Peter Stokkebye Balkan Supreme

Balkan blend reputed to be like the old Balkan Sobranie.


Brand Peter Stokkebye
Blended By Peter Stokkebye
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Balkan
Contents Black Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country Denmark
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.32 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 130 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2011 Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
I mostly enjoy English blends. Based on the reviews here I thought I MUST give this blend a try, so I sent off for 4 ounces from, the only place I could find it available and fully expecting to like it. On arrival the moisture level was just about right. It packed and lit easily and stayed lit nicely. It started off very promising, with a nice toasty flavor that made me nod and smile - nice and creamy. But about half-way through the bowl I started to get a slight tingly and prickly sensation, first on my tongue and then on the roof of my mouth, which increased slightly through the remainder of the bowl. I was deliberately smoking very gently, and the bowl was not overly hot. My tongue and mouth were thoroughly irritated for several days thereafter. Not wanting to rush into judgment, I waited a couple of months and tried this again with the exact same result. Something in this blend seems to attack my mouth, and life is just too short to waste time on tobacco that bites. I cannot recommend this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 24, 2012 Medium to Strong Very Mild Full Tolerable to Strong
Is one of the best Balkan mixtures, modified with some Cavendish.

he Latakia, Orientals, Cavendish and even Virginia are easily noted, well balanced, well combined, in a mixture that have complexity.

It not have high bite or pepper residual tastes. Easy and slow burning.

Is a wonderfull tobacco, I fully recommend it.


The definition of Balkan Mixture is controversial. For some people, is Englisk mixture with Perique, for others is with Cavendish.

In fact, GlPease try to clear the definitions: English, Sccotish, Balkan and American mixtures:

English Mixtures contains Latakia, Orientals, Virginia Tobaccos and sometimes Perique.The main dominant flavours are Latakia and Orientals.

Balkan mixtures are similar, bu have more virginia ammount, large Orientals ammount and less Latakia.

Sccotish mixtures have large ammont of Virginias,liitle Orientals and a trace of Latakia.

In American Mixtures, an English mixture is modified by addiction of Burley Tobacco and Cavendish.

Irish Mixtures are related to American ones, but have more aromatics and essences.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2010 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
I requested and received about an ounce from a friend - perhaps not enough to write an intelligent review, but I have some thoughts based on finishing the sample.

I find this to be a very decent, middle-of-the-road Balkan with few pretenses to greatness but very smokable. In fact, if I hadn't smoked a fair amount of GLP and Compton's balkans, this one might rank a little higher with me. But the low cost and high quality of this one make for a nice smoke. It's a medium balkan with good flavor and burning qualities. Nothing to ring too many chimes but certainly good enough. Rather than ranking it with Balkan Sobranie, I'd put it up there with Balkan Sasieni... which makes sense since it's also a Stokkebye product. My tasting notes on the Sasieni were similar - good but not great. The bulk price of this elevates it beyond the Sasieni as a "best buy". Good oriental presence and the latakia never overpowers. This is kind of a Dunhill 965 with less of a personality, although I hesitate to call it "965 Lite". It has a fuller flavor than a "lite" would typically have.

Overall good smoke! I recommend it for those who enjoy a nice balkan. In fact, I think any balkan lover should give this a spin. I simply prefer other blends, but naturally that doesn't mean everyone will. But at this price, you can't afford to not try it at least!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 25, 2020 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Tolerable
The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, incense-like Cyprian Latakia take a small lead, and is mostly a team player with the Orientals. The spicy, smoky, woody, earthy, herbal, floral, vegetative, buttery sweet and sour Orientals are strong supporting players that challenges the Latakia for the top spot. The grassy, tart and tangy citrusy, bready, sugary, mildly floral, spicy, lightly tart lemony Virginias are secondary stars. The sugary, creamy, toasty black cavendish mildly tones down the rough, sharp edges. The strength and nic-hit are medium, while the taste is a couple of slots past that level. The spice is potent enough to tingle the tongue of a fast puffer, so I recommend a slow puffing pace. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a mostly consistent, mildly creamy sweet and very savory, sour, floral, smoky, spicy flavor that translates to the lingering after taste and room note. Leaves little dampness in the bowl and requires an average number of relights. Not an all day smoke, and is nothing like Balkan Sobranie. Four stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 04, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Very Strong
PSBS is one of my favorites. Good any time of day. Tastes great in the morning with a strong cup of coffee, or late in the evening with a nip of rum. I like that there is plenty of flavor from the orientals in this blend, with a good amount of Latakia without seeming heavy-handed. Many Balkan and English mixtures are a little over-the-top with the Lat in my opinion. Balkan Supreme is perfectly balanced to my taste.

Easy to pack, stays lit, has a wide range of moisture tolerance, this isn't a finicky tobacco. Just load it up and enjoy. Never fails to cheer me up, and isn't that what it's all about?

