Cornell & Diehl Professor

A blend of Virginia ribbon and latakia. You'll need a tweed jacket with elbow patches to smoke this one.
Notes: Blender Jeremy Reeves is on record as saying Oriental and perique are in the mix.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By  
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.70 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2001 Very Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
Tin Aroma: A mild to medium latakia scent. Dusky, but not overpowering.

Physical Characteristics: Very large percentage of light pieces. A short ribbon cut, reminiscent of Uhle's non pariel in size, but with less tiny flakes. Gravity filling is very easy with this blend, and it is shipped at just the right moisture level (as are all Cornell & Deihl blends). Burns to a dark grey ash.

First Light: Warm and musky on the charring light. Soft and pleasant on the light, and not gaining much in the way of strength later in the bowl. this is definately a light blend, and I could see smoking it the day after tasting too many Virginia flakes. Easy on the tongue and light on the palate, this is great for someone like me that has a pipe in my mouth all day, but doesn't always want to pay attention to subtelties and interplay between component tobaccos.

Notes: With the exception of a slightly harsh flavor in the last few puffs, this is a steady, predictable smoke. That seems to be something that latakia-blend smokers don't mind, and some (like me) like on occasion. It also seems to be the most oft-quoted reason why primarily Virginia smokers disdain english type blends. There is not enough interplay of tastes. In my opinion, a good english blend should be a comfortable smooth smoke, that delivers it's flavor consistently throughout the smoke, with very little specialised smoking technique on my part. Professor does an admirable job of that, though it is on the mild end of the latakia/oriental spectrum, so it will probably not see as much use in my rotation as a fuller blend might. However, it is a blend that I can smoke even in the hottest summer days, which is a huge plus for it. Many of the blends I smoke are far too latakia heavy to really enjoy them when it is hot outside, and so this will fit nicely in my summer rotation, which is mostly burley based blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 07, 2015 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
I can see how the name matches the blend. I can see an old Professor mulling over his class's papers while smoking like a freight train on this one. Mild in strength and flavor, a biteless Virginia and laid back Latakia.

I'm not sure I much care for this one only because I like stronger and fuller tasting blends.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 27, 2018 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The dry, floral, earthy, woody, spicy, herbal, moderately sour Orientals occasionally trades the lead with the smoky, woody, leathery, earthy, mildly sweet Cyprian Latakia. The grassy, mildly tart citrusy, lightly tangy dark fruity Virginia is just above being a condiment. The spicy, raisiny, plumy, perique is an important condiment, and noticeable in virtually every puff. The strength is a step past the center of mild to medium, while the taste is a little past that. The nic-hit is closer to mild than it is to medium. Won’t bite, but the spice content may tingle the tongue if puffed fast. The tobacco is rather dry. Burns a little fast and warm with some inconsistency in the mildly sweet and more savory, spicy, bitter flavor that translates to the after taste. Hardly leaves any dampness in the bowl, and needs few relights. Can be an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 26, 2018 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Cornell & Diehl - Professor.

Mostly light and medium browns with just a few dark pieces thrown in. My ribbons are that fine they could nearly pass as being shag cut. It loses a star because although from a sealed tin, not bulk, the moisture's not enough.

I like the flavour. The Latakia's presence goes without question, but the smoke has a smoothness to it, rather than only the causticity a full-on Lat-Bomb has. I get a ripe and fruity flavour from the Virginia, which accounts for more of the smoke than the Lat'. Professor generates huge plumes of smoke; open a window or smoke it alone! The temperature can creep to being a little too warm if it's puffed forcefully.

Nicotine: medium. Room-note: pleasant to tolerable.

Although Professor has a few issues, mainly lack of moisture, the flavour's top-notch. Recommended:

Three stars.
Pipe Used: Cob
Age When Smoked: Two months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2019 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Tin aroma: Notes of fresh cut hay and smoky Latakia. Very light and fresh smelling!

Appearance: Mostly bright lemon Virginia, with specks of darker Latakia mixed about. A fair amount of med brown Turkish, this appears to be more of a shorter shag cut. Moisture is a bit more than I would've expected from this blend, and it proved itself by needing more than a few relights.

Packing/lighting/smoking: Packed very well, and quite easy I rolled a bit into a ball and shoved it in the heel of the pipe, then finished the remainder of the bowl up to the rim. Initial lighting took some patience. After several relights following the char, it still never produced much smoke with a normal puffing cadence. short, thoughtful sips produced not only the best flavor, but it was definitely needed to reduce tongue bite. Any more than short puffs made my mouth tingle quite bad. The Va seems quite young (tin is 6 months old) and could benefit from a year or so of aging. The Turkish took the stage, with the Latakia not far behind. This blend smoked with quite a dry mouth feel, requiring sips of my beverage often to avoid cotton mouth. The Turkish did leave a pleasant clean, fresh mouth feel.

