Medium to Strong Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
So I was in the tobacco store and looking to pick up a tin of something new to try. The owner always keeps lots of Dan blends in stock, mostly aromatics like Da Vinci, which is the favorite of many of his regulars. I see the Limerick, which I've overlooked many times before, but this time I pick it up and read the tin description. Says it's a Virginia flake. Well, I like Virginia flakes, my favorite being Full Virginia Flake by Samuel Gawith. This, I decide, might be worth a try, so I buy the tin. I sit down in the smoking lounge, open the tin, and pack a bowl.

For that first bowl, I don't think I really "got" this tobacco. It was enjoyable for sure, but I don't think I really got it. Very mild flavoring of some unidentifiable sort at the beginning of the bowl that burns off before mid-bowl. All-in-all a pleasant smoke. Packs easy and burns great. I had no complaints, though it wasn't like the VA flakes I was accustomed to.

I get home and pack another bowl. Still packs easy, lights well, and burns well. Still tastes good, but this time it hits me -- there's perique in this. There is the unmistakable spicy, tangy deliciousness of perique. And that realization made a world of difference. I guess it's knowing what I'm supposed to be tasting, but the blend became much more enjoyable. The perique makes itself known all thru the bowl, and especially toward the end. It's not as prevalent in the taste here as it is in Butera's Kingfisher and certainly not as much as my staple VA/per, SG's St James Flake, but it's there, and it makes this blend really, really good.

Highly recommended to the smoker who is new to flakes because this one burns so easily and to the Virginia smoker who is looking to expand into VA/per's, but just overall recommended on it's own merit as a nice, enjoyable smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 23, 2022 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
Much has been written here about the Treasures of Ireland - Limerick, and it seems that opinions are divided on this tobacco. It is probably a love/hate story. But you can't argue about taste and we pipe smokers live diversity 😀

Anyway, for me this tobacco is one of my favourites. Why? I'm not a gourmet with a palate that recognises 1001 flavours. For me, it's more a matter of tastes, or doesn't taste, and a certain number of associations. At the beginning it reminds me of a somewhat tart forest honey, then later, with less and less sweetness, it becomes a little sharper, which is then probably described as Perique. The taste reminds me of strongly baked rye bread.

Technically, this tobacco is very easy to handle, burns well and looks appealing to me.

For me an absolute all-day, because it does not belong to the nicotine bombs
Pipe Used: diff Pertersons
PurchasedFrom: Dan Tobacco
Age When Smoked: fresh & 7 years old
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