Tinder Box Philosopher Blend

A perfect balance of the finest Virginia, latakia and Oriental tobaccos with a medium flavor and body.


Brand Tinder Box
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By  
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Broken Flake
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.55 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 33 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 21, 2005 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
I try to feed the local Tinderbox despite their dearth of tinned tobaccos. They have about a dozen jars of "custom" blends (Lane) with names that sound like either donuts or hookers. I was offered a free couple oz. with a pipe I bought there last year. I reluctantly accepted a sample of this.

Jar aroma: slightly sweet, slightly oriental, slightly phenolic (think band-aid.. how my nose perceives latakia). Trace of alcohol topping possible.

Appearance: typical oriental? shreds (light) about 10-20%, sticks 5%, heavy dark brown clumps and shreds, balance. Somewhat moist in a cavendish way.

First light: English, sweetish. Latakia sure seems to be there, as does cavendish. Orientals there in minor amounts. Mild tasting, like Aperitif-light. Trying hard to taste VAs.

Development: orientals stronger, sweetness stronger. Sidestream smoke curiously bland. Vague sense of autumn burning leaves. No further development. No bite, flavor mild overall.

Final call: actually, I liked it. I often enjoy mild tobaccos. I disagree with the stated description of ingredients, unless cavendish counts as a Virginia and latakia gets classified as an oriental. I haven't smoked Lane's Crown Achievement, but I suspect this is it, relabeled. A good light English (Scottish?), dainty almost. Bland, but in a good way. An English for people who don't like English, a wise offering to the customers of Tinderbox, judging on the rest of their offerings.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 22, 2014 Medium None Detected Full Very Pleasant
Tinder Box - Philosopher.

I have wanted to try this ever since I discovered that upon the death of my pipe hero Lee Van Cleef they found many receipts for this amongst his belongings. As he smoked it I wanted to, I found it perfect! The unlit product has the most intoxicating smell, Virginia with smoky Latakia. It is of a perfect moistness, so I don't have to wait for it to air any.

Once my bowl is filled it is a real easy task to get lit, only requiring a fairly quick touch of the flame, and then it is not necessary to keep re-lighting, it's a very even burn and delivers a medium temperature smoke. The flavour ... wow, I can see why Mr Cleef liked this one! It gives a great burst of Latakia which takes the front of house. The Virginia does not go unnoticed, there's a nice subtle hay note of perfect strength to compliment this blend. Tongue bite? Well throughout the whole bowl there is not one incident of it, even if I suck like crazy! Nicotine level now, spot on (for me), it's about Squadron Leader level . The flavour does not dissipate throughout the whole bowl, one of the most un-fluctuating blends I have had. It gives a great room note: very stereotypical for the tobaccos albeit quite a light one. Perfect !
Pipe Used: Peterson
PurchasedFrom: Gift
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2012 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
The strong, smokey woody Cyprian latakia is the star component. It offers less sweetness than expected. The woody, earthy, dry, woody, sour Oriental/Turkish also offers a light spice note as a background player, though at times, it rises above that a mite. The grassy, lightly citrus sweet Virginia forms the base of the blend in a support role. There’s a hint of soapiness present. No chance of bite or harshness. The nic-hit is mild to medium. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a mostly consistent flavor from start to finish. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves just a little dampness in the bowl. The pungent after taste and room notes do linger. Not quite an all day smoke, though the experienced smoker may find that it is. Two and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 28, 2010 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
I first tried this blend 10 years ago, and very much enjoyed it. Sadly, all the Tinder Boxes in my area have closed down over recent years, so I did not have any access to this blend, unless purchasing it in bulk from the Tinder Box webpage.

Recently, my nephew, who is also a pipe smoker, discovered a Tinder Box not too far from his home. He thoughtfully picked up a couple ounces of this blend to give me upon a recent visit.

Contrary to some other reviews on here, I still think it's good stuff! As soon as you open the pouch, you are presented with that unmistakable aroma that says "English Blend." The Latakia (not sure why it's not labeled as having Latakia tobacco, as you can most surely smell and taste it in this blend) immediately jumps out to greet you with its distinctive smoky aroma. The Orientials are also very present, but in a balanced way that keeps this tobacco interesting.

It lights and smokes well, albeit a bit on the hot side. Is it the best English blend in the world? No. But, it is certainly a very enjoyable tobacco, with enough nuances to keep one's interest. I like it, and frequently smoke it in a large meerschaum while listening to lectures from the Teaching Company philosophy course "Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition." A time of delight for the mind and the senses.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 09, 2013 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
Picked this up from the nice folks at the N. Myrtle Beach store, along with some Sherlock's Choice...

My first thoughts when smelling this was "Squadron Leader!" It has that oriental-forward kind of smell that was reminiscent of SL, however the tobacco itself is more of a hearty, rough cut, rather than a nice ribbon cut like SL.

Anyways, I don't want to give this blend the injustice of comparing it to SL, because on its own rights, it is a great blend. Very light in both body and strength, which makes it an ideal morning blend for me. Very oriental forward, with the latakia and virginias playing a supporting role. Also, I detect some cavendished tobaccos in the mix as well, which gives it an easy creaminess that makes it great for the morning time. Did not bite, but I have noticed some goop in the bottom of my bowl a few times, which is not a good thing. Hopefully this will go away as the blend dries out a bit (it is fairly moist). Overall, a high quality leaf.

