Dan Tobacco Limerick

A rich Virginia tobacco with 5% perique added to keep the mixture cool on the palate. A dark, smooth, wonderful flake tobacco.


Brand Dan Tobacco
Series Treasures of Ireland
Blended By Dan Tobacco
Manufactured By Dan Tobacco
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.94 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 16 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 04, 2011 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
I first smoked this out from a vacuum sealed tin that was dated 10/97, making it slightly over 11.5 years old. Upon opening the tin, the flakes were of a medium brown color at just the right moisture level for smoking. There were no detectable sugar crystals and the tobacco looked almost dullish (matted and on the gray side) in color. The tin aroma was reminiscent of something I've had in the past - like peat and wine. I'm thinking the original Mac Baren's Plumcake, not the newer incarnation), and a bit funky (I suspect from the Perique). This "funk" did translate at times into the taste as peaty. Although I wouldn't classify this one as a true VaPer, the Perique did make its presence known, but minimally. It had a very subtle hint of fennel in the aftertaste, but I think this was the Perique. It was also a bit like licorice/chocolate in the aftertaste. This was overall one of the smoothest Virginias I have ever smoked, and with enough Virginia tobacco flavor to satisfy. The Perique did add a nice spicy presence that I found enjoyable (not really peppery or salty), but unlike any other Perique blend I have ever tried (good for me as I am not a huge fan of Perique). I don't know what the top dressing may be, but it was pleasant. Before lighting, sucking on the stem revealed a molasses-like flavor presence. After lighting, slow puffing produces an almost chocolate-like taste and aroma. Very delicious. I will purchase a newer tin to compare the characteristics. As stated, I never was a fan of perique, but this one works for me.

UPDATE 5-23-11: Now that my 11.5 year old tin has been opened for a time, I am enjoying this tobacco more and more. The peaty mustiness is ever present. I feel that it is not entirely due to the Perique and still a bit chocolate-like. I tried a newer tin just purchased and honestly find it the same as the 11.5 year old tin. The older tin had a more darker appearing flake (assume from the aging) and a more, musty-molasses-like tin aroma. By the way, a very nice side-stream sweetness when you take your time with this one and a great room note.

UPDATE 5-30-13: Beautiful smell of figs upon opening my last of six (purchased 2 1/2 yrs ago) 50gm tins. Wonderful smoking experience and that's saying a lot from someone who doesn't care much for Perique. I have a one pound slab of this that is over 2 years old, sealed, and in my tobacco storage unit. Can be hard to come by these days. It is different from what I'm used to, but very nice.

UPDATE 1-27-15: I opened up my 1 pound slab a few months ago and am really enjoying this. I'm predominantly a Burley smoker as I find Virginias to be too vapid in taste or too grassy (which I don't at all like). Now I'm not a fan of Perique either, but Limerick seems to satisfy me in a way that I get from a good Burley smoke. I'm savoring this stash. I don't reach for it often as it still seems to go in and out of availability. Plus, I like it on the drier side...definitely more flavor for me that way.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 04, 2018 Mild None Detected Medium Pleasant
Perhaps my second favorite Virginia flake (Capstan Original Navy cut takes the cake), thought this has a little bit of Perique in it. The virginias are darker and sweet. The perique adds a barely detectable pepper spice, but mostly offer slightly sweet plump/chocolate notes. Nic hit is mild. Burns cool and slow. Definitely could smoke this all day.
Pipe Used: Various Cobs
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes, 4noggins
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2017 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Dan Tobacco - Limerick (Treasures of Ireland).

A flake that's a touch lighter than a medium shade of brown, I'm happy with the water content of a fresh tin, and the flakes are thin and partially broken.

The Virginia makes the majority of the flavour, with the Perique being notable, but not strongly spicy. It gives a mild plummy/figgy taste, but nothing too sharp. The Virginia tastes exceedingly high quality, being deep, sweet, and a little earthy. The only thing I get where the toppings are concerned is a honey-type sweetness, but I'm not sure as to whether that's from a topping or the rich Virginias. The smoke from it's medium in build, it burns well, and I get no bite.

The nicotine's above medium (but I'll tick medium as it doesn't warrant medium to strong), and the note's nice.

Limerick? An easy four star blend.

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: Two months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 23, 2022 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
Much has been written here about the Treasures of Ireland - Limerick, and it seems that opinions are divided on this tobacco. It is probably a love/hate story. But you can't argue about taste and we pipe smokers live diversity 😀

Anyway, for me this tobacco is one of my favourites. Why? I'm not a gourmet with a palate that recognises 1001 flavours. For me, it's more a matter of tastes, or doesn't taste, and a certain number of associations. At the beginning it reminds me of a somewhat tart forest honey, then later, with less and less sweetness, it becomes a little sharper, which is then probably described as Perique. The taste reminds me of strongly baked rye bread.

Technically, this tobacco is very easy to handle, burns well and looks appealing to me.

