Kirsten Pipe Company Pergola Punch

Kirsten pipe tobacco is selected from supreme quality stock and aged in individual wooden casks to bring out full vintage flavors. Our blending is done by hand from leaf to finished product. We believe that hand production in small quantities is still the most effective quality-control method ever developed. Blended with just the right proportion of Golden Virginia and Burleys. The basic blend of Toasted Cavendish tobaccos takes on a zesty dimension. This is a mixture that gets better as you smoke it all day long.
Notes: Same as Lane RLP-6


Brand Kirsten Pipe Company
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Cream, Honey, Molasses, Nougat, Sweet / Sugar, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 27, 2009 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
This review is based upon a year of trying this blend, off and on. I picked up a few ounces at the old Kirsten tobacconist shop in the Fishermen's Terminal. You can read more about the shop in my review of Mariner Mixture, their best-selling blend. Pergola Punch is their next best-selling blend - but it is very different. It is an aromatic, no doubt, but it makes a fine change of pace for dedicated "English" puffers, especially if in mixed company.

The blend is sold in bulk, and the aroma from the pouch is wonderful and unusual. Haven't smelled another blend quite the same. It has a unique appearance: sort of a thick ribbon cut. It is mostly dark, but there are large pieces of very light golden colored leaf mixed in, and some light brown flecks as well. I stored mine in a glass jar with a very poor seal, so over the months it has dried out some. Although fresh from the shop it is over-moist and had some bite when I puffed too strongly, after a few months it dried out and smokes almost perfect, with no bite. Easy to keep lit, it burns to the end with few re-lights to a fine ash with a few pieces of carbon dottle.

The room note is very pleasant. No cherries or fruity stuff. I cannot make out what the topping is, but it is light, and the tobacco flavor comes through. Smoked a bowl outdoors today in a GBD Virgin Canadian. Outside temp was in the 20's. A delightful smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2017 Extremely Mild Medium Very Mild Pleasant
I am not sure, but believe Pergola Punch is still being made for Kirsten. My pouch was a few years old but the tobacco was still very moist and loaded up with all kinds of juice (the dominant flavor was vanilla). The Virginia within added a little beef to the cloying presentation, but not much.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 20, 2010 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
This Kirsten tobacco is a very "American" rough cut pipe blend that is about one of the best smoking tobaccos out there.

After 58 years of not owning a Kirsten I purchased one and Pergola Punch to go in it. What a treat.
Very even burning, copious smoke, natural taste & sweet flavor, with a beautiful Burly background especially noted when gently 'puffing'.

A quite pleasant room note, for the rest of the folks.

I have smoked many, many, blends of Cavendish tobaccos, and now need look no further for the so-called "perfect blend".

....Pergola Punch..
..really, really, really nice 🙂
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 02, 2010 Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
This was the first pipe tobacco I had ever tried. Could I have been any more lucky? Aquired from the fishermans terminal tobacconist. Great shop - if in Seattle, check it out.

The pouch smell is what I thought (as a newbie) pipe tobacco OUGHT to smell like. Delicious! It's sweet tobacco musk, authentic, rich on it's own, not some cloying subterfuge of false flavors.

To the pipe. First light increases anticipation. You get a pretty good idea of the experience awaiting you. First puffs create this cloud of great smelling smoke. I wallow and wait and lightly tamp. I do 2 false lights. Just cause the Internet says so...

Third light and I was good to go. This lit well for me, and just had to relight once during my pipe. The flavors start to come through, mild tobacco on top, but that doesn't stay too long. The more I sipped the more I could get the deeper and slightly spicy side of this. Moving on through the bowl it gets fuller and there is an almost salty quality when you draw the smoke, then it turns to that slight pepper feel in the mouth. The bottom third of the bowl is mystical flavor. Draw light, its sweet heaven. Draw hard - peppery spice!and a touch of vitamin N sneaking in on you by now. Finish tends to be white ash and dottle. Any brown flecks are definitely due to inexperience. Room note is great and I enjoy smelling this as well as smoking it.

Being inexperienced, I am not sure exactly how much to stuff and tamp. I was also full of enthusiasm. I feel the tobacco might have been a bit wet and I was definately over-zealous. My mouth got a little sore, but I have learned patience. When I smoke this now, I can pace better and I don't find this bitey. This is what I have been comparing other tobaccos to, and I think... this is my first tobacco crush. When I smoke something else and don't like it I want some Pergola Punch to set things right.
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