Reiner Professional

A fine Virginia, burley and black cavendish that is seasoned for weeks in oaken whiskey barrels. Topped with a nut type flavor. A milder blend for the aromatic smoker.


Brand Reiner
Blended By R.L. Will
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus, Nuts / Beans, Whiskey
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 100 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.93 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 27 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 22, 2004 Mild Extra Strong Overwhelming Strong
I really wanted to like this blend, however, no matter how much I tried I could not even tolerate it. In a nutshell: sickeningly sweet; raunchy finish; sticky wet goop and smokes like molten lava.

The taste is like apricot brandy that has been mixed with cheap strong perfume and sweat rung out from a pair of heavily-soiled underwear. This "hickory nut extract" tastes like the sweaty armpit of an unshowered athelete...(don't ask).

The temperature this blend smokes at is hot. "How hot?" you ask? How about "Hotter than Eva Longoria nude and covered with coconut oil"?

So if you like sweet sweaty searing smoke...go with this blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 29, 2009 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Very Pleasant
I am slightly amiss at the recent reviews of this fine Aromatic tobacco from Reiner.

I was hesitant to buy a tin after reading the reviews online but I took the chance and picked up a 100 gram tin from my local tobacco shop.

I am glad I did!

Firstly, the tobacco itself has a wonderful fragrant aroma as you open the tin, it is not an overpowering smell but instead a light and wafting hint of what is yet to come. It's moisture was seemingly perfect to me, very well cut and very easy to pack. Upon first light I immediately noticed a sweet and flavorful taste, much like a good Port. It was not overpowering in the least. Very sublime but nonetheless flavorful and "perky". The smoke was a pleasant sensation for my palette as well as my nose. There was absolutely no nicotine "punch", just a very tasteful smoke that kept my interest throughout the bowl.

Surprisingly, unlike some other reports, it yielded no discernible tongue bite to me at all. Yes, I could see that it may produce some biting if you were to keep puffing away and mistreat the overall experience but when enjoyed at a leisurely pace I cannot find any fault at all with the smoothness of this blend.

Something very unique to this aromatic that I was able to discern, was a very subtle change in tone (if you will) as the smoke progressed so did the amount of flavor and body. It was developing some very unique flavoring as the bowl was being drawn, exuding even a slightly malty taste I don't normally experience with an aromatic blend. As I have always enjoyed aromatics. I'm also exploring (and loving) Virginian as well. I find this blend to be a pleasant mid-ground. It allows for a very nice change of pace from SG FVF (which I also adore) without feeling that I'm missing out on any of the nuances that make non aromatics so appealing.

The Room Note was "high grade". At least my wife thinks so. She kept lauding it's praise and said I should really smoke this blend more often because it smelled so good!

Indeed, the more I smoked Reiner Professional, the more I realized that I've found a keeper for my rotation! Subtle yet exciting. Flavorful and aromatic but not overstated. I urge other pipe aficionados to explore this blend with an open mind and I think you too will discover how much of an enjoyable and relaxing smoke it exudes for all concerned. Kudos to Reiner for this absolutely delicious aromatic!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 25, 2014 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
The earthy, woody, nutty burleys take the lead in regard to the tobaccos. The black cavendish imparts a little brown sugar, but it's complimentary and doesn't distract from the other notes. The Virginia is a minor player with a little earth, tart and tangy citrus, and grass. The whiskey is of very high quality and while it's the star flavor, it leaves room for some nuttiness and fruit from the other toppings. Overall, the tobaccos are fairly sublimated by the toppings. The strength and taste levels are medium. The nic-hit is a step past the mild mark. Sweet and smooth so long as you sip, and don't puff too fast. It has a cool, clean, very consistent sweet taste from beginning to end, and leaves just a little moisture in the bowl. Requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasant, slightly lingering after taste and room note. Not quite an all day smoke. I recommend a meer or a cob because it will leave a trail of flavor in your briar.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2005 Mild Medium Mild Very Pleasant
I think the first reviewer of this blend (ruggiero) hit the nail on the head when he said this aromatic smoked cool and was a "real novelty" in the world of aromatics. Reiner has come out with some very good tobaccos over the last couple of years (Long Golden Flake is my favorite) and this blend is no exception.

Those of you who are far more expert than I at smoking various tobacco types know that aromatics need to be "sipped" to be fully enjoyed. But frankly, I found this blend remained cool even when my puffing cadence increased considerably. The taste was somewhat like fermented fruit or perhaps a fruit flavored brandy. Quite elegant and I applaud the effort of the blender. It even burned to a mostly dry ash - another unique feature of stronger aromatics.

This is marvelous stuff for a change of pace, (IMO, of course.)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 26, 2014 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Reiner - Professional.

On appearance it seems to contain a generous quantity of each variety of weed. It benefits from a small airing, it's not soaked in moisture but a few hours in the open make a perfect improvement.