For me an absolute all-day, because it does not belong to the nicotine bombs
Pipe Used: diff Pertersons
PurchasedFrom: Dan Tobacco
Age When Smoked: fresh & 7 years old
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 09, 2011 Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Pleasant
This is an Excellent Virginia Tobacco.I've always Been a huge fan of Dunhill's Elizabethan Mixture(This tobacco I find almost a'Twin')Limerick has More ZING...'Elizabethan' is a Tenor,While 'Limerick' sings like a 'Baritone'...Highly Recommended!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2006 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Tolerable to Strong
The physical appearance of this flake is excellent, a nice interplay of mostly dark-brown, black and some light brown sections. A bit raw and not overprocessed. The flake is covered with tiny little crystals and can be rubbed out to a thick, fibery structure, very unlike some other flakes I have tried, which crumble into small little pieces. Quality here.

The tin aroma is spicy-sour, probably due to the perique, which is very mildly noticeable throughout the smoke.

The burning behaviour is outstanding. Very dry and cool, with no tongue bite.

Taste-wise I like Limerick. A mild, flavouring agent, which I can't describe nearer, seems to be present. At first I found it a bit irritating, but after a few bowls, it's quite pleasent, defining very much the character of the flake.

A good all day smoke, due to it's mildness, taste and well-behavedness. Nothing too fancy, but not boring also. Decent.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 23, 2003 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
I received a package from my son, who still lives in Illinois, in which there were a few tins of some of the tobaccos I had stored when I was living there. One of the tins was a tin of Dan Tobacco - Treasure of Ireland - Limerick, which is identified as a Virginia Flake. I had dated this tin 4/99, so it's been sitting for at least four years. Upon openning the tin I was greeted with a sweet chocolate and appricot aroma, just like chocolate covered apricots or maybe cheeries. Anyway, I've never smelled a tobacco quite like it. It's a very dark brown flake, perfect moisture and it rubs out easily. Once lit the chocolate aroma is not carried through into the flavor but the flavor is very deep, rich, smooth and semi-sweet. I'm not sure if there is a topping or not but I suspect that there maybe, thus the chocolate aroma. I have smoked several bowls of this as of this writing. I do not find this tobacoo to be very complex but it does offer several nuances in the semi-sweet to sweet range and it's very consistent, rich in flavor and very smooth. I tend to smoke on the fast side and did not have any problems with tounge bite. I've never smoke this blend out of a fresh tin so I cannot compare such an experience to this four year old tin, but there is no doubt that cellering has made this blend a winner. I will probably buy a ew tins and simply celler it for a few years or more before smoking it! I'd like to hear from others who may have tried this blend.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 03, 2001 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
Limerick is by far the best of the Treasure's Of Ireland line by dan Tobacco. It is a very attractive brown flake which rubs out very easily and very well too. I prefer to smoke it rolled sausage style. The tin aroma is rather rich -though not as pungent as many of the other VA/Perique blends. There is substantially less perique in Limerick than sya 3 nuns or Escudo though it's presence is noticable just the same. This is a very cool burning tobacco considering it's ingredients. Because the conseravtive use of perique, the natural sweetness of the Virginias really stand out, but there is just enough spice to keep things interesting. It is also fairly complex and finishes very nicely, to a wonderful whitish/grey ash. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes Virginias or VA/Perique blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 22, 2021 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Unnoticeable
Yes, there is definitely toping in it. Nice smell of dried apple and citrus fruits after opening of sample was significant and tell you this tobacco is good for summer smoke. Light VA Flakes combined wit darker veins of periq was perfectly presented. Easy to prepare with accurate moist. Toping during the smoke was mild, underline taste of sweet, tangy hay-like VA. Periq was not so spicy as I was expecting, very gentle peppery. I would rather say, never would guess, P is included in the blend. Very interesting fresh blend.
Pipe Used: BPK, Jirsa, cob
PurchasedFrom: etrafika.cz
Age When Smoked: 1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 11, 2017 Medium Very Mild Mild Pleasant
Tasteing Notes: Dan Tobacco Limerick

Component Tobaccos: Virgina, Perique

Flavor: Chocolate

Cut: Flake

Tin Note: Figs Newtons, chocolate,

Body: 6/10

Strength: 4/10

Nic: 3/10,

Moisture From Tin: A little wet but not unsmokable.


I fold and stuff flakes so that's really easy, the flakes are large and beautiful. A large bowl will take a full flake; smaller bowls will take half or 3/4 flakes. This tobacco lites well and stays lit. I've experianced no bite with this blend. Easy smoking and cool.


There is a chocolate topping, it's noticable but not unpleasant. I would not call this an aeromatic or even a pseudo-aeromatic. The chocolate topping and the fig notes of the perique nicely. The viriginas are nice and bready. This is a very sweet blend remenicent of desert.


I first head about this tobacco on a Smoking Pipes newsletter several months ago, in fact that's the only time I have ever heard about this blend. From what I can tell, not many have heard of this blend and that's a shame. This is a really solid blend that any VA/ per lover should at least try. The tin note is of Fig Newtons and chocolate. The fig notes from the perique and the bready quality of the Virginias come togeather with a nice chocolate topping to produce a marvelous smoke.

Overall: 8.5/10
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
Age When Smoked: New Tin
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