Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning

This Virginia/perique blend is composed of red and bright Virginias and 25% Louisiana perique. Bayou Morning is a perique lover's delight and an all day smoke.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Bob Runowski
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin, bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.25 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 71 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 18, 2013 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I usually smoke stronger blends than Bayou Morning, but this blend has completely won me over. The first half of the bowl makes me feel like I'm licking on a cool stick of butter, make that butter with a splash of citrus and a dash of pepper. It's light and refreshing at the light and builds in strength and flavor all the way down. To my tastes, it balances the flavors of the virginias and perique perfectly. My only problem with this one is that I have a hard time doing something else while I'm smoking it. I constantly stop and say, "Damn, that's good!" It annoys my wife tremendously.

As an aside, I cracked a jar recently that I put away from my first pound over a year ago. It was fantastic. I can't wait to see what 5 years away from oxygen does for this blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 25, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Strong
I love this stuff. A VaPer with a serious attitude, this stuff is not for the uninitiated. Red Virginias, black Virginias, and a healthy dose of Perique, Bayou Morning has flavor that you will taste for a half hour after you smoke it. Now, for certain, this is one of the smoothest and possibly one of the creamiest pipe tobaccos out there. It burns well, has loads of flavor, and has a wonderful mouth-feel. I almost feel like I can chew it sometimes, crazy as that sounds. If you're looking for refinement, this ain't it. However, if you like Perique (and you're gonna have to to like this), and are a fan of VaPers, this is the old, crotchety granddaddy of them all.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 22, 2010 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
What names come to mind when you think of American blenders that do an incredible job of creating memorable Vapers? McClellands? Absolutely! Russ Ouelette? Oh, yeah! Well, add C&D to that list! This is an absolutely delicious Vaper that comes on strong at the match, settles down almost immediately and smokes so well that it's near-impossible to multi-task while smoking it. It demands and holds my attention throughout the bowl. I can't recall a more congenial Vaper! As tasty as this is, it's not overpowering with perique, even though it appears to have a healthy dose of it. It takes real talent to give a Vaper a good dose of perique without it stealing the show. Bob Runowski has done it!

This has probably the weirdest cut of any Vaper I've ever seen. It has cubes and chops and ribbons and all kinds of craziness. I'm not sure what if anything that does to the flavor, but I'm not complaining... just an observation. If you're a Vaper fan, this has to be on your short list. I just finished a tin of C&D's Kajun Kake and thought they couldn't outdo it. They did with this one!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 05, 2014 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
So my first review. A very little review , my englisch ecriture is to bad to describe all i want and google translate is not very accurate. Also here wy go : Like a little pepper in the nose. For me, a very pleasant tobacco to smoke filterless. When i smoke this very calm and attentive it is for me a very fine experience. Definitely a keeper.
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Since this is my first tobacco review on this website, I'll start with a little background. I never liked aromatic tobaccos as I could never taste anything other than chemicals, so I naturally thought I'd be an English smoker. After trying countless English blends and experiencing varying degrees of disappointment, I discovered Virginia and Virginia/Perique tobaccos. Bayou Morning is my first step into the world of Va's and Va/Pers.

Now for my thoughts on this delightful tobacco. Cornell and Diehl's Bayou Morning is the first tobacco I've ever loved. I ordered an ounce on a whim, and seeing as most of that is now gone I plan on ordering more.

Upon first whiff of the aroma from the bag, my senses were confused by a strange smell I had never encountered before. I have a hard time describing it, but I find it delightful. The first time I lit a bowl of Bayou Morning, I experienced the delicious sweetness of the Virginia tobacco. (I had previously had a hard time tasting anything from English blends, even with stronger blends such as Night Cap) I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of flavor immediately apparent in BM. The smoke has a creamy texture, and despite what a few reviewers have said, burns relatively cool unless puffed on like a madman. As I worked my way through this tobacco, I became enamored of its sweetness and the subtle tasty spice of the perique. This blend is (in my six months of pipe smoking) Nirvana in a pipe. It has become the blend that I actually look forward to and get excited about smoking. So much so that I haven't touched any of my many English blends since I fell in love with this one. I highly recomming this tobacco to anyone and everyone. If someone has never tried a Va/Per tobacco before, there's a good chance they'll be pleasantly surprised. For someone who is a frequent smoker of these kinds of blends, they will be delighted by the wonderful experience provided by Bayou Morning. As to the amount of nicotine in this tobacco, it has just the right amount. Perfect for relaxing at the end of a hard day and not too much as to make someone nauseous. If you get a chance, you should absolutely try this.
Pipe Used: MM Corn Cob, Czech basket pipes
Age When Smoked: Couple of weeks
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 02, 2012 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Being a smoker of English/Latakia blends and heavily cased Burleys, I find this blend to be light and sweet, and refreshing!

From the outset it is sweet from the Virginias, and then there is the spice/ subtle bitterness from the Perique.

