Nording Labrador

A classic blend of smooth, fragrant black cavendish, mellow burley and sweet Virginia, enhanced with a light caramel-hazelnut note. Rich and satisfying.


Brand Nording
Series Hunter Blend
Blended By McClelland Tobacco Company
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Caramel, Nuts / Beans
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.26 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 23 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 20, 2022 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Smoking now.

Tin note is a tangy boozy vanilla sweet dream. The tin has been open for a while but the moisture is still perfect. Beautiful Black and Tan tobacco.

The flavor is semi sweet, nutty, vanilla, bready aromatic. It’s delightful. It’s mild, flavorful, behaves well in the bowl. Enough quality tobacco flavor and sweetness without the topping overwhelming. Average relights, taste and topping stayed consistent to the end. It’s a shame they’re gone. If you like aromatics this was a good one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 02, 2010 Strong Extra Strong Full Very Pleasant
While down at my local pipe shop to try something new, I caught a whiff of the owner smoking this and I was already sold. The room note is delicious. A very rich caramel hazelnut smell with a sweet scent of pleasant Black Cavendish and Burley. I bought a tin and loaded my best Peterson, a large bowled Shannon model. I lit it up and was immediately knocked off my feet. This blend is so rich and smooth, and easily packed. Cool smoking and satisfying to say the least. It's very sugary sweet with a caramel note that is very noticeable. It has a rich hazelnut flavor with just a tiny hint of coffee. However, it's strong, almost confection-like taste doesn't cover up the rich tobacco flavor. Rich burley and Cavendish with just a hint of Virginia shines through brightly to make Labrador a well rounded, full flavor smoke. I recommend this blend to any aromatic smoker looking for a strong, full flavored, satisfying sweet smoke. Even set-in-stone English smokers like a good aromatic once in awhile, and this one certainly will not let you down with a lack of flavor. Very rich and tasty. A word of caution though, the nicotine in this stuff packs quite a wallop. It will knock you on your ass if you're not careful. It's quite potent for an aromatic blend. Still, this is a good blend for any time of day. I prefer smoking it while fishing or hiking. Makes the sweet life just a bit sweeter.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 02, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
Worth purchasing solely for the tin smell, but the room note is also sweet enough that the wife actually prefers this to any other aromatic. I've never had an issue with the burn, and the caramel and hazelnut flavor is very pleasing. I'm new to the aromatic world, but this is by far my favorite so far.
Pipe Used: Chapuis Comoy Luxor No 2-17
PurchasedFrom: Smoker's Choice - Bloomington, IL
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 27, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Sweet, cool, creamy, delicious! So creamy it makes your palette feel as if you took a mouthful of heavy cream ! You know that slippery feel ? Taste of caramel, vanilla, and hazelnut. At times it tastes and smells like snickerdoodle cookies ! This reminds me of old captain black from 30 years ago in quality ! (Yes the Captain was that good at one time !) This is an excellent aromatic, very tasty, cool and light in body. You will love this If your into creamy black Cavendish blends. All you captain black guys give this a try, you may commit high treason and abandon ship !!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 19, 2015 Mild Medium Mild Very Pleasant
Labrador is a terrific aromatic blend for those who enjoy caramel flavoring, yet also appreciate a tobacco taste. Because the Virginia leaf employed is light, the aromatic taste really comes on strong with this blend. It truly became a quit favorite.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 12, 2011 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I like this, almost as much as I like my own labrador. The hazelnut seems a bit musty to me. It is almost sickly sweet, but that mellows out after the first 1/4 of the bowl. A definite crowd pleaser.

I'm not sure who added the blending notes, but this is still in production, just like the other Hunter blends from Nording.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 23, 2015 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
I would classify Labrador as being the front runner in the race for my "desert island" blend. When I open a new tin and that hazelnut and caramel smell hits me I have a moment where I wonder if I'm supposed to smoke or eat the tobacco. This stuff tastes as good as it smells. Once you get the bowl going, a wonderful, sweet hazelnut flavor hits your tongue. No bite with this blend. The flavorings don't taste chemically at all.

I only encounter 2 drawbacks with this blend. 1) I get very upset when I finish a bowl because that means it's gone. 2) This tobacco can taste a bit ashy at the end of a bowl.

I would give this blend 5 stars if this site had that.
PurchasedFrom: Tinder Box, Pipes and Cigars
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 22, 2017 Very Mild Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
I am an experienced aromatic smoker of many decades and recently began searching for hazelnut flavored tobacco. Since little tinned tobacco is offered with hazelnut, I suspect that it must be difficult to achieve. Labrador is not what I'm looking for. It smells like hazelnut in the tin but does not taste like hazelnut. The taste that lingers in the mouth is one of almond. It bites, that is, there is a powerful chemical taste that makes unpleasant sensation on tongue and is present for at least half the bowl. It burns hot very easily. Hazelnut must be hard to do.
Pipe Used: Karl Erik
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 25, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! If your like me and have a sweet tooth; like aromatics but don't like the sticky goopy residue and want something that burns smooth and even to a fine ash.....this blend is for you. Labrador smells like cinnamon rolls baking and you can smell an open tin five feet away. The room note will please the most finicky folks....very pleasant. In addition, this blend requires very little attention.....a relight at most and Labrador is a good smoke while working or driving when you don't have time to poke, tamp, prod and relight. This blend is good in a cobb or briar. I've smoked several tins and enjoy this blend very much!
Pipe Used: Stanwell Barok Billard
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 03, 2014 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant
I don't smoke aros much, and bought this one at a shop on a whim, given an actual Labrador waiting at home.

Tin note is amazing. Short of diving in face first, smells like it would make a hell of an ice cream topping. And as with most McClelland blends (imo), quality leaf.

Needless to say, when the aromatic mood finally struck, I was excited to try it. First few puffs were harsh and disappointing to say the least, and it definitely started out as a zero-to-one-star blend. Got much, much better once I finished the first 1/4 of the bowl or so, both taste and room note. Have only smoked it once, so aging and/or drying might make for a better start next time.

If you like aros, this one seems worth a try. Reasonably priced too.
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 14, 2016 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
This is easily the best smelling aromatic I ever had the pleasure of opening. No guesswork here, it smelled identical to a delicious iced coffee a local cafe sells. It is a liquid treat with a perfect blend of vanilla and hazelnut syrup. I had never been more eager to dive into a bowl.

Perhaps my expectations were astronomical, but I was disappointed the flavor didn't hold up to the match. It was still a pleasant smoke with a decent sweetness behind it, but nowhere near the heaven I stepped into while packing it.

While it may not of been perfect (and boy would I of given it 4 stars), the fantastic room note and nose delight edged a 2 star blend into a 3 for me.
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