Villiger Mid-Day

A mixture of double-steamed Black Cavendish, blended with Burley, Oriental and light Virginia tobaccos. A delightful aroma and top note vanilla and exotic fruit make this mild and pleasant smoke in the early afternoon


Brand Villiger
Series 1888
Blended By Stokkebye
Manufactured By Villiger
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus, Vanilla
Cut Broken Flake
Packaging 50g Tin
Country Denmark


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.46 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 26 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2011 Medium Extra Strong Full Very Pleasant
I have grown beyond looking down my nose at a tobacco just because it is aromatic. Heck, there are even aromatics that have gone on to become some of my favorite blends; though there are not many of these tobaccos, Villiger Mid-Day is certainly among them.

It is nice to come upon an aromatic that manages to deliver exactly what is promised in the description on the label. They say that Mid-Day will taste of vanilla and of exotic fruit and, by jiminy, that's just what you get. The flavor is strong, pungent, right up in your face. At times it was less like I was smoking a pipe and more like I was eating a cream pie with caramel drizzled all over the top. This often isn't what I'm looking for when I light up, but it was amusing enough, all the same, and I have no doubt that this would be an aromatic smoker's wet dream (not to be crass).

What makes Villiger Mid-Day a success in terms of an oh-so sweet aromatic is that it tastes as sweet as it smells and that it smokes very cool throughout. It also really doesn't seem to smoke as wet as other German-type aromatics, which is something further to its credit. I am sure that this is accomplished by the fact that there is good, decent tobacco under all of that highly effective casing. This shows that the manufacturer didn't simply fill the tin with garbage leaf and suppose that the sauce would mask any imperfections.

Everybody should try this stuff at least once. Not everybody will love it, but I believe it would be hard not to at least respect this blend and the company who made it. It has succeeded where a seemingly endless host of junk aromatics have failed.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 23, 2013 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Halfway through my first tin. Smoking too aggressively will cause a wet smoke, but as long as you pack it right and smoke slowly, it's a cool, dry, easy smoke, even on a windy day. Tin note and room note are both very pleasant. A mild to medium flavor of fruit, maybe apricot, and I can barely catch a hint of vanilla in the background. As far as aromatics go, this is one of the better ones out there. Maybe not something to lose your mind over, but definitely worth the money paid for it. It's good enough that I'll keep a tin or two around for when I'm in the mood for some. I give it 3 stars, as I reserved 4 stars for the truly exceptional.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 07, 2013 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
The grassy, citrusy Virginia forms the base of the blend. The nutty, molasses sweet burley is more of a condiment. The dry, woody Oriental is in the background. The unsweetened black cavendish offers a little brown sugar. The various fruit toppings are sweet with a slight sour, tanginess, and floralness. It's hard to pick out what they all are, but I do sense a touch of apricot. The vanilla very mildly underscores the experience. There is a hint of alcohol to the toppings, which do tone down the tobaccos a bit. The nic-hit is very mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Burns cool at a reasonable pace with a little inconsistency in flavor at times. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, and needs an average number of relights. has a decent after taste. Is almost an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 02, 2012 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Anymore, I don't rate aromatic blends on taste (because someone is bound to think that the specific taste suits them), but on quality. By quality, I mean how it smokes, because after all, that is what can make or break an aro blend.

This tobak is extremely well behaved. Smokes cool, dry, and, as far as I can tell, is fairly natural tasting. Cased with a fun fruit/vanilla/caramel topping that I prefer especially in the warm weather. PLUS, where I live, it's really cheap ($6.59 per tin).

Can't go wrong.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2012 Very Mild Strong Medium Very Pleasant
On my second tin of MidDay and am very happy. The smell and taste is quite pleasant albeit a bit strong. That works in your favor when the tin is unsealled and your two weeks into it. MidDay lasting power in this case means the underlying tobacco is also coming forth and its quality is sufficient so that the strong aromatic is not masking a harsh blend. It burns cleanly and does not bite. Biting with aromatics are an issue for me as I am a heavy puffer.

Previously I have been using stanwell melange (which is also good) and I've been very happy to add MidDay to my rotation.

