Gallaher Limited Condor Long Cut (Brown)

The Condor Flake is a full-bodied pipe tobacco blended from air cured Virginia, which has been top dressed with a secret liquor flavoring before been cooked under pressure to form a cake which has been thinly sliced ready for rubbing down. This provides an even cooler, slower burning and richer smoke.
Notes: Was made in Ireland, now made in Poland.


Brand Gallaher Limited
Blended By Japan Tobacco International
Manufactured By Japan Tobacco International
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Flavoring Alcohol / Liquor
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams pouch
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Medium to Strong
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.30 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 81 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 10, 2020 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
Hmmm, I’ve not had Condor in years, lockdown made me get some flake and see if it has changed and, as far as I can tell, it barely resembles the old Gallahers incarnation at all.

It is moist to the point of gloopy; more a broken flake than the flake that I remember my Grandad hiding under his hat so my Gran wouldn’t find it. “Break seal gently for that Condor moment” it says on the packet but, in my humble opinion, there is no Condor moment, which is a shame because there used to be one.

This seems very generic these days - it smells a lot like St Bruno, Original (Walnut) flake - a strong vinegary pouch note. I’m not getting any alcohol...just a big hit of Sarson’s. Even Erinmore seems to be going down the vinegar path these days as well - are there any UK OTC blends that haven’t changed though?

It does smoke slow and cool and it’s very easy to sip at it for a long time but there is none of the “soapy” floral ness that I remember of the old blend. I find that Gawith and Hogarth’s Spring Dew (Rich, Dark honeydew in old money) has more of the taste of the old Condor blend to me which raises the question: was it honey that gave the old stuff that floral quality that was like Marmite to so many smokers.

Condor used to be at the cheaper end on the cost spectrum but 2oz’s cost me £16 near enough which is the going rate for all OTC blends these days.

All in all: disappointing - because I remember how it was.

Without knowing the old blend what would I think? It’s alright but tastes like other blends and doesn’t have any stand out qualities. I’ll happily smoke the rest of the pouch but I won’t get through it in a hurry...unless there’s another lockdown and I’ve no other choice.

Everyone should try this but it’s not like the old beast, in my humble opinion.
Pipe Used: Falcon, basket pipe, cob pipe, bulldog
PurchasedFrom: Supermarket
Age When Smoked: I was 40, the pouch was a lot younger.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 29, 2014 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The flavor of the Virginia is much sublimated, though I do get some earth, citrus, and a hint of grass along with the more obvious tangy deep dark fruit. The topping is a little perfumy and soapy, and definitely floral. There’s a slight sharpness to it that I associate with burley, so perhaps a little is present? Has a medium nic-hit. Won't bite or get harsh. Not as overwhelming as I had expected, but I consider this to be more for an experienced smoker. Fully flavored, burns slow with a very consistent taste, which is more of an acquired one for many smokers. It's not an all day smoke, but if this fits your flavor profile, repetition will enter your mind. Burns easier than the bar version, which of course, is expected. Leaves little moisture in the bowl and no dottle. Has a pleasant after taste. Will ghost a pipe fast, so be prepared to either dedicate a briar or a cob to it. I suggest trying it out in a meer first.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 19, 2014 Medium to Strong Medium Medium Pleasant
Condor - Long Cut.

The flakes aren't as big as the pouch's size implies. They only measure 6x2cm, and are thin. They're a very dark brown and only a touch too moist.

The smoke? Very nice! I like to rub the flakes, rather than fold and stuff, and the build of them makes this a doddle. The Lakeland topping is unquestionable, but I don't find it too strong. It has about the same strength of added flavour as St. Bruno. The burn from CLC couldn't be any better: cool, slow, to a white ash. No bite throughout a bowl.

Nicotine: a healthy amount. Room-note: I quite like it.

Condor Long Cut? Highly recommended:

Four stars.

Pipe Used: Comoys Elegance
PurchasedFrom: G.Q Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2015 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant
This is probably one of if not "the" classic English Lakeland Flakes of all time.

