Sutliff Tobacco Company Tobacco Galleria - Midnight Smoke

All black cavendish tobacco, extra mild.


Brand Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blended By Carl McAllister
Manufactured By Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 1.5 ounce pouch
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

1.81 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 26 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 17, 2014 Very Mild Medium to Strong Very Mild Pleasant
There is something to be said about this style of tobacco. It really is very plain. Some companies would give this type of blend a ridiculous name, put it in an elegantly gilded tin, and charge three times the price of this blend. Even in this configuration people would buy it and smoke it.

In the pouch this tobacco is dark as the pits of hell. Much like Lanes BCA, it is very goopy, has a slight chemical smell, and will leave a ghost in anything that burns it. It had very little flavor, and I had a heck of a time keeping it lit, even though I attempted (in vain) to dry it out.

It is certainly not all bad. To my surprise this blend had no tongue bite at all, which is rare for this type of ameliorate steeped tobacco. Also, the room note was very nice.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 08, 2006 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
Whether one likes or dislikes a tobacco, I think a fair review includes some information, at least.

So, here goes:

1. This might be the most tasteless tobacco I've ever smoked.

2. It has had the bite totally removed by some serious stewing.

3. It is easy to pack but is quite moist and will not dry out.

4. If you are alergic to nicotine, then this is your manna from heaven.

5. If you require nicotine, Midnight Smoke will cause severe withdrawl symptoms.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 21, 2018 Very Mild Medium to Strong Mild Very Pleasant
Sutliff Tobacco Co. - Tobacco Galleria - Midnight Smoke.

I've just returned from a holiday and this was one of the blends I took along with me.

In keeping with the name the colour's jet black. The smell is artificial and it's way too moist. So, it needs a decent airing.

The smoke? There's nothing serious here! We have a very sweet, smooth, cool burning, vanilla aromatic. The tobacco flavour's the typically clumsy black Cav' one and it manufactures big plumes of smoke. There's hardly any nicotine to be had from it and although it fills the room with smoke it smells nice!

This is one of those blends which brings out the kid in me. Like a bowl of jelly: although I'm all grown up, sometimes the 'fun' of something's appealing! That said, though, I don't think it warrants any higher than two stars:

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: (bulk)
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 15, 2013 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
I first tried this about 8 or 9 years ago in a 6 pack sampler. I never found it again until recently. Back then it was just called Midnight. Anyway, the tobacco smells like your typical Black Cavendish, but with something a little different. It is a little on the moist side, but a little drying takes care of that. The smoke aroma reminds me of an old book shop or a forgotten library. My wife had said the same thing back then and came up with the exact remark again this time. I remained silent to hear her take to see if it had changed and the remarks from both of us were the same all these years later. There is an earthiness and depth that is not found in your typical Cavendish. It is sweet in a natural sort of way and not covered in vanilla or cherry or something like that. The nicotine is a little low, but you will enjoy being inside rather than outside to have a smoke. Towards the bottom of the bowl, the taste does tend to get a bit stout, as does the aroma. However, it is still pretty good and the wife only took note and did object entirely. If you have been turned off by over cased Black Cavendish tobaccos that bite like anything and goop up your pipe, you really need to try this one. Plus, the room aroma will please you and those around you.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 26, 2012 Very Mild Mild to Medium Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
good news, no bite. bad news no taste at all. it burns well and cool. liking other altadis blends, i gave it a try, but after three or four bowls of tasteless smoke, it was promptly thrown away.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2011 Mild to Medium Extra Strong Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
A good way to use this stuff is to put it in a tall jar & let some good cigars soak up the tasty rum essence. Otherwise, it's unsmokeable sweepings off the tobacco barn floor...
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 13, 2019 Extremely Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
Okay, so this isn’t the most flavorful smoke in the world. I’n my opinion, there’s no need for it to be. This was one of the first tobaccos I purchased, and a reason I still enjoy it from time to time is that I’m not the kind of fellow whose smoking experience is limited to sitting down and analyzing a blend. I like sticking a pipe in my mouth and puffing mindlessly while I do stuff. Fishing, working, walkinjg, etc, I enjoy being able to puff on something without my tongue being bitten or burned.

That’s the beauty of this blend: it’s not complex. It’s like the La Croix of tobacco. There’s a little hint of sweetness, though I’m not sure what it is. Vanilla? Marshmallow? Not sure. But it’s pleasant.

This is a blend for mindless puffery. It fits that purpose well.
Pipe Used: MMLittle Devil Cutty & a no-name basket pipe
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 03, 2019 Extremely Mild Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
I don't smoke aromatics.

Back in October of 2018 I ordered two pounds of Matured Red Virginia 515 RC-1 from, and I got two pounds of this black goo instead. (SmokingPipes sent me two fresh pounds of the RC-1 at no extra charge, and I did not have to return this stuff).

