Lane Limited Edgeworth Sliced

Edgeworth Sliced was introduced on the American market in 1903. This unique pipe tobacco contains high-quality Tennessee and Kentucky white burley tobaccos, expertly blended for particular smokers who want a personalized flake. Years of aging and unique manufacturing processes ensure a richer flavor, and a longer, cooler smoke. Pressed blend made with pipe burley and fire-cured tobacco.
Notes: Pipe Tobacco Hall of Fame Inductee.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Ltd.
Manufactured By Lane Limited
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley, Kentucky
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin, two ounce tin, four ounce tin
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.22 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 65 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 06, 2013 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This has a deep molasses taste that leaves room on your taste buds for the nutty, earthy, bready, mildly cocoa-ish Tennessee burley. There's a mild sharpness and bare spice note from the dry, earthy, woody, nutty Kentucky white burley. The molasses topping mildly tones down the tobaccos. The nicotine level is in the center of mild to medium. The strength and taste just reach the medium level. The flakes break apart rather easily, and burn cool, clean, fairly smooth, and a little slow with a very consistent flavor to the finish. No dull or harsh spots, and it won't bite. Has a few small rough edges. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl. Requires some relights. It gives off lots of smoke when you puff, and has a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste, and room note. An all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 23, 2015 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Yes, yes. It’s Edgeworth Sliced. It’s legendary and not just because it’s not around anymore. It’s legendary because it is one of those few blends that embodies all of its components and what they are supposed to be. For stoved Virginia, you have Stonehaven. For Orientals, you have Balkan Sobranie. And for burley, friends, you have Edgeworth Sliced.

It’s everything, everything, everything that burley can be and was ever meant to be. For those fools who think that they’re too good burley, this proves to them that the leaf of ol’ Kentucky can be just as much of a gentleman and virtuoso as any son of Virginia. For those of us who prefer burley, well, it’s just heaven. It’s what we imagine they give you when you arrive in pipe smoking Valhalla.

It smells a little like animal crackers or ginger snaps in the tin: lightly sweet and a little grassy. It’s got some very, very mild top dressing. Just enough to smooth it out and cut some of the bitterness you find in all burley. The note of chocolate is subtly pervasive as well. That’s the smell of the leaf. All good burley has that.

You can rub out this flake, if you want to. I wouldn’t. It burns so easily that rubbing out only accelerates the burn and makes you more likely to miss some of the nuances. There are quite a few nuances so, leave it chunky and keep the burn slow.

For taste, think autumn leaves. Think green tea. There’s rich, dark brown, crusty artisanal bread in there too. Hints of raw sugar cane, hazelnuts, chestnuts, the smell of hardwoods. All throughout, there’s that note of chocolate; dark, bitter chocolate with just a little anise and other such things from that mildly sweet and herbal top dressing. It never burns hot and never fatigues the palate.

Is it good? Dammit, it’s the best. It’s a smoke for kings and potentates and fifties dads alike. It’s all the best of the American blending tradition. And it’s not around anymore. If you get a chance to buy some, buy it. I don’t care what you have to do. If someone offers you some, smoke it. Don’t be a fool.

I would like to say that I cherished and hoarded the tin I had. I didn’t. It was gone in a week and a half.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 06, 2010 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
It's taken me close to a year to finish this tin, which is a rare bit of good and careful planning on my part. I have one tin left and no idea when/if I'll find another of this, the finest burley I've ever smoked, bar none... and probably my deserted island tobacco, assuming I could find enough to last!

I have no idea how old the tin was. But the tobacco was still at typical (for other blends) tin moisture, which was how I preferred to smoke it. It has an incredibly round texture on the tongue - no roughness as most burleys have. Kind of nut-like in flavor. I think strongirish nailed it with "oatmeal", but the predominant flavor is good old tobacco. Rich, friendly, mild-but-robust tobacco. No figs, plums, dried fruit or other "reviewer-type" flavors. This is a blend for those that are simply in love with the taste of tobacco and for those who find burleys monodimensional and boring. Well, actually, this one IS monodimensional, but its dimension is exactly where I want to be.

Being a fan of both Solani and Wessex burleys, I'm aging several tins of both to see if they can come close to replicating this fantastic slice. I'm crossing my fingers! If you love burley and come across a tin of this, don't hesitate!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2012 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Note: this review is for the Edgeworth Sliced of yore manufactured by Larus and Bro. out of Richmond, Va.

I recently won a tin of circa 1955 Edgeworth Sliced on that auction site that was in pristine condition still in its original cellophane. Once opened, a very rich aroma of molasses and soft burley greeted me. I took extreme care in extracting two quite dessicated flakes and rubbing lightly before packing in a 1937 Flame Grain Kaywoodie billiard. After charring light, prodigious clouds of white smoke billowed forth announcing a high quality leaf and mellow sweet and nutty notes from this classic blend. Now I know what the old timers were raving about back in those days of yore. Burned clean and cool all the way down to the heel. Since I only have this one tin, I will be savoring it occasionally for years to come. Please, by all means pick up some if you have the rare opportunity. You will not be disappointed!

