Cornell & Diehl Star of the East

One half Latakia with a generous portion of Turkish and sweetened with stoved red Virginia.
Notes: Starting with a base of 50% Latakia, with a generous portion of Turkish leaf, then sweetened with stoved red Virginia, Star of the East is a full-bodied blend, as well as a long time favorite of Cornell & Diehl customers.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Cornell & Diehl
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin, bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.16 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 43 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 02, 2011 Mild to Medium None Detected Full Pleasant
Wow! This is a really excellent English blend of Latakia, Turkish and Virginia. The label states "One half Latakia with a generous portion of Turkish and sweetened with stoved red Virginia".

In many respects I find Cornell & Diehls' STAR OF THE EAST (SOTE) as the perfect replacement for Balkan Sasieni (BS) and at less than half the cost ($28/lb for SOTE versus $7/50g tin for BS, which works out to approx. $63/ lb).

I find in both blends a dense campfire smokiness provided by the high Latakia content, although its much higher with SOTE (50%) than with BS (I'd estimate at approx. 30%). But the effect of the Stoved Virginia base and the sparkling spice provided by the Orientals is very similar in both to my palate.

The blend comes as a rough cut ribbon, rather on the fat side. The color is a dark brown with a 50% of pure black leaf, the latter presumably representing the Latakia. By the way, off topic, is it la-ta-KIA or la-TA-kia? I have heard both in common parlance. Anyways, the thick ribbons pack well via gravitation feed, with a stout thumb press to finalize the pack. After a preliminary charring, the top ash takes readily and offers a one- match smoke. The water content is ideal out of the sack, and keeps well in sealed glass bell jars.

As an aside, I have tried to find a replacement for BS for quite some time now. Cup O Joes offers a bulk version of Balkan Sasieni for only $40/lb. However, this is not exactly the same as the 50g tinned version. I presume that this is a house blend that approximates the original.

As the first post mentioned, this blend was created in June 1998 by "FredSmoke" (aka Fred Langer) and blended by Craig Tarler of Cornell & Diehls. Hats off to these fine gentlemen. What really impresses me with this blend is the cost of $28/lb! I don't think a better deal exists for the lover of English / Balkan blends who by necessity operate on a shoestring budget. I for one will be feeding my cellar with this fine blend to the tune of several pounds. I expect the Stoved Red Virginias, that neutralize the 50% Latakia and serve as a base of fine sweetness, to age well.

I would HIGHLY recommend this blend to any lover of English Latakia heavy blends. I give it 4 out of 4 stars. Happy smoking to all.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 29, 2010 Strong None Detected Very Full Tolerable
I suspect this could be packaged in a GL Pease tin, introduced as his newest "genius' blend, and many of us would gladly pay the premium cost to rave about the "depth and subtle complexity of this intoxicating weed"... or otherwise engage in some other manner of hyperbole.

This is in no way a knock on GLP. I dig his stuff. Which is why I use it here as sort of the gold standard. The point is I personally think SOTE is damned good pipe tobacco. As good as there is out there.

Throw in that it costs less than 30 bucks a pound and it to me is a clear , no-brainer, stock builder.

If you like English/Balkan blends just try this. Could be a mainstay for you..
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 04, 2013 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
A great blend with lots of flavor. Not quite as stout as most of the English/Balkan blends I smoke, but just as flavorful. I'll keep some of this around for the times when I want something a little lighter. This is a very good, solid, quality smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 03, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
This tobacco is excellent. I couldn't find any flaw yet, and although intuitively, it seems somewhat mediocre, I tried to analyse what exactly is missing here, and I couldn't find anything. It has everything in just the right amount. I was smoking Red Odessa a lot lately, then I got sick, which changed my receptors as usual, and during the recovery, I switched to this one. First bowl of it, was in a meerschaum pipe, near New Year's eve on the city dock in Thessaloniki, a warm sea weather, ideal for winter latakia smoke. And I find it disgusting, there's something special in Cornell and Diehl blends that distinguishes them from all other out there, and the first bowl all I could smell was that undefined Cornell and Diehl taste. Second bowl however, was much better, and was getting better and better, and the last one I had 15 minutes ago, and I liked it immensely. It is truly a wonderful blend that lacks nothing. Latakia is overpowering, not as in Odissey, but close, and orientals are present, you can feel them periodically, although they don't play the main role. VA can also be spotted after the first half, all in all, decent quality smoke. It leaves that awesome latakia aftertaste that lasts for a long time. I'm beginning to like this more and more. I purchased 8 oz bulk, and probably going to order some more. Not a nicotine kick, more like everyday english. Not too mild like Balkan Sasieni either. Highly Recommended.
Pipe Used: Briars and meers
Age When Smoked: 2 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 12, 2005 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
WOW. This blend is smooth, rich and full. While the Latakia is the heavy hitter in SOTE, the red VA pokes its head through around mid bowl enhancing the semi sweetness of the turkish that compliments the Latakia very well. Burns clean and even, building up to a very complex and tasty finish that makes you want to immediately smoke another bowl.

