Mr. B's Vanilla Maple

Vanilla Maple. Beautiful bright Virginia grades are blended with our natural cavendish and dark sun cured tobaccos from Brazil. The mild and sweet vanilla maple aroma, in combination with top grades, gives you an outstanding tobacco blend.


Brand Mr. B's
Blended By  
Manufactured By Brigham Enterprises Inc.
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Maple, Vanilla
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 45 grams pouch
Country Canada


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.90 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 26, 2022 Very Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
This is now called "Canadian Winter" in Canada. Not much to say about it. Not great, not horrible. There's a greasy PG quality to it, but not wet. Doesn't taste much like vanilla or maple, particularly. Tastes nothing like a Canadian winter either, which is best described as the taste of frozen mackeral and moose meat with a side note of high taxes. It tastes more floral or perfumy with a mere tinge of vanilla. Meh, is what it is... a Mr. B's aromatic. Underwhelming and disappointing. Give it 2 stars because there ain't many better options up here.
Pipe Used: Brigham
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 21, 2010 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
I tried Brigham's Vanilla Maple for the first (and only), time at the 2003 Kansas City Pipe Show. For aromatic lovers of soft, yet sweet and cool Vanilla flavoring, this is a real winner. I can see where this one would work perfectly in a Brigham pipe with its patented Maplewood filter because the blend does smoke a little wet.

If you are a fan of Vanilla blends (and this one also had a whisp of Maple Syrup flavor), I think Brigham's Vanilla Maple would be a good choice.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 09, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
This was my first "real" pipe tobacco blend.

The pouch note was very pleasing, very much like vanilla with a hint of maple.

Moisture level was high with this one, so some drying time is recommended.

As this was my first real blend, my tastes wern't quite up to par, but it kept e hooked on pipes when first starting out, so that must say something about it.

This blend is easy to light, dosn't need a whole lot of attention and is a great blend for the price north of the boarder.

I will have to get another pouch and do another review. But this one is definitely a must try if you can get it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 19, 2011 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
Upon first opening the pouch, my olfactory senses were assaulted by the wonderful aroma's of vanilla and maple that abound in this blend. Seriously smells good enough to eat. As this blend is often on the "sopping wet" side of the moisture scale, it will benefit from a day of sitting out on paper; if you air it in your man-cave, the pouch aroma will greet you when you walk in the door...very stong (but pleasant).

In addition to the wonderful aroma's found in the pouch, this tobacco is visually spectacular, with ribbons of red virginia intersperced with slices of black cav. After being allowed to sit for a period, it packs very nicely (using the 3-step method). Takes to a match fairly well, although I often need to relight at half-way, and again at three-quarters.

The initial experience from the true light (for me) is usually strong, sweet, vanilla flavours, with slight undertones of nuttyness from the burley, and the occasional hint of maple. As the bowl reaches the half-way point, the vanilla takes a step back, allowing the rich burleys and sweet virginias to come though, which combine to provide a hint of maple. In the last quarter of the pipe, the flavour profile changes yet again, and the maple flavour becomes the most prevalent, underscored by sweet vanillas and rich burleys. It should be noted that like the majority of aromatics, this tobacco tends to smoke on both the hot and wet side, so care must be taken to avoid a bad bite...particularly if you haven't allowed the humectants (PG) to dissapate somewhat.

The room notes of this tobacco are wonderful, with the maple taking center stage, but the supporting vanilla providing a large part of the olfactory action.

I do find this abit on the weak side where nicotine is concerned, but all in all, a very nice aromatic blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 04, 2010 Very Mild Very Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Being a Canuck i have a real soft spot for this brand, that being said i dont think this is one of their best. The pouch aroma was lovely, i could sit there all day inhaling in the sweet earthy aroma while eyeing ribbon cut reds and brights with some cavendish slices, truly a spiritual experience and a part of my routine each time i light my pipe. I do the three finger pinch thing and grab a clump to pack only relize how wet and oily this blend is,especially when i prefer things on the drier side. I opened the cheap "vapour barrier" of a pouch and let it sit for a week and to my surprise absolutly no change in texture or dampness still the same wet belend....weird. It packed well but sprang out of the pipe once lit, a little tamping put things back in their place. It took the match well for such a damp blend, and stayed lit pretty much the whole way through. I couldnt detect any maple of vanilla but it was sweet none the less. Mid bowl the "burley bitter's" and Mr.Dottle started to rear their ugly heads shortly followed by that tickle in my throat usually from blend riddled with PG. The room note was very pleasant, thick and sweet always finding the shortest route to the nostrils of neighbours and dog walkers, often recieving several compliments from passerbys, followed by the all too familiar stories of long lost fathers and grand pappy's that smoked pipes, and how the aroma brought back pleaant memories of sitting in dens and duck blinds shrouded by thick aromatic smoke, with good drink and better company, its amazing how scent triggers the most euphoric of memories that most of us wish were recent rather than distant, the memories only timeless blends can rekindle(that always makes my day, i dont know why) I will continue to smoke this pouch, because it is very light and refreshingly mild but i dont think ill buy it again, at a Canadian price tag of $18.00 for a 45 gram pouch, i think ill move on with the series, and im sure ill find a brigham blend that strikes me and sticks. This is a great blend for a new member of the fraternity of pipers and the occasional smoker, light sweet and satisfying with no bite, id say Brigham is on the right track.

Update 08/05/15: This is Lane's 1Q just re-branded, not that that's a bad thing (just a point of information, my tobacco shop owner fessed up when I said they were identical side by side) so I could go to my local Canadian tobacconist and pay $23.50 for a 1.5oz pouch as a brigham product, or get it for a couple bucks an ounce in bulk from any one of the popular online retailers.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2011 Very Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
one of the first brigham blends i have tried. The aroma from the "pouch" was great, room note even better. No discernable maple or vanilla but very sweet and a good smoke. Burns extremely hot but I will definitely be trying more of Brigham's blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 12, 2011 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
I can find no maple in this blend, just a very soft vanilla. The flavouring will not last to the bottom of the bowl, but the underlying tobacco is also nice. Lots of very easy, one dimensional smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 11, 2009 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
This is a fairly pleasant smoke. The vanilla is not overpowering, there is only a hint of maple, and there is good tobacco underneath. The room note is nice. Overall, not a bad smoke at all.

Yet I cannot give this one a "Highly Recommended" rating. There is a slight "edge" to this tobacco--enough that I find I only really enjoy it in one of my 9mm filter pipes, to smooth out the flavour. I know many beginning pipe smokers start with aromatics, among them vanilla blends, but because of the "rough edges" that I find on this one, I don't think I'd recommend this to a raw beginner who may not have the technique of filling, lighting, and puffing quite correct yet. Still, while there are some better (IMHO) vanilla aromatics out there, there are many that are worse; and with a little experience, it is entirely possible to enjoy this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 17, 2008 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
My first impression of this one was not favourable, but after smoking several bowls I quite like it. Like many tobaccos it?s a bit too wet when first taken out of the pouch, but after storing in my drawer for a few weeks, it?s more to my liking. It lights easily and burns well, not much tongue bite, mild, sweet flavour and the room note is great.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 22, 2011 Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Tolerable
The pouch note here is good, not overly so however. A nice smelling, more or less average aromatic off the start.

In the bowl it behaves well if a little wet which is what I expected. Slow puffing is for the best here. The maple flavour is hard to discern, to me it is more of a carmelized sugar taste with vanilla overtones. This is not a bad point and I quite like this blend. I find for an unknown reason this blend is best in a corncob, might just be me though.
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