Sutliff Tobacco Company Creme Brulee #701

This delicious gourmet blend was created for those who prefer a custard or pudding as the perfect end to a good meal. A rich creamy texture of vanilla, caramel, and honey applied to burley, Virginia, and flavored black cavendish insures a sublime smoking experience.


Brand Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blended By Carl McAllister
Manufactured By Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Caramel, Honey, Vanilla
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Medium to Strong
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.10 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 31, 2011 Extremely Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Had a fishing buddy bring me a pretty good size load (8 ounces easy) and said a drinking buddy of his didn't care for it too much and maybe I'd like it. Well OK... I smoke the Altadis J4 mild burley quite often and I enjoy it very much so lets see what Altadis put in this blend. Off I go to pipe reviews to check it out.

Burley, Black cavendish, virginia. sounds like the beginings a basic Aromatic to me even though there are blend out there like this that are not.

Flavoring: Vanilla, Caramel, Honey.

I'm long winded... so shoot me.

In the bag is smelled wonderfully sweet , moist and breakfast like. Walk into a resturant making pancakes and waffles and sausage with all that maple syrup being poured all over the place....... that kind of smell. No matter how NOT HUNGRY you are, you're up for a plate of whatever the guy in booth #1 is having.

MOIST MOIST MOIST! I rook a good handfull out and lay'd it on a dinner plate for examination. I can't believe how moist this is. I try to compress a handful just to see if it would ball up which it wouldn't. My hand was slick from handleing it too. I took my nose to hand routine to be a nice experience. Sometimes i do this next part with a new toby to get a feel for how it would taste in a bowl. This often works. I licked my hand a tad bit. Ok that was tasty.. it warranted a bowl now. So I loaded up my Savinelli starter with e fresh balsa filter. (cake free as I keep it pretty clean)

It lit up on first lite. Not blillowing smoke. A nice lite cool type. Stayed lit too. As I puffed I waited for some flavor to come through. Its very mild indeed. Eventually after about 10 puffs in came through. Definatley vanilla custard with a caramel topping.

But it was missing something I really wanted to be there. There is no Toby flavor comming through at all. Time for the next text.

Puff the majic dragon: Lets heat this stuff up real good. I held that lighter there for a good 5 puffs and billowed the smoke. Once I removed the lighter holding the last puff in my mouth so I could let it settle on my tongue and slowly release it I looked down and the toby was on fire. Oh sure I've seen this happen before but usually a near instantanious event barely worth mentioning. We've all seen it in our own pipes. But this didn't go out.

I lowered my pipe and just looked at it. 7-10 seconds latter it finally subsided for lack of oxygen in the bowl. My mouth being filled with Custard and caramel I was still wondering where the Toby flavor was. So I puffed that bad boy with a vigor and vim another good 5 puffs. Where there should have been tongue bite there wasn't thanks to the Balsa filter. No gurgle, nuttin like you'd expect. the finally I could detect a slight pepper flavor trying to come through which would be the cavendish. But it never peaked out and just stay'd in the back ground.

The odd thing after I put the pipe down to assess the flavor a lil more was I noticed this oil slick on my tongue. This definately is not a pleasureable sensation. At least not to me. I'm sure this was engineered in there to giev the comsumer the sense of a creme flavor and in fact its an illusion. Rotten sensation to be honest.

I couldn't get my mind off the flame thing. So I pulled out a couple of pinches and packed it together and took a lighter to it. Didn't take but 2 seconds and a flame slowly rolled across the surface of the pile and eventually suffed itself out while hardly burning the toby.

Oh well. I cleansed my palate with some tea and pulled out the Cob. Simply put... same thing. Fire ball. Same flavor.... same oil slick on my tongue.

Can't have this. I hate to waste toby so today I Grabbed some mild burley and Creme burlee. I took a good sized pinch of CB and added 4 more of Burley and tossed it around for a good 15 min. Oh gees...... this stick muck stuff saturated the burley. I lit it up and definatly had a better time of it since now I could taste the burely and the cavendish. The custard flavor came through but it was part of the background. No it didn't work flavor wise. Try making some custard and putting a pinch of toby in with it. It don't work. Almost Nauseating..... but man that oil slick was back and its very hard to get rid of even with tea.

