Uhle's Blend 114

Ingredients: Latakia, Perique, Turkish and Virginia “for the smoker whose taste leans towards Turkish, Lemon Virginia, Latakia and Perique…but is not quite ready for the English Mixtures” –Jack Uhle
Notes: Akin to a hearty & smoky charcoal-grilled burger, this main course smoke is particularly enjoyable at the end of a day or in brisk weather.


Brand Uhle's
Blended By Jack Uhle
Manufactured By Uhle's
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 1.5 oz bag, 7 oz bag, 14 oz bag
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.91 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 04, 2005 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
This is the strongest English mixture in the Uhle's line-up. I much prefer it over the Bishops Move as there is a better balance of latakia to Turkish. Whereas in the Bishops Move the Turkish predominates, here it is detectable, but more in the background and the latakia presence is never in doubt. The burley also adds a nice body and being a fancier of that leaf, I have no problems with its inclusion (or the cavendish for that matter) in what is basically an English mixture. I am aware that some find the cavendish in Dunhill 965 to be blasphemy, so I imagine the same will recoil in horror at the idea of burley and cavendish. Nevertheless, I suggest you close your eyes, pack your pipe, put flame to tobacco and just enjoy it. The cavendish in #114 is not like the cavendished VA in the 965, and I daresay you won't know it's there as it does not have such an aromatic quality. I consider #114 as being comparable to 965 in strength, the #114 being perhaps a bit lighter in taste. Because it is rather full-bodied it is a cold-weather tobacco for me, and is in my regular winter rotation along with the other Uhle's non-aromatic latakia mixtures. As with the others this is a dry tobacco and smokes beautifully. I can highly recommend #114 to anyone who enjoys a full-bodied English tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2017 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
The lightly fragrant, floral, woody, earthy, spicy, buttery sweet and sour, dry Turkish is the lead component. The tart citrusy, grassy lemon Virginia almost competes with the Turkish. The smoky, woody sweet Cyprian latakia and the spicy, raisiny, plummy perique just rise above the condimental position. The taste level is just beyond medium. The nic-hit is a step or two past the mild to medium threshold. No chance of bite, though it does have a rough edge here and there. Burns cool and clean at a slightly less than moderate pace with a mostly consistent sweet and spicy flavor that translates to the after taste. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Not an all day smoke, but the sweetness and spice may call out to you for a repeat. Three and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 03, 2017 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I just finished up a bag of this and am up in the air on how I feel on this one. Part of my hesitation lies in the fact that I have not really had an "English/Balkan/VLO blend with Perique thrown in" that I like. It is just the way the smokiness of the latakia seems to interact with the spicy fruitiness of the perique that just tastes off to me. This one has that same phenomenon, but the lemon sweetness of the Virginia combined with some nutty orientals makes this one more palatable for me.

I believe it is the nutty orientals that are doing it for me more than anything else as they fill a role typically reserved by burley that makes the Lat and Per get along better. This blend does smoke pretty smooth and does not bite as one would expect in these types of blends. It does lack some the creaminess that I typically look for in Balkan blends as it does have some rough edges. The nicotine is better than average with Balkan blends.

This one reminds a bit of Nightcap, but maybe not as strong in the Nic department. I also was not a fan of nightcap, but I would put this above nightcap. Overall, I found this to be a good representative, to my tastes, as to how a blend in this genre should be done. For that, and because it comes from a blender more known for burleys than Balkans, I will give it 3 stars.

Pipe Used: Mostly a vermont Freehand bent egg
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 29, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Nobody does Burley better than Uhle's. And this famous old shop also has some remarkably good blends that many people have not heard about or tried due to Uhle's "niche" market. Back in 2008 I discovered this hidden treasure and purchased what was, at the time, tins and bags of all of their blends. I hope these Uhle's reviews will open the door for you to some really good stuff!

Blend 114 shone with an Oriental and Virginia forward presence with the beefing up done by the Burley and heavier flavor by the Latakia. Spun together with care, this is an English blend that some might call heavy and others light, depending on how your Palate responds to the Orientals. I thoroughly enjoyed this one as it varied its flavor presentation with each bowlful.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 30, 2011 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
As noted, no burley in this one anymore. This is a nicely robust, full-flavored basic English latakia blend. Mostly dark in the pouch with streaks of lighter leaf, and a typical latakia aroma.

Taste was juicy and meaty. Almost as much so as Bishop's Move, but it doesn't have quite the burst of flavor as its stablemate. That might make it preferable to many smokers. This is also not an all-day type of tobacco for me, but would make a great after dinner or festive smoke.

While I found this one a very good smoke, the issue for me is that it doesn't do enough to distinguish itself from the myriad latakia blends out there. It's not as complex as Bishops Move, or as spicy-sweet or balanced as some other blends, nor did I find it as tasty as some others. I find this one difficult to review, mostly because it has little that stands out that I can "adjective-ize". That's not to say this is a mediocre smoke - not at all. It's quite good. It just has too much competition in my cellar. I do, however, recommend this one for smokers that enjoy a flavorful, even-tempered latakia blend. If you're considering a Uhle English sampler, this one should be on your list. But I'll stick with Bishop's Move, thanks.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 28, 2011 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Blend 114 was originally a combination of Blend 71 and Bishop's Move and was intended to be a lighter English or warm weather smoke for those who still wanted the taste and aroma of Latakia. Uhle's brochures and website no longer contain the comment from Jack Uhle that Blend 114 is "for the smoker whose taste leans towards Turkish, Lemon Virginia, Latakia and Perique…but is not quite ready for the English Mixtures."