Enjoyable. As I progressed, the flavor becomes deeper and darker, but continues to be a light smoke for me, compared to the Latakia's and Burleys I'm used to.

I felt dizzy by the end of the bowl, from the nicotine. So I smoke this in my smaller pipes.

I like this tobacco. I'd recommend this to those who want to try a Va-Perique blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 17, 2013 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
I'm not a big fan of VaPers, but this one is very nice. One of my favorites actually. A good bit of Perique in this one which is why it suits my taste.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 19, 2013 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
First, kudos on the new website -- very user friendly and well designed to maximize the usefulness of our collective input. (One more note, and I swear that no disrespect is meant to anyone -- I love that a number of us have seen the box for "age" (presumably of the tobacco being reviewed) and instinctively put our own ages. "Wow, this guy has stored his weed for 57 years!".) OK, Bayou Morning -- what a fantastic bulk VaPer. Stronger than the name would indicate, but smooth from top to bottom. Bright and toasted. No strange effects at all, just tobacco essence. What pleases me in particular is that, unlike all too many blends that augur good things to come during the first 1/4 of the bowl but fall not only flat but offensive later on, Bayou Morning ends as attractively as it began with just a bit more richness and kick that is to be expected from the bottom 1/3 (and to which I look forward). A reviewer recently wrote words to the effect that he just wants to (or indeed does) say aloud "Damn that's good stuff". Have at it brother. I'm doing it now, too, and it seems to amuse at least my Terrier. This site labels me a Venerator -- I like to write about things that are great, I guess (or those about which you should be warned). Well, the shoe fits. Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Straight billiards
Age When Smoked: newly purchased but they age it some
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 10, 2017 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
Cornell & Diehl - Bayou Morning.

For the mornings I always roll with a pungent Balkan/English or a heady VaPer and today the description of this seemed perfect. For me, a good VaPer can often be the better of the two, as sometimes a Balkan/English makes for an almost sluggish start to the day.

The pouch was perfectly hydrated, making for a speedy start. The ribbons are of a slight build, all the same size, with the inclusion of no coarse/unsmokeable pieces. I'd never do a review based on just a few puffs, but wanted to after charring this earlier today, it's blooming delicious! The Perique tastes so good: pepper, spice, and all things nice! This easily outweighs the Virginia, especially for the final quarter of a bowl. The Va also tastes good, but it's nowhere near as loud. I get no underlying nuances of any extra taste, it's a proper and pure tasting VaPer. The burn may be viewed by a few folks as being a downside: it can be a bit fast, but seeing as I think this is good for the mornings that might not be so bad if you're in a rush! A point about the burn I don't think will be found disagreeable by anyone is the temperature: it's mostly cool and doesn't go much higher.

The nicotine's easily above medium, and if I'm honest I quite like the room-note.

Bayou Morning? Fabulous.

Four stars, the final quarter of a bowl deserves five!
Pipe Used: Ben Wade Elegance Oom Paul
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 23, 2011 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
As I'm a fan of the 'Vaper with some backbone' style, I thought this might be good to try. I was right. Relying on the sound reviews of several pipers that I respect for their taste preferences, I ordered 8 ounces. There will be a reorder of 2 pounds in the very near future as this will make frequent appearances in my rotation.

The blend comes as a course and uneven cut that is suprisingly easy to pack. The lighting is easy as well. Just a hair more moisture than I prefer for smoking, but that is easily rectified with a little airtime. I like the fact that C&D doesn't drench their tobaccos with distilled water prior to packing.

The flavor of the first bowl was not what I was expecting. A little too much Perique and too little Virginia. That was from a freshly delivered bag of the bulk. I had made my first mistake. I jarred up the tobacco and filled a half pint jar to sample after some air had been introduced, over a week or so, a little at a time. What a difference! I cannot express this strongly enough. If you are a wine drinker, you will understand. Letting a freshly opened tin or bulk delivery breathe and settle for a week or two in the jar is vital to getting a true impression of the flavors.

After the requisite time in jar, I tried this again and was delighted to find that Bayou Morning is a very nice Vaper with a full flavor profile and a medium dose of nicotine. Just what I like. The flavors are not sweet or sour, but a very balanced mix of both. It weaves in and out of both sweet and sour throughout the bowl, and as you progress, the taste and power gets more full.

The earthy, rich, deep and tangy nose is translated directly into the flavor. Strong black coffee, bittersweet chocolate, preserved dark fruits. DGT on this is sublime. If you have never understood the magic of DGT, this is the tobacco to try it with again. It changes the character completely and becomes more full and rich. The Red Virginia comes out to play, and the Perique finds a softer place just behind the Va.

I believe that for the money, you cannot find a more satisfying Vaper than this. It is pure middle of the road without being whimpy. An accomplishment in itself! Mr Runowski demonstrates what genius he possesses with a simple blend like this one. The complexity is there, but must be drawn out with sips and a little attention.

Bayou Morning is a must buy for all vaper lovers. Simple, satisfying, low fuss, high quality and inexpensive as compared to like blends from other labels.

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