Cornell & Diehl Captain Bob's Blend

Captain Bob's Blend. Named and developed for friend and customer Capt. Bob Coffey. A blend of Virginias and burleys with just a dash of Latakia and perique and finished with a refreshing flavor.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Tarler/Coffey
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Latakia, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Caramel, Fruit / Citrus, Maple, Orange, Other / Misc, Vanilla, Walnut
Cut Broken Flake
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin, bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.96 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 49 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 29, 2022 Mild Medium to Strong Medium Tolerable
From the blending hangar of the great Cornell & Diehl comes the irreverent and brash aromatic mixture Captain Bob’s Blend. Calling this enlivened combination an “original” would a most critical understatement. A proper endeavor of skilled carpet-bombing, more aptly, unfolds from within the burning bowl that keeps one guessing as to what in “h…” is going on! Unruly and decidedly eccentric to be spot on, so lower the googles and grab on to that control stick.

Soaring upward with magnum thrust, this bizarre specimen contrives to keep you barrel-rolling in glazed stupor with just a plethora of compounded ingredients. Featuring a base mix of stark Burley, strong Virginia, and modest amounts of Latakia and Acadian Perique, the toothy disjointed tobacco throws an awe-inspiring display of disheveled broken flake, ribbon, and rough-cut chunks.

In dire need of a buzz and shave, Captain Bob presents a shaggy mug of dense tan-brown tones, reddish-gold and racy ebon delight. The interminable list of additive flavorings for this hairy recipe includes a lively swirl of caramel, maple, grape, orange/citrus, passive vanilla, walnut, miscellaneous other unmentionables clustered in shameless abandon.

Frankly, the pouch nose on Captain Bob was more than a little off-putting with the initial encounter. More specifically a boisterous acrid aroma emanating from the unopened bag zapped my olfactory mellow unmercifully. Upon it’s unsealing, a wave of dungy bitterness churned with the overtly sweet influence of candied grape, sugary citrus, buttery caramel, as they flushed preeminently over some definitive pungent funk, resolute woodiness, and tart grass. Effectually repelling, yet I felt compelled to see what’s up despite this one’s apparent peculiarity.

Onward to the taste profile, where should I start? Complex and elusive, Captain Bob’s standard character, if you want to call it that, starts with individualizing the featured flavorings with impressive clarity, a virtual buffet of moving tastefully sweet seasonings. At the same time the blend extends ample notability to the base native varietals, giving the overall flavor a balanced and rounded complexion, which is no small feat considering the intricacy of the challenge presented with this curious recipe.

Initially the grape and orange additives fight for controlling dominance bringing a meld that was quite pleasing. Hm? Ultimately the grape pulls forward as the prominent lead component for most of the session. Mid-range accents come in the form of light caramel and buttery maple as they cavort randomly in the distant finishing note, double yum! Some misty vanilla and bright lemon tones pop in occasionally to add some additional colorization to the registration. Finally witness of sugary walnut highlights advances along with an unusual seltzer-carbonated soda type affluence; quite strange. And so is this random pattern unfolds making Captain Bob somewhat baffling but fun aromatic excursion.

As I alluded to the native tobaccos are given proper equity lending the mixture vital depth in lieu of the rancorous commotion happening with the aforenoted additive. Essentially the Virginias and Burley confluence provides a base line flavor that is characteristically heady and woody in temperament.

Mainly a band of zesty wood and tart grassy hay emerge from the Virginia as the principal bottom spirit. This was steadily embellished by a gingerly sweet, dense Burley toasted nut-wood earthiness reminiscent of the horse-kicking gentility of a Five Brothers. Fleeting smoked leathery undertones projected by the passive Latakia intertwine gracefully with restrained Perique tinges of dark musty fruit and piquant spice. Whew that was a mouthful! And yes, my friends, so was the smoking believe me.

Captain Bob imparts a sweetly brooding mood within the immediate room of consumption, well at least for some. As expected, the vivid sour-sweet essence of concord grapes/citrusy fruit enfolding native earthen pungency infiltrates the room’s perimeter leaving a thick cloud marked with permanence and savory entertaining vapor. Sugary roughness at its finest. Personally, I appreciated the blend’s pretentiously bold and crass fragrance, the wife unmistakably did not, however.

