
Fresh From the Blog

9 Highest Rated Virginia/Perique Pipe Tobaccos

9 Highest Rated Virginia/Perique Pipe Tobaccos

Filtering for rating and quantity of reviews, these are the highest regarded Virginia/Perique pipe tobaccos that are still available today.

9 Highest Rated Flake Cut Pipe Tobaccos

Filtering for rating and quantity of reviews, these are the highest regarded Flake pipe tobaccos that are still available today.

9 Highest Rated Burley Tobaccos

9 Highest Rated Burley-Based Pipe Tobaccos

Filtering for rating and quantity of reviews, these are the highest regarded Burley-Based pipe tobaccos that are still available today.

9 Highest Rated Aromatic Pipe Tobaccos

Filtering for rating and quantity of reviews, these are the highest regarded Aromatic pipe tobaccos that are still available today.

9 Highest Rated English Pipe Tobaccos

Filtering for rating and quantity of reviews, these are the highest regarded English pipe tobaccos that are still available today.

9 Highest Rated Straight Virginia Pipe Tobaccos

Blog Tips for A Rookie Pipe Smoker There’s a pure and simplistic allure to a straight Virginia tobacco blend. When made with quality ingredients, we…

Talking Pipe Making with Sean Reum


When a friend from the straight razor community turned Sean Reum onto pipe smoking, it was inevitable that he’d take it beyond simple recreation.

A Conversation with Artisan Pipe Carver J. Mouton


J. Mouton is an artisan pipe maker from Gueydan, Louisiana. His fascination with pipes and tobacco brought him to the hobby around 2016.

Four Altinay Meerschaum Pipes

Altinay Pipe Company – Beauty in Meerschaum

Pipe smoker or not, the artistic beauty of an expertly carved meerschaum pipe is undeniable. And no craftsmen find the…