HUGE BONUS: This has got to be one of the best bang-for-your-buck tobacco deals out there. You can get a half-pound of it in bulk for only a little more than the price of most 2-ounce tins. But don't get the idea that I only like it because it's relatively inexpensive. I'd still smoke it if it was priced higher.

EDIT: Unfortunately I have to downgrade to 3 stars. I recently smoked the last of my 5-year-old stash of Balkan Supreme and started in on a more recent batch. There is simply no denying that it's not as good. It tastes sharper, sort of bitter, and like the constituent tobaccos have not melded into something cohesive. Perhaps it's not fair to compare it to a batch that's had five years to mellow. Maybe it will be better with some age on it, we'll see. But until then, I'm afraid it's 3 stars at best.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 29, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
This has some nice flavors, but for me, is a little below average. The Orientals taste very nice, but they are sharp and tend to irritate my nasal passages. It's a little weak in Latakia. It's just a little too much in the background. The Virginias and Black Cav provide a decent amount of sweetness. Not a bad Balkan, but not great either.

Moisture was just right. Burns well. Medium in body. Medium to full in flavor. The price is nice.
Pipe Used: MM General, MM Country Gentleman, MM Freehand
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: 4 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2008 Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
Yes, I had to try this offering after all of the great reviews. Not anywhere close to the Original Balkan Sobranie, but it does have similarities to the old 759 as the Latakia content weighs in more heavily.

It is a flavorful blend and one that should ring some chimes. It just does not have the power I demand in a smoke. I do like the cut and it sure burns easily.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 28, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Tolerable
This is a narrow ribbon cut. It came at a good level of hydration

The initial taste is oriental forward, and I think at least part of that taste is topping because it seems to burn off and after about 1/2 bowl, it is a lighter Virginia with latakia. After the oriental taste burns off, it tastes like Sutliff Westminster to me. There is more sweet in the last half of the bowl but no unexpected flavors from the black cavendish.

Other reviewers seem to find this a stronger smoke than I do. For me, it starts as a medium/full taste and ends as a med/mild. The smoke is not especially nuanced or complex. It begins as basic Balkan goodness that finishes as a mild English. It is a solid 3 and a good value.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 13, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Strong
This was one of the first blends I bought in bulk on my returning to live in the US in 2009. My first impression was that of a bulk that it could burn on the hot side, a bit unrefined, not the quality of some of the tinned selections I've had, perhaps tasting a little thin in comparison. Well, five years in a Ball jar, and I cannot believe the difference. The Virginias have softened, and the whole mixture has "come together" into something magnificent. The Orientals are forward, and the Latakia is just right! I keep on telling myself, my palate has become jaded, but I keep on reaching for this particular Ball jar. It packs beautifully, and burns just right, particularly in a largish pipe, and I find it much easier on the mouth than before. The only downside is that my better half can't handle the "acrid" aroma of this Balkan. So I advise that you buy some and put it away and forget about it for a few years--I think you'll be rewarded for your patience.
Pipe Used: Upshall Magnum, Castello, Perry White Billiard
PurchasedFrom: 4 Noggins
Age When Smoked: new-5 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 12, 2013 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
Balkan Supreme by Peter Stokkebye is good Balkan blend at an inexpensive price. I am not a frequent smoker of Balkan or English blends. Nevertheless, this has been part of my tobacco rotation for the past two years.

Basics: This is a Balkan blend of pipe tobacco. In other words, it is a blend of Orientals, Latakia, and Virginias; and the emphasis of flavors is in that order. It is inexpensive: at, a pound of the stuff can be had for $29. It is in a ribbon cut, so it packs easily and smokes thoroughly.

Good: Rich, musky flavor. Orientals predominate, Latakia is noticeable but in the background. The Virginias are noticeable but in the background too. No casing or topping. The strength of the flavor and the nicotine is medium for a Balkan.

Better: The price. It is a quality blend at a budget price.

Bad: This is an old school Balkan blend, so the room note only smells good to other pipe smokers! Some Balkan fans might not like it because it "only" has a medium amount of nicotine and moderate complexity of flavor. Also, I found that this blend can bite a little, especially at the end.

Conclusion: I give Balkan Supreme 4 stars out of 4. If you are looking for a quality Balkan blend, of moderate strength and complexity, and for an inexpensive price, this is a good choice.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 15, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
A light "Balkan" at best but for me a very average English, The tobaccos are thrown together with the hope that it will turn well. Unfortunately it didn't for my palate. Starts promising but becomes monochromatic to boredom.

A proper "Balkan" should have fragrant Orientals/Turkish with creamy Virginias with a nice dose of smoky and spicy Latakia, I find all this in Abingdon.

After trying so many pseudo "Balkans" in the Balkan Sobranie vein, I start to believe that it was all hype trying to cash in on the trip down memory lane.

Virginia lover
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