Never thought I’d find favor in a heavily grape-infused wonder, but this blend is so sophisticatedly left of center and abnormal, one must appreciate its unique novelty. Again, for aromatic it brings consider weight to the natural tobacco experience, I can’t poo-poo that at all. Burns cool and evenly with absolutely no disrespect to the palate. So, climb aboard and buckle in if you dare to take a flight with Captain Bob. A truly unusual yet enjoyable pipe smoking adventure to say the least. 2.9 pipes.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 22, 2009 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
Thank you for taking the time to post your reviews of CBB. Craig Tarler (C&D) and I experimented over a period of three years to create the blend that I always wanted but could never find.

The result is a light English aromatic with unique character, taste and aroma. I used a very small amount of Latakia in this blend. Kind of like I use pepper on eggs. Just enough to know that it's there.

I am truly honored that Cornell & Diehl offers "Captain Bob's Blend" as one of their World-Renowned tobacco blends.

Enjoy a variety of tobacco blends. You will be rewarded and not tire out your taste buds!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 08, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
I'm confused. The smell I get from the tin is of a Grape Nehi, not even so much as a hint of tobacco. My college roommate, upon smelling it, described it with a confused look on his face. "What the hell? That smells like grape cough syrup!". Initially that smell set off all sorts of warning bells in my head, telling me to stop before I even got to the smoke. Then I smoked it.

That is where my confusion comes from. The flavor of the tobacco is so different that if there were no grape smell I might assume I was smoking a lovely English blend. Very sweet Virginia dominant English but there is definitely some savory stuff coming from the Latakia and Perique. The grape soda smell is all that the room note consists of and only ever lets itself be known in the first few minutes of smoking and very rarely from then on. Cornell & Diehl has done very well in this blend, or at least for me they have.

I can totally understand why this would put some people off. The flavors and smells are so disparate that purists could write it off completely. I like it, and will be buying more when the tin is emptied.

Side note: Would be aptly called "The Indecisive Englishman".
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Legend
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 22, 2014 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
An everything but the kitchen sink blend. Actually, I think they threw in the kitchen sink too. Just look at that list of ingredients and imagine what it must taste like. I couldn't so I ordered some.

It's quite good. The underlying blend is very, very tasty. A good quality English. Most of the added flavors are too weak for me to pick up on though. I get the grape and the vanilla which combine to create a delicious creamy grape flavor. I never thought I'd smoke a grape flavored English, but here I am. I also would never have thought that this combo would work, but it does. It's a pleasant, enjoyable smoke. A solid 3.
Pipe Used: MM General, MM Country Gentleman
Age When Smoked: fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 14, 2020 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
The Virginias provide some tart and tangy citrus, plenty of grass and hay, light tangy dark fruit, earth, floralnessm and wood as the lead components. The nutty, woody, earthy, lightly molasses sweet burleys are supporting players. The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, floral, sweet Cyprian Latakia is not quite a condiment. The spicy, raisiny, plumy, earthy perique is barely noticeable. The tart and tangy, mildly sour grape topping sublimates the tobaccos and the other additives to a medium extent. I notice the very light caramel, vanilla, orange, and maple far in the background. The walnut is a tad more obvious than they are. I’m not certain what topping relays a light floral essence, but it’s there. The strength is a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium. The taste is medium. The nic-hit is a slot behind the strength level. Won’t bite, but fast puffing may result in a harsh note or two. Has a few small rough edges. Burns a tad warm with a very consistent, complex, sweet, lightly floral and mildly sour, savory flavor that translates to the lingering after taste, and pleasant room note. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires a couple more than an average number of relights. Not really an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2015 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Somebody sure dumped a lot of different aromatic flavors in this one. A little bit on the overpowering side as far as an aromatic smoke goes, but with the base being misted rather than dunked, I did get a good, solid tobacco taste with Captain Bob along with the flavorings. Not really to my personal liking overall, and would have to demote Bob to a Corporal for coming up with this one.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 17, 2009 Medium Medium to Strong Full Very Pleasant
Cap, I just tried this blend of yours and I have to say, it is the most interesting blend I have ever tried in 39 years. It smelled like grape Koolaide when I opened it and at first this really concerned me. I like some aromatics but I have never smelled grape scented tobacco like this. So, I loaded up my pipe to see what I was in for. The room note literally bloomed grape around me, not unpleasant but seemed so strange. I could taste more than grape though, I picked up other fruit flavors as well and as it burned down, I could pick up some of the tobacco tastes. I found that after smoking a whole bowl, it has to be the most gentle aromatic, and the flavor stayed with it all the way down. It was also the driest aromatic I've ever smoked, not a bit of gunk in my pipe and burned to a dark grey ash as the dottle, not a bit unburned. I found myself wanting to smoke another bowl very soon and as I am trying it I am finding I am enjoying this blend very much. My pipe does smell like grape Koolaide but what the heck, one bowl of Five Brothers burned that right out.

