Robert Lewis Tree Mixture

This blend is based on a larger amount of the Orient, which is known for its delicious soft and yet aromatic and spicy flavors. A little smoky latakia and a pinch of black cavendish and Virginia perfecting the medium-strong blend harmoniously. Originally this was a "private blend" supplied to a frequent customer - Colonel Tree.


Brand Robert Lewis
Blended By Kohlhase & Kopp
Manufactured By  
Blend Type English
Contents Black Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Broken Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.37 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 60 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 08, 2009 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Very Pleasant
I never thought I would say this but this may be a clone of Balkan Sobranie!!! I smoked at least a bowl full of Balkan Sobranie for 25 years and have paid as much as $200.00, for a tin of Balkan Sobranie. I can tell you I will never pay that much for Balkan Sobranie again as Robert Lewis Tree Mixture is just as good and made with higher quality leaf. Thank God for Tree Mixture and thank God for Monjure International for bringing it to the States. If you get a chance try a tin and then, all my Balkan Sobranie brothers, send Steve Monjure an email ([email protected]) personally thanking him for bringing us back to the Promise Land, back to the land of Milk & Honey. After all, the tin may say Robert Lewis Tree Mixture but the heart and soul of Balkan Sobranie beats within.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2013 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I've been humming and harring for a while as to whether I should try this. Never having had a Robert Lewis before it was somewhat of an unknown quantity. On my last internet order, though, I was at a bit of loss as to what Lat to get and it seemed an apt time to take the plunge.

The tin aroma is one of mild creosote, I'm sure that's a description I've used before and probably recently too, it's still a good one. The cut, though, is more of a ribbon than broken flake, but no matter. Packing and lighting is easy, not a lot of moisture in this one. The flavour was a pleasant surprise just enough latakia to satisfy but not overwhelm but there's also a hint of something else, something a little sweeter and maybe with a hint of lemon, might well be the influence of the cavendish kicking in. A most delightful flavour and thoroughly enjoyable and continues to the end of the bowl.

In conclusion, a cracking smoke that provides a very pleasant change from most lats by the addition of that sweet lemony taste. The description calls it "aromatic and spicy" and that suits it perfectly. Comparisons to Squadron Leader? Not wholly fair to either, and yet not completely unfair either. SL is a bit stronger on the lat and nicely varies between the lat, turkish and virginia and is probably the more complex of the two. This tones the lat down and nicely introduces the sweetness without spoiling either. Yet both promise a good lat flavour and a bit more and deliver on both. I'm happy to smoke both regularly.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 23, 2014 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
Robert Lewis - Tree Mixture.

The smell from this actually deceives me into thinking it has a slight plum topping, not a full 'aromatic' one but more of a fruity condiment. The blend seems to include an adequate amount of all the different varieties of tobacco all at a good moistness so it can be smoked straight away.

The tin description is an accurate one, I straight away agree that it's a small amount of Latakia in the taste, if you're looking for a Lat-Bomb then step away from this as the Latakia addition is about on par a quarter of a spoon of sugar in your tea, really delicate. To me, the Virginia is also delicately added, it just seems to give substance to the smoke. Now, the Black Cav' and Orientals are more discernible, the sweet touch from the Cav' is a lot easier to recognize than the description lead me to expect, not at all gloopy or sticky but a good clean sweetness. The spiciness from the Orientals is really satisfying and I find that as the bowl goes along the spicy flavour becomes a slightly stronger. Unlike the aroma I notice no fruity addition whatsoever, the only extra flavour I get is a really slight chocolaty one with a good creaminess to it. The burn is steady and even giving off a smoke that is of a medium temperature and extraordinarily silky. The room note is definitely one to please smokers, a pure tobacco one that's almost antiquated which isn't to full but would probably be off-putting for some people.

