Uhle's Par Shooter Blend

Creamy caramel swirled with a soothing vanilla, this smoke is smooth and sweet-tooth satisfying. Ingredients: burleys and black cavendish.


Brand Uhle's
Blended By Uhle's
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley
Flavoring Caramel, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 1.5 oz bag, 7 oz bag, 14 oz bag
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.71 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 15, 2004 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
Upon opening the bag one detects a cinnamon smell along with something else that I can't identify. It is a bit moist but not difficult to keep lit. It has a pleasant aroma, perhaps a bit like vanilla. The taste is primarily of cinnamon which is rather sharp but there is a slight underlying sweetness as well. It will give you a noticeable tingle if exhaled through the nose. The first smoke was in a Ben Wade freehand with a V-shaped chamber which progressively concentrated the cinnamon taste to an intensity that I found overwhelming. It also laid claim to the unwitting pipe and I am having a hard time exorcising it. Subsequent trials have been in my bulldog "The Pipe," which can be more easily neutralized and has a more straight, shallow chamber. The taste was not so intense and I found myself enjoying the sharp, cinnamon flavor. It generates some moisture but it was not excessive for an aromatic. Although it burned a bit warm it didn't bite. If you like the taste of cinnamon I would definitely recommend this, but suggest you try it in a cob or medium-sized pipe that you could reserve for this mixture alone.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 25, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The nutty, toasty, earthy molasses sweet burleys also have slight sharp note. The unsweetened black cavendish provides some smooth brown sugar. The caramel topping is lightly more prominent than the vanilla, and both are accentuated by the very obvious, complementary addition of cinnamon. The strength level is just past mild, while the taste falls a step below mild to medium. The nic-hit is fairly mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Burns cool and clean at slightly less than a moderate pace with a mostly consistent flavor from start to finish. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, and needs a couple more than an average number of relights. Has a pleasant, sweet and cinnamon spice after taste that lingers a little. Can be an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 24, 2009 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I finally got into my pouch of this stuff. As usual with Uhle's blends, the tobacco seems first rate. It burns clean and dry and the aromatic agent has been added with a light and steady hand. I wasn't so sure I'd like the cinnamon flavoring but found it was a pleasant departure from the choconilla and other popular flavoring. This has given me zero tongue bite, I find no gunk or residue and no bad aftertaste. I could see this being an all dayer for someone. Uhle's aromatics are so subdued and yet nicely flavored that they are in a whole different universe as most others. This is one I will reach for from time to time and enjoy. If you are an aromatic smoker and looking for a mild quality smoke, here it is. From a great tobacconist.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2017 Mild Mild Medium Tolerable
I haven't been to Uhle's in quite some time, as I've gone to the darkside and ordered my tobacco online, but I was biking around town last week and I thought I had everything packed. Alas, I left the tin of Bengal Slices on the counter, so I stopped in Uhle's for an emergency pouch. I recalled smoking Par Shooter in the past, so I decided to revisit it.

Many of the aromatics I have tried from Uhle's are very subtle and this was no exception. The bag gave off a mild chocolate nuttiness I suppose, but it was very lightly dusted onto a warm "simple" aroma. It packed well and burned remarkably long (or perhaps I was just savoring it).

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it again. It was a mild and an easy smoke with some sweetness. It may of just been the right smoke, at the right time, but it was a pleasant change from the very pointed and heavy aromatics I've had lately.

It took me back to the basics in a good way!
PurchasedFrom: Uhle's
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 12, 2017 Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This is another disappointment for me in going through the Uhle's aromatics. This one reminds me a little of Trout stream although it is not nearly as good. A major difference between the two is that Par Shooter is based on a Caramel topping whereas Trout Stream uses Butterscotch. Otherwise there is some vanilla and cinnamon in both.

The topping on this one is fleeting and leaves a crummy aftertaste. Call it chemical taste or whatever you may, it is similar to me in the taste that is left in my mouth after drinking some diet soda. There is little to no tobacco taste in the blend and it lacks any real body giving many moment of hot air followed by a bad aftertaste.

The worst thing for me in smoking this blend is that I kept on thinking to myself I wish I was smoking Trout Stream instead. It is for this reason and the fact that Trout Stream is considerably cheaper that I would never recommend this blend. Hence my one star rating on it. It is just not worth the money.
Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman mostly
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 29, 2017 Very Mild Very Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Nobody does Burley better than Uhle's. And this famous old shop also has some remarkably good blends that many people have not heard about or tried due to Uhle's "niche" market. Back in 2008 I discovered this hidden treasure and purchased what was, at the time, tins and bags of all of their blends. I hope these Uhle's reviews will open the door for you to some really good stuff!

This one will remind you of several other Uhle's aromatics with Vanilla. The added attraction for me was the caramel, which made for a rich and creamy presentation, especially at first before it settled. A very light smoke, but I beefed mine up with a stronger straight burley and that did the trick for me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2009 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
The blend of burleys and cavendish cured sweet stuff makes this a pleasant, tasty smoke. This is something I could smoke all day without getting a mouth hangover like I would with Perfection Plug Burley. The cinnamon does not overwhelm the cavendish with me. I can taste it but it's just enough to cut through my taste buds without the tingle. The pleasant after taste lingers on for quite some time.
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