I’m starting September off with my second bowl this evening of GH Whiskey Twist in the same pipe, an Ehrlich meerschaum Canadian.
Watch City’s 2022 Christmas blend, Mistletoe Jam in an antique bird bone stemmed clay.
Today, I'm smoking my own rendition of Barbados Plantation. I have made a total of seven variations because I used different Virginia tobaccos in each attempt, along with adjusting the other components to my taste. The blend where I used Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia seems to be the best.
Royal Yacht in a BC calabash.
I´m unable to smoke yet. Although most of my summer cold symptoms have disappeared, my nose is a bit congested. I tried a couple of my preferred cigarettes and the taste is just horrible. The same taste as the codeine cough syrup my mother gave me over 60 years ago.
First smoke of September is HH Pure Virginia in my Brazilian wood pipe that i dedicated for straight virginias. Paired with Mate Tea.
SG Brown Sugar Flake in an Ehrlich meerschaum.
I start becoming an early bird, getting up with my wife around 5 o’clock in the morning as her early shift starts 6 o’clock. As soon as she is out the door it have a small window of like 30 min before my daughter wakes up.
Time for some peace and quiet.
I come to enjoy the mornings more than the evenings as there are always demands awaiting me when coming home around 5-6 o’clock in the evening 🙄
sometimes one asks themselves: does it have to be like that?
the pipe is the only me-time really
MB Golden Blend (US: Golden Extra?)
in a Savinelli 315 praying for my. 30-40 min of peace. ☕️🚬
me unburdening myself to the forum 😂😂😂
Stirling Flake in the Altinay Meer. Great smoke, different from smoking it in a briar pipe. Hope the anise won’t ghost. I will report.
I’ve been smoking my PS81 blend today and am right now in a TV churchwarden.
I’ve been thinking about @Joseph ‘s ideas for a name for it and I think he is onto something with the Three Castles connection, but it still hasn’t jelled for me yet.
Actually, it's surprisingly easy to choose a tobacco blend to smoke first (from a large order of several samples). Go with the bone-dry one the rest of these aromatics (unsurprisingly) are far too swamp-damp to light. The maple/vanilla scents are a wonderful mask to my dog though.
I'll let these others air-dry a bit (for later this week). Otherwise, I'm going with Wilke Palmer & No. 111 tonight:
My first bowl of September: HH Burley Flake in a 673 KS. I truly am enjoying this blend, and tonight’s bowl was one of the better ones!
I felt like some Apricots and Cream this morning, in a Peterson Mark Twain - system pipes are so good for aromatics
On my first REAL day off in a couple weeks, I’m enjoying a rainy Texas day on my back porch. My two kids are enjoying it as only children can. It’s a gentle, warm rain, which is just perfect for goofing off and getting muddy.
I have a pipe of mostly Elizabethan mixed with some leftover Escudo shake, and I am one happy dad watching his kids play.