pipesandcigars.com Scotty's Milk and Honey

Another house favorite. Loaded with the finest Black Cavendish and a single malt highlight. Perfect for the cool night.


Brand pipesandcigars.com
Blended By Scott Bendett
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Cavendish Based
Contents Black Cavendish
Flavoring Whisky
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.07 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 14 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2016 Very Mild Mild Mild Tolerable
With a name like milk and honey you would think it would be sweet and wholesome. But no my friends it's not. The predominant flavor is booze ( whisky I guess I not drink), but it's a very mild taste and not overpowering. Low nic levels will allow you to smoke this on an empty stomach and be ok. Lights easy and stays lit. Very mild flavor, no tongue bite. If you like whisky flavor this will float your boat. Bottom line it's goods, but I would be ordering it again.
Pipe Used: Cobs and briars
PurchasedFrom: Pipesandcigars.com
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 02, 2013 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Pipes and Cigars - Scotty's Blend - Milk and Honey

Star Rating = 4

Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst

Pouch Note = 10

Room Note = 10

Flavor = 10

Bite = 9

Burn = 9

After Taste = 9

Raw Score = 57

Rated Percentage = 95%

Comment = Very Smooth, Very Mild, Mellow with a good Flavor, it's not too sweet
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 09, 2016 Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
Another excellent blend from the Scotty's P&C tobacco line. For those of us old enough to remember the shopping mall tobacconist of the 80's, it is fond memories indeed. Row upon row of fragrant aromatic tobacco in glass canisters, the ambience of times long past. To me, this blend conjures up the entire genre. The tin note, room note, and flavor of this brilliant Burley/Black Cavendish blend brings all of these wonderful memories back home for me. Sadly, it is to be discontinued by P&C and is destined to go the way of the shopping mall tobacconist. Only to be a memory of what once was. P&C says the blend is a victim of the new Deeming regulations. Rubbish, this blend was around before the 2007 rule. It is a shame the younger generation will never be able to experience the blends like this that were the inspiration for many we have today. What a loss, that they will never have the fond memories our generation does.
Pipe Used: Comoy's Zulu & Safari Billiard
PurchasedFrom: Pipes&Cigars
Age When Smoked: Fresh to 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 25, 2012 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
Milk and Honey marks the end of my winter long “vacation” into aromatics. Milk and Honey is an aromatic blend that I believe was part of the Pipes and Cigar's stable of blends prior to the days of Russ Ouellette as the chief blender. M&H is a full on aromatic that is pleasant and sweet. I don't get a lot of the scotch flavor as it is very subtle. I also think that I taste some Lane tobacco in the blend. I didn't detect any bite from M&H and it doesn't burn wet. Scotty has created a solid, although not unique, reliable aromatic with Milk and Honey. Recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 09, 2008 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
If you want a good black cavendish this one should do nicely. I think it is a little mild for my taste and don't smoke it too much.

It is nice for when you want something light. Or if you want those around you to not be offended but I rarely if ever smoke for anyone but myself. I am offended by cigarette smoke but have to tollerate it, so I could'nt care less about most not liking my smoke smell, especailly a cigarette smoker. At least my girlfriend says it smells good and she does not complain.

Another good blend from Scotty's series. Honestly I need to try the tobacco's I have not gotten to yet in this series because old red is my favorite and this is great also. Good job Scotty and Russ!

Update: this is still good but try mcclelland VBC (vanilla black cavendish)is much better, trust me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 27, 2020 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
My last tobacco order brought me a disappointing Whiskey blend (Peter Stokkebye No.2), so I'm hoping for an improvement here. What luck, the bag opened to a much nicer creamy sweet aroma I'd be happy to huff if nothing else, though it resembled candy more than Whiskey.

The mostly dark Cavendish was a bit damp from the topping, having the hallmark of a classic 'pick your favorite flavor' from the tobacco candy bin, which I didn't mind. Fired up and smoldered well enough, giving off a pleasant smoke that wasn't as sugary as the the bag, yet still very much an Aromatic. If blindfolded, I wouldn't of guessed it was a Whiskey blend at first, but there a certain 'heat' to the smoke that could convince me there was something alcoholy at work inside.

In the end it was a mild all day smoke that tasted like honey if nothing else. It was tasty enough, but didn't have the leather for smokers who dislike sweet Aromatics.
PurchasedFrom: tobaccopipes.com
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 05, 2011 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
I am new to pipe smoking so here is a beginners perspective. I chose this blend because it seemed like a good mild blend to start with. I was pleased with it I have only had 2 bowls and the first wasn't what i expected, but the second was better I think i packed the first wrong. Overall I like the smoothness of this blend, did not get any real tongue bite, it seems like something is missing though.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 29, 2011 Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant
Yes! This was a great smoke! A sweet-tasting tobacco that tastes naturally sweet. I enjoyed this considerably and really affirmed that I need to explore more virginia blends.

Edit: In an order to P&C I ordered 1oz of Old Red but they mistakenly put in 1oz of this but called it Old Red (mistakes happen). So I initially made this review for that tobacco. When I bought 8oz of Old Red, I quickly realized it wasn't the same thing I tried. Bob at P&C very graciously sent me 8oz of this tobacco and I quickly moved my original review above here.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 18, 2010 Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
This one is a very good aeromatic it is quite good with a pleasent room note and finish profile. From the pouch it literally smells like honey bunches of oats cereal. But while your smoking it, the flavor is awsome; especially for me being an English blend fan. My dad doesn't like this blend but for me it is good! I sometimes add a bit of latakia to it to make it an aeromatic English and it evens things out even better.

I would recommend this blend for experienced smokers who has the patience to appreciate a fine smoke. It might be a little apprehensive for new smokers but go ahead and give it a try, you might like it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 23, 2008 Very Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
A decent all day smoke due to its mildness. Smoked it while raking the l;eavies and I loaded several bowls one after the other with no bad effect (and I have a pretty weak stomach for nicotine).

No mouth burn and I was puffing pretty good while doing the yard work. It stayed lit and was just dry enough.

Probably wouldn't send for it again but wouldn't turn it down either.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 29, 2007 Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
Sweet and balanced describe this blend well. I've always felt that dark cavendish makes a good base for sweet, but light, aromatics. This blend shows off a good balance of gentle scotch flavoring with an excellent, high quality cavendish.
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