I would recommend this to all level of aromatic smokers; notice to established.

I also enjoy pinching a bit of MidDay into my straight Viginia blends on occassion. (Ex. McClelland Blackwoods Flake tufted out and left to air out for a day or two with a pinch of MidDay)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 31, 2017 Medium Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
Now this is a very pleasant well done aromatic IMO. The topping is a refreshing mix of fruit and vanilla, both of which are discernible. Although there is some oriental component in the mix, I couldn't really tell which or much about it as the topping really takes the lead in the blend. I am sure it adds something to the blend, I really just can't identify it or any of the underlying leaf.

This is truly an aromatic and the topping does not really wane as one progresses down the bowl. The room note is fantastic. I received a few compliments on the notes at a pool party I recently attended.

I had a hard time trying to decide between three or four stars. I opted to jump to four stars as this really was a pleasure to smoke. I will happily return after I pop my next tin. I have three in the cellar.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 05, 2014 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
A pretty decent tobacco. It smells kind of juicy and fruity in the tin, packs well and holds a light very well. It smokes clean and fairly cool and I can't find any technical flaws in the actual smokability of this.

The flavoring is OK, but kind of tastes like it's mashed together and isn't strong enough to really turn the smoke into something flavorful. Instead, it seems more like a subtle hint of the different flavors. I got compliments on the aroma and there was no pipe fouling or liquid if I used one or two Denicool crystals in the bottom of the bowl.

It's not the best aromatic I've ever had but it's one of the better ones. It's definitely worth a try!
Pipe Used: Savinelli
Age When Smoked: 2 months aged
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 12, 2012 Mild Medium to Strong Mild Pleasant
My goodness, this is some very heavily cased and flavored tobacco. It is considerably more than I am used to in the casing department. It is clear that the underlying tobaccos are decent quality. It didn't bite me at all. That is a plus for sure. Most tobaccos with much less casing bite me like a rabid wolverine.

I give this tobacco two and a half stars. The flavoring is simply way to much for my tastes. A smoker that prefers aromatic smokes would possibly find this exceptional. I get that. I've cellared my tin in hopes that the casing tames down in a few years.

If you are a lover of aromatic smokes, then this one is probaly a must try smoke. It is smooth and doesn't bite at all. It isn't exactly my cop of tea, but then again it is good tobacco and may be the perfect smoke for someone else. I prefer more straight tobacco smokes without sweet flavorings or casings.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 29, 2011 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Well, I picked up several tins of this when Thompson Cigar was running a deal a few months back. If I had reviewed it then, I would probably have given one star. The tin aroma was beautiful--like sweet vanilla caramel. However, it was very moist and I had trouble keeping it lit. The casing seemed way too heavy for me, it smoked hot, bit the hell out of my tongue, there was lots of gurgle in my pipe, and the whole experience gave me buyer's remorse. I gave a couple tins away figuring there was no reason to keep this disappointing aromatic around. Now this evening, I picked up that first tin which I had opened a few months ago. It had been sitting around on a shelf in the basement and it had dried out just a bit--and Oila! It lit well, burned beautifully, and the flavor was lovely. Sweet and toasty with lots of vanilla. There was zero gurgle in the pipe and the smoke was rich and luxurious. About half-way through the bowl I could taste less of the casing and more of the cavendish and virginias and a bit of nice nutty burley. It reminded me of Carter Hall. I still got some bite, but not as bad as the first time I smoked it. It didn't burn super-hot either. This is a good "sipping" tobacco. Puff it and rue it! Sip it gently and it yields rich rewards. I'm glad I didn't give all of my tins away because this will be a regular for me when I want to enjoy a good aromatic.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 30, 2012 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
Great vanilla taste. Great Tobacco taste. Pleasant note. Burned well. Made me consider smoking more aromatics.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 20, 2011 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
A wonderfully rich aromatic characterized by a tasty blend of tobaccos (which are accentuated, not masked, by the added flavorings), a delightful room note that everyone seems to enjoy, and a dry, but tasty, smoking experience. I'd almost say that it even benefits from DGT. Coming back to an unfinished bowl hours later yields no diminishing of flavor or aroma.
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