When I first lit this I thought "three stars" but after five minutes my three star award had increased to a four star one, it's one of those blends that gets better the longer you smoke it!
Pipe Used: Peterson Sherlock Holmes
PurchasedFrom: G.Q Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 02, 2011 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
There are so many choices here in the US when it comes to English blends that a blend must really stand out to get my attention, especially at a higher price point than most other blends. Tree Mixture did just that! This review is based on three tins of this fine weed with the oldest tin having three years of age on it. I will steal a couple of comments from other reviewers and say that this blend is both rich and balanced. I didn't miss the Oriental component at all as the Latakia is proportioned just right for me and the Virginia's are of high quality and offer a bit of sweetness. I think any fan of Dunhill tobacco's or Lancer Slices will find this blend to their liking. Tree Mixture's flavor doesn't vary a whole lot throughout the bowl and I don't find TM to be very complex either. Sometimes being really good at one thing is simply enough. Highly Recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 20, 2013 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Others have noticed a little similarity to Squadron Leader, as did I. The grassy, hay-like, citrusy Virginia is the base for the other components. The Cyprian latakia gives it a smoky, woody, very mild sweetness in a small support role. The spicy, woody, dry and buttery sweet Orientals as a team player that compliments the other ingredients, and adds just a little body to experience. There's a light brown sugar sweetness from the black cavendish in the far background. Has a slightly more than mild nic-hit. Burns clean and slightly fast with a consistent flavor from top to bottom, though you may observe a slight harshness toward the finish if you are a fast puffer. Won't bite, though. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and needs few relights. It's not quite as complex a mixture as one might expect, and while not overly complex, has enough going for it that it's not an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 04, 2006 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
This is a rather remarkable blend that is very satisfying.

The combination of flavors is just..... different somehow. I can see where this would be a nice change of pace for lovers of both Oriental and Latakia blends. My experience with Tree Mixture was exceptional and I really appreciated the firm dose of strength.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 14, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Robert Lewis’ Tree Mixture is an exceptional Scottish blend if by Scottish we accept the definition of it being an English mixture with the addition of Black Cavendish. More than 50% seems to be black leaf, Black Cavendish and Latakia. The rest is red/brown with some bright ribbons as well.

Mechanics and moisture are very fine and the tobacco burns to the last shred leaving no moisture only grey ash.

It is smoky enough and initially it may make one believe it is Latakia which is the main flavor component, but I believe it’s the unflavoured Black Cavendish which leads the game with Latakia and Orientals adding up flavor as condiments. The smokiness here is smooth, almost creamy and subtly sweet – in no way acrid. Tree Mixture is built on a basis of yummy, mildly sweet, bisquity Black Cavendish upon which Latakia, spicy Orientals and bright Virginias intermingle. It’s in the same genre as Rattray’s Black Mallory, but to me Tree Mixture is far superior: tastier Black Cavendish, more Orientals and a Virginia touch quite reminiscent of Squadron Leader.

Strength is just about medium, not much nicotine but enough to satisfy, sure an all-day tobacco if you like the taste. And room note is not very offensive to non smokers. To me this is an exceptional mixture, but be warned, it’s not a traditional English, it contains a lot of Black Cavendish. If we stick to the above definition, then Tree Mixture has to be the quintessential Scottish mixture.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 13, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
This tobacco for me has come as a pleasant surprise indeed. After trying a number of tobaccos recently that left me with a somewhat *meh* feeling, this one really blew me away. I will state here and now, that this is the greatest English blend I have ever smoked. The whole experience, from the tin note to emptying the ash from my pipe was a great experience overall. The fantastic tobaccos used all shine throughout. The smoke begins with the Virginias and the Latakia working in perfect harmony, the Orientals come through mid-bowl, and it all ties up together for a final crescendo of wonderfulness at the end. It took the light & burned like a dream. The room-note is typically English, but overall I think bystanders found it slightly more pleasant than Old Dublin (which is another favourite of mine) - maybe they were just cheered by the look of sublime happiness that took over my face whenever I puffed on this angel of tobacco heaven. Perfectly balanced in every way, and so gorgeous that I cannot adequately explain in words alone, it really does need to be experienced. I got this as part of a sampler pack, but will definitely be ordering a lot more. I cannot believe that this tobacco is not more well known, as it surely deserves to be recognised as a true classic, a giant among English blends. Colonel Tree - I salute you!
Pipe Used: Peterson Donegal Rocky 68
PurchasedFrom: GQ Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2014 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium Tolerable
The initial tin note reminds me of Dunhill's Royal Yacht but not the flavor. The flavor starts with more of a Dunhill EMP ( Oriental Forward) but with a noticeable Latakia presence( Nightcap?). ( I agree with reviewer "Steel Cowboy" in that this blend reminds me of something from the Dunhill line). As I got further down the bowl the Orientals faded , latakia remained and a darker stronger burley like ( black Cavendish ?) base made itself known, almost chocolate like. This was never bitter, had some sweetness, never bit, and provided ample "N".