Strength: Extremely mild. If it weren't for the fact that the Cavendish came out to play I wouldn't have known this was tobacco.

Flavoring Medium. Tastes just like a spoon full of artifical custard. (Omitting the oil slick tongue)

Room note: Very very pleasant. This would make a great potpourri if you cook it in a potpourri warmer. Just imagine your home smelling like warm custard and caramel.

Taste: Mild to medium. But I'm confused with this one. Am I supposed to review food or tobacco? Tastes like dessert and not tobacco.

Recommendation: -4 stars. Due to the danger of small fires destroying your pipe and the oil slick on the tongue and the fact that this tastes nothing like any decent pipe tobacco I should submit a bill of services to Altadis just for trying this crap out.

But if you do wanna try it still....... keep a fire extinguisher and a tongue scrapper close by. Propylene glycol vapor definately burns.

It the cellar? I think not unless I find I have a few rats to kill.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2017 Very Mild Extremely Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Very Pleasant
If there's ever creme brulee on the menu wherever I eat, I usually get it. Love the stuff. So, when I saw this tobacco, I was excited and intrigued.

Then I opened it.

Not sure what it smells like in the pouch, but it's not creme brulee. My wife agreed. I could smell some vanilla, sure, maybe maple, but that's all I could make out for sure. Whatever it was, I liked the smell, but I had already lowered the bar for it tasting like creme brulee, and I was right.

Packing my pipe was a very unpleasant. It looks incredibly moist, but when you grab a pinch, it feels like it was cased with Vaseline. Made a horribly, greasy mess all over my fingers, the rim of my bowl, and because it was all over my fingers, it got all over the bowl itself. I could hear it squish while packing it. Had to wash my hands after packing.

Lighting it was a bit laborious. I do the 2 step lighting, with the first light intended to char the top of the tobacco. Took quite a bit of effort to get it charred. When I tapped the charred tobacco down, it was a crunchy, sticky mess. Kind of like tamping Rice Krispy treats. Speaking of, when lighting it, it sounded like a bowl of Rice Krispies--popped and cracked so loud and hard, that at times, a teeny, red ember would jump out of the bowl. It required re-lighting fairly often. Lots of gurgling throughout. Tried several different pipes, with and without Denicool crystals and Nordstrom keystones--didn't make a difference.

The taste was really mild, with hints of something good coming out sporadically, almost accidentally. Vanilla maybe? It wasn't very aromatic tasting, nor was it pure tobacco tasting. Hard to explain. But the actual taste wasn't displeasing, it just wasn't worth all the effort I described above.

Room notes are enticing. People like it. Smells sweet, with that classic, pipe tobacco smell people love.

Another reviewer mentioned getting an "oil slick" on his tongue. I think I experienced that, too, although initially, I wasn't sure if it was bite or some oily film. After smoking a few bowls (this was a lot of work), I came to the conclusion that the oily feeling is not the bite--because the bite is definitely there, definitely strong and definitely changes the way you smoke it--but it's either truly some kind of oily residue or it's chemical irritation, from the casing, I suspect. Kind of feels like your tongue does after spraying Chloraseptic in your mouth--kind of phenol-y and kind of a tingling numbness. This phenomenon affected the borders of the top of my tongue--front and sides. The bite seemed to attack right in the middle of my tongue.

Cleaning my pipe afterwards was a labor of love (for my pipe), as it was akin to scraping out a glob of melted asphalt from my bowl. I don't think drying it out beforehand will help that much, because it was way more greasy than wet.

I might try sprinkling some to my other overrated tobaccos (Old Mixture 79, BLWB), which are similar to ripping open cigarettes, dumping the tobacco in a pouch and calling it pipe tobacco, in order to give them SOME flavor and to maybe slow down their burning rate.

