Vauen Bavarian Blend No. 3

A well-balanced mixture of wholehearted black cavendish and naturally sweet Virginia. Fortified with the aromatic variety of hops, malt and vanilla, it exudes an extremely pleasant fragrance.


Brand Vauen
Blended By Vauen
Manufactured By Vauen
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc, Vanilla
Cut Mixture
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.57 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 08, 2023 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
The flavoring with malt and beer hops intrigued me, but alas, other than the novelty of it, not much to get excited about here. No beer taste, no malt, very little vanilla, just a basic middling Virginia with a faint taste of rye bread. The Cavendish may have a very, very slight bit of a berry note, not mentioned in the description, but I was nosing around looking hard for anything at all to talk about. Does not ‘develop’ with further aging in the jar. Nothing jumps out here one way or the other, but since it’s not flawed in any way it deserves at least two stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
First time I've tried a Vauen blend (and still want one of their pipes).

Tasty tin fragrance up there with the best of Davidoff's expensive blends. The tobacco is much darker than I expected, almost black with a few wisps of golden brown strands.

Not sure what this smells like, it certainly isn't vanilla and certainly not malt or hops. It's very smilar to Davidoff's blue or red mixture or maybe Savenelli's aromatic blend.

Needs a bit of a breather after tin opening as it is quite moist, but once dried a little (a couple of hours or so) it loads and burns well. Best in a big bowl, I don't think small loaders will do this tobacco any favours.

The taste drifts away about halfway through the bowl and - I don't know why - but it finishes up very wet rather than grey dottle. Could be my style of wet smoking I suppose.

Two-thirds into the tin and it's gone really dry and crusty (and it was a tight round tin, too) and is starting to crumble into a black crunchy substance that you often find at the very dog end of a tin. I have a feeling re-hydrating will kill the flavour off completely.

Bit of a shame that as this is a good blend and well worth trying if you like the lighter side of aromatics. I'd certainly try this one again if opportunity arose, as - inevitably - this is not available in UK tobacconists. There's a surprise eh ?
Pipe Used: All large briars
PurchasedFrom: DanPipe, Germany.
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 12, 2022 Very Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
Vauen is known for their superb pipes but not exactly for premium tobaccos. Bavarian Blend unfortunately fits right into this cliche.

The blend is rich in Black Cavendish, hence the dark ribbons and the overall sweetness that however remains undefined and with no further depth or profile to it. There's a hint of vanilla, but not strong enough that I would have ever detected it, hadn't the tin description pointed that out. There is a breadiness which I guess is where the malt and hops comes in.

The tobacco lights easily, is quite enjoyable although somehow lacking in depth and complexity. Almost no further relights necessary - until about half the bowl. That's when everything changes.

The taste profile starts to remind me more of savory forest mushrooms (clarification added for some...) but not in a pleasant way, at least for me. I guess that still fits the name "Bavarian", though. The tobacco smokes surprisingly wet, even if I pack it crispy dry, to the point that halfway through the bowl it becomes harder and harder to keep lit. I start to believe it's impossible to smoke it all the way to the end of the bowl.

Still better than some OTC aromatics that turn bitter. Bavarian Blend at least doesn't. But I can only recommend if you dig mild, one-dimensional aromatics and don't mind the champignon taste.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2021 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
Want a tasty aromatic without all that pg and syrup? Enjoy vanilla malts?

This is my favorite aro without a doubt.

Very mild cool smoke.

Tin note is fantastic but not unique. The more malted vanilla with little to no hops.

Taste is malted vanilla for the first half, a very delicious mild aromatic that is sweet but not cloying or syrupy. Like a mellow Cavendish virginia blend and a malted milk.

Can get some gurgle if you're a fast puffer like myself. Certainly ways to avoid that. The tobaccos play a supporting role and I find them to be of excellent quality and cut. Hops flavor whispers in here and there - and when it does you'd SWEAR you just took a sip of some lovely malt beer.

Benefits from a little drying.

Really a wonderful and delicious aromatic all around.

Note: I review tobaccos as I find them rather than as i wish them to be. This, while I prefer VaPers and burley blends, I found this Vauen particularly interesting and excellent. If I said I wanted a quality aromatic with some vanilla, but more interesting and less sweet, and someone gave me this i would find their advice spot on.
Pipe Used: Multi. Clay, mer, briar.
Age When Smoked: 2 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 07, 2019 Mild Medium Medium Pleasant
Pleasant aroma from the tin and room aroma is pleasant. the taste leaves me disappointed it’s blah and needs to be sipped easy or it get hot fast.i had high hopes on this blend maybe I expected to much it doesn’t deliver for me
Pipe Used: Briar
PurchasedFrom: Smoking pipes
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 10, 2018 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
With this one.. I think they truly hit the mark of a "beer" tobacco. When smelling the tin you get the notes of malt/hops and a little vanilla. It's mainly black cavendish, which has me remove 1 star because I feel it needs more brown and tan in the mix. As it is, it's a fairly stout smoke which actually leaves you with the mouth feel of beer. It has a "foamy" character to it and you can taste the hops on your palette. It can smoke a little hot and bite if you aren't careful.. which in my opinion is caused by too much Cavendish. Overall it's a good blend but I probably won't buy it again as I'm not the biggest fan of Cavendish based blends. Room note is decent to good as with most Vauen blends.
Pipe Used: Vauens
Age When Smoked: direct from tin.. and aged in pouch 2 weeks.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 15, 2019 Mild Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Warm pleasant smell in tin with a bit of vanilla and malt. Loose cut looks nice with Cavendish dominant overall dark look with golden brown sparkles in it. Packs nicely and immediately takes flame. Sweet malt and vanilla are clearly there but maybe an almost unnoticeable taste of hops that I wouldn't had tasted if it wasn't in the description. 🙂 Cavendish and Virginia of good quality are well combined with sweet and harsh beer-like flavors. I don't drink much beer but I can imagine them both together well; also coffee or espresso. Sweetness in foreground, this is a mild and nice aromatic that isn't overdosed. Burns nice till end with no tongue bite and doesn't loose it's tastes.
Pipe Used: Vauen churchwarden, Mirage
PurchasedFrom: Cigarworld
Age When Smoked: Fresh from tin
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