Cornell & Diehl Dreams of Kadath

Your journey to Kadath will not be an easy one. Before you descend the steps into the dreamlands, prepare yourself with this fragrant blend of dark fired Kentucky, Katerini, perique, Virginia, burley, and black cavendish.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Series The Old Ones
Blended By Jeremy Reeves
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Virginia Based
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Kentucky, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Plug
Packaging 2 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.14 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 28 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 12, 2018 Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable to Strong
Dreams of Kadath just didn’t do anything for me, the smoke tasted similar to having a lukewarm glass of unsweetened iced tea. It wasn’t really bad, it just wasn’t at all good, the spicy flavor others have noticed came across to me as an indistinct cigar store smell, I don’t know how else to phrase it. The overall taste was flat and uninspired.
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 06, 2017 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The grassy, citrusy, lightly dark fruity, earthy, woody Virginias form the base for the other components to shine, and I consider them to be team players. The smoky, woody, earthy, herbal, lightly sour and sweet, floral Katerini also has a spice note as an important supporting player, though it doesn’t over take the other varietals. The nutty, woody, earthy, lightly sweet burley, and the woody, nutty, dry, herbal, floral, earthy and mildly spicy dark fired Kentucky are condiments. The overall spice level is fairly mild. The unsweetened black cavendish provides a little smoothing brown sugar to help tame potential rough edges. The raisiny, plummy, figgy, lightly spicy perique mostly plays a background role. The very mild topping doesn't detract from the tobaccos. The strength is just past medium and the taste level is a hair past that. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. No chance of bite or harshness, and has few rough edges. Burns cool, clean, and a little slow as plug tobaccos will do. The complex, nuanced, deeply rich flavors are very consistent from start to finish which is a hallmark of a well blended, balanced product. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires some relights. Has a lightly lingering, pleasant after taste. Not an all day smoke, but it is certainly repeatable.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 28, 2017 Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Whomever submitted this tobacco into the database claimed this blend to be a Krumble Kake. It's not. I tried to pull tobacco off the Kake and started getting whole leaves. It's a plug. I've changed the information above from Krumble Kake to Plug.

Update: Opened a 2 year old tin. Advice? Age it. It gets even better. The review below still holds true.

Dreams of Kadath is a plug of Virginias, with black cavendish, burley, Dark Fired Burley, Katerini, and perique. I swear there is a topping of some kind, but it's mild and adds to the overall sweetness. It's Almost like brandy... If this plug isn't toppped then the Katerini and perique are doing some wild things in the tin note department. DOK showcases the Katerini...Curry-like with a spice box feel, a little cinnamon bun at play with the virginias. At times I get a touch of burley and darkfired flirting around the edges, with a plummy perique, and sweetened with bready Virginias. The Katerini is the star player. The cavendish pops it's head out now and again offering a little brown sugar. This is a wounderful plug. It reminds me of GLP Temple Bar, but the dark fired and burley really take it away from clone territory.

I can say that this is in the "Smoke Exclusively" Deparment. It's complex at times and changes throughout the bowl. I've only smoked about three bowls. I will add on to the review if things change. 5Stars!!!!
Pipe Used: Clay, Cob and Meer
Age When Smoked: October 2017
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 09, 2018 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
[Edit: 3/12/2018]

This plug is your standard, boilerplate C&D tobacco. The tobaccos are rough around the edges. The Virginia is a notch below the grade they use to make Blairgowrie. And then there's the Burley. Always the Burley with this company. They must have more stake in this leaf than anything else, because they use it as filler in practically everything they make (well over 50% of their blends). As for the other ingredients, they may or may not be in there somewhere.

I believe they've used some amount of propylene glycol (a humectant). I don't blame them. It gives the leaf a supple, moist quality which C&D leaf otherwise lacks and also gives a sensation of "body" and "depth" on the tongue.

Second, is the topping. Yes, it has a topping. I'm almost certain it's the stuff from Barbary Coast. Don't worry, it fades quickly after opening the tin. The berries and the figs burn off with the topping. I'm convinced that with age, this topped combination will lose its rough edge and the topping will integrate into the nuances of the tobacco (which will eventually shine through after considerable, very considerable mellowing at the hands of father time).

Third, it's a plug. Everyone likes a plug.

Let me not be disparaging. The first quarter of the bowl the tobacco and the topping are like divorcées who refuse to speak to one another. The flavors meld and compromise as you continue smoking, and some of the richness of Virginia and the other tobaccos comes through in wisps as your bowl draws to an end.

I would buy several of these tins and promptly forget about them, to revisit in 5 or 10 years time.

