Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Half & Half

Burley based pipe tobacco. Made in the USA. Pouch description: "Burley and Bright" Pipe Tobacco.
Notes: Originally from an American Tobacco 19th century formula. Originally, it was a local Virginia favorite for both cigarettes and pipe tobacco. From : Half and Half is a timeless mix of loose cut burley and Virginia tobaccos with flavorful notes of cardamom, coriander and maze. Enjoy this smooth, easy-going smoke again and again.


Brand Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
Blended By  
Manufactured By St-Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Anisette, Other / Misc, Spices
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch, 14 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.24 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 120 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 12, 2009 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
UPDATE 10/19/16

Smoked about 2 oz of the new Lane version which addresses all of the problems with the Pinkerton version of my earlier review. This has no chemical, plastic taste and instead tastes like a reasonably well done mostly burley with a bit of bright Virginia leaf. This is something that I could smoke all the time if I had to, whereas the previous version is something I hope to never smoke again. Now this is probably one of the better OTC's available and is worth 3 stars. Good stuff!

ORIGINAL REVIEW I was gifted most of a large tub of this, an action I at first thought gracious - until I smoked a couple of bowls of it.

I neither see nor taste any virginia in this mess; just a lot of heavily cased probably raw off the stalk burley. This is definitely one of the 5 worst tobaccos I've ever smoked. If you can tolerate it in a pinch, my hat is off to you. If you actually *like* it, I salute you. But if you come to my house and want to try some from my tub and have never smoked it, I will do my best to dissuade you. If I cannot, you must sign a waiver that says you won't sue me as your host for jeopardizing your health and safety, as well as your taste buds.

I have a better idea. This might make a good fertilizer/weed killer.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 12, 2015 Mild Mild Medium Very Pleasant
Well, after nearly 35 yrs. of piping I had yet to try Half & Half. Started out in the eighties with Captain Black White. And Prince Albert. But for the last fifteen years or so, a solid English and Balkan blend smoker. My mainstays being Abingdon, Westminster, Star of the East, Pirate Kake, Crown Achievement, London Mixture, Nightcap, Durbar, Aperitif, Black Mallory, Red Repparee, White Knight, etc. And occasionally the Virginia flake like Dark Star, and Blackwoods Flake, etc. And Escudo or Navy Rolls. Even St. Bruno I really like. All this is to say, I've been around the block quite a few times in regards to pipe tabac. Well, I must say, I truly enjoy H&H. Its a codger OTC burley. Been around forever. And with good reason. Its an all day smoke. Delivers a cool fine low nic burley bright smoke, with a hint of anise and perhaps cinnamon and cloves. I love it. Can't understand all the negative reviews. You know, if GL Pease made this the blend would receive outstanding reviews. Its that good. And, by the way, H&H was Civil War historian Shelbey Foote's favorite go to smoke. And if it was good enough for him, why its good enough for me. I'll be stocking up on H&H.
Pipe Used: Dunhill shells
PurchasedFrom: JR Cigars
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 01, 2007 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Below is my original review of H&H done a couple of years ago. I have just had the opportunity to enjoy a tin of 30 year old H&H when it was produced by the old American Tobacco Company and there is quite a difference from the current Pinkerton Tobacco Company production of H&H. Although somewhat similar in taste, the original American Tobacco Company stuff is much smoother, had absolutely no bite and the smell upon opening the tin was "to die for." Additionally, the old stuff was headier - particularly in the nicotine department. I'm going to be on the lookout for more as the American Tobacco Company's version would be one of my all-time top-10 blends. The following review centers on the current production H&H.

Hey...this stuff isn't too bad. It has a bit of a sweet taste, and the Virginia seems to be of good quality. The burley keeps the smoke cool. I smoked a pouch of this over a three day period, and the only complaint I can find is that some bowls would produce a rank taste as I hit the strike zone. It can bite a bit if not respected. Nice room aroma.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 19, 2014 Very Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
It seems like there are mixed feelings on this blend. I am personally of the crowd that likes it. I'm not really all that crazy about it but I do enjoy it. The smell from the pouch can put some people off, but I like it because we have a jar of potpourri that smells EXACTLY like this. For those of you who don't know what potpourri is imagine a very heavy bourbon mixed with citrus and cinnamon. Tasty, but will definitely put some people off. Tastes like a basic burley with a little added sweetness and (maybe) mulling spice. No bite, and could definitely smoke this all day if i wanted to. Just not to everyone's liking.
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Legend
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 19, 2013 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Well it may seem that all I review are the standard OTC tobaccos which by nature have hundreds of reviews, but I feel compelled to set the record straight. Half and half is good, very good as a matter of fact. It isn't the absolute best blend of complex alchemy ever invented by tobacconists but because my grandfather smoked it I was biased to give it a try. Take this review with a grain of salt as I have only been smoking a pipe for a year but no bite, smooth, burned well, best pouch note of any OTC, and can be mixed with a black Cavendish for an even better burn, recommended to all my friends if I had any. LOL
Pipe Used: MM Cob
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 27, 2021 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
I don't see what everyone is complaining about.. its another blend that's been around for over 100 years...sure it may not be perfect but for its price (approx. $2.25 per oz) what do you expect ? If Ouellette tossed this in a tin with his name on it you would all be lining up to kiss his feet and tell him how great it is... so unroll your jeans and show some respect to a codger blend you snot nose hipster...
Pipe Used: Peterson Pub
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 16, 2021 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Out of the pouch/tub you're introduced to a classic American old-fashion "codger" blend scent of anisette and perhaps just a drop of vanilla and cocoa from the Burley.

