Peterson 3P's Peterson Perfect Plug

This excellent plug tobacco comprises selected Virginia leaf from Africa and Brazil blended with burley leaf from Malawi. The tobaccos are lightly cased before drying and pressing and then are heated and stored for 2 weeks before cutting. The result is a full bodied yet fruity blend, sure to appeal to the experienced pipe smoker.
Notes: Peterson Perfect Plug was manufactured by Kohlhase & Kopp till 2018.


Brand Peterson
Blended By Peterson
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Floral Essences, Other / Misc
Cut Plug
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.14 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 180 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 16, 2020 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable
Well, I'm not going to lie, I just don't get it.

I purchased a few tins of this about 10 years ago. Smoked a few bows and settled on....meh. It is not bad, but I struggled to find what all the hype was about. I put it away and recently saw the tins and though I would check in on it and see what some age did to it. My conclusion? Still rather meh.

This is a great example of how different smokers taste different tobaccos. Based on some folks extolling the virtues of this blend, I realize it is me who is missing something. It is a quality product, I just can't find the excitement.

This is a true traditional plug. The type of stuff I imagine centuries ago people kept in a pocket and sliced a bit off when necessary. It is a bit of a pain to prepare compared to the ribbon cuts, but I personally have always felt a kinship with the traditions of pipe preparation, so I don't mind one bit. The tobaccos are very dark, and even with 10 years of age, it definitely needed some drying time.

The flavors are for me, pretty middle. Virginias are present, but don't present the great virtues of virginia. The burleys are there but don't give off the full nutty flavor. It just does not interest me that much.

Age When Smoked: 10 Yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2009 Medium to Strong Mild Full Pleasant
I have just completed my first bowl of the new Peterson's Perfect Plug and thought I'd offer my impressions to anyone who wants to read my blabber. When the tobacco first became available not long ago, I ordered four tins and recently popped the lid on one of them. Inside was a rock hard square brick of tobacco sealed in plastic. The color of the leaf was a mottled black/brown. I opened the plastic and took a whiff. I swear, the brick smelled exactly like Silly Putty (you know, the stuff that kids mess up the house with). The brick was somewhat easy to peel and after getting a couple of thin wafer like layers off of the mother ship I began hand breaking them up into small thin chunks (no easy task and quite time consuming). The leaf did contain some moisture content but not much. I loaded up the thin broken chunks into a favorite old briar and lit up... and lit up... and lit up... man, this tobacco is hard to keep lit.

The taste is very powerful Virginia/Burley with a bit of fruit like casing that was deep, dark and rich. The added flavoring, despite its depth (it never burned off), was not overpowering and never truly "sweet." I could tell this tobacco had been heavily stoved and pressed. Although somewhat similar in taste to G&H Dark Plug, this one is much more refined and didn't body slam my palate. It does carry a burst of nicotine from the start and the presentation of that wonderful drug is unrelenting throughout the bowl.

If you have some time on your hands (to prepare the leaf), and enjoy a deep and not too sweet Virginia/Burley that packs a nicotine punch, this may be a bell ringer. The amount of re-lights needed was annoying and I wish there was such a thing as a ready-rubbed version of this.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2014 Medium to Strong Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The Virginias have a fair amount of tangy dark fruit, earth, wood, bread, sugar, some grass, tart and tangy citrus, vegetation, mild floralness, a couple of cigar notes, and a pinch of spice. They are bolstered by the bold nutty, earthy, woody, sweet burleys. The fruit toppings remind me of dried fruit, citrus, and figs. They mildly sublimate the tobaccos. The strength is a couple of notches past the medium mark. The taste level is almost in the center of medium to full. The nic-hit is a step and a half short of medium. You'll need to be patient as you prepare it for smoking, and however you decide to cut the plug, you'll need to give this some dry time before lighting a match to it. Take the time, work with it, and you'll be rewarded with a mildly creamy, smooth, very deep, consistent, cool, clean flavor to the finish. It's slow burning, requires several relights, and there will be a little moisture at the bottom of the bowl. Won't bite or get harsh, but has a rough edge here and there. Has a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste. The room note is a slot stronger. Not quite an all day smoke. Three and a half stars.