It's the first tobacco I ever smoked in a pipe and it is one I have fond memories of. A lovely tobacco and if you like English Lakelands in my opinion the best tobaccos to use to break a new pipe in.

When I first started smoking a pipe and Condor, it was available very easily OTC in England as Long Cut and Short Cut. Specialist Tobacconists also had it in various cuts and plugs.

I progressed after an Uncle of mine was smoking Condor Thick Black Twist, that was absolutely superb but became less easily obtainable, so after that I moved on to Condor Plug, which was uncut fkake and you could cut it as you wished.

They also made Condor Pig Tail which I never tried because for some reason it smelt disgusting compared to the rest of the Condor range.

Then when "ready rubbed" OTC tobaccos became popular, Condor Ready Rubbed was brought out. In my opinion this is terrible stuff and gloopy and in no way represents the Flake quality.

Condor Long Cut Flake is a classic that ought to be tried by all .... but beware it will case (ghost) your pipe big time.

I now prefer Coniston Cut Plug in preference to Condor but Condor Long Cut will always have fond memories for me in my early pipe smoking days

Now all I can see on the market is Condor Long Cut Flake and the ready rubbed. If I ever see the Thick Black Twist I will definitely buy some.

Condor Long Cut is a lovely tobacco and a must try for anyone who smokes a pipe.

Pipe Used: G.Smith's Plainsman, (a half bent Rhodesian).
PurchasedFrom: Martin McGahey UK
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 18, 2012 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Medium to Full Tolerable
This review is based on a tinned version of this blend with some age on it. I have been putting this review off for some time hoping that things would change as I have been smoking it on and off for the past three months, but it hasn't. I am a fan of Lakeland flavored flakes and enjoy many of them. I also occasionally enjoy a good strong tobacco. The underlying tobacco is of good quality. It rubs out with ease and that is my preferred way to smoke it. It didn't burn hot for me and I didn't suffer any tongue bite. The bottom line is that I just don't enjoy the flavor and it even upsets my stomach at times. It will also ghost a pipe badly. Based on other reviews, the fact that a flake is sold over the counter is a pretty cool thing. It's too bad we Yanks don't have such a luxury. Condor Long Cut has a great history and if you enjoy Lakelands it's worth a try. If you are looking to venture into Lakelands I think there are better choices. Somewhat Recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 27, 2016 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
A special thanks to StevieB for hooking me up with an English supply line. Here's to many more great trades.

This is a wonderful smoke. I smoked it in three types of pipe and processed several ways. In each case I found it to be very enjoyable. Here are the details.

Briar (Tsuge metal tankard) - For this pipe I chose a cube cut, well dried and gravity fed. There is a tangy fruitiness that is mildly sharp on the retrohale. Not sharp enough to distress but just enough to add a pleasant edginess. As the bowl progresses a mild note of "Mom's homemade biscuits" comes into play. There's a little sweetness, but I get more tang than sweet. It's quite tasty and well rounded. Has some strength to it. Burns very well.

Clay (Dutch Gouda) - I used the leftover cube cut for this pipe. Same as the briar in every respect but one, the sharpness is a little more pronounced.

Cob (MM Diplomat Apple) - I rubbed out the flakes completely to ribbons and dried well. Here the tangy fruitiness is a little more subdued providing a smoother smoke that's a little easier on the nasal passages. The biscuit note is a little more pronounced. This was a bit more to my liking. Burned very well yet remained a cool smoke. Next I used the same cob and just folded and stuffed two flakes with a little of the leftover ribbon on top as kindling. The flavors were a little deeper, the smoke slower and longer lasting. Just what you would expect them to be. This is the way I prefer it. In a cob, folded and stuffed. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. I got a feeling Steve is gonna have to send me some more of this. Thanks friend.

