Vauen Zeppelin

Mild pipe tobacco with some herbal notes. Smokes smooth and cool, with a spicy aroma and a masculine scent.


Brand Vauen
Blended By Vauen
Manufactured By Vauen
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Cavendish, Kentucky, Latakia, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.17 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 12 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 11, 2015 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium to Full Tolerable
Very interesting mixture! When opening the tin i first noticed the latakia there but when taking a second breathe there´s also some vanilla detectable... Easy to fill and smoke. This blend has something i miss with most cheap tobaccoes: variety in taste. To set things straight, it doesn´t taste like mushrooms as some previous posters insist. Sometimes it tastes like a true english mixture sometimes there´s a nice sweetness and sometimes there´s a sourish taste there... But the different aromas comming through are never overwhelming but allways in a decent way. It also has some nicotine dose... I would recomend this blend to armoatic smokers that would like to head for english mixtures but aren´t ready for it yet or on the other hand for english lovers that wan´t to try something mild that wouldn´t offend bystanders and wifes!

Edit: thiy blend had become one of my all time favorites! 4 stars!
Pipe Used: various
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Pleasant, easy-going blend that delivers earthy, nutty, woody flavor notes. When sipped and retrohaled, it delivers a semi-sweet, savory mushroom flavor. Interestingly enough, it hints at what sensory specialists in the food realm describe as"umami" - a Japanese word - translating to a pleasant savory taste . Methinks some very good base tobaccos and creative blending may be at work here - if you can be patient enough to enjoy it. Strength builds as you work through the bowl - and yes, Lady N and Latakia are pleasantly present, neither overpowering. Goes very well in a cob, stays lit on one light, clean bowl. 4* for one of the most unique tobacco flavors I've ever encountered.
Pipe Used: Dedicated MM
PurchasedFrom: P&C
Age When Smoked: No tin date or stamped code.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 30, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
Vauen - Zeppelin.

This is the only blend I've piped today, in hope of getting a 'grasp' on it. After many bowls I've decided it's not one for me!

Before I get to the smoke, unlit the blend comprises well rubbed ribbons, is medium brown with a few black pieces and had a decent hydration.

The smoke? Firstly, mechanically it behaves well; igniting easily, burns at a low temperature, without bite. To be fair, I can't find any 'bad' points about the tobaccos, the flavour isn't exceptional nor horrible; just a little 'flat' and boring. It's the topping that transforms it from a mediocre smoke, into a deplorable smoke; sort of like herby, musty, vanilla taste. If this makes any sense the casing gives a 'dry' flavour. This turns it into a DEFINITE one star blend!

Nicotine: mild to medium. Room-note: tolerable.

Zeppelin? OH DEAR!

Not recommended.
Pipe Used: Altinok Lee Van Cleef: My Friday pipe
PurchasedFrom: eBay: 757habano
Age When Smoked: Four months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 27, 2017 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
Relatively subtle. Rewards slow and careful smoking. Rush and all the flavors go mishmash. The Lat is not so much present but would be missed and undermine this clever formulation were it not present. A bit difficult to define blend, crossover does not adequately nail it down. Does fit that a bit different niche and in comparison to other Vauen tins, it is reasonably priced.
Pipe Used: briar, cob & meer
PurchasedFrom: SP
Age When Smoked: from the tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 27, 2017 Medium Very Mild Full Pleasant
This one was quite a surprise to me. After I liked Latakia a lot in the beginning of my piper career, I somehow had some sort of "Overkill" and couldn't even liked to smell the scent of it anymore.

As I was granted 50g of this, and dipped my nose several times into the jar over the past few weeks, as it's pleasantly sweet, with only hints of Latakia, I decided to give a pinch of it a try in my Meerschaum.

And I got really surprised by Zeppelin! It has a smooth Latakia undertone, by times you don't even recognize the Latakia as such, as it harmonizes so excellently with the Kentucky. Latakia and Kentucky form a spicy melange of dry wood, earth, and smokyness along with good, peppery spice. By times a cherry flavour comes through, but only rarely, which I find pleasant as a contrast by times to the very spicy, yet smooth(!) taste. Licorice-ish notes also come out here and there.The spice isn't overwhelming, nor is the strenght, but it's pleasing enough for me (I usually prefer Kentuckys and Perique).

I'd guess the flavoring to be Vanilla and Cherry, maybe anise/licorice, but it's only very mildly applied and never in the front row.

Also I find worth mentioning, that the smell from the cold tobacco is rather honey-sweetish, with only hints of Latakia smokiness. You woulnd't guessed it's that rich and has a lot to offer, but it has. Varying flavour throughout the smoke, as this consists out of Old Belt VAs, Kentucky, B. Cavendish, Carolina Bright and light handed Latakia.

The Latakia really takes a back-seat and even me, who don't like Latakia can enjoy it. I'd consider this a good start for anyone interested in exploring Latakia blends.

