Savinelli Black Cavendish

Rich and smooth with high portion of black cavendish, fine cut fruity Virginia and nutty burley combined and refined with great vanilla and chocolate flavors.


Brand Savinelli
Blended By Kohlhase & Kopp
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Amaretto, Cocco, Cocoa / Chocolate, Coffee, Fruit / Citrus, Honey, Nougat, Pecan, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch, 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.62 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 21 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 08, 2014 Very Mild Medium to Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
I received this tobacco as part of an exchange. The nose is mostly sugar and fruit, but the taste is more refined consisting of walnut, dark chocolate, and apricot. While the other aromatics I have had are objectionable because of their heavy casings this one just works. Does tend to be a little moist and as result it sometimes smokes hot. I rectify this by using a meerschaum and that seems to work.
Age When Smoked: 1.5 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 14, 2014 Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
This has a little complexity. Notes of honey and caramel play nicely with the vanilla, dried fruit and dark chocolate taste. The nougat, coffee and pecan are barely noticeable. You only get an occasional taste of tobacco from the grassy, tart citrusy Virginias, toasty, nutty, earthy, woody burleys and cavendish, but the flavorings are why you buy this. The strength and taste levels are medium. Has little nicotine. Won't bite or get harsh. May require some dry time first, but it coolly, cleanly burns at a moderate rate with a very consistent flavor from start to finish. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, but no goop. Requires an average number of relights. Has a short lived, very pleasant after taste and room note. It's almost an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2015 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I consider this a classical Danish blend, i.e. an aromatic that has a mild flavoring still leaving room for some genuine tobacco taste.

The tin note reminds me of a warm chocolate cake with hints of vanilla and cacao mixed with sweetish tobacco scents.

I use the Frank method for filling my pipe. Lighting is easy, though the ribbon cut tobacco appears a little moist in a new tin.

It's mellow, balanced smoke with a caramel-like honey sweetness, which seems to come more from the tobacco than from the casing or flavoring. There's a subtile nutty aftertaste as well as hints of vanilla and chocolate. Enjoyed coolly it's mild on your tongue. Without requiring much attention it burns down evenly to some greying ash. In spite of the mild flavoring this tobacco might ghost your pipe at least for a few bowls' time.

The room note is very pleasant even for non-smokers.
Pipe Used: Chieftain's Balance
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 31, 2011 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
This was one of the first aromatics I tried, and was immediately delighted by the tin note: strong vanilla, not too sweet. The good impression went on visually, it's a very black 'black cavendish' mix, well rubbed and quite moist. Smoking it for the first few times was also pleasurable, quite a strong aromatic flavour, I suffered no bite, despite poor technique and over enthusiastically looking for something that wasn't there. No 'N' to speak of, pretty straightforward flavour. I replaced the first tin which I smoked almost exclusively for a week with another, and then got a bit bored. In a moment of genius though I decided to throw this second tin in with double the amount of Macbaren Virginia No. 1 and make my first home blend. A triumph! The Black Cavendish mellows out the bitey No. 1 and gives it an extra aro dimension, while turning down the honey. The No. 1 gives the Black Cavendish some meat on the bones and fills out the emptiness. I would buy Savinelli's Black Cavendish again someday, but will always now look to dilute it out.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 17, 2020 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Still damp after a year in the jar. Fussy and troublesome burn rate. A mishmash of flavours and none I find satisfying. Fancy tin, but really bulk.bin quality, K&K or not. Proud name, pedestrian presence, exorbitantly priced for value received.
Pipe Used: Briar, Meer, Cob
PurchasedFrom: SP
Age When Smoked: 1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 15, 2006 Mild Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
As every day tobaccos, I always smoke aromatics. You could say I´m kind of a sweet- tooth and usually like very strong flavoring, but this is a bit too much. The package looks elegant with its magnificent Savinelli sandblast and the dark tobacco in the tin looks and smells fantastic, but... This tastes exactly like the worst aromatics with too much fruit, or whiskey or whatever they put in them and the tongue bite is instant. Drying up the tobacco helps, but the nasty sting doesn´t disappear entirely. Black Cavendish wasn´t altogether unpleasant experience, but because there´s so much better aromatics (also by Savinelli), I´ll give it only one star.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 02, 2016 Mild Strong Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Savinelli - Black Cavendish.

From the name, when I cracked open the tin I expected a solid black mixture; that seems a fair assumption?! So, I was surprised to find it was Black and Gold. Okay, being fair, there's a higher proportion of black in there, I'd say there's about 70%.