It's a good blend for someone who likes C&D's style. Especially if you like their drier Burley blends. The best comparison I can draw is to say it's like a Briar Fox that's topped with a brandy (?). Two and a half stars, for its potential
Age When Smoked: not nearly old enough
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 06, 2018 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
Ladies and gentlemen, my favorite blending house channeled my favorite author (my favorite of his stories, no less) and came up with my new favorite tobacco. This is something of a difficult blend to describe, since my palate is rather unrefined and I've yet to find anything like it. But I shall venture to try... The first thing you need to know is that there IS a slight topping. A whiff off the tin reminds me of the "Rum Punch" topping from C&D's Cross-eyed Cricket, but much more subdued. It doesn't come through in the smoke or the room note, and only serves to heighten the mystery, calling out to one who would dare plumb its secrets. The Virginias are less citrus/sweet/tangy and more toasty. As such, it melds well with the nutty/buttery burley and the earthy/smoky spice of the DFK. The perique is at a perfect level, enough to lend some dark fruit and a hint of it's trademark "needling" sensation on the retrohale without searing the sinuses. I'm not familiar enough with Katerini to suss out it's contribution, but it may be that odd (but delightful) musty note that weaves in and out, like the breath of ancient, forbidden tomes. The Cavendish serves more as a buffer, smoothing off the rough edges of the other players while only rarely lending it's own molasses sweetness. The tobacco is presented as a loosely pressed plug, and I recommend cutting it into thicker flakes, then rubbing it out. This blend shifts a lot as it's smoked, and thicker ribbons help to emphasize those shifts. Add a little shake on top for kindling and to start it off with a representation of everything in concert. Smokes cool, dry, and slow, and never offers to bite. The room note might be something you will have to try in order to assess the tastes of your audience. My wife was at first puzzled that it wasn't an outright aro or a Lat-Bomb (both of which smells she likes), so she sat down and whiffed for a while, finally deciding she liked it. I have ordered four more tins, planning to socket them away to dream strange dreams in the cellar. I feel that (much like the abhorrent Necronomicon), it will lose none of it's potency with the passage of years, and only gain in it's tempting allure. A worthy tribute to the epic wanderings of Randolph Carter, full of it's own twists, turns, and Elder mysteries. Addendum 10/18: if you like this when new, I can heartily recommend giving it at least six months to age. The plug firms up a bit, making it easier to slice. Time has also altered the interplay between the topping and the tobacco's; the topping has become deeper, more wine-like, while becoming more integrated into the blend as a whole. It persists longer throughout the bowl without ever overwhelming the component tobaccos. It's still a rather dry blend, well-suited to those who like burley-heavy blends without a lot of sweetness. A drink is recommended, especially a nice Pu-erh tea.
Pipe Used: Peterson Aran 999, Al Pascia Curvy billaird
PurchasedFrom: SmokingPipes
Age When Smoked: 4 months/ 10 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 27, 2018 Very Strong Very Mild Extra Full Strong
Dreams of Kadath is a flavor powerhouse that packs a wallop of nicotine. It's a tightly-pressed plug (at least by C&D standards) which contains an amazing array of component tobaccos that all work well together. A beautifully variegated plug of average size for C&D plugs and cakes is inside the tin. The aroma of the fresh plug is strong and unique—like a Maduro cigar paired with prunes and currants.

Alongside the array of components, the very light added flavoring sets it apart from anything else. Though difficult to describe, this flavoring is somewhat similar to SPC's Plum Pudding, being ever so slightly fruity—not a fake-tasting fruitiness. There's just barely enough of it to taste and smell it. It's reminiscent of Plum Pudding without the Latakia, and with a strong presence of Katerini. The Perique is not super spicy, and instead is more like a dash of pepper, and adds to these "dark" flavors.

Several key attributes keep me coming back to this one. Firstly, the flavor is incredible and unique. Second, being a plug it can be prepared any way you like, and it holds a light very well regardless of how you choose to do so. Third, it's strong! Out of the 32 C&D blends I've had so far, this is one of the strongest. Finally, despite all of these strong flavors going on, there is very little chance of ghosting your pipe with a weird or foul taste.

