Kirsten Pipe Company Mariner Mixture

Golden Cavendish blend with a hint of Fire Cured blended in.


Brand Kirsten Pipe Company
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Caramel, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 11, 2009 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Kirsten has been around for decades. A classic, old-time pipe shop, located at the Fishermens Terminal near the old Ballard Bridge in Seattle. Kirstens is the last stop for a lot of old salts and fishermen before they head out to sea for Alaska.

They have a fine selection of briar pipes, their own unusual Kirsten Pipe Company radiator pipes which they have been manufacturing for something like 75 years, and some superb custom blends of pipe tobacco. The Mariner Mixture is their best-selling favorite. The white-haired gentleman behind the counter told me they sold two tons of Mariner Mixture in 2008.

Mariner Mixture is one of those old-fashioned aromatic blends that you will end up returning to time and time again - an old steady. Smells wonderful in the pouch. Packs easily (but make sure you do not pack it too tight). It is very moist, so I recommend letting it dry out for a couple of days, unless you like a hot pipe, bite, and sogginess at the end. But if you let it dry a little, you will be rewarded with a wonderful pipe-smoking experience. You can pick it up by the pound or two-ounce bags either in their shop or online.

If you follow the instructions above, and lightly tamp as you work your way to the bottom of the bowl, it burns fine, leaving a grey ash at the bottom with a couple of pieces of carbon dottle. As with all aromatics, however, it can get a little harsh at the very end - but it leaves no unpleasant "ghosts" in the pipe.

Mariner Mixture's room note has no equal. Anyone within smelling distance will compliment you. The taste? It is similar to Captain Black Royal, but not as syrupy sweet. Good billows of dry, nutty-sweet smoke. Just a good, all-around aromatic that you will end up smoking more of than all your other expensive blends. Oh, and did I mention the price? You cannot beat it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 29, 2010 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
So, a friend gave me a sample bag of this. It smoked very well, had a fantastic aroma...started out buring with the pre-light aroma and then gradually shifted to a fairly tobacco-like flavor, in a good way. I pulled out my old tin of Dunhill's A-21000 I had gotten when they still had a storefront in San Francisco and compared the two. Man...they are spot on identical re: visual and componants and aroma. In the review of the A-21000 on this site someone said that the A-21000 is the same as 1-Q. Maybe so. Good product, smokes well.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2017 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Out of production now, but for years a staple blend for the Kirsten pipe company. There was even a period where a pouch of this and other KPC blends would be included with a Kirsten pipe purchase. A very light Danish style tobacco with a lot of Vanilla bean flavoring added to the Cavendish that plays right behind the Virginia. As the young people would say today, "meh."
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 19, 2010 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I have smoked Mariners for many years now. It is a high quality blend and gets pleasent nods from those around. It is so easy to light and nevers gets hot. I have smoked pounds of this stuff and I highly suggest you try it. The pipe shop that sells this is a treat as well. The staff is very knowledgable and they have a fine selection of pipes as well. Give this a try. You will come back to this blend time and time again.
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