Update 8-5-2022. The blend has been changed. It’s a little more floral, sour, a tad spicier, rougher, less sweet, and the toppings are a shade less obvious. The citrus is much more prominent than the dark fruit. It has a light acidity which wasn’t present in the earlier productions. These variations indicate that the dark red Virginias were mostly or completely replaced by bright Virginias though the plug looks very close to what it was before. The strength, nic-hit and taste levels have not changed. All of the other previous aspects remain the same. Three stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 21, 2013 Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Please what ever you do, do not write this off. Smoked in the right way this is a simply wonderful tobacco that can be enjoyed by all. Yes, even begginers.

I've found that there are some rules to help though.

1, Storage. Once you buy a tin transfer to an airtight jar. For me this is an occasional smoke. Something I can go back to when I fancy a change. It wont make the rotation but its nice to come back to. When that moment comes cut a slice or two and prepare the bowl how you like. Experiment to find out what best suits.

2, Be mindful of the N kick. You may not realise it at first but trust me if you fill a large bowl and your not used to it, after 45 mins your head will be spinning. So a pipe with a small bowl is best to start off with. Either that or half fill the bowl until you can gauge the amount of tobacco to add.

3, Find your rhythm. If you try to puff your way through this it will bite you in the ass as well as the mouth. Best to sip or break up with a drink of tea, coffee or something to do like read.

4, Sit back and enjoy. I like nothing better than smoking while walking the dog but this tobacco is definitely a sitter. It will help to find that rhythm. And if your head does start to spin well your already sitting down.

5, And the most important Respect the tobacco. If you take your time to get to know this tobacco you will truly appreciate it. It may deter some because of the faff needed to prepare. But with everything in life the more you put in, the more you get out. And you'll find that your hard work does pay off.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 24, 2014 Medium Very Mild Full Very Pleasant
Peterson - Perfect Plug.

Delicious! It has a splendid aroma emanating from the unlit product, with a raisin/plum touch to it. Being a plug be prepared for a little extra time in filling the bowl, but it more than pays off!

The smoke has a really good Virginia and Burley taste to it, being well balanced with a very slight raisin note, also. Nicotine level is neither too much nor too little, medium. It gives a beautiful room note (IMO) that is very traditional and pleases all around. I don't smoke many plug blends but this is a belter!

Four stars.

Update: 14/01/17, after 3 years this is still my favourite plug blend, especially in a cob!
Pipe Used: Briar's, Meer's, Cob's.
PurchasedFrom: Smoke King
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2013 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
It took a bit of learning with this one, but in the end this is so far the best tobacco I have experienced. First, the presentation in the tin was so wonderful, it looked like dessert. Once I unwrapped the little plug I was hit with fermenting plums and raisins. Basically it smelled exactly like I'd expect it to based on appearance. Next, shaving down the little slices with a fillet knife made me realize just how dense this plug is. The tobacco is literally packed so tight it felt like slicing through a block of cheddar cheese. I first tried it cubed, and for smoking purposes I recommend this method as it seems to make for a cooler and more lasting smoke than rubbing it out. However, I find rubbing it helps me gauge the moisture content more than cubing. So, maybe the answer is half and half. Either way, this stuff needs drying time in my opinion.

I pack it looser than I would say, Sherlock Holmes. The smoke is thick and creamy, like custard, and has no bite. The flavor is layered first by the nutty burley, then the sweetness grass flavor of quality Virginia.

I find that with this tobacco in particular, the pipe matters. I use the thinnest bowl I have: a 1910 peterson straight pipe. Since I like to smoke it cool (it burns cool to begin with), I can feel if it is getting too hot before it even happens; that's why I reach for the thinner walled pipe with this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2012 Medium to Strong Mild Medium to Full Tolerable
Nice looking chocolate brownie in the tin with a deep, earthy aroma mixed with some fruitiness, similar to Irish Flake but less intrusive. This can be ripped apart and rubbed out or cut into small pieces. I had my best success with small cubes.

