Dan Tobacco Hamborger Veermaster

A genuine and classic English Virginia flake, just as the "sailors" on the "windjammers" (tall ships) loved to smoke it: The taste of genuine tobacco, not too mild, yet still "seut un' sacht" (sweet and mellow). The slow and cool burn offers the best premises for a quaffable, aromatic-mellow smoking pleasure! "Blow, boys, blow!"
Notes: Regarding the name of this blend, which some people mistakenly think is 'Hamborger Beermaster' because of the typeface used on the tin (a variation of blackletter known as Fraktur where the B and V are easily confused); the ship on the front is a German four-masted windjammer, called a "Veermaster". This coupled with the fact that Dan Tobacco, the producer, lists this blend in their price lists as "Hamburger Veermaster".


Brand Dan Tobacco
Blended By Dan Tobacco
Manufactured By Dan Tobacco
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin, 250 grams bag, one pound bag
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.11 / 4





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Displaying 111 - 120 of 122 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 01, 2001 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable to Strong
This a very easy-smoking virginia! It comes in loose slices that are very tolerant of packing technique. I generally just grab a bit, fold it in half, and shove it in the bowl. Burns fairly cool and consistent all the way down, with no hint of tongue bite. Good solid virginia sweetness and flavor with just a hint of fruit casing (peach?) if I puff it just right, but not enough to be distracting or for me to be really certain if it is indeed cased. The sweetness seems pretty naturally virginia to me.

It's not a particularly complex or powerful tobacco like some of the McClellands blends, but its low-hassle smokability and lack of catsup aroma more than compensates in my opinion. It possesses a medium body and flavor, although the flavor does intensify a bit towards the bottom of the bowl.

This is a very nice all-day virginia, definitely recommended. If you're one of those persons who are prone to tongue-bite (like me), it's highly recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 07, 2024 Extremely Mild Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
I really wanted this blend to work for me. I absolutely didnt get along with it.
Burned my pipe and my tounge so bad!
It sure is sweet and somewhat fruity. I just dont get along with the undeniable and surely boosted sugar content. It cakes your pipes when it doesnt bite the briar.
Wont finish the tin. K&K Meistermischung 88 is much more to my liking.
Pipe Used: Cobs, briars
PurchasedFrom: X
Age When Smoked: Straight out of the tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 05, 2024 Very Mild None Detected Very Mild Pleasant
Dan Tobacco
Hamborger Veermaster

Blend notes: “ A genuine and classic English Virginia flake, just as the "sailors" on the "windjammers" (tall ships) loved to smoke it: The taste of genuine tobacco, not too mild, yet still "seut un' sacht" (sweet and mellow). The slow and cool burn offers the best premises for a quaffable, aromatic-mellow smoking pleasure! Regarding the name of this blend, which some people mistakenly think is 'Hamborger Beermaster' because of the typeface used on the tin (a variation of blackletter known as Fraktur where the B and V are easily confused); the ship on the front is a German four-masted windjammer, called a "Veermaster". This coupled with the fact that Dan Tobacco, the producer, lists this blend in their price lists as "Hamburger Veermaster".

This is a very mild straight Virginia. Dan products have a ‘closer to natural tobacco’ taste — while I suspect C&D, GLP and others use unmentioned casings, likely not here.

Burns easily. Rubs out well. Mild to medium in flavor and taste. Same with nic-hit. Pleasant room note. There is a tiny bit of spice or perhaps wet hay.

Hamborger Veermaster is a totally fine if uninspired straight Virginia. If your tastes in straight VA blends runs to the very mild side, then this blend might be up your alley.

However, given the competition in this space — Opening Night, Royal Yacht, Old Gowrie, RCTR, HH Pure Virginia, Capstan Blue, No. 400 (Newminster), Bullseye Flake, Anthology 2023, Virginia No. 1 — this blend fails to impress.

2.5 stars out of 4.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 02, 2023 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
Lovely dark brown flakes of Virginia mottled with other shades of brown. A zesty bready Virginia with a slight spice,this is supposed to be a straight Virginia but I am sure I can taste a slight perique taste in the background. A very good all day smoke and will last quite a while especially using the fold and stuff method. I will choose this above fvf by samuel gawith. Highly recommended. The flakes are not too wet but i prefer to dry them out just a tad.
Pipe Used: Savinelli autograph
PurchasedFrom: Dann tobacco
Age When Smoked: Fresh to 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2023 Mild Extremely Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
This review is not for those of you who are avowed Virginia aficionados. This is aimed more at those who, like me, need a little extra convincing. In my case, I enjoy an occasional high-quality Virginia, but it’s got to have enough going on that I will willingly forego my favored Balkans and Burleys. A very few do that: Reiner Gold, Solani Silver, which both get four-stars by me, or even something like Astley’s 44, which is a strong 3-star dark Virginia. Veermaster doesn’t quite hit that level for me, but I don’t regret the time I’ve spent with it as a mostly mild and mellow Virginia.

