Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Skandinavik Full Aroma Cavendish

Mature Virginia and toasted burley tobaccos flavored with full and sweet notes that enhance this typical Danish flavor.


Brand Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
Blended By Peter Stokkebye
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch
Country Denmark
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.73 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 56 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 01, 2005 Mild Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
I don't recall the old Amphora tasting like this, but it has been 30 years. This blend seems high quality with a strong fruit juice taste. Not artificial cherry, like maraschino, but the way cherries actually taste: sourish. I recall the original Amphora had a more oriental taste which I crave. As far as cherry blends go, I prefer this natural flavoring approach to the candy-like Middleton or Paladin.

This scratches an itch I sometimes get for an aromatic, and I'm glad to have it on hand, but it ultimately fails as a regular.

Update 4/05 I have bowls of Amphora red fresh from Holland and Skan red both burning. They are both cavendishes with fruity toppings, but the similarity ends there. Nah. Not the same at all. Not even particularly close. Amphora rocks. Skan... ok. Skan's topping is 3x as strong in the container and the pipe and smells different as well. Skan has more virginia character. Amphora is less fruity and more... sweet? floral?
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 29, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
For some reason, I like Danish style cavendishes when I'm getting drunk, and Skandinavik Full Aroma is one of the best out there.

Something about the toastiness, the slight, subtle fruitiness, the surprising zestiness of Skandinavik just marries well with getting all tipsy and playing Buck Owens too loud, annoying my neighbor.

This is a broken flake rather than a soft ribbon--also a plus in my book. Some say the fruitiness is cherry, but I don't get that. I've smoked cherry blends before and do not like them. In fact, one year I had to do a stint of therapy after smoking a pouch of Middleton's Cherry Blend. Me and cherry tobaccos don't mix well, no sir. Perhaps it's raisin? It seems like dried fruit to me, but whatever, it's yummy and I like it.

The zestiness is a nice surprise. Most cavendishes are so smooth they're boring, but not this. It's burley forward, but the Virginias are by no means overshadowed. They play an excellent supporting role. It all marries well together and shows you what a fine, affordable (very) pipe tobacco blend is all about. Better if allowed to dry, best if allowed to age a bit.

Try it with a bunch of screwdrivers on a sunny afternoon while jamming to Buck Owens. You'll see.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2011 Very Mild Very Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
I am normally an English smoker, with or, more often, without Latakia. I will occasionally try an aromatic as a change of pace, but usually find that they have no taste or, if they do, it's the nasty chemical taste of artificial flavouring. Sail Yellow is practically the only aromatic I actively enjoy.

Skandinavik Full Aroma is better than most chemically flavoured tobaccos I've tried. It is well-made, Dutch-style cavendish-processed leaf with a subtle fruit note in the background. The taste is very light but it's there, and it smokes smoothly and cleanly. I submit that if you are a habitual aromatic smoker you might really enjoy this. It is also an obvious friendly choice for public smoking.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 13, 2012 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
The tobaccos are processed in the cavendish style. The nutty, toasty, lightly earthy burley has a mild molasses and cocoa sweetness. The grassy, citrusy, lightly bready Virginia is a little more obvious than the burley. The Virginia also provides a minor honey note. The fruity toppings do tone down the tobaccos a bit. The nic-hit is mild. Will bite if puffed fast. Burns a little fast with a consistent flavor. I never thought it was close to Amphora Red as it lacks several aspects of AR (mainly the floralness), but I can see it kind of copies it. Two stars due to the harsh and bite issues.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 03, 2013 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I got a pouch of this free, and have smoked it in a variety of pipes. This is a very good basic cavendish with a mild sweet tobacco flavor. I hesitate to disagree with JimInks, but I find it very similar to Amphora Red, and smoked bowls back to back to make sure I was not imagining things.

To my tongue, this and Amphora Red are the same tobacco with different subtle toppings. Amphora Red has a "fruit with muted citrus" sweet note. The Skandinavik has a similar level of sweet that is hard to identify - maybe honey?

I liked this.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 30, 2014 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I liked this blend. Particularly when considering this is a drugstore blend. It is a cavendished Virginia so far as I can tell and has a nice sugary sweetness. This one will bite if pushed. I put this in the same category as Sail Yellow, Peter Stokkebye Aromatic Dutch slices or some other dutch Cavendish blends.

It is not very aromatic, but I like this. The natural tobacco flavor comes through strong and I really don't get much of a topping. It tastes more like a very sweet Virginia to me. I recommend it, but it did not blow me away.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 29, 2014 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
Pouch note is strongly of dried fruits, primarily fig, with a very slight hint of candied cherry. Presentation is broken flake, a big surprise for me relative to the typical OTC "crimp" cut. Moisture content was just right. 