Medium in body and taste. Flavoring is very mild. I can hardly believe this has any Lakeland scent added. It's barely noted. Burns well regardless of how you process the flake or even if you don't. This was a fun flake to play with.
Pipe Used: listed in review
PurchasedFrom: acquired in trade
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 16, 2014 Strong Medium to Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
The flake to me is at least equal to the ready rubbed version which I love, but may be even better given that the smoker has control of how much he wants to rub out the flakes. You get that intensely wonderful Condor taste and aroma. When I first started smoking a pipe I tried condor and didn't like it but these days it is my number one OTC blend, so maybe Condor is a little too rich for novice briar puffers, but when you get used to pipe smoking Condor is an experience to be savoured. Fruity flavours abound, as well as tangs of liquor, maybe rum. I do enjoy this smoke and have several Condor moments each and every day. I puffing on a bowl of the flake as I type and my taste buds are thanking me for it. It really is excellent. The only OTC blend that even comes close in the UK is St. Bruno but Condor is the better of the two. Mty first and last smoke of the day is always Condor, either the flake or ready rubbed. In between I puff on a few different blends - Virgina Flake, Old Dark Fired and Erinmore Balken mix are a few - but Condor always makes itself stand out against these other admittedly excellent blends. Dondor is Granny's blend of for some Led Zeppelin and a bowl of Condor....ahh bliss.
Pipe Used: Pyramid Italy
PurchasedFrom: ASDA
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 27, 2014 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
If Condor Long Cut was readily available in the US, it would be my everyday smoke. The pouch note is of dried fruit, with a little bit of tangyness. Smoked as a flake, the floral notes come through does the nicotine. Rubbed out, Condor is surprisingly mild, with a nice dark fruit flavor throughout, and a muted floralness. I would not consider Condor a "lakeland" tobacco. For me, Lakelands tend to be a really nice tobacco flavor, and a floral flavor. Condor, on the other hand, is a single, uni-flavor, with the dark fruitiness melding perfectly with the floral notes to produce a genuinely original tobacco. A true classic...
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 19, 2011 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
Wasn't sure what to expect when I first bought this, but, being aware of the Condor brand I decided to give it a go. The pleasant aroma of sandalwood - a reminder of the incense from my neo-hippy/new age days - as I opened the packet was a fond reminder of an enjoyable well wasted youth.

Having packed my favourite pipe with the stuff and lit said brand, the sandalwood smell from the packet that rendered so many reminiscences continued to avail itself upon my senses during a I very enjoyable smoke. The lack of any tonguebite or Lesley Ash lips was a welcome surprise on top of a highly satisfactory smoke.

This is now one of my favourite tobaccos and have started making a point of keeping up a steady supply amongst my pipe stash.

I can recommend this without hesitation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 26, 2011 Medium to Strong Strong Full Tolerable to Strong
having tried this years ago when i first started pipe smoking i hated this stuff......oh how my tastes have changed in 20 odd years since i last tried it, having run out of my regular blend which i get via internet , i walked to the local shop, CLC was the only pipe tobacco they had... in a 25g pouch too. I thought "what have i to lose??". Breaking the seal on the pouch I was virtually overwhelmed by the aroma of this tobacco , hard to describe but not off-putting at all....loaded the pipe and fired up........i was astounded how good this blend tasted...a full "soapy" taste which lasted all the way to the bottom of the bowl.....after one pipeful , I liked it, after 3 i loved it and would recommend it to others. i did not think it was overly strong as other reviewers mentioned , but i did smoke it using a small briar. i will certainly be buying more of this, the good thing is it is readily available in scotland at every corner shop and supermarket....the question i am asking myself now is....why have i overlooked this blend all this time??

Update: im updating this review to 4 calls to me in my sleep, this is truly wonderful stuff...for me nirvana!!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 09, 2012 Strong Medium to Strong Full Pleasant
Oh the memories this tobacco brings back. When first opening the brown pouch - those unfamiliar, will be treated to an aroma they will either love or hate and one that will never be forgotten. Hard to describe save to say stong soap or floral -citrusy aftershave scent, which in my humble opinion smells wonderful. Long dark flakes that rub out easy and burn in a manner that defies the moisture. Rich smooth smoke that actually tastes like the pouch scent. Could be considered a little overpowering at first to the amateur. as I soon discovered. However, this quickly became a favourite after dinner smoke for me. The irony is that while one might soon tire of it, one will always return to it in the future, just like an old friend.
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