More than forty years ago, in my childhood as a pipe smoker I purchased two tins of State Express Roundels, thinking it was more ir less the same than State Express London Mixture, one of the best blends I have ever smoked. When I opened the tin I found some extrange discs that smell like the parfum used by my girlfriend’s grandmother. When I could pack and lit my pipe I was shocked by the most opulent and overwhelming flavour I had ever experienced. It took me months to finish the tin. This made me learn that it is dangerous to play with the older boys toys and caused me a wild periquephobia that lasted decades. I kept my second tin far away and forgot it. I found it after 38 years and decided to try it. The roundels were intact and they ned a very light rehidratation. I loaded my smallest pipe with this weed and I saw things in other way. Time had softened and reffined this weed to a very nice point. I could not resist to the temptation of adding a reasonable dose of Wellawer puré Syrian Latakia and it was a heavenly smoke. But I still see Perique with prevention. A trace of my periquephobia is still in my mind, because I will never forget the brutal shock this blend caused in my inexpert and young palate.
Pure, aged perique from Mark Ryan's personal stash was an experience for sure. Not for the feint of heart.