Sutliff Tobacco Company Tobacco Galleria - Wild Cherry

Toasted black cavendish and Virginia with a sweet cherry flavoring


Brand Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blended By Carl McCallister
Manufactured By Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Cherry
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch
Country United States
Production Currently available


Very Mild
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

1.75 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 16 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 26, 2012 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
This is a well recomended tobacco, for its price, in my book. Here's why:

This stuff might be El Cheapo but the quality of the bag I got was definitely a step above "drugstore" blend. Without a doubt this is a heavily cased aromatic but I didn't find it to be overdone. I did not have a problem with this blend ghosting the bowl.

And it tasted great. Nice burnt, sweet taste of decent black cavendish.

For the price, well worth it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 20, 2015 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
The Virginia is a little grassy, though the sweetness is muted by the cherry. The toasted black cavendish seems to be unsweetened as I don't notice any vanilla. The cherry topping is very mild, lightly applied and pleasant, and despite what other reviewers claim, has no chemical taste nor does it taste like cough drops. It does remind me of a milder Dutch Masters Cherry Cavendish, which I believe this is. Burns well, cool and clean, requiring few relights or dry time. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, but no goop. Has virtually no nicotine, and a pleasant after taste and room note. A mild all day regular cherry blend that won't bite or get in your way as you live your day. It's three stars for a mild smoke, and I would rate it as I did the DM Cherry Cavendish if the cherry had a little more depth to the flavor. I believe being stored as bulk and not in a pouch caused a little of the topping to flash off. Two and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2006 Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
Okay, so I knew going in that this one would try my taste buds. I'm not usually up to trying cherry blends of any kind, but since Altadis sends my pipe club a blend of the month, I do feel obligated to sample each offering. I used a trusty Comoy's Highgate that I have long reserved for aromatic blends to give this one a try.

Positives - This blend burns fairly dry for a heavy aromatic.

Negatives - This blend tastes like cherry cough syrup.

If you are an aromatic fancier, and particularly a pipester who enjoys the taste of cherry in your smoke.... Well, here you go pardner.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 10, 2017 Mild Strong Mild Pleasant
Sutliff Tobacco Company - Tobacco Galleria - Wild Cherry.

Note: from bulk.

The ribbons have a strong cherry aroma to them, about half are a lot coarser than the rest, and because this was from bulk it's had room to breath in the pouch so is ready to smoke fresh.

The smoke doesn't 'do it' for me. The cherry topping hogs the flavour, and isn't particularly pleasant: bitter, caustic, acidic, and cheap tasting. I get little tobacco flavours, and what I do get is flat and boring. The burn's a better point, with tongue bite being minimal.

Nicotine: mild. Room-note: pleasant.

Wild Cherry? Never again.

Not recommended.

Pipe Used: Cob
Age When Smoked: One month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 20, 2012 Mild Medium to Strong Mild Pleasant
I really didnt think it was THAT bad. For being a blend I found in a cheap discount tobacco store I guess maybe my expectations were pretty low. It is super sweet. Probably too sweet for most, but I like a sugary tobacco. I would only really recommend this to cherry fans, but even then Im sure you could find something better (CAO Cherrybomb perhaps?).
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 11, 2006 Very Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
i just could'nt taaste the cherry in this,most of the time all that came through was,well,i'm not sure.i guess i'd have to say virginia,here and there i would get a hint of cherry,the aroma that filled the room was kind of like cherry ,but nothing like the classic cherry blends that fill a room at the very start of puffing and stay the whole time to the end.i probably won't try this again if i'm looking for cherry blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2006 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This blend brings together the worst combination possible: Cheap tobacco, and cheap, synthetic casing. Altadis should save a bunch of money, and stop producing this sort of dreck. Then they could invest in some good tobacco, and better quality flavorings. I know they can make some winners, but they are wasting their time and resources with this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 27, 2019 Medium Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I'm not sure what people are expecting when they buy this type of cherry pipe tobacco, nor am I really sure what I expect when I keep buying them over & over again. However, this is ok, no real bite, cherry flavor is overwhelming in the pouch but not in taste. The room note is very pleasant no complaints from family at all. Tobacco is ribbon cut, packs nice and burned well
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerchaums
PurchasedFrom: WV
Age When Smoked: Just got it
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2013 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Smokes and burns well. Its a good aro, and is great for beginners. For some reason it smells a bit like playdough.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 17, 2010 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Overwhelming
Luckily I smoked this in my wifes mini corn cob. I was waiting for the nyquil taste but James said it, cough drops.. yuck! Maybe THE WORST pipe tobacco I've ever tried (next to Red Cap). It literally made my stomach turn, (although that could've been the pepper jack cheese I ate previously.. I doubt it.) This one won't get a second chance. After 4 minutes there was gurgling, I couldn't even finish the small bowl. I've been looking for a cherry to mix in my "junk batch" or maybe I won't even put it in there? Highly unrecommended. If you do smoke it maybe try it while plugging your nose, it could help.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 16, 2010 Very Mild Extra Strong Mild Pleasant
This is easily the most cased/flavored tobacco that I have ever put in my pipe. It won't find it's way there again...

It smells sickeningly sweet out of the bag. Add to that a medicine cherry aroma similar to children's Nyquil.

Like many other Altadis blends, this tobacco is wet and burns hot. So if you are adventurous and want to try it, make sure you dry it overnight and watch your tongue.

I've tried a couple cherry blends that I've enjoyed, so I wasn't going to not smoke this just because I didn't like how it smelled. Well, the flavor was just as bad. Once again, think children's Nyquil and you have an idea of what it tastes like. I'm really glad that I used a cob for this, because the ghosts would have ruined a briar. They're so bad, that my cob still wreaks of cherry after multiple salt/alcohol treatments.

Smokers beware! This blend will offend your nose, taste buds, and tongue!
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