My tin had three years of age on it when opened, and then another 18 months as I checked it out every now and then. From the very first I enjoyed this more than Esoterica Tilbury which tastes like boring white bread to me. But I don’t really see the comparisons to Dunhill Flake, which is darker, richer and nuttier.

I’m fairly certain that I detect some honey ginger in the casing. Remember, casing formulas aren’t declared as “added flavorings,” and it is an easy flavor-steering trick to just add a teaspoon of honey-ginger crystals per liter of water, or use the drop form with some bee pollen granules. It’s done all the time, and I’ve done it myself. If taken too far, as in C&D’s Shandygaff then you get an extreme flavor profile. But here it is subtle, and other than the slightest hint of honey on the palate, you notice the spicy tickle of ginger (and coriander from this type of Virginia) if you retrohale vigorously. That’s why I release the smoke slowly, otherwise I begin to get some nasal irritation. But don’t mistake this as a flaw, it adds to the pleasure once you recognize what you’re dealing with.

So, as for the debate as to whether this improves with age or not. Some say once the subtle top note is gone there’s not much left, others say it develops nicely with age. Yes, the subtle top note eventually faded, though even when the tin was first opened I never did get “upside down cake” as some have suggested. I would simply say that it was an exceedingly mild creamy fruit nuance. Then it seems to go through a hollow or dormant phase when the top note has faded but before any real depth from aging has developed. Finally, with a good amount of age the base tobacco does take on a nice round and satisfying maturity. So my best advice would be to enjoy a tin when it’s quite young, and have another tin sitting in the cupboard for 3-5 years down the road.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 01, 2023 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
Veermaster is a mild Virginia with hints of natural sweetness and citrus. No bite, delicious sweet citrus retrohale, and great flake for beginners and experience alike. What I like is that it is mild yet still has good flavor representing a fine Virginia leaf.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
Age When Smoked: 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 25, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
This blend has a subtle sweet flavor similar to the same manufacturer's Mellow Mallard which I tried first. I initially thought it was the unique character of the African virginia's common to both. These blends are described as being naturally processed virginia blends but I have come to believe they share a similar light sweet casing. The flavor is simple, straightforward and lighter than average with a more pronounced sweet aroma of brown sugar, figs, honey, malt, oxidized bruised apple, sweet fresh cut grass and something darker like richer chocolate. It finanlly dawned on me that it may be Tonka beans/Coumarin. Despite this possible casing, I consider this blend natural enough and don't have much of a problem in augmenting blends in this way to make them more palatable. Contrast them with the harsher character of some of the Cornell & Diehl/GL Pease blends of purer tobacco. A very good, straight forward and uniform golden virginia flake with a touch of added sweetness.
Age When Smoked: one year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 08, 2013 Medium None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Unnoticeable
I've heard for years, how great this tobacco is, so finally decided to pick up a tin. I don't know, maybe I got a bad batch, but I was severely disappointed. The only taste I could detect when smoked, was a slight peppery taste on my tongue....other then that, absolutely devoid of any taste related to tobacco. A total waste of money, as far as I'm concerned.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 24, 2013 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This tobacco was a disappointment.

Very similar to Patriot Flake and Former's Straight Grain Flake, a plain, almost bland tasting Golden VA which slightly bites the tongue from beginning to end of the bowl.

There is a sweet and citrus - like taste here and there. The remainder is hay.

My apologies, but I do not see the "buzz" created around this below average mixture.

There are much better offerings out there: Dunhill's Flake, for example.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 12, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Last week as the unbearable summer heat and stifling humidity pressed on, I found my favorite English blend was just too much, and my vaper wasn't delivering any great enjoyment. So I rummaged around my stock of tinned tobacco and chose Hamborger Veermaster. I recalled finding favor in this tobacco, but obviously not enough to have substantial back-stock. Because it is a flake, I cracked the tin open to flash off the moisture normally afforded to flake tobaccos, as well as, placed an estimated two day supply on the dash of my car for rapid de-humidification. I like my Virginians' dry. Well the result was my two day supply barely lasted a half day. I'm sure there's some rum and fruit topping on this weed but it didn't trump the tobacco taste. This isn't a tobacco of many subtleties, but rather just a light bodied smoke with ample strength. An inhale or two reminded I'm smoking tobacco. There may be a splash of Burley or even Kentucky- heck I don't care it just hit the spot. It didn't have the tang of say Hal O' The Wynd, but I wasn't looking for that component either. What a great break of pace- what a great tobacco, when I dry it out.
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