This blend isn't a show stopper, but it isn't a dud by any means. Balanced, but could maybe benefit from a bit of sweeter Va. Think of it as an unsweetened version of Early Morning Pipe. I'll let this one age a bit and revisit. Hopefully I can bump up the 2.5 stars!

Ok, after smoking another tin of this I can definitely recommend it!
Pipe Used: several
Age When Smoked: 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 06, 2003 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
As said above, a nice dry tobacco with a high percentage of straw-colored tobacco. Good solid English taste, not too strong, not too weak. Did not taste any Turkish, seems to be straight Virginia and Latakia. Burns smooth and is easy on the tongue. Simple predictable smoke, unpretentious but good.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 05, 2001 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
Mfg: Cornell and Diehl Blend: #813 Professor

Appearance: There is a high percentage of yellow leaf, with the rest being about equal parts of red and dark leaf. The cut is medium width ribbon, not too long. As usual, this is quite dry. I like it that way as a rule, and don’t like to moisten tobacco. Besides, that might induce mold. (An old trick with dry tobacco is to fill the bowl, put your lips on the rim and breathe out through the bowl 2 – 3 times. This raises the moisture level nicely).

Aroma: The aroma is slightly sweet, in the manner of Cyprian latakia. Since this is not one of the Syrian latakia series, I suspect this just what I’m smelling. I don’t detect any turkish or perique in this blend.

Packing: Easy to pack in any size pipe.

Lighting: Because of the cut and dryness the tobacco lights easily. Sometimes one Vesta with a mid-match tamp is enough to start smoking.

Initial flavor: My first impression is that of a mild english blend, soft on the palate and quite tasty. There is a fair amount of latakia present, which contributes a sweet-smokey flavor. There is also some red virginia for balance and body. The base seems to be neutral, contributing good burning characteristics, and a bit of brightness to the blend.

Mid-bowl: The blend burns well, but remains cool and gentle in the mouth. The flavor does not change to any noticable degree.

Finish: The end of the bowl comes a bit too soon for me as I enjoyed this blend quite a bit. It does not seem to become harsher at the end, but also does not change in taste through the entire bowl. This is good if one likes the blend (I do), but can become boring in a large bowl. Since it burns quickly, you won’t have a chance for boredom to set in with a medium pipe.

Summary: This could be somebodies all day smoke, it’s that easy on the palate. I would probably try it in that role during the warmer months.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2005 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This blend appears to be mostly Virginia with a small amount of dark tobacco, almost certainly Latakia, thrown in. It has the attractive appearance, correct humidity, and excellent burning characteristice that all the Cornell and Diehl blends have.

I like tobaccos that contain Latakia as a condiment instead of as the main event, and this blend succeeds in that sense. The Virginias sing together nicely with a tart, but not biting, taste and the Latakia adds a little heavy smokiness underneath them. But, the taste has a hole in it. The VAs are singing soprano and alto, and the Latakia is an excellent bass, but there's no tenor in the choir. To be really excellent, this blend needs some body in the middle to tie all the tastes together and that's why it won't make it into my regular rotation. I do enjoy it and I fully intend to order more of it, though. It's an interesting change of pace and I recommend it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 11, 2009 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
Preface: I have been smoking Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium for near-on 30 years, believing that it has no equal anywhere on earth. But it is gone now, and so I begin a quest for my Holy Grail: A substitute to replace the standard on which all English tobaccos are based.

Professor is dry. I do not much care for dry tobacco. Professor is also raw, as in, I was put too fresh in my tin & then shipped. I haven't yet mellowed, haven't yet been allowed to show you what I could have been. My Virginias are not yet ripe & sweet, my Orientals are still too harsh. I am beautiful to look at, but I am coarse and uninspiring to smoke. If you were a kind man, you could put me in your cellar and hope I become worthy. If you were a smart man, well, ...
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 06, 2004 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
I dont think I can add much to the reviews above as I agree with most of what was said. The virginia in this is very good and plays well with the latakia. I did detect a slight amount of turkish but it was very subdued and never took the spotlight in this blend. I feel that this would be a good smoke for some one who likes latakia or english blends but does not like overpowering latakia. The bag of this that I have is about 5 years old so I can not compare it to a recent batch. While I do not smoke this everyday I do appreciate it when I am in the mood for it. This is a gentle blend with good burning characteristics. Also this packs very easy as mentioned by the other reviewers. This is definately a good blend and is worth a try.
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