I just loaded a Dagner cob full of Midnight Smoke (didn't want to risk ruining any of my briars). Upon further inspection, ghosting a briar was never really a threat with Midnight Smoke: No taste, no flavor, no nicotine, no point. Cannot recommend (and they don't have a 0-star option here).

The Missus opens the lids on the four 1-quart jars to use as room freshener ("I love the smell" she says) . . .
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 14, 2011 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
I got this stuff as a sample with my solani silver flake, which I loved.. and my Dunhill early morning pipe.. which sucked horribly. The midnight smelled like maple syrup and vanilla, which was awesome. It was a bit moist, so letting it sit out is recommended. Its very mild to start. The smoke is very pleasant and smells wonderful. Not a touch of tongue bite, which is surprising being how fragrant and moist this stuff is. I like it very much and smoke it every morning with my coffee.. give it a try..
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 24, 2010 Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant
As a big fan of black cavendish, I had sought out a reasonably priced sample. At just under $9, this seemed worth a try. The smell when I first opened the pouch was pleasant. Holding it closer, I could smell the richness of the fremented leaf. I gave it the moisture test, and found that it stuck to itself far too much when I made a small ball of it in my fist. Lighting a bowl full at this point would be difficult. I spread some out on a papertowel to dry. (Since I live in Arizona and our average humidity is about 8%, it wouldn't take long.) I came back to check after about an hour and found that it was almost perfect. I chose one of my meerschaums, and filled the bowl in 3 pinches.

It still took a whole match to light. As I puffed away getting it going, there was no taste at all. I inhaled a puff just to see if there was any taste there, but there wasn't. I could tell I had inhaled smoke (sacrelidge to some, a norm for others) but upon blowing it out, there was an almost imperceptible flavor of nuttiness. On occasion I had to remove the stem of the pipe and blow out the condensation. Perhaps I could have let the tobacco dry a bit more. I hate a gurgling pipe, and blow out my stems quite often while smoking. Since I do most of my smoking outdoors, it's not an issue.

I noticed almost no tongue bite once the bowl was burning well (no surprise there). I smoked slowly and deliberately, enjoying the mellow taste and aroma. Halfway through, I stopped for a full 5 minutes, letting the bowl cool down and waiting for the fire to go out. As an outdoorsman, I frequently get engaged in some side activity and have to put down my pipe for a minute or two. I find that some tobaccos get worse when they sit, and some do not.

After tamping, the bowl lit right up with about half a match to spare. The taste had not changed. I smoked for a while longer, and then did the inhalation test again.

I was pleasantly surprised. The nuttiness had grown stronger and sweeter. The flavor was excellent. It seemed that the closer I got to the bottom of the bowl, the richer the flavor. If they could steep this brand in it's own juices for just a bit longer during the fermentation, I believe it could be the best single cavendish around.

The taste will be dissapointing to some connoissuers, but for beginners, it will be a pleasant surprise.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 24, 2010 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Ok, so after having mixed luck with 3 different Altadis pouches sent to me as a sampler, I happily happened upon a local B&M (I didn't know it was even there!) that, unfortunately, carries only Borkum Riff and a whole row of Altadis (and for only $4 a pouch - in NY!! What is this stuf in PA, 50 cents??). I really liked Blue Note, so at that price, it's easy to grab a couple of new pouches to sample.

Being a black cavendish fan, Midnight Smoke is an easy pick (the fact that the pouch looks very similar to Blue Note probably influenced my decision as well). Once in the car, I can't resist opening it and taking a whiff (I didn't have a pipe with me), and the smell coming from the bag is a black cherry and vanilla brandy. I think I actually may have started salivating a bit.

Once home, I go to fill a bowl, and notice this stuff is so moist, it's amost wet...and even a bit sticky. I leave some out to dry for an hour or so, then fill my pipe with it and attempt to light. And attempt again. And again.

This tobacco doesn't want to start, and maybe I should have let it guide me because, once it's stoked, a horrible perfume flavor begins coating my tongue. I'm not talking about the normal propylene glycol chemical flavor, I mean full-on I just licked a sample card from a women's magazine. Nasty. And then, there's the gurgle. Now, I'm fairly new to pipes, having only smoked about 100-120 bowls of some 40-ish different blends, but I've never experienced gurgle like this. Not only that, but nothing will abate it..not packing, not changing my draw, nothing. I even smoked the same bowl three times over a 24 hour period (figuring the heat would let the tobacco dry out a bit) and it still gurgled just as badly the third time as it did the first.

And I don't think I even need to go into the residue, do I?

So sad. Why do all the great smelling aromatics smoke the worst? I'll let this dry out until next winter, and then I'll give it another go, first on its own, and then mixed with some burley. I really want to like it, but fresh out of the pouch it's completely unsmokable.
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