The smoke, once lit, has a pleasant aromatic side. The aromatic's are not, by any means, what I would describe as strong. The term 'soft' springs to mind imminently. At the forefront of the flavour I notice there resides a rich nutty quality, it's really nutty and it's a fabulous addition that works superlatively with the robust tobacco tastes. In fact the Burley's caramel-esc quality next to the nuts makes it almost resemble a Snickers chocolate bar! The nicotine is mild in Professional, it would be good for those who don't smoke for N. All the way through I have found the burn to be good, I haven't had to do many re-lights along the way. The room note is a resplendent one, it has the same quality of nuts that I have enjoyed all the way through. At the end of the pipe the standard of the burn is attested by the fact the the only remnants in my bowl are some light grey ash, no dottle, a clean burn.

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Peterson Sandblast Sherlock Homes Baskerville
PurchasedFrom: G.Q Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 28, 2010 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
A very beautiful box contains this aromatic mixture by Reiner. An interesting mix, with a characteristic scent - for me - on almost all the tobaccos that are made by Kohlhase & Kopp. Includes Virginia, burley and black cavendish. Easily fills the bowl. It also lights without much effort, burned dry to the end and retains the aroma, unchanged by the 4/5 of the bowl. Something that is especially difficult and those who smoke aromatic tobaccos know it. Fruity taste more like wine or cognac, rather than whiskey. Regarding the scent that it leaves in the room I must admit that it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 10, 2010 Mild Medium to Strong Mild Very Pleasant
I am a big fan of aromatics, and I'm always on the lookout for the one of my dreams. For the past few months I've been smoking Mac Baren's Vanilla Cream, and while I like it a lot, I always find myself unsatisfied and willing to try different aromatics.

Enter Reiner Professional. The smell in the tin is amazing. Like, seriously amazing. When I opened the packaging inside the tin, the smell got even better. I almost didn't want to smoke it - I damn near almost ate it! It smells extraordinary. Nice dose of caramel and nuts, with some hints of fruit. I was incredibly excited to get some of this tobacco into a bowl as soon as I could.

Right out of the tin, the moisture level was perfect, and it packed easy as can be into my Peterson. Lighting it was also a breeze. Light, tamp, light again, and you're down to the end of the bowl with no hassles on the way whatsoever. It has zero tongue bite but, while I hate to say it, the incredible aroma in the pouch doesn't really translate into the actual smoke. It's very mild, which is not a bad thing, but instead of the caramel I got more flowery notes for some reason. Further down the bowl, it got sweeter and more satisfying.

For an aromatic, this stuff burns extremely cool, but then again, I am pretty slow sipper. It offers nice clouds of smoke, and the room note is absolutely out of this world - right up there with Mac Baren's Vanilla Cream.

I believe I still need to spend some more time with this, but I like it already. And I have no doubts at all that it's just going to get better when it's aired out a bit more, too.

Top quality smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 30, 2018 Mild to Medium Very Strong Very Full Very Pleasant
I really like this blend. The tin note is delicious, and lighting up releases a deep, rich and sweet flavor and aroma that, for me, evokes all the best qualities of a classic aromatic pipe tobacco.

It shares something in common flavor-wise with Solani Tropical Mango Flake, but this is a fuller, more pleasant version with greater dimension.

Highly recommend for those seeking a high quality aromatic that tastes and smells like you always hoped an aromatic would. Smokes very well straight from the tin.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 03, 2017 Mild Medium Medium Pleasant
One of my favorite Danish style aromatic blends. I found the moisture level to be perfect with no dry time required. However, this will probably vary some as the tin that houses this mixture is not vacuumed sealed nor is the cellophane pouch within. So be sure to jar it up as soon as you receive it.

The Cavendish and burley are the main players and add depth and body to the smoke. The Virginia is a condiment, it's mild, bright and lightly sweet. The topping carries the essence of vanilla, fruit (both stone and citrus), light hints of coconut and a touch of whiskey. The tobacco strength is on the milder side but the subtleties that this blend is capable of producing keep it interesting.

The thing that I enjoy most about Professional Mixture is its consistent taste. From first light to finish it’s a mild, high quality aromatic smoke with absolutely no off-flavors. Mid to end bowl flavors are a richer, more flavorful rendition of the start. Like other Danish blends, Professional Mixture has some sugar in it, and it will nip at the tongue if mistreated, but otherwise it smokes mellow, sweet, dry and surprisingly cool.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 13, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I have to agree with Pipestud in his review of this mixture. I generally do not concentrate on (or for that matter "with") aromatics, but this blend is interesting. I have not had the snake bite on the tongue with Professional and I usually smoke a tad bit more aggressive than I know I should. The taste is pleasing and not overly seasoned to me. I think Reiner did will with this blend. I enjoy trying to discover the distinct flavors each time I relax with a bowl. An interesting diversion from my usual vaper and english blends. Recommended.

My wife says she approves of the room note. : )
Pipe Used: 1956 GBD billiard
PurchasedFrom: I haveforgotten
Age When Smoked: 1 year aged
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 26, 2012 Strong Strong Very Full Very Pleasant
This is an excellent aromatic full of flavours and complexity with a nice roundness. This tobacco produces also the best aroma a pipe can produce. I've had compliments from lots of people, smokers and non-smokers alike. I could hear passers-by strolling down my street wondering what was that wonderful smell. I even had little kids coming to my porch at Halloween telling me that my pipe smelled amazing.
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