Fribourg & Treyer Vintage

A specially aged Virginia cut plug. A natural, mid-brown slightly fermented Virginia. This Navy cut gives a full smoke experience for all natural Virginia flake lovers.


Brand Fribourg & Treyer
Blended By Kohlhase & Kopp
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.28 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 39 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2001 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Tin Aroma: A pleasant blend of sweet and sour notes. Mellow compared to some Virginias I have smelled, particularly those with Perique.

Physical Characteristics: A mostly light colored flake, approximately 2.5 to 3 inches long. The flake is well put together; does not crumble to dust, bends enough to be rolled up and inserted into the pipe that way. Rubs out nicely into approximately 1/2 inch long ribbons, with very little 'shake' created in the process. It usually takes one and a half flakes to fill my pipes, but I don't know if that means I smoke small pipes or big pipes. I have yet to find a flake that fits any of them in whole flakes, whether it be one per pipe or two per pipe.

First Light: Hints of vanilla and something sweet that I cannot put my finger on. The vanilla note dissapears almost immediately, replaced by the clean, almost stringent taste of the virginias.

Notes: Responds well to DGTing, but I had trouble letting it sit around long enough to discover that. I had never encountered the 'soapy' flavor that ome have spoken of in relation to Lake District tobaccos until I smoked Vintage. This is only odd in that Vintage is NOT a Lake District tobacco, but sure enough, the soapy flavor showed up a couple of times over the course of a bowl.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 06, 2003 Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
VINTAGE is a smidgeon stronger-flavoured than Cut Blended Plug: just enough to give it some of the cozy Red-Virginia character that that blend lacks.

I did something I rarely do, and smoked a series of pipefuls of this during a long Spring walk (I really needed it!) With and without a windcap, this tobacco consistently burned easily, cooly and dryly on an old Sasieni, a small Peterson bent, a Danish-made Jobey Freehand. When I got home (having decided not to jump in the Hudson river after all?too much fine tobacco out there waiting to be smoked!) I tried it in an ARDOR churchwarden?same smooth result. It never fatigued my taste buds or burned my delicate tongue.

The taste is cool and mild enough to please white burley fanciers, but there is a smoldering douceur, an intriguing finish to this that you could never get out of boring old burley. A soupçon of stoved meatiness makes this just that much more interesting. The more I smoke this blend, the more I like it. A fine recommendation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 22, 2015 Mild Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
Fribourg & Treyer’s Vintage shows first class in the tin, rows of well-formed flakes stacked neatly in nice, white paper, with a gold tape seal. Tobacco colors range from yellow to mottled brown. Tin note is sweet, air cured, pressed and lightly fermented VA tobaccos with a very light casing of honey, orange, apricot, and a drop of vanilla. The casing begins to fade away as soon as the tobacco is handled. The flakes are moist in the tin, and they dry out quickly when exposed to the air. I prefer to dry it some, and FTV is the only VA flake I routinely rub out. It lights and smokes down easily. I’ve learned to take very easy draws during char and light, not to dull my pallet for what’s to follow. My 50 gram tin bears the following description: “Cold-pressed gold and brown Virginias with full-bodiedtangy [sic].” True, that. FTV is just so… natural, more “mature” than its ½ brother, Cut Virginia Plug. It’s subtle, also subtly complex, at the same time “pure”, and delicious, if you like VA tobacco. Strength is mild. Tastes are close to medium, and no sense pulling for more, IMO. Room note is pleasant. Aftertaste is nothing but fine VA tobacco, just like the smoke.

While F&T’s Vintage is mild enough for VA newbies, there is plenty to reward experienced VA smokers, as well. I think most VA lovers would like it, and some may come to esteem it, as I have. No matter the time of day, the time of year, or the weather, indoors or out, for me, Vintage always hits the spot.
Pipe Used: various briars; dedicated preferred
PurchasedFrom: Liberty Tobacco
Age When Smoked: starts out "aged", gets better with time
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 09, 2018 Very Mild Very Mild Medium to Full Tolerable
Interesting... the tin note is exceptional, never smelled a tobacco like it. Cinnamon or something? Christmas Cake? I dunno. That aside, this is tasty virginia, not a clean grassy thing but the a sort of polluted one. It's dark and delicious. I like this, I can't say quite why. It's not especially remarkable for flavor but it is super friendly, so I'm reaching for it pretty often. It's maybe like a wimpy version of Hal O'The Wynd. Powerful enough in flavor to pair against whisky, and not especially sweet as Va leaf goes.
Pipe Used: Castellos
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: Fresh tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 01, 2010 Mild Extremely Mild Mild Very Pleasant
This is a very unusual Virginia Flake... It has little strength and a mild flavor despite the darker composition of the leaf. Additionally, when opening the tin I smelled fruits, nuts, etc. I thought it was an aromatic. The taste is totally different than the sweet and pungent unburned leaf. The flavor presentation at the match was simply a mild, quality Virginia with perhaps a dusting of natural casing.

If you are prone to tongue bite then be careful with this one. The mildness of the leaf may cause a revved up puffing cadence to try to find the beef... and there ain't none.