When I first lit this I liked it. But then it started to bite, hard. But as that's subjective I'll discuss the quality of the blend: the moisture's good for a sealed tin, so that's the first good sign. I have no issues with getting a bowl lit, the moistness is a benefit with that. Then, aside from the bite making the smoke disagreeable, it's comfy in both temperature and build: it's not as gloopy as Black Cavendish's can often be. Regarding the added flavours, there's just so many: some good, some not so good: I get the archetypal vanilla quality from the Black Cav', and this is the highlight of the trip for me; very much expected, but pleasant nevertheless. I get a good taste of pecan's; in-fact, I identified them before I knew they were included so had to check the ingredients to stop me feeling perplexed! Most of the others meld together nicely and create a honey sweet flavour. The one flavour that I find tastes invidious is the citrus: this is the reason I can only 'somewhat recommend' it. It ruins the flavour profile for me: acrid, bitter, and so sharp it practically slices my tongue open.

The nicotine's mild, and the room-note's okay: pleasant to tolerable.

I'm feeling generous so I'll give it two stars, but I doubt I'll smoke the whole tin.

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Levent Meer' Claw
PurchasedFrom: The Danish Pipe Shop
Age When Smoked: 1 Month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 25, 2015 Mild to Medium Mild Mild Tolerable
Pulled out a tin this morning to smoke with my coffee. After being bitten by the cherry in yesterday's smoke I felt that I really needed something different. On first opening is smells of coco. Smell is strong in the tin. Cut is good and makes packing the pipe a snap. It is wet so I let it sit and make my coffee. 20 minutes later I am back and I try to light. Damn stuff sputters and dies with 5 matches. On the sixth try I finally get it to stay lit. Smell is still of coco and the taste is the same with a hint of marshmallows. I am not an aero smoker for the most part but today I really wanted something different. Not a real tobacco flavor here. Drink the coffee and bring the bowl down to half way. Taste is still the same with a slight hint of vanilla mixed in. Dances around to the bottom of the bowl. As I reach for my third cup. I love the quite time of morning. The ash is light grey and no dottle is present. I do have to run several pipe cleaners through the stem because of the moisture. Tin is at least 5 years old. Nothing has dried out.
Pipe Used: Captain Black
PurchasedFrom: London England
Age When Smoked: Tin - 5 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 20, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
First, the black cavendish comes through well in this blend, making it thoroughly tasty without even considering the casing. The casing is wonderful- almost a chocolate covered fruit note. The "nose" from the tin is great and delivers the same taste when smoked. Very agreeable, highly recommend if you like cased tobacco- quite light on vitamin "N" but unless you're looking for a punchy tobacco its fine. As noted, it can leave a bit "gummy" residue but not to the extent as suggested below that (at least to my taste) that you'd need a dedicated pipe- I reserve that for "English's" only.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 03, 2010 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
I decided to explore the stoved Cavendish part of the tobacco spectrum and picked up this Savinelli tin in a whim (if they make a tobacco as wonderful as their pipes ...). I absolutely love this blend. The tin aroma is delicious, licorice, espresso coffee, chocolate, caramel, but all very subtle and 'natural'. The tobacco packs easily, lights without any problem and tastes wonderful: sweet, yet slightly spicy. The room note is very nice, but lingers a long time. In short a top notch blend which I'll always try to keep at hand if I want to give myself a treat. 4 stars without any doubt.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2009 Medium Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Purchased a tin of this from Fader's in Towson, MD on a whim. I have been looking for a decent chocolate aromatic and hit a homerun with Mister G's Black Cavendish. The blend is a very interesting one for an aromatic, utilizing the seldom talked about Maryland tobacco, along with some Orientals. Of course the usual suspects (mature gold colored VA's and Burleys) are in there, and the blend is topped off with a nice casing of honey and caramel. The matured golden VA's provide the nice rich, sweet chocolatey taste that dominates over the honey/caramel casing. Mid-way through the bowl, the taste becomes quite complex, with the Orientals adding a nice rich spiciness to the blend. Finally, the room note is quite pleasant, with the rich, dark chocolate once again taking precedence over the honey/caramel. One disclaimer that I would like to add is that this stuff leaves a hell of a ghost in the pipe! I smoked this stuff in a GBD International and found that subsequent pipes smoked with other aromatics tended to be masked by the Mister G. I finally decided to solve this problem by dedicating my GBD Int'l to Mister G Black Cavendish. If you don't want to take that route, I would recommend smoking this stuff out of a meerschaum. Overall, a very nice, complex aromatic, with a pleasant richness and subtle spicy offset from the orientals. Highly recommended!
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