I especially have to agree with reviewer "Gentleman Zombie 2014-02-02" who said this blend was a "chameleon", changing form between bowls. I found the same thing, and I believe it's the unpredictable behavior of the "Black Cavendish"

The one thing I didn't get with this blend was the "Wow" factor, it's nice, but not better than other English/ Balkan blends and for the extra money, " What do they think, money grows on Trees?" .
Pipe Used: cob
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 14, 2009 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Tree mixture is an enjoyable med-heavy English. The smell from the tin (a new tin) was of heavy latikia. The flavor was from the first match. A well mannered tobacco. Easy light - stays lit. No bite, or roughness. Nothing bitter about the smoke. Give it a little time in the air before packing. I hold great stock in a blend that you can enjoy without a lot of fuss. Robert Lewis Tree is such a blend. The more of it I smoke the more I like it. Burns to a white/grey ash, not a lot of bowl cling - clean. Dry as a bone in a straight Dunhill. I would put this blend somewhere between Black Mallory and Ashton's Artisan blend in taste, flavor builds in the last 1/2 of the bowl wonderfully. I'm sure it would celler - mine won't last that long - its good rignt now! Is it a sleeper blend - I don't think its the blend that's asleep. I cannot for the life of me understand why folks put up with blends that are NOT READY for release, young, harsh, flavor of the month junk. This blend is there - here - right now. You need not wonder what it will taste like in 2 years. Smoke it now! Enjoy it today. I'm not real crazy about the idea of some other SOB enjoying my aged tins after I'm gone. Life is too short. I'm taking mine with me! Balkan Sobranie? I don't care. Balkan Sobranie is gone. This blend is in the here-and-now, and ready to smoke. If Steve Monjure is the one bringing the Robert Lewis mixtures in - God bless him. Maybe he will run for office - he shows good judgement. To Col. Tree -- Vive la Mort! Vive la Guerre! Vive le Sacré Mercenaire!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Mild Unnoticeable
This blend was pleasant and smoked cool. It reminded me of Squadron Leader with a more nutty flavor and without the floral notes. Upon lighting there is a slight walnut quality, but this goes away mid-bowl. There is no room note, and the aftertaste is kind of a bright citrus that you get from Virginias. The Tree Mixture was medium-strong in nicotine, close to that blast you get from Dunhill Nightcap, but turned down a notch. The tobacco was moist out of the tin and leaves a black, somewhat tarry perspiration inside the pipe. This is most noticeable on my French pipes which have an aluminum insert. This stem insert has a system of groves to channel the smoke and the tar buildup is quite noticeable on this after smoking. I only purchased one tin of Tree Mixture so far, and this may be a peculiarity of my batch, but when you get to the bottom of the bowl there is an ammonia smell. After smoking this in four different pipes, I believe this is a peculiarity of the tobacco and not a ghosting from the pipe. I have read the ammonia smell can occur when Latakia is rushed through the fermentation process so unfortunately, someone at Robert Lewis is cutting corners. I will probably not purchase this again and will go back to Squadron Leader, which I find more flavorful and a bit more "interesting" than Tree Mixture.
Pipe Used: Jeantet, Hardcastle, Tudor, Bruyere estate pipe
PurchasedFrom: James Fox, Dublin
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