The charring light brings out sugar and dried fruits, with a distinct apricot flavor that is reminiscent of Stanwell Melange. Unlike Melange, however, this is a more delicate blend,  burley forward, and much easier on the tongue. After the initial flavor burst of the charring light, the flavors quickly settle down and soften with the subtle cocoa of the burley counterbalancing the fruit to become what I found to be a surprisingly pleasant smoke. 

This blend reminds me of a 50/50 mixture I made of Stanwell Melange and Mac Baren Burley London Blend, though milder in flavor and body. The flavors here are subtle and settle down by mid-bowl, so resist over-puffing: you won't find the flavor blast you're looking for and, as with any cased VaBur aromatic, you'll risk tongue bite. But sipping this one slowly, you'll be treated to what may be the best aromatic flavor profile out there in OTC land. Full Aroma burns nicely and cleanly: not too hot and not too wet. Little goop, though with any aromatic ghosting could be an issue. 

While too mild to be a cherished smoke, I was very impressed with this blend and would definitely recommend it for aromatic smokers, those working through the OTC circuit, or those who simply desire a pleasant daytime blend with which to pass the time. An exceptional OTC aromatic in the Danish tradition: quality presentation and cut, subtle fruit and burley flavors, and good quality tobaccos. 

Update 2020: I am just reacquainting myself with the on-line pipe tobacco world after taking several years off to simply enjoy and smoke through my cellar and alas, yet another classic blend put down. What a shame.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 26, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I smoked aromatics (mainly Captain Black) for years before learning the pleasures of high quality pipe tobacco. Once I discovered Virginia flakes, VaPers and English blends, I stopped smoking aromatics altogether. About five years ago, while away from home, I found myself in need of pipe tobacco and the only thing I could find that seemed half-way decent was Skandinavik Full Aroma, so I bought a can. I'm glad I did.

First of all, SFA has real, good (as in real good) tobacco flavor, which is the first thing that I look for in a pipe tobacco. Second, while an aromatic (sort of cherry favored), the flavoring takes a definite back seat to the tobacco and, as a result, enhances rather than detracts from the enjoyment of the (high quality) tobacco. SFA also has all the secondary qualities of a good pipe tobacco (correct moisture content right out the the can, easy to pack and light, burns to a clean ash, readily available and reasonably priced).

I smoke SFA mostly during the summer months. It's cheery (pardon the pun) flavor seems to complement perfectly the fun and relaxation of hanging out at the Jersey Shore. If you're looking for something a little different as a change of pace, give it a try.
Pipe Used: Various briars
Age When Smoked: I usually age it for a year or so before smoking
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2014 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I broke the seal on my pouch to find the contents dry as tinder. So I had to humidify it before smoking. I don't know if that effected my findings. The pouch smells of figs, but the smoke isn't sweet at all. I found this tobacco to be stronger than other testers rated it. I don't see how it can be called either 'Full Aroma' or 'Cavendish', as it doesn't seem to be either one. There is some nicotine. I can feel the strength of the tobacco in the back of my throat when I inhale. I thought it tasted like a strong cigarette. No tongue bite. 1star rating. Much as I like to patronize my local B&M shops, it seems that what's on the shelf isn't fresh. Maybe I'd have better luck with online retailers who have a faster turnover. UPDATE: I let my son try this. He felt it tasted like Maverick cigarettes. He also pointed out that the smoke was blue, as cigarette smoke commonly is.
Pipe Used: 1970's 'The Pipe', MM Hardwood w/filter
PurchasedFrom: local shop
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 21, 2011 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
When recently lining up tobacco tins to sell on my website, I discovered that this one had a broken seal. I couldn't sell it but after conferring with the consignor, I was allowed to just smoke it. I am glad I did.

This should be delightful for fans of lighter, aromatic fare. The taste is typically Danish (tastes like tobacco with a fruity background flavor), and burned clean rather than gooey. Not much punch though and I had to supplement this blend with a follow-up bowl of Five Brothers to satisfy the "Nic" craving.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 12, 2015 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
Not a bad tobacco. I like the broken flake, as opposed to a ribbon cut. The flavoring is rather mild, and some won't see this as an aromatic, at least not when compared to tradition American aros. If you're in a pinch and want to smoke a lightly flavored tobacco, with a lot of natural leaf flavors coming through, you could do much worse.
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