I have to recommend trying this blend! It is like none other you will try.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 01, 2016 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Has a grape/grape soda smell and aroma. Nothing terribly extraordinary. I ordered this because of curiosity from all the reviews I've read. I actually really enjoyed this. It's exactly as it's described, nothing fancy to it, and like others have said, either you like it or you don't. If you're very picky, move on, if you're looking for something new and interesting to try, go for it.

the smell from the tobacco does permeate so I suggest storing it in a jar, even though it is an enjoyable smell. And to also use it with a cob or pipe you don't mind if there's ghosting.

Like I said, either you like it or you don't. I enjoyed it because I like grape soda which is what you'll get with this. It's a blend all its own.
Pipe Used: cob
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 24, 2015 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Wonderful, Bizarre, Unique, Flavorful, nothing and I mean nothing quite like this blend.

Yes, you'll either Love it or Hate it. This Aromatic English Hybrid is predominately Grape Flavored. There is a bunch of other flavors too that make an appearance during a smoke. I taste caramel, Walnut, vanilla and citrus.

Weird huh? But throughout the smoke there is a tasty English that just does it right for me.

Can't say this every day smoke - but I Love to have a bowl now and then.

The tobacco will ghost your pipe but burns off after a pipe or two.

If you want to try something unique - then give it a whirl. I am glad I did.
Pipe Used: Mr Brog Lumberjack
PurchasedFrom: C&D
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 01, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Mild Pleasant
This blend is in my personal list of the few English Aromatics excellently crafted and conceived, truly for coinosseurs and adventurers. The advertising is correct so you should not claim misleading afterall. This is an English AROMATIC, caps rightfully included. I bought it because intuition told me that if Cornell & Diehl made it a product it must be good or at least something interesting. It is both. Besides, according to my taste this has all the characteristics necessary to fulfull a great English aromatic.

Now when we deal with this kind of aromatic you will prefer to reserve a pipe for it, use a corncob or a Meerschaum as this blend will easily ghost your pipe, it has a potent aroma and will spice anything else you add into it. With that in mind, let´s proceed.

This is a vanguard blend in which all the ingredients used are expected but the rule for aromatization is not, it is rather radical and to some degree extreme. The aroma of grape cola, sweet orange peel and citrics is rather evident, so this sends this aromatic into the league of the Heavy ones, rather ubiquitous taste with varying degrees of intensity with a partial smokiness from the latakia and other half of burley dryness-nutyness. Not sweet but rather sour-sweet and astringent on the palate, i think this balance is what made it really interesting for me. Virginias add the sour-sweet touch, burley and latakia add the balance and the pinch of perique push just a tad of intensity.

Now it is for granted that the grape-cola with citrics will not be for everyone, some people will find it overhelming, but as i said before, this is an AROMATIC, full time. An exotic English Aromatic in the quality or similar league of Sillem's Black, a masterful made blend only for coinosseurs and daring people. An English with a sour-sweet character and lots of aromatic confidence.
Pipe Used: Principe Albert
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 01, 2014 Mild Very Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Whew GRAPE!! I knew what I was getting into when I purchased this tin, I like aromatics, I like the tobacco's used but the grape is very overpowering. I will continue to smoke my tin and see if this is an acquired taste or if me and grape just do not get along. I truly applaud Capt. Bob for blending some fine stuff and C&D for letting him do his thing. This blend has top quality tobacco's present and you can tell the topping is not some chemical kool aid goop. The family absolutely loved the aroma and I hope that I acquire this taste because to be able to smoke a medium English in mixed company would be ideal!
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