Brebbia Classic English (Mixture No. 70)

The classical English mixture of various spicy tobaccos such as Syrian latakia and Louisiana perique. Cross cut, fully aromatic, cool burning. High class quality tobacco for the demanding pipe smoker. A unique smooth, mellow and long lasting blend.
Notes: English Mixtures #7 and #70, and Rondo Mixture #27, are all the same blend.


Brand Brebbia
Blended By Planta
Manufactured By  
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.40 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 07, 2005 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It Appears that Brebbia has discovered Anise!

Appearance and Tin Aroma: This has small square cuts of VA and what appear to be Burley ribbon and Latakia in slightly longer ribbon cuts. You can definitely smell the topping! I am told that it is Anise by some of my "old time piper" friends. It seems to be the same topping used by Germain's in Margate, And so to Bed, and their Royal Jersey series.

Packing and Lighting: Due to the cut, this is easily packed and the moisture was perfect out of the tin. I did have to relight this alot the first few times I smoked it due to this cut requiring a lighter touch when loading your pipe.

Initial Flavor: anise! The leaves behind it are rather mellow.

Mid-Bowl:This is the best part of this blend, but the topping begins to give me a slight headache. The burley supports this blend quite well.

Bottom of Bowl: A slight build up of strength, the perique begins to assert itelf, although not as strongly as #60 blend. There is a bit of moisture in the heel of the pippe when you are done.

Overall: This blend really stretches the definition of what an English blend should be. I prefer to call it an American style blend, especially due to the burley and topping. While this blend is very well done with fine leaf and good complexity, it is just not my style.It reminds one much of the crossover blends ala Cornell & Dhiel. A very fine compliment. There is no tonguue bite with this blend and you could smoke it all day without a fuss, but it just has too much topping for this piper. Even though the perique in #60 is little too high for my taste, I still prefer that blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 28, 2013 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
I consider this crossover so uniquely flavored, that it will have you sit up and take notice. A cool, clean, piquant enticing smoke. Don’t shut down with it being described as an aromatic. The aro aspect is only half represented. The cut is not ribbon, but rather is something you do not see everyday: big and bold cross cut. Looks like it was cut from the ax of the German woodsman found on the tin. Open the tin, look at the crazy cut and color, then breathe in a bit of heaven on earth: a feast for the senses. The flavor is of oak wine barrels, influenced (I’m sure) by the top notch Syrian latakia. There is a mystery topping here that helps define the cool-clean unique flavor, and the slight sweetness runs counterpoint to the spicy perique. The perique does gain prominence at the end of the pipe, so be prepared for the elevated spicy finish. Room note is surprisingly quite pleasant. Unfortunately, this blend is another victim of too much humecant, causing me to experiment with drying times. I believe 15 mins on a paper towel for a bowlful should be about ideal, but loses 1 point in the rating. Worth the hassle. Ages very well: different tobaccos darken and flavors meld together beautifully. Mild-medium nicotine. BTW, English Mixture No. 7 and No. 70 are the same blend.
Pipe Used: canadian
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 27, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
Number 70 was much different than their #80 English in that the Burley was replaced by Perique. The Syrian Latakia remains the main player and the Virginia presence is also more noticeable and had smoothed out considerably over the years (my tin was from 2007). A light Dunhill Nightcap and no so refined is the way I would describe this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 31, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
This blend was problematic for me and it took two tins to get one review together. The first tin, purchased on Ebay, had a "funny" looking tin bottom that had caused the vacuum seal to fail even though the lid was on mechanically tight. The tobacco inside was bone dry, had no tin aroma and no smoked aroma. I found another tin locally and popped it. Although far fresher, this tin didn't do all that much more and smoked with a somewhat weak and nebulous aroma. The strangest thing about this blend is that, every now and then, a wonderful toasted tobacco aroma would emerge; it was beautiful and fleeting. This moment only occurred if you puffed harder and longer and heated the tobaccos to a higher temperature. Dropping back to a normal pace caused it to disappear. This happened repeatedly in the upper half of the bowl, but disappeared in the second half. It feels as if Brebbia has something good here, but clouded by otherwise mediocre blending - two stars.
Pipe Used: Von Erck 2015 NASPC pipe
PurchasedFrom: Tinderbox West, Columbus, OH
Age When Smoked: 3-5 yr range
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 31, 2009 Medium Mild Medium Tolerable to Strong
After reading the various reviews at TR, I was very curious to test the results of the Burley and Latakia marriage (the so-called American English Mixture, right ?), even if the late spring is supposedly not the right period.