I found the topping started mild and then burned off rather quickly, unlike Irish or University Flakes. What was left was a flavor that was deeeeep! Cellar deep. Center of the earth deep. Very tobacco-y with hints of porterhouse steak. Although I couldn't really perceive the topping at that point, there was a slight fruity flavor, but it was very subdued. But a citrus quality bobbed and weaved on occasion. However, the main course was that deep, rich tobacco. This was a good tasting smoke that misses a 4th star by lacking the complexity that I prefer. Quite frankly, I liked this one but the plug made for a bit more effort than I like when smoking. I prefer the Flake, but by the slimmest of margins. Try this one if you enjoy more darkness than light in your blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2014 Medium Mild Medium Tolerable
First encounter with a plug pipe tobacco. The processing in preparation is as enjoyable if not more enjoyable as the smoking thereof. Slices off of the plug require a sharp knife with even pressure to obtain a nice full flake. Over night in the plug can left this flake in perfect humidity for a smooth, cool and relaxing smoke. Report from the "war department" declare the aroma to be nice and tolerable.

Again, the process of getting to the smoke is therapeutic.
Pipe Used: Kaywoodie 98B Squat Bulldog
PurchasedFrom: Jade Tobacconist Regina Saskatchewan
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 30, 2015 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Summary: A dark, full tobacco flavor lightly cased in citrus and licorice. More easily cut and smoked than most sources would have you believe.

The Plug comes in a plastic bag like a confection, inside of a tin and wrapped in frilly paper. Before removing it from the plastic, a tin note of a -- well, there's no euphemistic way to say this -- manure or old musty sewer scent rises, as one finds with some Gawith Hoggarth blends. The smoker feels momentary dismay. When the plastic comes off, this gives way to a light citrus essence with undertones of anise or something similar that is hard to pin down. Slicing the plug is easy: place it on a piece of cardboard, whip out your trusty pocketknife and place it 1/16" -- about the thickness of the cover of your favorite notebook -- and push down firmly until you hit bottom. Roll that flake in your hand, then fold it and give it a few quick rubs between your hands, then stuff the resulting wad in your pipe. Maybe put the dishes away or check your email, then come back and light up. For me, this needed no charring light, but took thirstily to the flame.

"Perfect Plug" bears a rich and dense flavor with increasing nicotine strength throughout the bowl. The light fruit flavor, more like bergamot or berries than an apple or orange, fades to the background and the taste of stoved tobacco mixed with strong Virginia emerges. Similar to Peterson "Irish Flake," the dark flavors meld to form a low note to which the topping serves as contrast and complement. As the bowl burns down to an ember and then to ash, this flavor matures into a full flavor like one might get from nuts, meat or a dark ale.

Probably this blend best serves experienced smokers not because of its nicotine hit, which is lower than Samuel Gawith "1792 Flake" but stronger than most Medium-to-Strong tobaccos, but because these flavors -- like many of the best tobaccos -- start simple and then internal harmonies emerge, first as individual notes and then as sliding combinations of those. It takes some experience tasting to notice these. As far as strength and the perceived difficulty of the plug, those are minor obstacles; one can smoke smaller bowls at first, and slicing it is no harder than making drip coffee.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 31, 2012 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Plug looks just like the plug tobacco that "Jose Wale's" cuts a chaw off. Very dark a bit sticky and a deep rich depth of aroma that is followed through in its taste. No tongue bite, smooth cool smoke that anyone can enjoy. In my experience even aromatic only smokers enjoy this at least on occation. Keep it as a main stay or as a treat like a very nice bold burbon.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 22, 2015 Mild Very Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
I must be missing something, I fail to see anything great about this.

This was my first plug, the next one had better be different. I can understand that making plugs enhances a blend, so maybe it's the blend I don't like? I'm not a fan of the extra work needed to get from a delicious brownie looking square to a rewarding smoke. Maybe I'm lazy. Well, yes I'm kinda lazy.

I worked this plug everyway I could. Rubbing it thoroughly. Cutting a flake and folding a la MacBaren Navy Flake. Smoked it immediately, cut it and waited a week before smoking. No matter what I did, it acted like asbestos.

I couldn't get this to stay lit to save my life. I used matches, butane lighters (not jet, Bic), and Zippos. I almost tried to use an Oxy-acyteline torch, but I just smoked another blend instead.

On the rare chances I got it to stay lit for longer than a minute, I was underwhelmed. Lackluster burley and bland VA. I worked way too hard to smoke for this...

The one thing I did notice: it has a big dose of nicotine.

Just a rare tobacco I don't like.
Pipe Used: Many.
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