Samuel Gawith Kendal Cream Deluxe Flake

This selection of blended burley and Virginias offers a mild and creamy smoke from a medium density flake. With an added essence, the pipe smoker who derives pleasure from an easy to rub out flake will certainly enjoy Kendal Cream Flake.
Notes: Due to EU regulations, this is renamed and sold in those countries as "KC Flake".


Brand Samuel Gawith
Blended By Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Cream, Floral Essences, Other / Misc
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin, bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.99 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 169 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 25, 2016 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
An oddly flavoured tobacco that takes some time to get to know, but rewards the one who bothers to bother. Probably not for everyone, but I really like this one.

Taste: A fruity floral scent bounces right up my nose as I open this tin up. It reminds me of chewing gum or toothpaste, it feels synthetic. Now, after some rubbing and drying of the flake that scent diminishes slightly but it does not entirely go away. As I light my pipe I find exactly that scent translated in to flavour. It is so strange, I do not initially know what to make of it. It stays very pronounced during the first halv of the bowl after wich it fades some and lets the virginia take the lead, but in never fully leaves. The virginia in this blend is the co-star, it is as good as one can expect from SG - grassy, sweet and medium bodied. As I got used to the topping I started to love it, and that has been the case with many SG blends sporting the lakeland style - it needs time to get to me, and it requires me to explore it properly. It seems worth it, as I always like what I discover.

Mechanics: Comes in wet, thick flakes that need some rubbing and drying. The topping tends to ghost a pipe, even though the tobacco burns down properly, no dottle. Never bit me, never even tried, but it is mainly virginia so that's worth bearing in mind. Mild to medium strength.
Pipe Used: Briar, cob and clay
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 22, 2008 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
My Yummy-meter raced into the red after a bowl of this stuff. Different, distinctive and pleasant. I prefer my tobacco with a lot of strength and a little flavoring and Kendall Cream Flake ran the bases.

Without question, this one needs to sit in the open air for 2-3 hours before being consumed. It was very moist out of the tin but dried quickly. The strength is not overpowering but will make its presence known quickly. The flavoring is unique, creamy and unlike the typical "Lakeland Floral" that seems to be off putting to some.

Finally, this tobacco provides a lot of smoke and stays lit easily once dried. I'll keep a tin of Kendall Cream Flake opened and at the ready every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2017 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The boldly earthy, tangy dark fruity, tart and tangy citrusy, woody, bready Virginias also sport a touch of fermentation, spice and floralness. The very nutty, earthy, toasty, woody, lightly molasses sweet burley plays a support role. There is a very mild essence of Lakeland and geranium as well, which add a floral, almost perfume quality. I’m not sure about the other toppings, but one appears to be tonquin, and something with an alcohol base (whisky?). The toppings tone down the tobaccos without drowning out their inherent strength. The strength and taste levels just passes the medium.The nic-hit is almost medium. Won’t bite or get harsh, but it does have hint of a rough edge here and there. Burns cool, clean and a little slow with a fairly creamy smooth, very consistent flavor all the way to the finish. Leaves just a little moisture in the bowl, and requires some relights. Has a pleasant, lingering after taste, and lightly stronger room note. Not an all day smoke, but it is repeatable.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 29, 2009 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Full Very Pleasant
Smoked this in the tin first and then found that I could get it in bulk so I ordered a pound. What a difference between the tin and bulk. WOW.. the aroma was sweet like a Holiday Fruit cake, my wife gave it a wiff and said it made her hungry. Eager to smoke it, broke some up and packed my favorite Von Erck and puffed away. FANTASTIC from beginning to end. So glad that I found it in bulk, so much smoother and fuller than the tin. Full body, smooth and flavorful with tons of character. It is so good to know that there are still great blends to be smoked when other companies are folding. This will be my daily smoke and believe it or not the price was not as bad as I thought. SG keep it coming. I highly recomend this blend to anyone who like a good steady smoke.

EDIT: A few days into this pound of Kendel Cream and I have discovered something very strange. Some of you may even think that I am off my rocker. But, this blend has a 'whisky' taste a few days in. It reminds me of the 'drug store' tobacco that gramps used to smoke. Much more refined and full, but that tone of whiskey is present for me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 19, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild Mild Very Pleasant
It was with great anticipation that I purchased this. Having sampled Gawith's fantastic snuff, I had high hopes that the fine craftwork put into their nasal tobacco would transfer across to the tin that now sat in front of me. Opening up said tin and taking a good, deep inhalation of aroma, I was more than pleasantly surprised by a strange soapy creaminess that possessed a very slight hint of something acerbic underneath, much like a beautiful summer's day with just a hint of storm in the dark rain clouds poking over the horizon.

Having got over my initial confusion of what "flake" actually meant as these strangely delicate "slabs" (for want of a better word) of tobacco peered out of the tin at me, I finally got round to rubbing one out and packing it into my weapon of choice and pulling the trigger. The soothing, creamy taste enraptured my senses and my soul like a Keira Knightly back rub after a particularly heavy triathlon. The pleasant room note merely added to an already perfect, if strangely delicate, smoke.

A surprising delicate yet flavoursome smoke, this is, for me, as perfect a smoke as can be had and a definitely a star player in my perfect Pipe Tobacco XI. Perhaps, my only word of warning is that it is quite a subtle, delicate tobacco, more Pele and less Vinnie Jones. So if you do prefer a stronger smoke, by all means try this, but it's not Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Pipes.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 04, 2009 Strong Mild Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Like lots of other SG virginia blend flakes, this one also took its place in my forever favorites list.