I first bought Classic English no. 7 and  days later  also Classic English no. 8 and Preludio no. 6.

Lets review the first one.

At the opening the smell is exactly the one described by Clayman in his review of Preludio no. 6: a tour in a old winery. Its earthy-musty-winey with the unmistakable smell of Latakia which seems applied in fair but not heavy quantity.

The tobacco shows itself as a cube cut, i.e. leaves of various grades lightly pressed together in square chunks. You should rub them out a bit for proper packing into the bowl and make the lighting easier. CE no. 7 is moist but not wet, some short airing is due. Sure thats an alcoholic humectant into, but Im not confident its anise. The fingers retain some of the pouch aroma after the workout of the cubes. Lighting is just bit laborious and a steady sipping is requested to avoid frequent relight and the smoke turning bitter.

The smoke is fresh and clean, earthy-musty-sweet . Seems to me that CE no. 7 is primarily the interplay of the Burley with the Syrian Latakia (very discreet and not so smokey as the Cyprian would be) with faintly woody-piquant notes coming from the Perique. The body is not full, there is room enough between the components, I think this feature is what keeps CE no. 7 most interesting. A back-memory (very back in the years) comes to Revelation (?). The strength starts from mild-to-medium and develops not further the medium. The humectant factor - whichever it is  contributes only during the first third of the bowl, leaving the rest as a quite pure tobaccoey experience.

An interesting experience on its own,. I dont see any comparison with other tobaccos possible. I will surely revisit.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 15, 2008 Mild to Medium Medium Medium to Full Tolerable
No. 7 is a pretty solid American English style mixture, made with quality leaves topped with a strange flavor that I enjoy once every Halley comet visit and loathe the rest of the time.

First part of the bowl is dominated by that topping, with Virginias and Latakia playing a secondary role, while burley and perique stay way in the background.

The last third of the bowl is the one to enjoy. The topping recedes and perique gets stronger, with the rest of the ingredients mellowing the smoke. The problem is that by now your tongue is scorched and unable to taste much of anything.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 13, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Tolerable
The Syrian and burley are a very pleasent combination giving it a American English like taste. However, their is some kind of topping I just can't deal with. It's just enough to remain present and take away from the blend. Preludio is a lot better to me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 24, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I'm not a real aromatic devotee, so I was surprised that this English blend, called #70 in the U.S., is an aromatic. But it grew on me. A crossover or english-aromatic type.

I consider it a most pleasant way to enjoy perique. You don't taste it much but it is present there in the aroma for sure.

Fairly cool and dry for a German aromatic, most of which are too hot or too sweet, requiring filter pipes. This is more middle of the road, kinda like a European version of Three Star Blue (not the same by any means though). The Syrian latakia (light and in the background too) and perique cool it off.

It is a real sweet smoke with high notes of fruit in the taste. Not as sweet as Blue Note, some Reiners, etc. The cut is wild, really wild. Thick intreging chucks. The perique just peaks through every now and then, but more so at the slightly spicy finish. Or is that the latakia?

Packs and burns easy. Not bad at all. Recommended for the crossover buffs.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 16, 2004 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Well...I'm not an experienced smoker: have smoked a pipe for less than one year, but I've had my time to develope my preferences in a usual way: from light aromatic toward classic english blands. So, now I can appreciate this bland, even though I might have been overwhelmed by it in the past. First, it has an unusual taste: the combination of latakia (that I've grown to like)and perque gives you a full and pleasant filling on your tongue, not so noticeable in the beginning, very tasty in the middle of the bowl, and little bit too spicy near end. The taste is rather rough, the bland smokes cool, and in general it's recommended to try. That's not the one you will smoke all the time, but may be nice for the change.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 06, 2005 Mild Medium Mild Tolerable to Strong
A gentleman passed me a pouch of the above while I was attending a cigar show. I have never tried any of the Brebbia offerings before, being somewhat suspicious of tobacco released under the name of an Italian pipe maker...what I found was a German made English blend containing perique, latakia, burley and some virginia. Cut is as wild as one would expect from a tobacco made in Berlin, and there is a humectant applied here. Flavor is middle of the road, with rather more perique showing up to play than I ever would have imagined. The latakia is gagged here and the virginia/burley duo seem content to stay quiet. Likely a suitable blend for those choosing to try an "English" for the first time, but not different enough to please a veteran puffer.
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