Upon smoking it, that sweet old-fashion pipe smell comes out immediately. It's very mellow, smooth, and satisfying. The role of the Virginia is not to provide the sweetness, but rather to smooth out the Burley cocoa flavor. The sweetness, in my opinion, comes more from the toppings.

Its flavor is balance between the different ingredients, not much to think about, just smoke it.

As are other codger blends, this one is very easy to pack and smoke. The cut is, again, an old fashion cube, which makes it very easy to deal with. The flavor doesn't change throughout the smoke, and the moisture level is perfect right out of the tub/pouch. Easily an all-day smoke. For me, however, the only issue with the codger blends is that they're a bit too mild in strength for me to smoke all day. However, if this was as is, with just more nicotine kick, I could've easily "live off" this blend alone.

Aside from the mild strength, the body is mild as well. It isn't complex, nor is it a one-dimensional blend. There's enough there to satisfy and not bore, but also not something to make you stop whatever you do and start analyze it.

You can call it names, degrade it, push it aside, and not think about it. But when I want to have a smoke, I often reach out to Half & Half as a default. It tastes good, very easy to smoke, no chance of bite, and very affordable.
Pipe Used: Medium-size billiards and Lovats
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 29, 2016 Very Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
Since lane got ahold of some of the older codger blends they have corrected the problems that plagued these brands over their years with Pinkerton. A few years ago half and half lost me, too much chemical taste and all around not an enjoyable smoke. Now lane has it and half and half is what it should be, smooth, slightly sweet cherry or anise flavor, and good quality burley/Virginia bright leaf tobacco's. I am a big fan of burley and I enjoy the old American blends more than I do the newer brands. I keep Prince Albert, granger, and others right next to my c&d and McClelland blends. I am glad half and half can join my tobacco cellar now that lane has fixed this classic pipe tobacco
Pipe Used: Missouri meerschaum and briar
PurchasedFrom: smokers outlet
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 17, 2016 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Update: (STG Lane)

Thought I would add an update now that Lane now produces Half and Half. I find it similar to the Pinkerton product, but I think they dialed down Half and Half's unique flavor a little. I still smoke it occasionally and still enjoy it.

Original Review: (Pinkerton Tobacco)

I smoke a few bowls of this tobacco a week. I do have a pipe dedicated to it. Maven's Choice in the Winter 97 issue of PipeSmoke Magazine described this tobacco as "Burley & Bright; cased with a basic combination of licorice, molasses, and invert sugars, the blend is then top-dressed with a spice flavoring derived from marinating cloves, cinnamon, and other spices in rum", and I believe that's probably right, especially the "clove" part, which I believe is what might make it a like it or hate it blend. Some reviewers stated it reminded them of cigarettes, & I agree. CAMEL was even mentioned. I smoked CAMELS most of my adult life (no longer do), and they didn't taste like H & H, but LUCKY STRIKE cigarettes when still made by AMERICAN TOBACCO tasted alot like Half & Half, and with good reason. A little history: My grandfather smoked Half & Half, he quit before I was born so I don't have fond memories of the aroma of his pipe. What I do have is his hardware collection stored in Half & Half tobacco tins. Some of these old tins looked very different from the one's we see now. Instead of saying "Burley & Bright" they have "Genuine Lucky Strike Roll Cut Tobacco" "& Buckingham Bright Cut Plug Smoking Tobacco" with the "Lucky Strike" residing in the very familiar red circle we see on Lucky Strike cigarette packs. It turns out H&H was originally formulated by mixing half & half two already existing tobacco brands acquired by the American Tobacco company in the early part of the 20th century. Also Lucky Strike cigarettes emerged after cigarette smoking became popular about the time of WW I. I thought the history might be interesting. I hope I didn't bore anyone. Half & Half is a drugstore tobacco that cost about $2 a pouch. I keep a pouch around and enjoy it occasionally. Maybe I smoke it for nostalgic reasons, but I don't find it an offensive smoke. I find it smokes cool & dry to the bottom of the bowl leaving a fine grey ash.
Pipe Used: Cobs and Briars
Age When Smoked: New to a couple of months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 15, 2014 Very Mild None Detected Very Mild Unnoticeable
This tobacco seems to me to be a nice blend of basic smoking tobaccos. It's chunky cut makes it pack nicely in my pipes. The smoke is a little unremarkable. I mean it smokes well enough, cool, even, and mellow, but it has little flavor or room note. It's not unpleasant mind you, just ok. It's a good all 'round under achiever for a rainy day staring out the window into the back garden.
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