Blend 114 is now characterized as being "[a]kin to a hearty & smoky charcoal-grilled burger, this main course smoke is particularly enjoyable at the end of a day or in brisk weather."

While no longer an all-day blend for English smokers, nor a summer alternative to Uhle's Blend 232 or Bishop's Move (since there is no longer any burley to act as a cooling agent), taken on its own terms, the reformulated Blend 114 remains an excellent mixture.

The color is mostly black and shades of darker brown, with scattered golden highlights. The Latakia presence in the new blend is much more forward (hence the recommendation to reserve it for "the end of the day" or "brisk weather"), and its smokiness nearly dominates the other components. The Turkish and Virginias are secondary players. There is also a hint of underlying brown-sugar/molasses sweetness from what I suspect is Black Cavendish. The Perique is lost in the Latakia (at least for me).

The room note (at least as much as I can garner from the side-stream aroma) makes some effort to be pleasant, primarily due to the Black Cavendish, but the Latakia ultimately wins out over everything.

Another solid Uhle's mixture.
PurchasedFrom: Uhle\'s
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 02, 2007 Medium to Strong None Detected Very Full Tolerable to Strong
A solid 3 star English! Almost as good as a tinned blend. Much better than any bulk English I have had. Very straightforward and simple taste. No sweetness at all here. This is for the GL Pease "Westminster" crowd. If you love Latakia and Turkish -go for it! An extremely clean tasting blend. I went to Mader's German restaurant after visiting the shop and could still clearly taste my food. Good stuff!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 17, 2017 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
Very nice blend, not sure I agree with the descritpion as a light Englis or even as a "beef burger" like smoke.

This is a rather light Latakia blend, what I would call an Oriental/Turkish forward blend. This is more of an Early Morning Pipe but with a fairly different flavor profile but of the same character. Tin note is smokey and woody with some sour notes. Balanced tin nose of oriental and Lat. The flavor profile is dry, woody Orientals that are consistent through the bowl. the Latakia is a support condiment, it provides some sweetness and smoke but it is very light. The Virginias are a solid base to enhance the Turkish/Orientals which are cedar/hickory like with a sour note here and there. The Periuque seems to be consistent but faint, it provides a plummy flavor but without the spice you would expect in a Perique blend. If you are looking for a mild nice Oriental/Turk forward smoke this is it. This is not something I would reach for if you want an English or a deep smokey experience. However, like all Uhle's blends it is a solid enjoyable smoke. This is a 2.5 for me only because it is not a real standout..I would probably go for EMP over this kind of like a grab for my poncho liner, it is comfy and familiar. This is more like a snugly, comfy I am sure but not as familiar.
Pipe Used: Briars and cobs
PurchasedFrom: Uhle'sEMP
Age When Smoked: < 1y
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 12, 2016 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild Tolerable
I make it a point to try out a new Uhle's blend each time I happen by the shop. This week I reached up to the top row of orange labeled mason jars and plucked this out.

I was intrigued by the initial burst of spicy oriental and charcoal latakia, two things I enjoy in a blend. It smelled great and was not overpowering, but sadly those flavors faded away when lit. The smoke was pleasant, just not as distinct as I hoped.

I would happily smoke it again, but would not seek it out.
PurchasedFrom: Uhles
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 13, 2014 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I recommend smoking Uhle's Blend 114 nude from the waist down. That's what I am doing right now and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. I'm not in public, so it's ok. Only my dogs can see me and they're use to my odd behavior, so are not traumatized.

But seriously, this is a fine blend made with high quality ingredients from a great, old-school tobacconist. It reminds me in several ways of Presbyterian Mixture, but lacking its richness and depth. It could use more Turkish and/or Perique, in my opinion. Very smooth and easy-smoking.

I would call this an introductory English or Balkan and do recommend it to others looking for such a thing. As for me, I will enjoy what I have and move on to other Uhle blends. I've tried four so far and have not been disappointed once. Uhle's is a fine establishment and I wish there were more like them out there.

This, by the way, is my fourth review and I think I've come up with a methodology for handing out stars. Four stars means I love the tobacco and can't be without it. I will stock it up against the coming ban against internet tobacco purchasing. If I run out of it, I will bawl and moan and take up cigarette smoking or processed meat eating in an effort to end it all. Three stars means I enjoy the tobacco enough to keep on hand, but if I forget to order it or it's unavailable, the Universe won't unravel. Two stars means it's a decent smoke, even delightfully ok, but I won't be replacing it. Life is too short and there are too many tobaccos I want to try. Besides, my cellar--an old cabinet--is only so big. One star is self-explanatory: YUCK.

Cheers, everyone.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2011 Medium Extremely Mild Full Tolerable
Fantastic blend with all ends of the english spectrum taken care of.

A very nice latakia showing itself right away and well into the bowl melding into sweet nuttiness.

Blended by hand, I enjoy being able to purchase this locally or order it from the comfort of my home.

A must try!
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