I don't realy know what essence they have added in this but this mild addition made a great combination with virginia-burley strength. SG used again a very fine recipe for preparing this true pipe tobacco.

Must be dried for easy lighting and full taste. I dried it to crispy and one light was enough for the whole bowl. The strength is not overhelming but it makes me to be saturated.

Virginia blend lovers, please do not miss this one!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 23, 2017 Strong Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Samuel Gawith - Kendal Cream Deluxe Flake.

One of my first reviews I decided to re-do. That was from a small sample, this is based on a tin.

Everyone in the pipe world knows of the main problem with Samuel Gawith, the moisture, or rather the EXCESS moisture. St. James is one of my favourite VaPer's but some of the tins practically need a furnace to dry them out! This one though, shocking: perfectly smokeable direct from the tin.

I give K.C.D.F. more of a breaking, than a full rubbing, and this keeps the smoke cooler. It lights easy enough, and causes no problem with bite. The flavour? A bit of a Jekyll and Hyde here. On the Jekyll side there's a vanilla creaminess with a pleasant Burley nuttiness, and a little Virginia. But for Hyde there's a Lakeland/floral attribute, with a touch of sharp herbs, which I think spoils it. Being fair, the burn's faultless from K.C.D.F, so it's not All Bad!

The room-note's quite strong, and the nicotine's easily above medium.

Rating? Well, it has a few positives and one negative. Positives: moisture, creamy Burley flavour, lack of bite and the burn. Negative: the Lakeland/floral/herbiness.

Sadly, although the negatives are few, the bitterness holds enough weight to reduce the rating:

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Peterson #03
PurchasedFrom: My Smoking Shop
Age When Smoked: Three weeks
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 26, 2008 Strong Medium to Strong Medium Tolerable
Even when I don't really *like* a Gawith blend, I am always impressed. That's the case here.

KCF (not to be confused with KFC) is a well made, idiosyncratic blend. The flavor is so distinctive, in fact, that reviews are not so useful: it's a real love-it-or-hate-it blend. The most useful thing I can say is that it's a quality leaf and worth trying.

In the tin it smells like a significantly milder version of Bracken Flake. In the bowl, the difference is more pronounced. The topping is indeed milder than BF, but the leaf is lighter and the burley gives a nutty sweetness (just as it should). That said, I found the topping heavier than some other reviewers. In the end, Kendal Cream is a Lakeland, that is to say, an aromatic: a VA/Burley with that distinctive Gawith "essence" (tonquin?) and a dollop of vanilla. On the bright side it is sweet, full, creamy, but never monochromatic; the added flavors never overwhelm the tobacco. On the downside it gives me a headache, and the flavor is one that I never find myself craving. Neither fish nor fowl, perhaps. Don't buy it if you are after a good Virginia/Burley. Do buy it if you want to experiment with Lakelands, or are exploring quality aromatics, or like vanilla, or just want something new and unexpected.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 23, 2008 Strong Mild to Medium Full Pleasant
Too wet in the tin, and not much in there...compares to escudo in terms of how little you get, volume wise.

Dried out, this is a fantastic smoke. Notes of gingerbread and some weird minty kind of thing overtop a not too sweet dark flake.

I like. You like? High five!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 15, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
There are a few pipe tobaccos that I don't smoke very often but when I do I go on a hardcore binge. This is one of them. When I have a bowl of Kendal Cream Flake I will smoke it exclusively all day for a few days. The Virginia is smooth with hay and earth. I would guess that this blend uses Malawi Burley as it is nutty and woody. The topping is very hard to describe. The best I can say is it tastes like tea with milk and honey. There is a notable floralness also. This probably isn't an all day smoke for most people but it sure is for me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 06, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable to Strong
Disclaimer: Be advised that if you are a fan of this blend then do not read the review below especially if you;

1)Cried during Titanic. 2)Have high blood pressure. 3)Think Justin Bieber is cool.

Because you will be offended and its not my fault.

Tin Note: The jar of which my sample was in smelt like a fusion of chocolate and caramel it was a good smell. Also the only score this high you will see in this review.

Initial Light: Took me three tries with the pack and lite process but it eventually took the flame. My reward was a soapy taste in the mouth I mean i might have swore a few times trying to get it lit so i guess i deserved it.

Mid-Smoke: Mid-bowl it has become apparent to me that this is clearly a burley forward blend as i detect zero Virginia throughout the smoke at this time or after for that matter. I was also starting to get a little bite on my tongue and inside cheek. Near the end of the middle and beginning of the bottom portion of my smoke it just tasted ashy kind of like a cheap cigar I was beginning to question whether I could even finish this smoke.

Bottom of the Bowl: Started smoking hot, I dumped the ash out and the biting was gone however there was no change in taste and my throat was soar at this point, one more thing i will sto....gurgle gurgle Mid thought I just drank the juice. Mid-way through the bottom of the bowl. I had enough, No thanks.

Room Note: No joke as I was spitting out the lovely juice my pipe gave me I turned to my wife eyes watery and said Cheap cigar? she said Exactly what i smell. There you have it a blend the smells like it tastes.

Dottle: Despite me stopping literally 2mm from the bottom of the bowl the ash resembled that of a cigar's compact white ash.

Smoking Duration: I lasted 35min. (I'll take my badge now)

Overall: I usually say i will revisit the blend, maybe my tastes will change later on. However with this one I think if I was looking for that taste I would be better off to just buy a 4$ cigar at the gas station.

Sorry if i hurt your feelings, Smokeybear
Pipe Used: Ringed Metal Pipe 50's
Age When Smoked: Not sure was jarred sample
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