Exclusiv No. 6 (Sherry & Cherry)

A very aromatic mixture. Noble Spanish sherry and the flavor of ripe cherries accomplish the taste.
Notes: Formerly known as "Sherry & Cherry", and re-named "No. 6" due to EU regulations.


Brand Exclusiv
Blended By Poschl Tabak
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Cherry, Sherry
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

1.47 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 15 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 06, 2007 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
As someone who likes cherries and sherry, I really wanted to like this. Needless to say, I really didn't. It is harsh and unyielding, no matter how slowly I try to smoke it. Early on in my love affair with the pipe I tried it and hated it, but thought that time would educate me. Returning to it after several years, I learned that it has - this is still nasty. If I wanted to smoke cigarettes rather than enjoying my pipe, I would go out and buy a pack of woodbines laced with arsenic to simulate the experience.

Clearly the author of the tin notes referred to has never smoked a pipe full of this gross Teutonic muck. Either that, or he needs a tongue transplant in order to appreciate good sherry and cherries that are not made from wax & cigarette ash.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 08, 2019 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
The grassy, citrusy Virginia and the sugary, lightly toasty black cavendish are the components. The sweet sherry topping has a distracting alcohol taste with a touch of bitterness and its impact varies at times. The cherry is light and sweet, and less potent than the sherry. The toppings sublimate the tobaccos quite a bit, but don’t entirely drown them out. The strength is near the center of mild to medium, while the taste just hits the medium mark. The nic-hit is fairly mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Burns cool with an inconsistent, sweet and sour, acrid flavor that translates to the after taste. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, and needs a few relights. Not quite an all day smoke. One and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 04, 2009 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I dig betty page .... attitude , sexy and you know you're gonna have a work out .Compare that to Brittany spears ...fake, plastic and God forbids she speaks ...this stuff is Brittany bubble gum . But what do I know ?!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 16, 2008 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Tolerable to Strong
This tobacco blend was once, when I was doing my first steps in pipe smoking, quite ok. However, today it is too sweet and conspicuous even room note makes others almost sick. Avoid it in a big turn.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 07, 2005 Mild Very Strong Medium Very Pleasant
Although the blender, POSCHL, generally makes high quality aromatics, this was another bad aromatic venture for me. This tobacco is so heavily cased that I didn't sense any tobacco tin aroma or tobacco taste. However, it is as advertised, so perhaps that's my fault for even trying it. As compared to my normal VA flakes, this fine, ribbon cut burned fast and hot. In an effort to reduce the tin moisture content, wet smoke and diminish some of the flavoring, I mistakenly air dryed the remainder of the tin. Then it was ~ to smoking a flamethrower. The only + is the great room aroma but @ what a sacrifice to the mouth and tongue.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2023 Extremely Mild Extra Strong Extremely Mild (Flat) Extra Strong
The heavily cherry and sherry aromatic tobacco was a disastrous choice. The overpowering artificial cherry flavor clashed horribly with the sherry notes, creating a nauseating experience. It's a concoction that should never have seen the light of day.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 28, 2011 Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
I purchased this mainly because I like the idea to have a proper container for further brands. The box comes vacuum sealed, that open with a nice hiss when opened with a coin. The tobacco looks light colored, properly cut to my taste, and noticeably humid, but nothing like a problem. Filling the pipe goes nicely, lighting it up is easy. I didn't have to relight it any time, but I'm somewhat a hot smoker to be honest. It burns nicely and leaves nothing but some very light ash. The taste is very lightly cherry, with I'd say sherry adding a bit more cherryness. You really need to listen carefully to notice the flavoring. Besides that it's pretty much like cigarette tobacco, without being that smelly. I would consider this as a good general every day smoke when you just do something else and you don't want to listen too much. I might buy a pack sometime later, but it's not that cheap and there are much better ones available at a cheaper pricetag.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 14, 2011 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Pleasant
Smell after opening the 50g Tin: After the opening of the rectangular box you perceive something like a cherry flavor. The tobacco smells slightly of hay and brings with it a pleasant freshness.

Consistency of tobacco: The tobacco picture is very bright and therefore reflected in an extreme fine cut. The interface is very similar to cigarette tobacco. I do not find this appealing picture of tobacco. It is soft and the moisture adjusted just right. In the pipe he can easily get involved.

Smoke properties: The Glutkissen could be ignited very easily. The tobacco itself is burning evenly. The quality of tobacco is terrible and bad. . For beginners it is not appropriate as it gets hot too quickly and then is angry and upset by the fine cut is to blame. Fortunately left no residues remain.

Taste: The taste is not! Those looking for a flavor searches, in vain. This tobacco is so light that you will not notice anything other than horrible-tasting smoke. With lots of imagination, perhaps you can guess that they are cherry tobacco. Note space is also equal to zero.

Conclusion: Although the tobacco cult status and has already been consumed in the 80's like, but for me personally is that tobacco is an absolute disaster. Way too easy, too bad, too nasty. So I do not recommend this tobacco. No Go!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2010 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
Hi. I feel compelled to defend this tobacco, in light of some of the none-too enthusiastic reviews I've read.

OK, it's not exceptional, and I certainly wouldn't regard it as a premier-league tobacco. However, on my frequent trips to Germany, I always make a point of picking up a few tins.

Why? Well, for one thing, it is such an effortless smoke - simply put it straight into the bowl, and away you go. And for another, it smokes extremely dry - a bonus, if you're something of a wet smoker, as I am.

The flavour isn't overpowering, but it is pleasant, and invites a quick refill. And it smokes as well outdoors as it does indoors, and not too fast. I smoke it mainly in a Peterson, but I can see the sense in another reviewer's suggestion that it is best enjoyed in a 9mm pipe.

A very acceptable "off-the shelf" (if you're German, anyway) tobacco; I only wish it were as readily available in the UK, as an alternative to the dire Clan.

In conclusion, definitely worth a go!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2007 Mild Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Wow this stuff is different. They call it a double aromatic but all I tasted is cherry, and crap. The blend had quite a bit of waxy taste to it and my tongue felt like it was coated for days. The Sherry only came in to play at the bottom of the bowl, and even then it was not very nice. The this tobacco was in a box pass I received, and I kind of feel guilty for passing it along. Altogether not a good choice in cherry flavored tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 08, 2007 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
Update: What was I thinking? a while has passed since I last smoked this blend and do not at all have the same results. I am downgrading this blend to two stars.

I think this tabac has recieved a bad note. I was not knocked down by openeing the tin, but rather found a mild tin aroma. I wish not to discredit anyone elses reviews as each has his own taste. Of course my tin aged a while before opening.

The tobacco seems to be a good quality ribbon cut which burns good in a medium size bowl.

Lighting it up is easy and will burn without going out throughout the bowl. It also does not change flavor from start to finish and burns dry with no dottle at the end.

However, it still will not be one of my favorites as I find CAO [bulk] Black Velvet, Gaiwith & Hoggarth Top Black Cherry, Pipeworks & Wilke Cherry Cavendish and Tinderbox Cherry Almond to be better choices for the cherry blend afficiando. I used to smoke English blends exclusively until my girlfriend treatened to leave me. It took a while to find cherry blends I like and have a good room note. Sherry & Cherry has a good room note.

I do not give overall ratings for a tobacco, but rate it in its own class. Cherry or vanilla or whatever cased tobacco is not English or Danish and therefore cannot be in the same catagory IMHO.

I give this a three star rating. Well, maybe 2-1/2 because half stars are not available. By the way, my tin says Made in Germany NOT England. I may give another review after my existing tin ages for about five years provided this web site and I am still around.

Keep your powder dry, Flintlock
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