Everything you want in a light bodied morning balkan blend. I'm sure there are better light balkan blends out there, but this one is great for the price. Give it a try next time you're at a Tinderbox.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 27, 2013 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This may well not be a proper English blend, but it certainly smokes like one. Or, I should say, it smokes somewhat like an English blend, albeit an English blend without the hard edge of a burning rubber tire and the stomach-churning nicotine content.

Philosopher is a very smooth, flaverful, and gratifying blend. Its every feature is subtle, perhaps too much so to satisfy occasional smokers who demand more power and presence in their smokes. But for regular puffers who seek solace instead of an experience, this blend is ideal. It has a terrific flavor and aroma, too.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 26, 2009 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Not that my tastes are more refined or discerning than any other smoker here, this blend did not come through for me. While pleasant to a degree it had no body, no real flavor. Let me say it was for me rather thin or weak. Burleys (Mexican?) are too heavy, Latakia non-existent (it doesn't purport to have any, really.) And where are the Orientals? Maybe this is what called an American-English? It is cheap enough, however. After effects in my mouth: pasty gumminess, perhaps from humicant. If I were shipwrecked on a desert isle with my pipe and a supply of this alone, I would not give up smoking; hence it gets two stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 02, 2017 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
2021 Update: Yes, another rare update, and, again, what are the odds? it's a good one! I hadn't smoked this blend since the summer of 2017. I enjoyed it then, but after a couple years of sitting in a jar, this blend has improved. Some sweet notes have arisen, and the blend has smoothed out beautifully. Very nice, indeed. It's amazing what aging can do for some tobaccos, and this one surprised me!

One correction, if any one's interested, the description above (as of February 11, 2021) says this blend is a broken flake. This is clearly incorrect. Unless the blend has changed, what I purchased, at least in 2017, is a ribbon cut, not a flake.

Original post: Why the hate on this blend? I'm lovin' it. Not too strong, not necessarily weak, just right in the strength department for me. For a bulk english blend, not prohibitively expensive, I'd say this blend is a deal, and it's found a home in my rotation. I enjoyed it very much, not the best out there, but a cut above many other blends. And, I can't help but think of Lee Van Cleef, a damned fine actor, a great bad guy, every time I smoke this! It makes me want to go buy a replica of his noted pipe (which I did in late 2017 FYI). Good stuff!

Keep on Pipin'!
PurchasedFrom: Tinder Box, Rockford, ILL of all places!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 17, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It is easy to become prejudiced against bulk pipe tobaccos, particularly in today's market where many, many, fine "boutique" or "designer" English blends are available in fancy tin format. Of late, I have been working on avoiding that stereotype and wanted to try some bulk blends.

So the other day I visited a local Tinderbox store. I grew up going to the Tinderbox when, during the 1970s, I would go with my dad who was an avid pipe smoker (for decades he smoked Tinderbox Cavendish and Lamplighter blended 50/50). His son, on the other hand, loves Latakia. Anyway, I bought 2oz. of Philosopher. Is this a Lane? Don't know for sure, but either way I very much enjoyed it.

To my taste, Philosopher is generally an English/Cavendish blend (e.g., Frog Morton). A mix of black and brown tobacco with hints of light tobacco. Smokey pouch aroma with hints of sweetness (like BBQ sauce) from the Cavendish. Easy to light and burns well. The ash is mottled with a bit more dottle than I prefer. Dry and fairly cool burning. Yes it has a humectant of some sort.

The flavor is generally medium in body with a gentle sweetness, not bitter, and a mild Latakia smokiness. Not much "nuance" (I think "nuance" is French for lawyer) but flavorful nonetheless.

In sum, Philosopher is a tasty, readily available, medium English that is slightly sweet. A good one for everyday puffing or as an introduction to English flavors.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 17, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Strong
I bought this at the Palm Springs Tinder Box (great store by the way!) This blend is a very nice, typical English blend. The smokey Latakia is the dominant leaf in this blend. The Virginias are really seldom present but the orientals make a little spicy entrance midway through the bowl. This blend packs easy and burns to a dark grey ash. There is something sweet, like maple, I can only assume those are the Virginas coming in. This is toward the end though. Overall, it is a very nice blend. It is simple but not bland. Recommend
Pipe Used: MM Legend, Peterson System 313, Falcon
PurchasedFrom: Palm Springs Tinder Box
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2010 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
I tried this blend with some reluctance particularly considering the other reviews but I have to say Philosopher isn't bad. It's not great mind you but it is tolerable.

I am accustomed to smoking Squadron Leader for the most part and as I ran low, I went and picked this up to fill the down time until a new tin of the former arrived. Philosopher cannot, in my opinion, come close to being comprable with Squadron Leader but it beats the other heavily-cased PG-laden blends that are found at my local Tinderbox store.

Burns cool and with minimal bite although it is a little too moist and i had to relight more than once.
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