Brebbia Allegro (Mixture No. 24)

A blend of selected, slightly roasted Virginia and burley tobaccos. The aroma of mellow mango fruit topped with a touch of vanilla gives this mixture a unique tropical character.


Brand Brebbia
Blended By Planta
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Mango, Vanilla
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 08, 2011 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
Allegro Mixture #4 is a blend of Virginia and burley, topped with mango fruit flavoring and vanilla. The pouch aroma is interesting, and the tobacco has a good appearance, being mottled browns and golds with occasional flecks of black. The moisture level of the blend is just about right. The tobacco lights easily, and also is easy to keep lit. It provides a pleasant room aroma as well. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of good I can say about smoking it. I've eaten enough mangos to know I don't dislike them, but somehow the intrusion of their flavor upon tobacco is wrong. From start to finish, the mango flavor forces its way past the other ingredients. To me, it was not a pleasant experience. After smoking this blend, I tried a second pipe. Same results. I then thoroughly cleaned both pipes, including a liberal use of alcohol in the shank and bowl. I want mango to go.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 22, 2011 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
For me this blend only works in a corn cob pipe, the cob mutes the mango flavoring, and if it is sipped slowly it is a good first smoke of the day, I suppose it depends how much nicotine you want for your first smoke. I did not get any tongue bite, which was a plus.

In a briarwood it's no good, it leaves a cloying sticky mess in the bowl and an aftertaste that is noticeable weeks later.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 29, 2017 Very Mild Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
I only smoked this tobacco once out of a full tin. The fruit (Mango, the descriptive says but more plumb like to me), was all over the leaf and you couldn't hide from it. I kept begging for some Burley true tobacco flavor as puffed but it never happened for me. Very light in presentation, but still, too over the top cased for this cowboy.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 08, 2016 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Very Pleasant
I received this as a gift and had never really given much thought to purchasing it before. It isn't one of those "must-have" blends that people talk about, and sometimes blends like this one fly under the radar until someone buys me some for a gift. At any rate, I didn't find this as bad as other reviewers. Upon opening the tin I noticed a very fruity aroma almost immediately. It was more of a mixed fruit though; it didn't make me think about mangoes right off of the bat. It was a bit dry (to my surprise), and even though the tin was tightly sealed I needed to add a little moisture to it. After hydration it packed well into a small meer and held a flame with no issue. The fruit flavor is definitely present and stands out above everything else. There is a slight creaminess to it which I can only imagine is the vanilla. I also get hints of nougat and nuts throughout the bowl, which I'm sure are simply the natural flavors of the tobaccos trying to peak through everything else. It's a busy blend, but rather one-dimensional. It doesn't change much throughout the smoking session. The nicotine is neither too weak nor too strong. Because of the tobaccos used, it will have a tendency to nip your tongue if you get too excited. All in all it isn't a bad blend. I wouldn't smoke it every day, but it is certainly and interesting change of pace. I'm giving it three stars because I think seasoned aromatic lovers would really enjoy this blend because of the quality of the flavors, and the tobaccos seem to be top-notch. It could be better in many ways.
Pipe Used: Several meers
PurchasedFrom: Gift from friend
Age When Smoked: Fresh from tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 30, 2009 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I know this is supposed to have Vanilla in it and I don't doubt that it does, but I couldn't find it. For me it was tuti-fruti throughout. I would strongly suggest you try this blend in a pipe you rarely use. I smoked it last night and my pipe still smells from it, even if I pass by the desk where it is resting I can smell it. For people who like cherry and other fruit flavorings I would say, try this. But if that is not your type of blend generally, stay away from this. It is also costly and I can think of similar blends that are much better and less expensive, like Lane's BCA
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 12, 2008 Mild Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant
This is an aromatic with great taste!!! It is one of my regular all-day tobaccos. The vanilla taste is there but you will not get bored of it because there is also the cool taste of mango. Another advantage is although an aromatic you can still feel the tobacco taste. If you smoke it without a carbon filter, oh yes it bites and it will leave you with a dry mouth!!! Even if you use a filter it will dry your mouth to some extend this depends to your tongue chemistry as well. But a dry mouth to me is a true pleasurable smoking experience!!!

I recommend this tobacco to people who like all kinds of tobacco and they like to keep a balance between them

After three months... new review..

I will not say that this is a bad tobacco I have been smoking it for six months and it has been my everyday one. I have devoted three pipes to this one. But now I am bored, I do not smoke it every day but i like to smoke it once in a while. i think I will have to downgrade it because i think that I lost interest of smoking it. i got use to its taste and i am not so excited any more. Captain black the White took its place
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2007 Mild Medium to Strong Mild Pleasant
As far as aromatics go, I may find myself keeping a quantity of this around the house. I did smoke, quite easily, a full pouch about 3 months ago and last week I bought one more.

This is a Vanilla Aromatic (they also say that there is some Mango in it - I do not know if there is any room left for tobacco). This is a heavily cased blend; still it does not give you a strong tongue bite.

While I smoked the first pouch, I noticed that the aroma (nice and pleasant) would linger in the room for quite some time. E.g. if I smoked my small Misouri Pride Cob while driving to work, the car would still possess a very pleasant fragrance 8-9 hours later during my drive home.

Its strength does not leave me satisfied - but I decided to buy that second pouch, just to verify my initial impressions. If I had written this report 3 months ago, I would have given this blend 3 stars. Now I think that 2 stars is OK.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 17, 2006 Very Mild Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Really good tobacco; the high quality Virginia and Burley with the mango/vanilla topping result in a sweet and satisfying smoke till the last puff. I didn't notice the sour mango notes detected by other reviewers, but only the easy and enjoyable smoke that gives what other aromatics with the same features (i.e. Peterson Conoisseur's Choiche) fail to give.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 13, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The burley and Va work together well but the mango topping comes across very sour instead of sweet. Without the casing it would be much better but sour mango just doesnt agree with me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2004 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Very similar to 1, 2 and 3, so go read my reviews. In this case, the mango flavoring is a bit sour, and can turn nasty at the end of the bowl.
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