It burned clean, dry and evenly from top to bottom.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2015 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
Fribourg & Treyer - Vintage.

The tin contains two neatly stacked rows of mottled brown flakes all at a good hydration level.

I struggle to detect any topping of any sort really, maybe a very slight touch of honey but the only potent smell I get is quite a standard Virginia one.

The flakes rub with ease to a fairly fine consistency (if desired) or are favourable for the fold and stuff method as they virtually fall apart when folded making them easy to light.

This is a very easy flake to ignite and burns superbly. Once lit I can't detect much of a false topping, again all that can really be identified is a pungent Virginia grassy taste.

The nicotine is of a pleasant amount for me. It seems mild most of the time unless really drawn hard then it becomes medium not strong.

This is a great straight Virginia, pretty much perfect in its field so four stars is easily warranted:

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Porsche 3613
PurchasedFrom: The Danish Pipe Shop
Age When Smoked: 5 Months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 16, 2002 Extremely Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
50 gram square gold tin. Label is gray with black calligraphy

Tobacco appearance and tin note: Beautiful tiger striped flake, with just an occasional bit of dark weed peeking out. Moisture: perfect. Flakes separate easily into nice, thin strips. Tin fragrance, glorious, rich undernotes augmented with that "tang" representative of light, sweet Va. That "tang" is sans hints of acetic acid, or other negatives occasionally associated with Va's. Packs perfectly. Die Warchow's "Rubber Glove" remix of KMFDM'S "Light", on the faithful Nakamichi,.... let's rock!

Flame hits weed releasing one of the softest, lightly fragrant smokes that I have ever encountered. It has sufficient body that the delicate hints of lemon and grapefruit has some grounding, but *just* enough. Smooth? This stuff is slicker than Johnny Cochran coated in Crisco. If it's your thing, this one is extremely inhaleable. The fragrance and room note is not particularly remarkable, but pleasant in a Carolina evening kind of way . Mid bowl: the fruit mutes a tad, moving a hint of peanut brittle to the foreground, the complexity remains stable. Mellow.... wonderfully mellow. End bowl: Excellent. This Vintage Flake has the least traumatic "end game" of any Va that I have tried.

Summary: Oh, yeah! One of the finest Va flakes that I have tasted recently. Deliciously light, smooth and pleasant. A great one for those reluctent to jump into the Virginia "sea". This one is great for morning to late afternoon smokes .Good stuff, Maynard!

8 out of 10 Bearclaws.

-- Bear Graves
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 11, 2018 Mild Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
A hugely underrated pure virginia flake. For whatever reason cut blended plug gets more attention and is better known. And Golden Mixture because of bertrand russell, is more visible somehow. But Vintage is actually one of the two real gems in the F&T catalogue (the other is special brown flake). Vintage is just virginia....and reminds me a bit of a softer version of Gawith FVF. Now there is a very very very slight casing here. Might just be sugar, to be honest. Or honey.But its very slight. The moisture level is perfect out of the tin. The virginias are dark but dont taste heavily stoved. There is some fermentation to the taste, but not like the late mcClelland flakes. This is just a very fine straight virginia. Naturally sweet, with some depth. Nic hit is a tiny bit over mild. Room note is great. FOUR stars./
PurchasedFrom: danish pipe shop
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 13, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I have family in FL and visited a local tobacconist. The store was devoted to cigars but there were about 10 random tins of pipe tobacco on the shelf. I picked up a tin of Dunhill Light Flake and a tin of this, which was in a completely different package than it is presented now. Obviously both were old as Dunhill has dropped the "Light" from the name and the F&T tin changed many years ago.

I smoke a pipe a day. This stuff I burned through in 5 days. It has all the qualities of a great smoke: Easy to light and keep lit, no bite, great flavor, and great presentation. I believe it has a casing on it but it is light and hard to discern. Sweet, but in a good way.

Try some. Very underrated.
Pipe Used: Various Briars
PurchasedFrom: Pipe Den
Age When Smoked: Unknown
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 03, 2017 Medium None Detected Full Very Pleasant
Neatly arranged fluffy flake strips in this tin. Excellent stuffing and smoking conditions. Perfect moisture. It is amazing how many intense flavours I pick out of this straight Virginia. There is citrus, hay, grass, bread, yeast, a dash of honey and natural tobacco sweetness. It lingers beautifully. I cannot detect any flavouring, casing or topping. If there is any, it’s really well done, supporting, rather than altering these Virginias. Succinct, it is the best straight Virginia mixture I have ever smoked.
PurchasedFrom: Local tobacconist.
Age When Smoked: New, out of the tin.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 20, 2016 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
Nice fruity flavors with a touch of grass in the first half. Nice bit of tang as well. Second half adds the toasty notes of stoved Virginias. After the bowl gets going it seems as if there is no topping, but upon first light I seem to detect an extremely mild fruit topping. Could be my imagination, been fooled before. Nice smoke all the way around.

Mild to medium in body. Medium in taste. Gonna go with extremely mild on flavoring. Burns very well.
Pipe Used: MM Marcus, Country Gentleman, Mark Twain
Age When Smoked: fresh
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