Pipe Used: Peterson system, Viking 301, Calabash meerschaum
PurchasedFrom: P&C
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 15, 2016 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I do not normally buy Sutliff/Ataldis blends. they are the bottom of the proverbial barrel. However, a friend presented me with four of their blends for my birthday. Crème Brulle is a fairly good example of the Sutliff/Ataldis product line. The Tobacconist had pre-dried the blend before it was purchased (how is beyond me). It burned quick and hot with the acrid catch-in-your-throat bitter Burley burn of an inferior tobacco. With most of it's casing dissipated, the flavor was very monotone. Boring and uneventful would sum it up properly. With so many excellent blends available in today's market, one can surely find a much nicer one. This blend is a randy bottom of the barrel OTC.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum lined Liverpool
PurchasedFrom: Local Tobacconist
Age When Smoked: fresh to One month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2016 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Very Pleasant
Smells great in the jar and even better in the air but, for the life of me, I cannot keep this stuff lit long enough to get a decent smoke out of it. Dried it for nearly a full day after it arrived, jarred it for over a year, tried another full two days of drying this past week and, after packing a bowl for a father's day morning smoke, no dice. Not only is it just plain aggravating having to expend the effort, but when an aro is this difficult to dry out I have to wonder if it's something that I really want to be puffing on at all.
Pipe Used: Vauen 4612
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars
Age When Smoked: 1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 15, 2019 Mild Strong Medium Tolerable to Strong
I bought this blend based on reviews here and my general affinity for aromatics, but I really did not enjoy this at all. Marketing says it's creamy, has texture of vanilla, caramel, and honey. I would describe it as candy coated. I tried to dry it and my dry time seemed to make zero difference, and my blend stayed a sticky wet mess. I bet this blend would smoke better if I could smoke it slow, but I found I either had to puff it constantly, or re-light it. Because of that, I thought this blend was monotone. I'll try drying this for a week before I try it again, or maybe I'll mix it with something super dry.

2022-09-01 Update: I loaded this 3-year-old jar in a cob to see if age did anything to it. This is just hot air. There's a fine line between getting this blend hot enough to generate some flavor, but not so hot that it turned to acrid dumpster fire. And once you hit that sweet spot, it tastes like a weak imitation of BCA. This is an uninteresting, thoroughly forgettable tobacco.
Pipe Used: Peterson 314
Age When Smoked: 2 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 18, 2022 Very Mild Very Mild Very Mild Pleasant
Sopping wet, artificial-tasting PG mess when new.

Don't translate creme to cream - think sickly-sweet steam. Dry it for a MONTH to make it reasonably smokable.

Only then does it reveal it's true colors: Monochrome, pallid, and pathetic.
Pipe Used: Many
PurchasedFrom: Victory Pipes
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 16, 2008 Mild Extra Strong Medium to Full Pleasant
This blend has so much grease in it, you can ring it out and fry meatballs with it. The tobacco taste is unnoticeable due to the very heavily cased leaf. All you taste is grease, vanilla, nuts and more grease. The heel of your pipe has a ton of goop in it when you reach the bottom. Keep pipe cleaners on hand while smoking because this will start to gurgle on you after about 30 seconds. I do have to give this blend credit though. The pouch aroma and the room note are outstanding. This is a crowd/wife pleaser for the aroma, but not a smoker pleaser.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 03, 2021 Strong Extra Strong Overwhelming Pleasant
I'm only posting this as a warning to other people... this tobacco was soaking wet out of the bag, and anything called "creme brulee" shouldn't really taste like mint. Not trying to be a troll here, but this is the first time I've ever thrown tobacco in the garbage. Everybody's tastes are different, but my goodness this was just unsmokable for me... however, the room smells nice afterwards! I do like Lane BCA and Dark Red, St Bruno, and War Horse Bar, so I certainly have no bias against aromatics. This one however was a trainwreck from start to finish, just utterly foul, sticky, hard to keep lit, and, really, why would a thing called creme brulee have a minty menthol flavor???
Pipe Used: Savinelli Roma Lucite 315
Age When Smoked: fresh
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