I simply can't say anything bad about Dreams of Kadath. Excellent aromas both in the tin and burning in my pipe, nearly zero potential for tongue bite, and a combination of flavors that just clicks. The H.P. Lovecraft theme is oddly appropriate too. If Lovecraft's short stories had a companion blend for pipers, this would be it!
Pipe Used: Savinelli Linea Pui (5), M.M. Mizzou cob
PurchasedFrom: SmokingPipes
Age When Smoked: 3 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 17, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Okay, here are my thoughts on this blend. This is a tobacco that you will remember for a long time after smoking it. It is the most unique blend to date that I have ever had. Dean Eric Rice review is very well written and should be looked up for reviewing. What I will add is when you do try this blend, sit back relax and enjoy. There is a lot going on from first light to end of bowl. I used a wooden match to start and because of the deep bowl used a lighter at the end. Really didn't need a lot of relights. To me it was fruity, plum, dates, alcohol, figs, spicy, woody, sweet, sour, Virginia, Cavendish, Katerini, you see where I'm going. There's a lot going on. The Katerini tobacco is the star of the show. Mild strength to start, medium at the finish. As Dean said not for everybody, but for some a must try. Sweet Dreams.
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes
Age When Smoked: 2 mos
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 10, 2017 Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
I can endorse Perdurabo's observations on the underlying tobaccos, as well as saying this this a softly-packed plug rather than a crumble cake. The mild topping strikes me as black raspberry or perhaps blackberry; noticeable especially in the first 2/3 of the bowl but not the primary flavor. A very pleasant autumn blend.
Pipe Used: briars, cobs, and meers
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
Age When Smoked: 1 month after release
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 15, 2018 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Tolerable
Cornell & Diehl - Dreams of Kadath (The Old Ones).

Looks can be deceiving! What I mean is although it has the appearance of a firm Krumble Kake and can, indeed, be prepared in the same manner by using a firm hand, this isn't a method to give a decent smoke. You see, it rubs out into big leaves of tobacco which won't stay lit for love nor money. So for optimum smoking bang it through a coffee grinder!

I'm unsure if my tin contained the same as the majority of the reviewers. You see, I detect zero added flavouring. What I DO detect is a fairly potent blend of tobaccos. The Kentucky can take the credit for boosting the formidability up a notch or two 😉 Out of them all I get the least from the Perique, virtually nothing. The black Cavendish brings a mellifluous character and softens some of the piquancy from the other ingredients. The Burley and Orientals work excellently with one another, creating a nutty, rustic, woodiness. The Virginia doesn't seem too sharp or citrus like and acts as the stage on which the others perform. It burns medium in temperature but does issue me with a bite.

Nicotine: medium to strong. Room-note: not very nice.

Dreams of Kadath? Due to the bite and Kentucky I feel comfortable with awarding it just two stars:

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Peterson
Age When Smoked: 12/02/17
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 28, 2021 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
Stop me if you’ve heard this one.

A Kentucky gentleman, a Greek, a Cajun, a Virginia Squire, a Tennessee planter, and a guy with dark complexion who goes by ‘Dish(the others think he is Desi but nobody is sure or bothers to ask) walk into a bar. They get pressed together tightly in that bar for over 18 months and all sorts of drunken escapades ensue. This plug did come more tightly pressed than I would have expected and I was pleased. The tin aroma is all alcohol, like some kind of high proof fruit brandy. I would believe that the topping is pomegranate as others have suggested but I have no guesses myself. It lends an incredibly sour, fruity, and tart quality to the rich thick bodied smoke. The Kentucky gentleman is just that, he minds his own business at the end of the bar, drinking bourbon neat, and making the occasional wry comment. He lends a background smokiness that comes and goes, playing nicely off the sweeter/sour elements. The Squire, the Greek, and the planter all converse loudly for most of the session leading to some truly sweet harmonious moments. At other times, the planter gets bitter, the Greek gets fresh, or the Cajun drunkenly stumbles into the mix and gets spicy. It is quite entertaining and no true bar fights ever broke out, partially because ’Dish is successful at smoothing things out and keeping the peace.

In all seriousness, this is a beautiful mix of red, near black, brown, red brown, and yellow leaf. I cut thick 3-4mm flakes and rubbed these out revealing wide ribbon and some gigantic pieces of torn leaf. This is a remarkable blend in that virtually all areas of the tongue are engaged by the fruity, leathery, spicy, salty, sweet, sour, and bitter flavors that evolve over a bowl. It can be peppery and woodsy through the snork. The are sour plum and what I would liken to tart cherry notes at times. Others have said that this blend improves significantly with age. My fairly young tin had a generous coating of sugar crystals, and even larger mines of sparkle are revealed each time a new flake is sliced off. The topping seems a little heavy handed, but it works so damn well. This goes well with black coffee, or as I accidentally found out on one occasion after refilling the mug at the hospital, chocolate/mocha flavored coffee. No bite, smells great in the room. As one would imagine, not all kitchen sink blends succeed at letting all parties speak and fulfill distinct roles. This one does and it is complex, mouthwatering, mouth filling, and delicious.
Age When Smoked: 02/26/2020
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 29, 2019 Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
As soon as you light a bowl of Dreams of Kadath, you will get a blueberry, cocoa, alcohol flavor that will draw you in mysteriously. After getting through the first third, you will find a lot of good character from the dark-fired kentucky and other pleasant tobaccos with the fading of the blueberry flavor. Overall, this is the best tobacco I have smoked for far.
Pipe Used: Multiple Briar Pipes
PurchasedFrom: Twin's Smoke Shop (Londonderry, NH)
Age When Smoked: 1-2 Months
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