Please, for the love of God, Russ Ouellette, Tad Gage, McClellands, Fred Hanna, somebody with real blending know-how who might happen to come across this review, find a way to recreate this wonderful blend. Hell, I'll even send you a sample to experiment with!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 26, 2002 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I recently revisited this classic by popping the top on a no longer produced Burley Flake superstar, Edgeworth Sliced in a 3-1/2 ounce tin from 2004. Strong, rich, nutty and smooth as silk, this one has been called the best Burley flake ever to hit the market. Who am I to disagree?

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 31, 2016 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
If you find it, grab it. If your buddy at the pipe club brings some to share, buy him his favorite drink.

This was a very pleasant smoke for me. I really enjoyed the tobacco taste mixed with a very nice, non-overwhelming plum companion. It packed real easy, and it smoked very well. There's little I can add other than comparing it to a 6+ year tin of Royal Yacht I recently sampled. Edgeworth was less intense, more deliberately subdued and with a much lighter nicotine content -- what really made it work for me is the Burley instead of RY's Virginias.

It's that good. It made a favorite of mine taste "OK".
Pipe Used: Dunhill Shell 4101
Age When Smoked: 10 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 28, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
So sad that this flake is gone from the market. These perfectly humidified, light brown flakes were like no other. Burley at its best! I was fortunate to get one tin with several years of age on it a couple years back and it reminded me of just how great this blend was. The superior leaf and processing involved assured you were getting a fine product every time you popped that massive blue tin. The price for this 100g tin was always better than fair in its heyday and the stout flakes held up very well if smoked whole or rubbed out. Tin aroma was sweet, but no topping here my friends. Excellent, clean, pure tobacco taste and the incredible amount of smoke would help you ascend into a trance like state of existence. Flavor, strength, aroma while burning was absolutely perfect for me, nutty, semi-sweet, cocoa, no other flake of this kind exists today, that's all inclusive folks. I must sincerely echo the wisdom espoused in this thread and request that someone with the knowledge to reproduce this tobacco stand forward and earn the support I know reiteration of this flake would engender. HGIOG

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 11, 2018 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
If you want to try different tobaccos attend a pipe club in your local area if you can. I had the privilege of opening up a 100gram tin of Edgeworth Sliced dated 2001. Dark brown flakes packed so tight in the tin I really couldn’t get any out without trashing the tin so I took the top part of 3 flakes at the end of it. This was smooth, mellow and great tasting and I am sure the age didn’t hurt at all either. The other members also really liked this one. The color of the tin and the artwork was also really nice. A lot of the newer tins of pipe tobacco being produced out there seem to be generic tins with paper decals slapped on them. I guess that is one way to cut costs. My manners at the club prohibited me from making an offer but it was that good (not that I would have mind you) and I do not want to pay over retail for pipe tobacco just because it is rare and no longer in production but that is just me. So, the question is, is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved at all? In an odd way almost wish I had not tried this one because it was love at first puff and like a ghost she was gone until maybe next Sunday 😊.
Age When Smoked: 17 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 27, 2010 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
I am smoking a bowl of this elegant tobacco while I am writing this review. My first thought is whomever made the decision to drop this wonderful blend from being made anymore should be taken out and waterboarded over and over again! Why would nayone that loves pipe smoking and has a sane brain cell want to discontinue this nector? I love this blend, I think it is the ultimate burley produced. It has a sweet and fresh honey like aroma in the tin or baggie in my case and is composed of slices or flakes of a beautiful medium brown tobacco. It just looks rich and tasty. I have tried it fresh and undried and also dried and both ways it is just a great smoke. I prefer it fresh, it is then a wonderful flake to be rolled up and put into the pipe and once lit, it becomes a nice slow burner with the oatmeal/honey taste with a rich and creamy taste that is just a joy to relax with. Dry it is much faster burning but has all the same charactoristics. It burns very dry and stays consistant all the way down the bowl to a dry grey ash with little dottle. They should bring this one back! For any burley lover it is just mana from heaven. What a shame it is no longer with us, but if you can find it, I very highly recommend trying it as you will have smoked the best burley has to offer.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 27, 2005 Medium Extremely Mild Mild Tolerable
At first glance, it seemed to be some well aged, slightly oily leaf, mahongany in colour. Very little noticable casing and a subdued aroma, somehwat like the pages of an old book.

I had high hopes for this blend, as I seem to enjoy burley in many of the blends in the rotation. However, I was disappointed in the bland, colourless flavour and aroma. It tasted like smoking some unidentified cellulose found by the roadside-- maybe a shard of an old wagon wheel. Maybe it was my particular tin, but I can not recommend this as blend to seek out.
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