3/4 star for surprisingly good and tasteful blend! I'll delightfuly smoke the rest of my 50gs! 😉
Pipe Used: Meerschaum
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 11, 2013 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Liked the look of tobacco and aroma when I opened the can. Burning is good I did not need to let it dry, you can use straight from the can into the pipe. As for taste, I felt notes of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds that appear underneath the vanilla flavor base. A woody tone good for winter or even better in the fall. You can smoke enough that will not bite your tongue, even if you pull like hell, believe me. Thanks for reading this review and good puffs.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2014 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
I picked up a tin of this at the local B&M. The clerk suggested it to me since I am into English blends. One of us was misinformed and the other was misled. For what it is, this blend is a nice little concoction, just nowhere near an English blend in my book. The components come together nicely. It lights and stays lit with little effort. It burns down to a fine ash at the bottom of the bowl. The moisture level is very good upon opening the tin and is fine straight away. Just not much in the nicotine level I like. I would say that I would recommend this because of its altogether good presentation and smoking qualities.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2014 Strong Very Strong Very Full Very Pleasant
I bought this tin of tobacco because I am a huge Led Zeppelin fan and I liked the label. I also do like some of the Vauen blends I have tried.

I smoked this blend without reading any reviews and the label on my tin does not say what's in it but just says "Smooth and Cool". Puffed very slow you might say this is true, but puffed with any aggressiveness and it can be a little hot smoking. I detected the cherry vanilla based flavoring right off but I also detected another flavor that took me the better part of the tin before I figured it out. It has latakia in it. It is a very interesting blend and I did go through the tin rather fast. I enjoyed it but not enough to buy it again.

It comes at a nice moisture content, can smoke it right out of the tin. I liked it better after a day left open though. The tin note is very sweet and pleasant with the cherry vanilla coming right through. The latakia does not as it is in the background. It loads in the pipe very easy and it lights up after the rise of the first attempt. It does however need to be relit several times while smoking it. It burns right down to a light gray ash leaving some dottle in the bottom of the pipe but little moisture. You get the taste of the cherry and vanilla right off with just a hint of the latakia coming through. The room note is too die for, my wife thought it smelled a little like blueberry's. The smoke get's richer as it burns down, ending up quite strong but not cloying. My only real issue with it is my check got heavy while smoking it. The smoke from this is very heavy. I did enjoy this and it is an interesting aromatic. It is worth a try for aromatic smokers but I can't give it my top rating because of the heaviness of the smoke and the fact it does burn a little hot.
Pipe Used: briar, cob, meer
Age When Smoked: one month after recieving it
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 03, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
By far my favorite Vauen blend so far, this is one of the heaviest brown cavendish blends I have ever seen, at what appears to be over three quarters, golden virginia cavendish. This stuff is very, very smooth. It is flavored with vanillin, and has a whisper of latakia.

One of the very best semi-aromatic blends out there, with what may be one of the top 5 room notes that my non smoking friends have commented on. Commented on, a lot.

They don't get much more bite free than this without getting into a lakeland flake. Taste is of smooth smoked custard.

A must try, 4 star blend.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 15, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
This one absolutely surprised me. A delightful smoke both in flavor and aroma. Opening the tin I mainly am greeted with tobacco scent, rather than casing. I get a sour Virginia note mostly. Upon lighting, that's when you will be surprised! The incense-like quality of the Latakia and the vanilla aromas and flavors come through, without overpowering the other excellent quality tobacco. I don't feel there is much if any fruit involved? Even my wife approves of this one and I think I will find myself ordering more tins of it. The room note reminds me of a high quality man's cologne... which I think is what they mean by "masculine" rather than a cloying room note.
Pipe Used: Vauen Olaf Bent Egg
Age When Smoked: 6 months since I opened tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 25, 2019 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
Ah, Vauen's Zeppelin. One of the first pipe tobaccoes i ever smoked, and it still has a firmly secure place on my tobacco shelf.

It comes out of the tin at the perfect moisture for smoking, and produces a wonderful, if somewhat difficult to identify tin note. It's sweet, cinnamon-y, with an almost alcoholic note to it.

Once you're smoking it, you'll find that "difficult to identify" is a theme with this blend. I can read the back of the tin and see what's in it, but i find that the flavours in this blend mingle so very well that it's very difficult to single out one type of leaf. The only thing that's definite to my senses is the velvety smooth sweetness of the cavendish, and the contrasting, but relatively subtle smokiness of the latakia.

And then there's the topping. It's relatively mild, but definitely a main component of this blend. Tasting much like the tin note, the flavouring makes me think of cinnamon, maybe even gingerbread. There's also a hint of plum or dried fruit in there, i believe. It actually reminds me of a more mellow version of the topping used in Peterson's University flake.

As you go through the bowl, it does trade in some of it's flavour for a little more strength, but it never becomes flavourless or even unpleasant.

The tobacco burns very cleanly all the way down the bowl.

My one issue with this tobacco is that you have to be seriously careful with your pace. Smoke it very, very slow, and you get wonderful flavour out of it. Get carried away even slightly and the flavour is lost quite quickly. It'll also bite if you're not careful. As a result of the mandatory slow pace, you may also find this blend needing a few relights.

Overall, this is a lovely, neat, velvety smooth aromatic, as long as you smoke it carefully. Or on a cold winter's day.
Pipe Used: Various briars
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