While SOTE is not as profoundly smooth and creamy as Penzance, it has replaced Penzance as my favorite Latakia blend. Something no other Latakia blend has been able to do for the past five years. A winner and a solid 4 stars!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 31, 2010 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
The venerable, almost legendary C&D Star of the East. I wondered when I would finally get some to try and finally did include a small 2 oz. tin of this bulk blend on my last order. The reviews here and elsewhere piqued my interest especially with the comparisons to Penzance which seems to have gone AWOL again over here.

Described as a broken flake I wonder what difference there is between this and C&D's SOTE Flake? I guess I must buy that as well. However, upon lighting this up I was immediately pummeled by a fine Latakia with the sweet Virginias quickly coming to the surface. Sweet smokiness without the tannic pasting with which other heavy Latakia blends have left me (Three Oaks Original, for one). Unsure if I like this right off I immediately repacked my pipe and had another go. Yes, I liked it and can see how others have likened it to Penzance- it seems to be Penzance on steroids - the Latakia more to the fore, the Va's sweeter. The "finish" of this, to borrow a cigar tasting term, is short and does not linger for hours in one's mouth.

I very much like Penzance and could smoke it all day. I'm not sure if I can handle this all day, however; it is more powerful in nicotine (not that that is a bad thing). I do wonder why no comparison has been made (unless I missed it) to other heavy Latakia blends such as FrogMorton or Benjamin Hartwell Chesdin Mixture. Those blends seem more in the genre of SOTE, IMO. I prefer Star of the East to both of those and it has over the last two weeks replaced the Frog for me. I may not smoke it all day, but I do smoke it at least once per day as the drive-to-work blend where it satisfies my tobacco yen until lunch twelve hours later. 4 Stars - no equivocation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 02, 2016 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
Cornell & Diehl - Star of the East.

Before I begin the actual review I'll point out one of the flaws with Star of the East: twigs. In my pouch there's bloomin loads of them! There's no way I'd call this just a ribbon, as well as the twiggy bits there's broken flakes' and leafy bits in there. Don't get me wrong, it does contain ribbons, but it's a lot closer to what I'd call a mixture.

I find the Latakia takes the lead in the smoke, with the Orientals sitting behind. They're not 'right at the back', but work as more of a back-up for the Latakia. I'm not implying this is a Lat-Bomb, it's nowhere near smoky enough. I don't get much from the Virginia's, hardly anything actually.

The burn's one of the high points with S.o.t.E; it does so with great consistency, and I don't find the smoke too warm at any point either. Nor does the smoke bite, even when it's strained!

The nicotine's medium, and sadly the room-note's not exactly the best: tolerable, or maybe a bit too much.

I can't smoke this solidly all day, but I love it as a breakfast blend!

Highly recommended.

Pipe Used: Peterson Jekyll & Hyde
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 07, 2019 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
My first venture into this highly acclaimed modern classic (and rightly so). The first word that comes to mind is smooth. Man, this is silk! I thought, on reading the description, that I was going to be mauled by the 50% Latakia. But, hey, this leaf purrs; the added Oriental (Turkish I guess) makes it even softer, and the Virginias are there but without disturbing what in fact is a perfect Oriental dream. In spite its smoothness this baccy packs quite a bit of flavor. It's not a blatant concoction in the sense many Dunhills' or Peases' Orientals are. This is closer to the old Campanile (Fox) and it resembles a lighter version of the old London Mixture. A great English/Oriental that can easily be smoked all day long. This is the stuff One Thousand and One Nights are made of. A truly oniric, hypnotic, and soothing mixture.
Pipe Used: Dunhill Chestnut
Age When Smoked: Fresh from the tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 21, 2015 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
In the tin: A strong scent of molasses, caramel and smokiness. Hints of spiceyness too.

Taste: A nice smoky, caramelish taste on first light which continues throughout the bowl. Also present were the resemblance of toasted cocoa beans. The spiciness are very subdued, maybe because of the age (5 years old). Clearly mellowed over the years. Nice blend with strong smokiness for the Latakia lovers.

YT review here...
Pipe Used: Stanwell, Savinelli, Georg Jensen
Age When Smoked: 4 yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2021 Medium None Detected Full Strong
Summary: a Balkan, or English with higher percentage of Orientals, this one lets the red Virginia sweetness shine

An English blend contains at least three elements -- Virginias, Orientals, and Latakia -- but a Balkan blend has a higher percentage of Orientals than your average English. This does not necessarily mean more Orientals than Latakia, only that moving up the percentage creates a different flavor. Where the English blend tastes like a spiced cookie, perhaps, the Balkan blend possesses more of an incense-like flavor that mutes the Latakia smokiness to the point that the Virginia becomes the strongest ingredient. It is easy to see why this blend is a best seller for C&D: the red Virginia sweetness takes the forefront, scented and flavored by a mixture of herbal smoke and wine-like spice. This makes for a slightly Protean flavor that mostly expresses a balance like barbecue sauce cured in wood smoke, with no part overwhelming the Virginias but all parts working together..
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